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Admin Area - Organization MVP

- Organization specific portal accessible to only few people with a user ID and
- Features to add files PDF, docs, CSVs, webURL, Files from GDrive.
- ADD/Update/Detele the files stored.
- Platform connected to Vector store i.e Pinecone
- Chatbot linked to the vector store - Can now answer questions related to all the
files stored in admin area.

Langchain + Pinecone + GPT 4.

Ecom Genie - SAAS MVP

- AI Discord bot - that engages with the community to answer user queries and
also help them in their ecommerce journey.
- Responses fine tuned - we have integrated langchain agents + Pinecone - To
provide highly tuned responses to the users from the proprietary knowledgebase.
- Responses are tuned in layers to fetch extra information from the knowledge
base which help users in the learning process.
- Private conversation threads feature.
- Moderation feature to block harmful data.
- Roles defined for Community moderators to restrict features to few people in
the community

Backend -
Langchain + Pinecone + GPT 4.
Used Langchain Agents - to get more defined answers from knowledgbase
Conversational memory
Data related to all the conversations with the user.
- Dedicated Backend - To store all the data related to people having interactions
with the bot.
Liam Tinnitus - Personal Project for Youtuber

- AI Telegram bot - Personalized Tinnitus consultant -
- Responses fine tuned - we have integrated langchain agents + Pinecone - To
provide highly tuned responses to the users from the proprietary knowledgebase.
- Responses are tuned in layers to fetch extra information from the knowledge
base which help users in the learning process.
- Complicated Knowledgebase - So built a custom langchain agent to retrieve
the concise results

Backend -
Langchain + Pinecone + GPT 4.
Used Langchain Agents - to get more defined answers from knowledgbase
Conversational memory
Data related to all the conversations with the user.
- Dedicated Backend - To store all the data related to people having interactions
with the bot.
- No data outside the knowledgebase

Tosin GPT - MVP


- MVP product for a SaaS company - similar to whatGPT.

- Integrated Dall-e + GPT + Conversational memory + Whatsapp Cloud API.
- All User conversation memory properly logged and stored.
- No No-code tools used - Reduced 3rd party costs
- Hosted on AWS

In - dev Project - Planned to add multiple features

Therapist AI - SAAS MVP

- Developing a fine tuned AI model to consult users related to therapy.
- Model fine tuned on proprietary dataset of a therapy organization
- In prgress - Can’t share more detail

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