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of Printed Pages: 4 FKG- 3



pwmcf777: f/7Vj
Time allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 100

(1). ft;T3f/;?gf4I/
(ii) #311s,,4/
(iii) '# 37 T :r1 .31PgI1c1: z7T2T f~ii 77?1 /
Note: (i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) The parts of same question must be answered together.

1. (a) 1ih'i .i'i11'r1c4kUI UItH 11du.1Ufl cç1L I

(ifli.ii : 125) 5
(b) i1~u.uf1 (icflii,: 125) 5
(a) Give a brief account of Round Table Conferences and comment on their
outcome. (Word limit: 125)
(b) Write short note on Smart City Mission. (Word limit: 125)

2. (a) cg)ft: IitIq41Hi: 100) 2'/zx2=5

(ii) 1ct ciiii q.)1Jq cii
(b) fr1~.u.wfl 1ir: Tfl41i:100) 2'hx25
(i) 1ct c 1i (.lTj)
(ii) 4Jl1 1ki _1I 14kUI
(a) Differentiate between the following: (Word limit for each: 100)
(i) L.E.D. and L.C.D.
(ii) Biological Virus and Computer Virus
(b) Write short notes on the following : (Word limit for each: 100)
(i) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
(ii) National Green Tribunal (NGT)
FKG-3 1 [P.T.O.
3. (a) i&us kI'4 T 34lI'1c.1 cc1I .iTT i-1ii 't
3fuj uftt I ('fkflHI: 125) 5

(b) 11ct cI1 ERlT ? H c4i ifi'& I (i *fli-n : 125) 5

(a) Justify the demand for separate Uttarakhand state and give a brief account of
main events of the Uttarakhand People's Movement. (Word limit: 125)
(b) What is organic farming ? Throw light on its importance. (Word limit: 125)

4. (a) I I dqTf?r4)r: (c rciIq4)HI :50) ix 55

(i) 1TUT1ctI

(ii) flW3Tj3R.


(iv) oI1gq


(b) fLI. icHct (rfli.u: 125) 5

(a) Briefly define the following : (Word limit for each: 50)
(i) Freedom of Expression and Speech
(ii) Zero F.I.R.
(iii) Judicial Activism
(iv) WhatsApp
(v) Money Bill
(b) Give an introductory description of I.C.C. World Cup T-20. (Word limit: 125)

5 ilHI3T clul.1 1I;i a4'k i'I M4'II

: 125) 5x 2= 10

(a) tTFT1 qj

(b) kc111i1*1I

Describe the following schemes and throw light on their objectives:

(Word limit for each: 125)
(a) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
(b) Setu Bharatam Yojana
FKG-3 2
6. (a) ff1ftd ii 1TTt iic 1~.u.u1 1iR:

(Ic4i14I :50) 2%x2=5

(i) flicivwi

(ii) *T c1i 3411i

(iii) 3T
Write explanatory notes on any two of the following : (Word limit for each: 50)
(i) Zika virus
(ii) Ethyl Alcohol and its uses
(iii) Skeletal system
(b) I dtI~ufl 1i:( c4 IcqflHI :75) 2% x 2=5

(ii) kiiii
Write short notes on the following : (Word limit for each: 75)
(i) Nuclear Fission
(ii) Anti Cyclone

7. ruufl Rif: tIcqflHI: 125) 5x2=1O

(a) rwr 370

(b) fIi i-jiii

Write detailed notes on the followings : (Word limit for each: 125)
(a) Article 370
(b) Mission Mars

8. (a)
i4ii:30) 1x55

(i) gR.ilTT

(ii) 1ii

(iv) 3Mt
(v) 3FjTt111 W.tF1
FKG-3 3 [P.T.O.
In which state the following are situated and what is their importance?
(Word limit for each: 30)
(i) Kedamath Dham
(ii) Kishau Dam Project
(iii) Katarmall Sun Temple
(iv) Auli
(v) Forest Research Institute
(b) 1H o fiR: (Mc ieçfit :30) 1x5=5

(i) i'N.i
(ii) 'UfctJI1c4d

(iii) 11J F?E '1ii-fl'

(iv) ftq*i
(v) -HII i-fl
Write in short about the following personalities : (Word limit for each: 30)
(i) Yash Chopra
(ii) Rani Karnavati
(iii) Gaura Pant 'Shivani'
(iv) Shri Deo Suman
(v) Indra Mani Badoni

9. Hr dR rrsi: (I1kI : 125) 2x 5= 10

(a) ic4IHI 31 T—'.bkclU 2019

(b) u1 pp 'H1

Write in short about the following: (Word limit for each: 125)
(a) Puiwama Attack — February 2019
(b) National War Memorial

10. (a) ji?ct T3it k1HtUI tiid u1tI 3T1%TR 12 41 tt I 5

(b) 1b1 4fIc1

T100''hWT11JI? 5
(a) Find all right angled triangles with integer sides and base 12 cm.
(b) At what percent interest rate per year, the difference of compound interest and
simple interest for two years be one hundredth of the principal?


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