Unit 4 Science

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4 Particles Score: /20

A. Choose the correct options. /8

1 Everything that we can see and feel is .

a. mass c. air

b. matter d. nonliving
2 Matter is made up of .

a. bacteria c. particles

b. air d. solids
3 Examples of gases include .

a. ice and the ocean c. space and nonliving things

b. air and water vapor d. water and bacteria

4 The amount of particles in an object is its .

a. space c. mass

b. volume d. matter
5 Examples of nonliving matter include .

a. air and water c. trees and the Sun

b. fungi and grass d. animals and people

6 Rocks are an example of .

a. living matter c. solids

b. gases d. mass
7 A scale measures the .

a. mass of an object c. length of an object

b. volume of an object d. temperature of an object

8 Solids .

a. have a fixed shape c. are made up of grains

b. take the shape of their container d. evaporate when it is hot

BE Primary Science 4 Unit 4 Test D.R. © 2023 Programas de Innovación Educativa, S.A. de C.V. Printable
B. Mark (✓) the characteristics of the states of matter. /6

Solids Liquids Gases

1 You can change

their volume.

2 The particles
touch each other.

3 The particles
move around.

4 They are

C. Match the definitions with the characteristics. /6

1 You can see through it. stiff

2 You cannot bend it. viscose

3 It pours slowly. hard

4 It evaporates quickly. transparent

5 It can change shape. elastic

6 It can scratch other objects. volatile

BE Primary Science 4 Unit 4 Test D.R. © 2023 Programas de Innovación Educativa, S.A. de C.V. Printable

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