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Taganile, Bianca Jane G.

OV 1-3
2PROF ED03, T2, 2324
Week 7 Task
Dr. Madelene Jose

Kolb’s Learning Styles Test

After I answered Kolb’s Learning Styles Test I found out that I am the kind of person who loves
to talk but doesn't have the courage to voice out my opinion. I am a person who belongs in
Assimilating Learning Styles, I simply watch others and I provide opinions in my mind. I am
talkative but I also love to listen, I love to hear other people’s ideas about a certain topic. I am
also interested in gaining new knowledge from other people. I learn by watching while I am
sorting all my ideas in opinion in my thoughts, I provide explanations if I have to but I can stay
quiet the whole time and listen to others' perspectives but I correct them once I know they are
wrong. Everytime in our class I always focus on listening, focusing on every idea my Professor
and classmate will provide and with that I will come up with my own ideas. I also learn from
experiences I have in life. For example, never trust someone too much, because how much you
trust that person if he had a problem in her own behavior then you can’t do anything about that.
I learned that I only need to depend on myself because through ups and downs the only one
who is there for me is no one but myself.

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