(10EDU) Speaking Pre-IELTS Curriculum

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Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 3
PART 1: .................................................................................................................... 4
Lesson 1: GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................ 5
Lesson 2: GET READY FOR THE IELTS ......................................................... 14
PART 2: .................................................................................................................. 18
Topic 1: PEOPLE AND WORK ..................................................................... 19
Topic 2: TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION................................................. 25
Topic 3: A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE ............................................................. 31
Topic 4: TOURISM & CULTURE................................................................. 38
Topic 5: NATURAL & ENVIROMENT ........................................................ 44
Topic 6: TRANSPORTATION .......................Error! Bookmark not defined.
PART 3: REFERENCE ......................................................................................... 56

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


The Pre-IELTS Speaking Course with 8 lessons covering 6 main

topics focuses on part 1 and 2 of the Speaking exam with appropriate
advice on test-taking tactics, answer structure, concept organization, and
language usage. Besides, your pronunciation & fluency is During class
practice, the fundamental knowledge of part 3 will be softly taught.

The core content of this course is designed to provide a pathway to

the language testing system. Since the outcome of student input is related
to a specific band calculated taking into consideration each skill result,
students are encouraged to take this course to have a well-prepared and
solid foundation before jumping into the acceleration phase (aimed at
Band Score of 5.5)

Students who complete the Pre-IELTS Speaking Course become

much more confident and knowledgeable about the exam (mostly focused
on part 1 and part 2). However, you are encouraged to practice speaking
with high frequency to get the greatest efficiency after the course.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


Lesson 1: General Introduction

Lesson 2: Get ready for the IELTS

“If you can speak, you can influence. If you can influence, you can change lives”
- Quote -

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

The IELTS Speaking Test is quantifiable.

Mục tiêu đầu ra của khóa Pre-IELTS (4.0 - 4.5)

Độ trôi chảy và tính Khả năng từ vựng Khả năng từ vựng

mạch lạc

4.0  Không thể trả lời trôi  Có khả năng nói về  Có khả năng nói
chảy, thường xuyên các chủ đề quen thuộc, được câu đơn và cấu
ngập ngừng và nói chậm nhưng chỉ đưa ra từ ngữ trúc ngữ pháp đơn giản
để giữ nhịp nói, thường đơn giản khi gặp chủ đề nhưng hiếm khi sử
xuyên lặp từ hoặc tự sửa lạ, hay chọn sai từ. dụng được câu ghép.
lỗi.  Gần như không sử  Thường xuyên mắc
 Biết nối các câu đơn dụng diễn giải đồng lỗi dẫn tới khó hiểu cho
thành đoạn văn, nhưng nghĩa. người nghe.
liên từ được sử dụng một
cách đơn điệu, bài nói
khó hiểu.

5.0  Nhìn chung là mạch  Có thể nói các chủ đề  Nói được chính xác
lạc nhưng hay tự lặp từ, thường gặp hoặc ít gặp các câu đơn giản.
sửa lỗi hoặc nói chậm để nhưng vốn từ bị giới hạn.  Hạn chế trong việc
duy trì nhịp độ.  Có cố gắng sử dụng sử dụng các cấu trúc
 Có thể bị lặp đi lặp lại diễn giải đồng nghĩa phức tạp, thường mắc
các liên từ và thán từ. nhưng chưa thành công. nhiều lỗi và gây khó
 Có thể sử dụng thành hiểu cho người nghe.
thạo câu đơn nhưng chưa
trôi chảy trong cấu trúc
phức tạp.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

I. General Introduction
The IELTS Speaking Test is the final part of the exam. Your test will be at
some time between 1.30pm and 5.00pm. You can take only your ID document into the
exam room.

The test lasts between 11 and 14 minutes. You will be interviewed by an

examiner who will record your conversation. Timing is strictly controlled by the
examiner, so don't be surprised if he or she interrupts you during an answer.

There are 3 parts to the Speaking Test:

1. Introduction/ interview: around 10 questions in 4 to 5 minutes.
2. Short presentation: talk for 2 minutes with 1 minute to prepare.
3. Discussion: around 5 questions in 4 to 5 minutes.

Preparation is the key to a good score in IELTS Speaking. Different skills are
tested in each part, so you need to know exactly what to do. We can predict the
kinds of questions that the examiner will ask. We'll prepare ideas, possible answers
and good vocabulary for each part of the test.

Chuẩn bị là yếu tố giúp các bạn đạt điểm cao trong IELTS Speaking. Các kỹ năng
khác nhau sẽ được kiểm tra trong mỗi phần, vì vậy bạn cần biết chính xác những
gì cần làm. Bạn có thể dự đoán các loại câu hỏi mà giám khảo sẽ hỏi vậy nên việc
chuẩn bị các ý tưởng, câu trả lời có thể và từ vựng tốt sẽ giúp bạn nâng band điểm
của mình.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

II. Advice for IELTS Speaking (Part 1 & 2)

TIP 1: How to answer

Should Avoid
Get to the point: In the speaking test, examiners don't
like it when students use phrases
- I think...
- I guess... - That's a very interesting question...
- Well,... - It is my personal opinion that...
- Personally, I would have to say that...
- I am of the opinion that it depends
- To be honest, I personally believe

! These words/phrases might seem less ! These phrases sound unnatural, and
impressive, but you have to remember it is obvious to the examiner that the
that examiners are not impressed by student has memorised them.
the long phrases either!

TIP 2: The importance of separate parts

The simple answer is that the 3 parts are not scored separately; the examiner
rates the student's performance as a whole.

Part 1 is supposed to be quite easy (like a warm-up), so you won't get a high score if
you only do well in this part.
Part 2 is when the examiner really gets a chance to assess how good you are. He/she
will now have an idea of what scores to give you.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

TIP 3: Band Descriptors Improvement Advice

Pronunciation 5 key elements pronunciation:

1. Pronunciation of individual sound
2. Word Stress
3. Sentence Stress
4. Rhythm
5. Intonation
A few years ago, I read in a newspaper that the staff at a library in
a small town in the West of England had noticed that the number
of visitors to the library was going down and down, and the
number of books they were borrowing was going down even
faster. They couldn't understand this, so they decided to do some
research to find out the reason. They interviewed people and asked
them to fill in questionnaires and so on. And guess what they
discovered. The reason was simply that everybody had read all the
books already!

Your pronunciation score is based on these things:

• clarity (speaking clearly)
• speed (not too fast, not too slow)
• word stress
• sentence stress
• intonation (the rise and fall of your voice)

Fluency & 1. Be confident

Coherence Try to speak clearly and confidently. Smile and be friendly* with
the examiner. As you go into the exam, tell yourself that you have
prepared well and that you're
going to enjoy the challenge.

2. Know that you are prepared

3. Speak naturally
Try to enjoy a normal conversation with the examiner. Instead of
worrying about your grammar, listen carefully to the questions and
try to give natural answers. Most of the questions are about you,
your life and your opinions.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

4. Focus on ideas: it's difficult to think about grammar when you

are speaking, so I advise students to stop worrying about
grammatical structures, and focus on expressing good ideas
(which means good vocabulary).

*Note: You are not marked on body language, but I'd still
recommend that you try to act in a friendly, confident manner.

Lexical Write it down:

Resources - When studying at home, you have time to prepare 'perfect' answers
to practice questions; write your answers down, and ask someone
to help you check and improve them.

Grammar Remember:
- Grammar is only 25% of your speaking score.
- If you are thinking too much about grammar, you will lose fluency.
- If you try to use memorised grammatical structures, your speech
will not sound 'natural'.
- You will not avoid small grammar mistakes unless you have lived
in an English speaking country for many years.

Focused on vocabulary, ideas, opinions and fluency.

II. How to answer ( IELTS Speaking Part 1)

1. How to have bad answers
Q: Currently, are you working or are you a student?
A: I’m working.

Problems: The examiner doesn’t have enough material to assess your level.

2. How to have better answers

Main Task Example

Step 1 Think about the question - Think about different aspects

Brainstorming before any questions

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

Step 2 Give your answer I am currently a high school

(confirmation sentence) - 1 student/ undergraduate/, at
sentence ABC school ....................... - in
- Straight to the point the city.

Paraphrase the question

Step 3 Expand your answer - 1-2 My school is one of the top-

sentences ranked academic institutes in
- Ask yourself the WH- Vietnam, which attracts
questions thousands of students enrolling
Add more details or explain

IV. Practice
1. Personal Information Topics

1. Where are you from?

2. What is your
Hometown hometown famous for?


Work & Study Accomodation

1. What major are you 1. Where do you live?

going to study? 2. Do you prefer a house or
2. Do you like an apartment?
studying? 3. Which room does your
3. What is your future family spend most of the
plan? time in?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


2. Hobby Topics

1. Do you like watching

Movie 2. What types of movie
do you like to watch?


Traveling Music

1. Do you like traveling?

1. When do you listen to
2. When was the last time
you traveled?
2. Have you ever been to
3. What is your dream
a concert?
place to visit?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


I. How to sharpen your answer ( IELTS Speaking Part 1)

1. How to have bad answers
Q: What type of headphones do you use?
A: I don’t know. I think it is the normal headphone. I think it is the headphone of

Problems: Your answer is using very common vocabulary and you are just listing
things and repeating words here. This doesn't meet the demand of the test
regarding the grammar, the length and the language.

2. How to have better answers

Main Task Example

Tip 1 Combine and utilize a wide

range of grammar (Active I don’t have such in-depth
Voice, Passive Voice, Relative knowledge about headphones.
Pronouns,...) However my first choice is the
Kết hợp và sử dụng đa dạng kind that serves me with good
kiến thức ngữ pháp của mình. soundstage & noise isolation so
that I can do the job quite well
Tip 2 Strengthen your vocabulary without any hassle
Sử dụng các từ vựng học thuật
hơn trong phần trả lời nhé.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

III. Practice
1. Daily Activities Topics

1. What kinds of sports

do you want to play?
Sport 2. What is the most
popular sport in

Daily Activity

Morning Routine Food & Diet

1. Do you have a healthy

1. Is morning diet?
important? 2. What is your favourite
2. What is your food?
morning routine? 3. Why people like junk


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

2. Other Topics

1. How often do you use social

media platforms?
2. What is the
Social Media
advantage/disadvantage of
social media?
3. What application do you
like most?
Other Topics

Tree Wallet

1. Have you ever planted

a tree?
1. Do you have a wallet?
2. What kinds of tree do
2. What is the function of
you like?
a wallet?
3. What is the most
popular tree in Vietnam?


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

III. Understanding & Applying

Exercise 1: Choose one of the two subjects and follow the requirements:
1. Make a conversation talking about your random day
2. Make a short presentation about your best friend (within 1 minutes)

SALLY: Hey guys, did you guys decide which club to join?
KEVIN: Not yet! I still have no idea
OLIVIA: Think about what you like. What are all your hobbies?
JOHN: I just have too many hobbies. I love taking photos and making and
collecting Jet models figures, cooking, watching fiction movies,
skateboarding, and….
SALLY: John, just pick one of them
JOHN: Why do I need to choose one? There is too much fun in this world
KEVIN: What is your hobby, Olivia?
OLIVIA: I enjoy reading travel books, so I signed up for a book club. Don’t you
want to join me?
KEVIN: I actually love reading comic books.
SALLY: Well….a comic book is a type of book.
OLIVIA: That’s perfect. Let’s sign up for it. It will be awesome
KEVIN: Alright, fine!s
OLIVIA: Let’s go now
SALLY: I’m glad Kevin found his right hobby
JOHN: I’m not really sure if he likes the book club or…Olivia


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


Topic 1: People & Work

Topic 2: Technology in Education
Topic 3: Health
Topic 4: Tourism & Culture
Topic 5: Nature & Environment
Topic 6: Traffic & Transport

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010



I. Word in context

My friends and family are some of the essential things in my life. They are the
people that I spend so much of my time with, so I value all of those moments because
you never know what might happen in the future.
I have had many ups and downs with my friends. We have frequently argued
with some of them and have even drifted apart and lost touch with some people.
But my two best friends are the ones whom I have the most in common with.
We all met each other about ten years ago when we were in primary school, and we
got on so well with each other right from the start. Since then, I have made many
new friends and gotten to know many people, but I still enjoy the company of my
two childhood friends the most. Now we are all older and getting married, starting our
own families and settling down, and we even live quite far from each other, but I hope
that we all try to keep in touch with one another and remain close friends for life.

Essential Words List

To drift apart = To become less friendly or close to someone: Mất dần tình bạn
To enjoy someone’s company = To feel happy to be with somebody: Thích ở với ai
To argue with: Cãi nhau
To get on well with = To get along: Hòa hợp với
To get to know = To have a chance to know someone: Làm quen
To have a lot in common = To share similar interests: Có nhiều điểm chung
To have ups and downs = Trải qua thăng trầm
To keep in touch with = To keep contact with: Giữ liên lạc
To lose touch with = To lose contact with: Mất liên lạc
To settle down = Ổn định cuộc sống
To make friends = To become friends: Kết bạn

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

I. Explore the knowledge

Exercise 1: Evaluate the compatibility of those highlighted words. (Đánh giá

mức độ phù hợp của các từ in đậm sau)
1. It is common for people that aren’t very close to drift apart over time.
Thường thì những người mà không thân thiết lắm với nhau sẽ drift apart qua
thời gian.

2. Once you get married and have children you should really start to settle down.
Một khi bạn kết hôn và có con, bạn nên bắt đầu settle down.

3. I argued with my parents when I told them I was planning on taking a gap year
because we have different opinions.
Tôi argued với bố mẹ khi tôi nói với họ tôi dự định nghỉ học một năm vì chúng
tôi có quan điểm khác nhau.

4. I really get on well with my family, so we are really close-knit.

Tôi rất get on well with gia đình mình, nên chúng tôi rất khăng khít và gần gũi.

5. I like spending time with Jun because we have a lot in common.

Tôi thích dành thời gian với Juin vì chúng tôi have a lot in common.

Exercise 2: Fill the words in the box (in the correct tense) to complete the
sentence. Chọn từ (và chia động từ) phù hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau. Mỗi từ
dùng hai lần.

A. lose touch with B. get to know C. have ups and downs

D. make friends E. enjoy her company

1. It is not easy to ______________ with strangers.

Không dễ để ______________ với người lạ.
2. My best friend and I _____________ through our lives, which is why I really
appreciate this relationship.
Bạn thân của tôi và tôi _____________ trong cuộc sống, đó là lí do tại sao tôi rất
trân trọng mối quan hệ này.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

3. When you meet a new person, it can take some time to ___________ them.
Khi bạn gặp một người mới, cần thời gian để ___________ họ
4. Over the years, I ___________ most of my high school friends.
Qua các năm, tôi ___________ với hầu hết các bạn trung học của mình.
5. Linda understands me so well that I really ____________.
Linda hiểu tôi rất rõ nên tôi cực kì ___________.

II.Understanding and Applying

1. Answer the questions below (with the length of 2 - 3 sentences). Trả lời những
câu hỏi sau (với độ dài từ 2 – 3 câu)
1. Do you still communicate with all your childhood friends?
2. Do you have a good relationship with your family?
3. Do you think it is important to maintain contact with your friends once you get
4. What is your favourite subject? Why do you like to study that subject?
5. Do you like studying?
6. What is your job? What kind of job do you have? What do you do for a living?
7. Do you have any career plans yet?
8. What do you like most about your school? What do you dislike about your school?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

2. Complete the below cue card (make sure that your answer is at least 1 minute
and 30 seconds)

Describe somebody that you have a good relationship with

You should say:
• Who this person is
• How long you have known them and how you know them
• What this person is like
And explain why you have a good relationship with that person


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

III. Discussion skills:

1. Discussion point:
Read this introduction to an article about Relationships at work

Why it’s good to turn your colleagues into friends

Work friends are important

So, is making friends at work good for us? Gallup’s research since the late 1990s
suggests the answer is yes.

The polling company often asks its clients’ employees: “Do you have a best
friend at work?” Survey results showed respondents who answered “yes” were
43% more likely to report being recognized for work done in the last week.

A LinkedIn study of relationships at work found 46% of professionals around

the world believe having work friends enhances their overall happiness. Building
bonds with others can make us feel more connected, which, in turn, can help
boost productivity and engagement.

“People are more creative and productive when they experience more positive
inner work life, including more positive emotions, stronger motivation toward
the work itself, and more positive perceptions of the organization,” explains
Professor Teresa Amabile of Harvard Business School, co-author of The
Progress Principle. “And one of the things that contribute to positive inner work
life is a sense of camaraderie with teammates and close co-workers – a sense of
bonding and mutual trust.”

The authors analyzed nearly 12,000 diary entries from more than 200
professionals working in innovation teams in seven companies. They found
employees are twice as liely to be engaged if they have a best friend at work.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

2. In a group, discuss what it takes to build strong relationships with your

workmates. (Thảo luận theo nhóm, điều gì giúp bạn xây dựng 1 mối quan hệ tốt
với đồng nghiệp)


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


I. Word in context
Because of COVID 19, students in my country must attend online studying courses
at home. I think online learning has had a positive impact on my English skills. Three
years ago, English was my weakness. I really struggled with grammar, and I didn't
understand what the teacher was saying. I am a little bit slow at understanding.
One day, my friend introduced me to an English course on an online learning website.
With this site, I could replay the video lessons as many times as I liked until I totally
got all the information.
Online learning has been convenient. I do not have to waste my time commuting on
the road. Instead, I spend more on doing my favorite activities. However, it is more
challenging to stay focused when studying because I am easily distracted by mobile

Essential Words List

To have a positive impact on something: Có tác dụng tốt đến ai/cái gì

To be one’s weakness: Điểm yếu của ai đó
To struggle with V-ing: Gặp khó khăn trong việc gì đấy, cố gắng để làm gì
To be slow at understanding something: Chậm hiểu
To get = To understand = Hiểu, nắm được
To be challenging = to be difficult = Khó khăn, thách thức
To stay focused = Tập trung làm gì
To be easily distracted by = dễ bị phân tâm bởi điều gì đó
To attend online studying courses = Tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến qua
máy tính

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

II. Explore word knowledge

Exercise 1: Evaluate the compatibility of those highlighted words. (Đánh giá
mức độ phù hợp của các từ in đậm sau)
1. Personalized learning models are suitable for a huge number of students of
varied abilities.
Personalized learning models phù hợp với số lượng học sinh lớn và có trình độ khác

2. Vietnamese students now can choose to attend online courses offered by a

foreign university without having to travel abroad.
Học sinh Việt Nam bây giờ có thể chọn tham gia online courses của một trường đại
học nước ngoài mà không cần phải di chuyển đến nước đó.

3. Personalized learning models allow students to study at their own pace.

Personalized learning models cho phép học sinh có thể học at their own pace.

4. The majority of courses on many renowned online learning platforms, such as

Udemy, are designed so that participants can have face-to-face interaction with
their instructors.
Phần lớn các khóa học trên nhiều nền tảng học trực tuyến nổi tiếng như Udemy
được thiết kế để người tham gia có thể có face-to-face interaction với người hướng
dẫn khóa học.

Exercise 2: Fill the words in the box (in the correct tense) to complete the
sentence. (Chọn từ (và chia động từ) phù hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau)

A. weakness B. get C. attend online learning courses

D. stay focused E. easily distracted F. challenging
G. be slow at understanding

1. We have to ____________ due to the impact of COVID 19 pandemic.

Chúng tôi phải ________ do ảnh hưởng của đại dịch COVID 19.

2. English was my ________ when I was in university. But I am getting better these
Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
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Tiếng Anh là ________ của tôi khi tôi còn đang học đại học. Nhưng dạo này tôi
đã tiến bộ hơn nhiều !

3. Despite listening carefully, I still ________ what my tutor was saying.

Mặc dù lắng nghe rất cẩn thận, tôi vẫn ________ những gì chị gia sư đang nói.

4. If you want to ________ all the information in the letter, you should read it twice.
Nếu bạn muốn ________ tất cả thông tin trong lá thư, bạn nên đọc nó 2 lần.

5. He’s ________ so I usually spend more than one hour reviewing each lesson with
Anh ấy khá là ________ nên tôi thường dành hơn 1 tiếng để ôn lại từng bài với
anh ấy.

6. I think using a computer when studying is __________ if you want to _________

Tôi nghĩ sử dụng máy tính khi học là một __________ nếu bạn muốn __________

III. Understanding and Application

1. Answer the questions below (with the length of 2 - 3 sentences). Trả lời những
câu hỏi sau (với độ dài từ 2 – 3 câu)
1. Have you ever learned anything on an online platform?
2. Is online learning popular in your country?
3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of online learning?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

2. Complete the below cue card (make sure that your answer is at least 1 minute
and 30 seconds)

Describe a difficult subject you studied at school

You should say:
• What the subject was
• When and how long you studied it for
• What you studied as a part of this subject
And say why you found it difficult to study this subject.


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
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IV. Discussion skills: Explaining

1. Useful language
Below are some expressions that are commonly used in spoken explanations of cause
and effect.
Identifying causes/reasons
The reason (for…..) is (that).......
That’s because
What has caused this is…..
One explanation (for…) is (that)...

Expressing certainty / uncertainty

I think that ...
I’m sure that ...
It could be that
I guess that

2. Discussion point:
Read this introduction to an article about Education in COVID 19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how.

The challenges of online learning

There are, however, challenges to overcome. Some students without reliable

internet access and/or technology struggle to participate in digital learning; this
gap is seen across countries and between income brackets within countries. For
example, whilst 95% of students in Switzerland, Norway, and Austria have a
computer to use for their schoolwork, only 34% in Indonesia do, according to
OECD data.
In the US, there is a significant gap between those from privileged and
disadvantaged backgrounds: whilst virtually all 15-year-olds from a privileged
background said they had a computer to work on, nearly 25% of those from
disadvantaged backgrounds did not. While some schools and governments have
Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

been providing digital equipment to students in need, such as in New South Wales,
Australia, many are still concerned that the pandemic will widen the digital divide.

Is learning online as effective?

For those who do have access to the right technology, there is evidence that
learning online can be more effective in a number of ways. Some research shows
that on average, students retain 25-60% more material when learning online
compared to only 8-10% in a classroom. This is mostly due to the students being
able to learn faster online; e-learning requires 40-60% less time to learn than in a
traditional classroom setting because students can learn at their own pace, going
back and re-reading, skipping, or accelerating through concepts as they choose.

In a group, discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of online learning.


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


I. Word in context
I’m an active person, and I like to keep myself busy, so I’m always doing something
even when I’m not working.

My favorite activity in my free time is riding my bicycle. I have lived in the center of
the Hanoi capital for a year. The city is famous for being bike-friendly. So I decided
to buy myself a bike. At first, it was to lose weight, but I enjoyed it so much that I also
started cycling for fun.
Then I discovered that there was an active Cycling Club. It’s a group of people who
like to get out and about on the weekend, but I don’t think I want to join them because
cycling alone is enjoyable. The idea is to enjoy the day, and I typically end up in one
a local park and have a meal or picnic before heading back home.
I enjoy cycling alone because it’s good exercise and it helps me keep fit. It also allows
me to get out of the city and see some of the countryside while still having my own

Essential Words List

To be active = năng động

To keep myself busy = giữ mình luôn ở trạng thái bận rộn
To be famous for = nổi tiếng nhờ cái gì
To lose weight = giảm cân
For fun = Để giải trí
To get out and about = active; doing the things you usually do = năng động,
thường xuyên vận động
To be enjoyable= interesting = thú vị
To enjoy the day = tận hưởng
To keep fit = healthy and strong, especially as a result of exercise = khoẻ mạnh, duy
trì thể lực
To have my own space = có không gian riêng cho bản thân

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

II. Explore word knowledge

Exercise 1: Match the problems with equivalent advice. (Nối những vấn đề
(problems) trong lối sống với những lời khuyên (advice) dưới đây)
The problems:
1. My hair always feels lifeless and oily. If I wash it in the morning, I need to
wash it again when I come home from work. And I can’t seem to get rid of the
spots on my face.
2. If I buy a new pair of trousers, they won't fit me after a couple of months. So
now I buy all my trousers one size bigger. That way they last twice as long.
3. I get really breathless if I have to go upstairs nowadays. I used to be able to run
upstairs. Now I have to stop halfway up and have a rest.
4. When I come home from work, the first thing I do every evening is pouring
myself a glass of wine. It's the only way I can relax.

The advice:
A. Look carefully at your diet. Are you eating too many oily foods, like french
fries or potato chips?
B. You’d better play badminton or tennis after work.l That would help you relax
far better. You need less stress in your life.
C. You're smoking too much. At the moment you are breathless. What will you do
when the doctor tells you it’s cancer?
D. You are simply eating too much. If you are putting weight on so quickly, you
must simply eat less and eat more healthily. Try cutting out all sugar and butter
immediately. Try cutting out all sugar and butter immediately, then start cutting
out other things, like cream. Change to semi-skimmed milk.

Your answer:
1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
4. _____________

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Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

Exercise 2: Fill the words in the box (in the correct tense) to complete the
sentence. (Chọn từ (và chia động từ) phù hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau. Mỗi từ
dùng hai lần)
avoid keep stay
give up cut down

1. Playing tennis twice a week is what__________ me fit.

Chơi tennis hai lần một tuần là điều ____________
2. Lot’s of fresh fruit and vegetables will help you to______ healthy.
Ăn nhiều rau củ và hoa quả tươi ngon sẽ giúp bạn ____________
3. My doctor keeps telling me I should_______ smoking completely.
Bác sĩ luôn dặn tôi phải ____________ thuốc lá hoàn toàn.
4. You don’t have to stop drinking completely. Just try to_________ a little.
Bạn không cần phải bỏ rượu bia hoàn toàn. Hãy ________ một chút.
5. If you can, try to_________ stressful situations.
Nếu có thể, bạn hãy _________ rơi vào những trạng căng thẳng.
6. It’s easy to start a diet. It’s much harder to ______ to it!
Việc bắt đầu ăn kiêng thì đơn giản. Nhưng ___________ thì khó hơn rất nhiều.
7. You’ll see a big difference if you ________ the amount of sugar you take in tea or
Bạn sẽ thấy sự khác biệt lớn nếu bạn ____________ khối lượng đường bạn tiêu thụ
qua trà và cà phê.
8. It’s not essential to _______ alcohol completely. Some doctors think a little a day
is actually good for you.
Bạn không nhất thiết phải ___________ đồ uống có cồn hoàn toàn. Một số bác sĩ
cho rằng một liều lượng nhỏ mỗi ngày tốt cho sức khỏe của bạn.
9. Eat small meals regularly. This means you should do your best to _______ eating
big meals - especially late at night.
Hãy ăn những bữa nhỏ đều đặn. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn nên cố gắng hết sức để
_________ những bữa ăn lớn - đặc biệt là vào buổi đêm muộn.
10. My weight has_______ the same for the last ten years.
Cân nặng của tôi đã ________ suốt mười năm qua.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

III. Understanding and Application

1. Answer the questions below (with the length of 2 - 3 sentences). Trả lời những
câu hỏi sau (với độ dài từ 2 – 3 câu).
1. Is it important to you to eat healthy food?
2. Do you do any exercise?
3. If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better?
4. What is your favourite cuisine? What food do you like to eat?
5. Do you enjoy cooking?
6. What’s your favourite meal of the day?
7. Do you have a healthy diet?
8. What are some traditional foods in your country?
9. Do you like tasting new food?
10. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

2. Complete the below cue card (make sure that your answer is at least 1 minute
and 30 seconds)

Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free time.
You should say:
• What you do
• What it was about
• How often do you do it
• And explain why you like to do this activity


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

IV. Discussion skills:

Making Suggestions
1. Useful language
Below are some expressions that people often use to give suggestions and advice.

My advice would be to
I think it’s important/essential that...
I think what we/you/they should do is...
If you ask me, we/you should….

2. Discussion point: Health risks

Read this introduction to an article about a World Health Organization report

WHO sets out world’s deadly top 10

By Andy Coghlan
Just 10 avoidable risk factors, including malnutrition, smoking, and poor
sanitation, account for a massive 40 percent of global deaths each year, warns the
World Health Organization.
The WHO’s new data on patterns of death and illness appear in its World Health
Report 2002, launched on Wednesday. The WHO says that cheap remedies exist
and that governments of all countries can do more to prevent unnecessary and
premature death. It concludes such countermeasures could extend average life
expectancy by five to 10 years.
“This report provides a road map for how societies can tackle a wide range of
preventable conditions that are killing millions of people prematurely and robbing
tens of millions of healthy lives,” says Gro Harlem Brundtland, WHO director-
The risks are starkly different between “haves” and “have-nots”.
(“Haves” and “have-nots” refer to the rich and the poor.)

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

- What would you guess the ten risk factors to be?

- Discuss FIVE factors which you think most endangered people’s health in
poor countries. The items in your list should be the potential causes of disease,
not the diseases themselves.


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010



I. Word in context
Last month, I had a chance to set foot on(1) a mesmerizing(2) island located in the
southwest of my country, named Phu Quoc. It’s an island where mountains dominate
the landscape(3), and visitors can enjoy sunbathing on long stretches of white sand.

Many years ago, because Phu Quoc was quite off the beaten track(4), there weren’t
many tourists arriving there annually. Atthat me, this island had many unspoilt
beaches(5) and tranquil(6) atmosphere, suitable for those wanting to kick back(7) and
seeking inner peace(8). No light pollution, no noise pollution, visitors could put up a
tent(9) on the beach to observe the Milky Way in the sky and listen to the rhythm of the
However, the growth of tourism, in recent years, has interfered with(10) the peace of
Phu Quoc island. Forests have been felled(11) to provide space for hotels and resorts
while the beach is littered with(12) tin cans and plastic bags from travellers who aren’t
eco- conscious(13). Many native species have died out(14) because of losing their natural
habitats and consuming plastic waste. In other words, human civilization develops at
the expense of(15) the environment.

Essential Words List

[1] To set foot on/in = Come, arrive at/in: đặt chân lên
[2] To be mesmerizing: đẹp mê hoặc, đáng nhớ
[3] To dominate the landscape = be everywhere, be all over the place, can be seen
easily: (núi, rừng) bao phủ khung cảnh
[4] To be off the beaten track = Unpopular, not well-known:ít người biết tớ i
[5] Unspoilt beaches = Intact, unharmed: bãi biển hoang sơ
[6] To be tranquil = peaceful, calm: thanh bình
[7] To kick back = Unwind, blow o some steam: thư giãn
[8] Inner peace = peace of mind, spiritual calmness: sự yên bình trong tâm hồn

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

[9] To put up a tent = build a tent, make a tent: dựng lều

[10] To interfere with = Obstruct:can thiệp, làm quấy rối
[11] fell - felled - felled = cut down, clear: chặt (cây, rừng)
[12] To be littered with = Be full of, be fraught with: ngập tràn (rác, những thứ
không tốt đẹp
[13] To be eco-conscious: có ý thức về môi trường
[14] To die out = Become extinct, disappear: tuyệt chủng
[15] At the expense of something đánh đổi, với cái giá phải trả

V. Explore the knowledge

Exercise 1: Evaluate the compatibility of those highlighted words. Đánh giá mức
độ phù hợp của các từ in đậm sau.

1. Nha Trang is no longer a tranquil city anymore as it is visited by thousands of

visitors every year.
Nha Trang không còn là một thành phố tranquil nữa vì nó được viếng thăm bởi
hàng ngàn khách du lịch mỗi năm

2. Honestly speaking, I didn’t enjoy my trip that much because there are very few
mesmerizing sceneries in that coastal city.
Thực lòng mà nói thì tôi không thích chuyến du lịch đó lắm, vì có quá ít những
cảnh mesmerizing ở nơi thành phố biển đó

3. Military strength is often achieved at the expense of a country’s economic health.

Sức mạnh quân sự thường đạt được at the expense of sức khoẻ kinh của một quốc

4. My hometown is very peaceful because it is quite off the beaten track.

Quê hương của tôi rất là thanh bình, bởi vì nó khá là off the beaten track.

5. The surrounding environment of that tourist attraction is suffering from serious

damage because all the tourists there are eco – conscious.
Môi trường của địa điểm du lịch đó đang phải chịu thiệt hại lớn vì tất cả du khách
ở đó đều eco – conscious.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

Exercise 2: Fill the words in the box (in the correct tense) to complete the
sentence. Chọn từ (và chia động từ) phù hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau. Mỗi từ
dùng hai lần.

A. inner peace B. littered with C. eco - conscious

D. set foot in/on E. died out F. put up a tent
G. unspoilt beaches H. dominate the landscape

1. I decided to ______ and build a campfire as soon as I made it to the peak of the
Tôi quyết định ________ và dựng lửa trại ngay khi tôi leo tới đỉnh núi.

2. Maldives is famous for ______ that can hardly be found in any other coastal cities
in Vietnam.
Maldives nổi tiếng vì _______ mà khó có thể được m thấy ở bất kỳ thành phố biển
nào khác ở Việt Nam.

3. Many native species in Vietnam have _____ as their natural habitats have been
destroyed to make way for tourism.
Nhiều loại động vật bản địa ở Việt Nam đã_____ khi môi trường sống của chúng bị
phá huỷ để phát triển du lịch.

4. This area will no longer be included in the must-visit des na on list of tourists
because the streets are always ______ plastic bags and n cans.
Khu vực này không còn nằm trong danh sách những địa điểm phải tới của khách
du lịch nữa bởi vì các con đường ở đây luôn _____ túi nhựa và lon t

5. I am proud to say that the locals in my hometown are very _____; they always
keep the street clean and use recyclable products.
Tôi tự hào khi nói rằng người dân ở quê tôi rất ______; họ luôn giữ sạch đường xá
và sử dụng những sản phẩm có thể tái chế được

6. That was the first time I _______ such a magnificent city.

Đó là lần đầu ên mà tôi ______ một thành phố đẹp như vậy.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

I. Understanding and Applying

1. Answer the questions below (with the length of 2 - 3 sentences). Trả lời những
câu hỏi sau (với độ dài từ 2 – 3 câu)
1. Are there many tourists in your hometown?
2. Where do many people nowadays go on holidays?
3. What are some drawbacks of tourism development?
4. When was the last time you travelled?
5. What is the place that left you the deepest impression when traveling?
6. What kind of cities do you like to travel to?
2. Complete the below cue card (make sure that your answer is at least 1 minute
and 30 seconds)

Describe an interesting part in your country

You should say:
• Where it is
• What people there are like
• What people often do in that place
And say why you find it interesting

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

IV. Discussion skills:

2. Discussion point:
Read this conversation and answer the questions

A: Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for 2 months. You know what,
rumor has it that you have migrated to another country?

B: Not exactly, but yeah I did have a pretty long journey to several countries to
broaden my horizons and have exotic experiences that I would never forget.

A: Fabulous! What countries did you go to, exactly?

B: My rst destination was Thailand. I set about my trip in April, which precisely
fell in the festive season of Thailand. So, I decided to stay there in a
fortnight's time to better understand their culture. I also tasted various
cuisines in this country, with the main avors being spicy and sour.

A: That's mouthwatering. How about the locals?

B: As soon as I came to the hotel, I tried to strike up a conversation with some

neighbours to ask about the way to the nearest supermarket. They were very
hospitable and supportive.

A: Yeah I know. I heard that their livelihood mainly derives from tourism and
hospitality. Annually, there are dozens of fes vals and celebrations held to a
ract tourists all over the world, which greatly contributes to the prosperity of
this country.

B: And then I departed for Norway, where some of my relatives have resided for
many years. Unlike cities in America which are full of skyscrapers, urban
architecture in Europe looks ancient and unique. In North Europe, especially,
there are many constructions that stand the test of time.

A: That really blows my mind! I think I will arrange a trip like yours as soon as

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

Thảo luận theo nhóm, các từ in đậm có nghĩa là gì? Nội dung chính của đoạn hội
thoại là gì? In a group, discuss what the highlighted words mean? What is the
main point of the conversation?


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

I. Word in context
Every living thing has a particular place in which it lives, and we call this place its
habitat. A good habitat provides everything an organism needs to survive. It provides
food and shelter, places for breeding or laying eggs, the right kind of climate, and so
on. Every particular type of organism, or species, needs a particular type of natural
habitat. For some species it could be deep in a forest, while for others it could be deep
in the ocean. No matter what type of habitat a species needs, it will have to share it
with other species who have adapted to the same kind of natural environment.
When many species share a particular habitat, some species will be food for other
species, which in turn might be food for others even higher up the food chain. Food
chains are just one of many relationship networks within a habitat that together form
what we call an ecosystem. As such, every species becomes part of an ecosystem
within its particular habitat. Lions, for example, live in habitats across the grasslands
of central Africa. They are apex predators, which means they are at the top of the
food chain in their ecosystem. The food chains that lions are part of include various
grasses and other plants eaten by the animals that lions eat, such as zebras, buffaloes,
and giraffes.

Habitat Types

Habitats are often divided into three main types: terrestrial, freshwater, and marine.
Terrestrial habitats are places on land like forests, woodlands, grasslands and deserts,
while freshwater habitats include rivers, lakes, ponds and inland swamps and marshes.
Marine habitats include all those places that are part of the world's oceans such as
coastal rock pools, coral reefs, open seas far from land, and seabeds on the ocean floor.
Habitats can also be put into categories based on climate type. For example, polar
bears and emperor penguins live in very cold polar habitats, while gorillas and
orangutans live in much warmer tropical habitats. Even though gorillas inhabit
mountain forests in equatorial Africa and orangutans live in the rainforests of
equatorial southeast Asia, both can be said to live in tropical habitats. Habitats can also
be put into categories based on vegetation type. For example, we can also say
orangutans live in rainforest habitats, while lions live in grassland habitats.

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

Essential Words List

Habitat (n) the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually
Organism (n) a single living plant, animal, virus, etc.
Survive (v) to continue to live or exist
Breeding (n) the process in which animals have sex and produce young
Food chain (n) a series of living things that are connected because each
group of things eats the group below it in the chain
Ecosystem (n) all the living things in an area and the way they affect each
other and the environment
Various (adj) several and different
Terrestrial (adj) on or related to the Earth's land
Freshwater (adj) living in or containing water that is not salty
Marine (adj) related to the sea

II. What do you know about wild animals?

Exercise 1: Work in groups, list 5 wild species you know with the following
description using the words you’ve just learned: Làm việc theo nhóm, hãy liệt kê
5 loại động vật hoang dã mà bạn biết với các mô tả đi kèm. Cố gắng sử dụng các
từ đã được học.

Animal Appearance Habitats Food

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


Exercise 2: Complete the cue card below (make sure that your answer is at least 1
minute and 30 seconds)

Describe a wild animal from your country.

You should say:
• what the animal is and what it looks like
• what it eats
• where it lives
and explain how people feel about this animal.


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


1. Read the sample answer:
What measures could we take to protect wildlife?

I think this problem is on a global scale, which requires cooperation between

nations. A possible solution is to establish an international
organization with a set of common rules to protect the endangered species. This
organization is run by a team of environmental experts from different countries.
For example, the act of cutting down trees from forests to make room for a human's
residence should be limited and cannot be done without approval from that team.

2. After reading the answer, complete the following table:

Answer Expansion/Reasons Example

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

3. Develop answers for the questions below:

Question Answer Expansion/Reasons Example

a. Why do we
have to protect
wild animals?

b. What effects
do you think
humans have on
wild animals?

c. What
measures could
we take to
protect wildlife?

d. Is it the
responsibility of
schools to teach
children about

e. Is it good to
keep wild
animals in a zoo?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

4. Some useful structures:

Expansion/Reasons Example
- One reason for this is... - For example, ...
- I think .......... is the reason for that. - For instance, ...
- A good reason for this is... - ........ is a good example.
- The best way to explain this is......

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


I. Word in context
Traffic Jams — No End in Sight
There are no easy answers to the problems of traffic congestion. Traffic congestion
affects people throughout the world. Traffic jams cause smog in dozens of cities across
both the developed and developing world.
In the U.S., commuters spend an average of a full work week each year sitting in
traffic, according to the Texas Transportation Institute. While alternative ways of
getting around are available, most people still choose their cars because they are
looking for convenience, comfort and privacy.
The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing,
whereby cities charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at certain times of day.
In theory, if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus
or train. And in practice it seems to work: Singapore, London and Stockholm have
reduced traffic and pollution in city centers thanks to congestion pricing.
Another way to reduce rush hour traffic is for employers to implement flexi-time,
which lets employees travel to and from work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the
rush hour.
Those who have to travel during busy times can do their part by sharing cars.
Employers can also allow more staff to telecommute (work from home) so as to keep
more cars off the road altogether.
Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to
build more roads, especially roads that can take drivers around or overcrowded city
streets. But such techniques do not really keep cars off the road; they only
accommodate more of them.
Other, more forward-thinking, planners know that more and more drivers and cars
are taking to the roads every day, and they are unwilling to encourage more private
automobiles when public transport is so much better both for people and the

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

For this reason, the American government has decided to spend some $7 billion on
helping to increase capacity on public transport systems and upgrade them with more
efficient technology. But environmentalists complain that such funding is tiny
compared with the $50 billion being spent on roads and bridges.

Essential Words List

Traffic congestion a situation in which a place is too blocked or crowded,
(n) causing difficulties (= traffic jam)
a mixture of smoke, gases, and chemicals, especially in
Smog (n) cities, that makes the atmosphere difficult to breathe and
harmful for health
a person who travels some distance to work on a regular
Commuter (n)
(to) sit in traffic
move very slowly or not at all due to heavy road traffic.
(to) get around (v) travel to different places
a small amount of money that you have to pay to use a
Toll (n)
road, cross a bridge, etc
Thanks to (phr) on account of / because of
taking place at a time when demand is less / not on the
Off-peak (adj)
rush hour
containing too many people or things
Capacity (adj) the total amount that can be contained or produced
working or operating quickly and effectively in an
Efficient (adj)
organized way
a person who is interested in or studies the environment
and who tries to protect it from being damaged by
human activities

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles?

Vehicle Advantages Disadvantages

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

2. Discuss these questions with partners:

a. Among the means of transport mentioned in Exercise 1, which one is the most
popular in your country? Why?
b. What is the better alternative for that vehicle?
c. In your opinion, which one will be the most common form of transport in the next
20 years? Why?


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


1. How do most people travel to work where you live?
2. What kind of traffic problem do you often encounter?
3. What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?
4. How often do you take buses?
5. How much time do you spend traveling on a normal day?
6. Do you prefer public transport or private transport?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010


Discuss with a partner and make some notes for your answers.
1. What are the most common traffic issues in your country?
2. In what ways can we fix traffic problems?
3. Why do people use private transport rather than public transport?
4. What can governments do to encourage citizens to use more public transport?


Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

Updated Version (2021)

TOPIC 1: Hometown
1. Where were you born?
2. How often do you come back to your hometown?
3. Do you prefer living in big cities or in the countryside?
4. How about the cost of living in your hometown?
5. How about the pace of life in your hometown?
6. What is your hometown famous for?

TOPIC 2: Name
1. Is it easy for you to remember people's names?
2. How do you remember people's names?
3. How do you feel when people can't remember your name?
4. Do you often forget people's names?

TOPIC 3: Study/Work
1. Do you work or are you a student?
2. What is your favourite subject? Why do you like to study that subject?
3. Do you like studying?
4. What is your job? What kind of job do you have? What do you do for a living?
5. Do you have any career plans yet?
6. What do you like most about your school? What do you dislike about your

TOPIC 4: Accomodation
1. Tell me about where you live?
2. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
3. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

TOPIC 5: Movie
1. Do you like watching film?
2. What kind of movie do you like best?
3. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

TOPIC 6: Music
1. When do you listen to music?
2. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
3. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
4. Have you ever been to a concert?

TOPIC 7: Traveling
1. Do you like traveling?
2. When was the last time you travelled?
3. What is the place that left you the deepest impression when traveling?
4. What kind of cities do you like to travel to?

TOPIC 8: Sports
1. Do you play any sports?
2. Do you like sport?
3. What’s your favourite sport?
4. What is the most popular sport in your country?
5. Do you think people do enough sport these days?

TOPIC 9: Food & diet

1. What is your favourite cuisine? What food do you like to eat?
2. Do you enjoy cooking?
3. What’s your favourite meal of the day?
4. Do you have a healthy diet?
5. What are some traditional foods in your country?
6. Do you like tasting new food?
7. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?

1. Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cell phone?
2. What kind of TV programs do you like?
3. Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?
4. Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

TOPIC 11: Sky and stars

1. Do you like to look at the sky?
2. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?
3. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?
4. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

TOPIC 12: Environmental protection

1. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?
2. How can we protect the environment?
3. Do you think you've done enough to protect the environment?
4. Is there education about environmental protection at school in your country?

TOPIC 13: Tree

1. What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? How about your
2. Have you ever planted a tree?
3. What kinds of trees do you plant?
4. Do you like planting trees? Why?

TOPIC 14: Farming

1. Have you visited a farm?
2. What kind of farm do you like?
3. Do you think farming is important?
4. Did you do farm work when you were young?

TOPIC 15: Window view

1. What scenery can you see from the window of your home/dormitory?
2. Do you like to watch the scenery from your window?
3. Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views?
4. How do you feel when you can't see any beautiful view from your window?

TOPIC 16: Special costumes

1. Do you like to wear special costumes?
2. Did you try any special costumes when you were young?
3. When was your last time wore special costumes?
4. Do you ever buy special costumes?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

TOPIC 17: Decoration

1. What's the decoration like in your home?
2. What kind of decoration do you prefer?
3. Do Vietnamese people like redecorating their homes?
4. What's your favourite colour when decorating your home?

TOPIC 18: Getting up early

1. Do you often get up early in the morning?
2. What do you usually do when you get up early?
3. Do you get up early on weekends?
4. Which morning do you like best in a week?

TOPIC 19: Technology in Education

1. Have you ever learned anything on an online platform?
2. Is online learning popular in your country?
3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of online learning?
4. How much time do you spend using a computer at work or at home?
5. What do you mainly use a computer for?
6. Did you learn how to use a computer at school?
7. Have you ever taken a course to improve your computer skills?
8. Has the internet made your job / studies easier?
9. Which device do you prefer to use for browsing the internet?

TOPIC 20: Getting lost

1. Have you ever got lost?
2. How can you find your way when you are lost?
3. Can you read a map when you get lost?
4. Have you ever helped someone who got lost?

TOPIC 21: Concentration

1. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
2. What do you do to help you concentrate?
3. What may distract you when you're trying to stay focused?
4. When do you need to be focused?

TOPIC 22: Pets and animals

1. What is your favorite animal?
2. Have you ever kept an animal as a pet?
3. Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

TOPIC 22: Public garden and parks

1. Would you like to play in a public garden or park?
2. What do you like to do when visiting a park?
3. How have parks changed today compared to the time you were a kid?

TOPIC 23: Science

1. Do you like science?
2. When did you start to learn about science?
3. Which science subject do you find interesting?
4. Have you done anything interesting with science?

TOPIC 24: Shoes

1. Do you like buying shoes?
2. Have you ever bought shoes online?
3. How much money do you usually spend on shoes?
4. Which do you prefer, fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes?

TOPIC 25: Headphones

1. Do you use headphones?
2. What type of headphones do you use?
3. When would you use headphones?
4. In what conditions you won’t be using headphones?

TOPIC 26: Handwriting

1. Do you like to write by hand?
2. Is your handwriting easy to read?
3. Which do you prefer, writing by hand or typing?
4. What is the difference between handwriting and typing?

TOPIC 27: Mobile apps

1. What mobile apps have you recently used?
2. What kinds of mobile apps are you usually interested in?
3. What was the first mobile app you used?
4. What kinds of mobile apps would you like to use in the future?

Address: 6 - 7th floor – 70 Tran Dai Nghia Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi.
Fanpage: fb.com/10educationvn
Hotline: 090.186.1010/08.9966.1010

TOPIC 28: Colours

1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is the color that you dislike?
3. What colors do you want to paint your house with?
4. What color makes you feel uncomfortable in your room?

TOPIC 29: Weather

1. What kind of weather do you like most?
2. What is the weather like in your hometown?
3. Is there any difference in the weather in different parts of VN?
4. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?



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