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NAME : …………………………. DATE : …………………….

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« Part time job »

Situation : Cette année, tu aimerais trouver un job d’étudiant pendant l’année afin de
gagner un peu d’argent de poche. Dans une émission télévisée sur une chaîne
anglaise, une jeune fille témoigne à propos de son job d’étudiante.

Tâche : Ecoute attentivement le témoignage de Lou et complète les critères.

JOB PRECIS : ……………………………………………………………………………

QUAND ? …………………………………………………………………………………
Aime le job ? OUI / NON
Tâches quotidiennes :
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Tâche préférée : ……………………………………………………………………………..

Salaire actuel / heure : ……………… €
Inconvénients du job : - ……………………………………………………………………
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3 phrases prononcées le plus souvent dans le cadre de son job :
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« Part time job »

Hi everyone, it’s Lou again.

So last time, I talked to you about high school clubs and today I will tell you about my job.
I work at McDonald’s. I work as a cashier. So that means that when you … your order, I will
give you your food and I will take care of you. So I do not work in the kitchen.
I usually work there during summer holidays and on the weekends.
I really like my job because there are a lot of things I have to do: I take the orders, I bake the
fries but I also have to keep the restaurant clean so I clear the tables, I clean the toilets, I
empty the bins. In the evening, I have to mop the floors.
My favourite thing to do is actually to work at the MacDrive. They give you a headset and you
have to take people’s orders and they drive up to your window so they give you the money and
you give them their food. It’s really a lot of fun.
When I work in the mornings, I also have to prepare the salads, which is also something I like
to do.
In the beginning, I made €10 an hour, which is pretty good and then, every year more I
worked, there are other 0.50 cents. So by now I earn almost €11.50, which is really good
money. That’s what I really like about my job.
I also like being friendly to people and to children. I like to give them balloons.
What I don’t like is that you can get very dirty and very smelly. When you get home, you’re
exhausted because you have to work late. I usually work until midnight.
Another thing I really don’t like is that it can become quite boring because it’s always the
same thing. You always have to ask “What would you like to drink?”, “Would you like
ketchup?”, “Do you want the menu or just a hamburger?” So, yes, it’s quite boring.

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