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Instructions to fill in the follow up application.

You receive an invitation from Zuyd University of Applied Sciences to fill in the “Follow up

In this invitation you will find information how to start the application and what to do if you forgot
your login details.

To go to the questionnaire please click here: follow up application

You received the login details by email, for example:

Username: PStudent295
Password: FBC7A5UE

If you click on the link you will find yourselves on this site:

Fill in the language at “Language choice” by clicking in the field

Here you can choose Dutch or English.

Then you will see the following screen:

Here you can fill in the login details you have received.
PLEASE NOTICE: Username and password are case-sensitive.

Please also notice not to type your username and/or password with interspace. If you do you will
receive an error notice.

Have you forgotten your logindetals?

Please click in the screen below on “Username and/or password forgotten? Click here.”

You will see the screen below:

Fill in all mandatory fields.

- For “Family name” fill in your family name without any prefixes.
If your lastname is “el Abdellaoui” just fill in “Abdellaoui”
- Use the same email address as where you received the invitation. If the email address is no longer
available, please change the email address on When you have adjusted your
email address at studielink, you can ask for new login details.

After you changed your password, you will see the following page:

To start the application click on: Click here to submit, update of examine your application.

During the process you will have to upload some documents. Most of them are mandatory.
You can save the answers you have given so you do not have to start all over as you login the next

How to upload a document?

If you have to make an upload click on

In this example you are asked to upload the diploma of your secondary education.
You will see the screen below. It gives you information about the upload (size and format)

Click on “Make a choice” and select the type document you are going to upload

Then choose “Bestand kiezen” or “Choose file”

And select the document you want to upload. And click on “upload file”

If you made the wrong upload you can delete the upload by clicking on

If necessary you can also make a second upload just bij clicking on

Do you still have questions? Please send an email to:

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