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Draft a circular to inform employees

about the revised working hours of
your branch. You are Rohan/Rashmi,
branch manager, syndicate bank ,
Circular no :- scc/april 2024/65 Date:-10 april 2024

Subject: Revised Branch Working Hours Notification

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well. We would like to inform you about some revisions in
the working hours of our branch. These change are supposed to improve our service
efficiency and accommodate the needs of our customers and employees alike, we have
decided to implement changes to our operating schedule effective [Date].

The revised working hours will be as follows:

Monday to Friday:
Morning Shift: 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Afternoon Shift: 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Morning Shift: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Please note that these changes are aimed at enhancing our operational effectiveness
while ensuring that our employees have a healthy work-life balance.

We understand that adjustments may be needed, and we appreciate your cooperation

during this transition period. If you have any concerns or need further clarification
regarding the new schedule, please feel free to reach out to your respective supervisors
or the HR department.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to serving our customers. Let's work
together to make this transition smooth and successful.
Best regards,
Branch Manager
2. write a note on the strategies for an
effective group discussion.
Strategies for Effective Group Discussion
Effective group discussions can be pivotal in generating
innovative ideas, solving complex problems, and fostering
collaboration. To ensure that discussions are productive and
inclusive, consider the following strategies:

• Establish Clear Objectives: Begin by defining the purpose

and objectives of the discussion. Clarify what the group
hopes to achieve and outline the topics or questions to
be addressed.

• Create a Supportive Environment: Foster an atmosphere

of respect, openness, and trust where all participants feel
comfortable expressing their opinions. Encourage active
listening and discourage interruptions or dismissive

• Set Ground Rules: Establish ground rules for

participation, such as taking turns to speak, avoiding
personal attacks, and staying focused on the topic at
hand. Ensure that everyone has an opportunity to
contribute without dominating the conversation.

• Prepare Thoroughly: Encourage participants to come

prepared by researching the topic, gathering relevant
information, and formulating their thoughts in advance.
This will facilitate meaningful discussions and help avoid
repetition or irrelevant tangents.

• Encourage Diverse Perspectives: Embrace diversity of

thought and encourage participants to share their unique
perspectives and experiences. Recognize that different
viewpoints can lead to richer discussions and innovative
• Active Listening: Encourage active listening by
maintaining eye contact, nodding in acknowledgment,
and paraphrasing or summarizing others' points to
demonstrate understanding. Avoid formulating
responses while others are speaking, and ask clarifying
questions when needed.

• Stay Focused: Keep the discussion focused on the

predetermined objectives and avoid getting side tracked
by irrelevant topics or personal anecdotes. Assign a
facilitator to guide the conversation and redirect the
group if necessary.

• Manage Time Effectively: Allocate sufficient time for

each agenda item and ensure that discussions remain on
schedule. Consider using timers or agenda trackers to
monitor time limits and prevent discussions from
dragging on.

• Encourage Constructive Feedback: Foster a culture of

constructive feedback where participants feel
comfortable offering suggestions, critiques, and
alternative viewpoints. Emphasize the importance of
respectful communication and constructive criticism.

• Summarize and Synthesize: At the conclusion of the

discussion, summarize the key points, decisions, and
action items. Clarify any areas of consensus or
disagreement and outline next steps for implementation
or further exploration.
3. Draft a cover letter for a job of web designer to the HR
Manager of Anton Technologies, Electronic city, Bengaluru,
along with a resume.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

[HR Manager's Name]

Anton Technologies
Electronic City
Dear [HR Manager's Name],
I am writing to express my interest in the Web Designer position at Anton
Technologies, as advertised. With a strong background in web design and a
passion for creating visually appealing and user -friendly websites, I am excited
about the opportunity to contribute to your dynamic team.
In my previous role as a Web Designer at XYZ Company, I gained valuable
experience in designing and developing responsive websites using HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and other relevant technologies. I collaborated closely with cross -
functional teams to understand project requirements and deliver innovative
solutions that met both aesthetic and functional objectives.
Some highlights of my qualifications include:

• Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and

XD, for creating high-quality mockups and prototypes.

• Experience with front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation,

ensuring consistency and scalability across different de vices and

• Knowledge of SEO principles and best practices, optimizing websites for

improved search engine visibility and user engagement.
• Strong communication and teamwork skills, enabling effective
collaboration with clients, stakeholders, and te am members throughout
the project lifecycle.
I am particularly drawn to Anton Technologies' commitment to innovation and
excellence in technology solutions. I am eager to bring my creative vision,
technical expertise, and dedication to quality to your este emed organization.
Enclosed is my resume, which provides further details about my professional
background and accomplishments. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss
how my skills and experience align with the needs of your team in more detail.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of
contributing to Anton Technologies' success as a member of your team.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
Enclosure: Resume

Define the communication explain the process of communication with the help of neat
Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, and
feelings between individuals or groups through verbal, non-verbal, or written means.
It is a vital aspect of human interaction and plays a crucial role in various aspects of
life, including personal relationships, business, education, and social interactions.

The process of communication can be broken down into several key components:

1. **Sender**: The sender initiates the communication process by encoding a

message into a form that can be transmitted to the receiver. This message can be in
the form of spoken words, written text, gestures, facial expressions, or any other
means of expression.

2. **Message**: The message is the information, idea, or feeling that the sender
wishes to convey to the receiver. It can be conveyed through various channels such
as verbal communication, written communication, visual communication, or non-
verbal cues.
3. **Channel**: The channel is the medium through which the message is
transmitted from the sender to the receiver. This can include face-to-face
conversations, phone calls, emails, letters, text messages, or any other form of
communication medium.

4. **Encoding**: Encoding is the process of converting the message into a form

that can be transmitted through the chosen communication channel. This may
involve selecting appropriate words, organizing ideas, or using gestures and body
language to convey meaning.

5. **Decoding**: Decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets and

understands the message sent by the sender. It involves extracting meaning from the
encoded message using language comprehension, contextual understanding, and
interpretation of non-verbal cues.

6. **Receiver**: The receiver is the individual or group for whom the message is
intended. They receive the message from the sender and interpret its meaning based
on their understanding and perception.

7. **Feedback**: Feedback is the response or reaction provided by the receiver

to the sender after receiving and interpreting the message. It allows the sender to
assess the effectiveness of their communication and adjust their message or
approach if necessary.

Here's a simplified diagram illustrating the process of communication:

Sender --> Encoding --> Message --> Channel --> Decoding -->
↑ ↓
Feedback Feedback
In this diagram:
- The sender encodes a message and transmits it through a chosen channel.

- The message is received by the receiver, who decodes it to understand its meaning.

- The receiver may provide feedback to the sender, completing the communication
Communication barriers
1.physical and mechanical barriers

2. semantic /language barriers

3. organizational barriers
4.socio-psychological or personal barriers
5.Other barriers
1. Physical and mechanical barriers - Physical and mechanical barriers are
usually born out of faculty mechanical arrangement . these barriers
include :-
.. noise –noise is major physical and mechanical barriers .the flow of
communication is usually blocked by noise . these are many reasons for
noise like , human noise ,noise due to traffic , noise of factories .
.. poor lighting – written or gestural communication is sometime
hindered by poor lighting .
.. time and distance – time has a valuable influence on communication .
The manager must know when to communicate , manager deal in few
words explains all the points quickly due to lack of time the employees
may not understand them properly other then time and distance
between the sender and receiver is also a barrier ..
Incomplete message - if the message is taken is very less quantity then
it is difficult to understand the inherent message and physical barriers in
communication is created.
Limited financial resources- Limited financial resources also created
barrier in flow of message in communication process . it is not possible
to get all the written material at the communication centre due to
financial constraints.

1. semantic barriers- all the medium of communication , language is the

most powerfull. Its careless use creates communication barriers the
barriers occur due to differences in individual interpretation of words
and symbol differents people may derive different meaning frome the
same words or symbols. The main semantic barriers are –
. use of multiple meaning of words -- Mostly communication takes place
through words whether written different or spoken . It is very easy that the
receiver gets different meaning of a word than what the sender intention
was . This creats miscommunication.
.. language barriers – sometime the language of yhe sender and the receiver
of message is different both cannot communicate with each other
.. use of idioms and phrases – sometime , to make the message more
interesting the sender usesn idioms and phrases. If the receiver is unable to
understand their meaning then the communication barrier is created .
Un clearified assumptions -- the sender sometime assume that the receiver
ia aware of the message background while the receiver does not know it.

2. Organizational barriers -- Organizational barriers in the communication are

these barriers which are born out of faculty Organizational structure ,due to
faculty rules and policies or due to lack of communication facilities at the
organizational level.
The main organizational barriers are follow ---
..Complicated organizationl structure – more the number of level of
management large span of control ,confusing relations b/w line and staff
organization etc . creates distance between the sender and receiver of the
message .
..selection of wrong medium – wrong choicer of medium for communication
creates barriers . if the marketing officer has to send a report on demand then
telephone or any other oral medium will be unsuitable ..
..organization rules and policies – strong discipline ,policies and rule can create
barriers in commmu.. if there is a policy of written comm.. then immediate
work is delayed due to the policy.
..lack of comm.. devices and materials –if there is a lack of coomm.. devices in
organi.. like telephone , computer etc. and material like stationary then this is
a big barrier in comm..
3. Socio-psychological or personal barrier—actually effective comm.. takes
place only when sender and receiver have a favourable mindset toward
each other because the source and destination of message is brain . but
the mind is also related to knowledge , experience ,feelings,viewpoint,
behaviour ,trust etc.when the mindset of sender and receiver are not
favourable then barrier are created in comm.. b/w the two ..
.. behaviour and attitude --- behaviour and attitude are big barriers in
effective comm… every person have different behave.. and atti.. if the
receiver of the message has similar beh.. and atti.. to that of the sender
then the response will be positive ..
.. emotion—if the sender is anger ,tense, or excited , he will not able to
send the message properly similary if the receiver his mood is not normal
he will not able to take the message properly..
.. closed mind – a person who worked with a closed mind is veru difficult to
communicate with such person can never think any other person can also
give a good idea..
..information overload – overload occurs when individuals receive more
information than they are capable of processing. the result could be
confusion in processing of infor.. are some important infor..may be laid
aside for the purpose of convenience ..
..self interest—if some idea is not in favour of the employees, then they will
not accept it whole heartedly or will not accept it at all.therefore the
resistance to change among employees is also a comm.. barrier.
5.other barrier
1. lack of mutual trust between sender and receiver.
2.the social and cultural differences can adversely affect the
communication effectiveness .
3. computer network has become an important tool of commun.., but it is
not so easy for everyone to operate.
Principle // ten commandes of comm..

Organizational development specialists suggested various strategices

and factice for smooth and better communication some of the
important strategies are given as under..
1.objectivity-- Objectivity in communication refers to the practice of
conveying information, opinions, or ideas without bias or personal influence. It
involves presenting facts, observations, and interpretations in a neutral and
impartial manner, allowing recipients to form their own opinions based on the
information provided.
2.fedback—feedback should be used carefully in planning and executing
comm.. comm.. is complete only when the receiver understand the message
and the sender comes to know that his message has been understood .
3. clearity—the process of com.. begins with the generation of thought in the
mind of the sender ,just as clear photograph cannot be obtained from a
blurred negative , a clear message cannot be sent from an unclear idea . once
the idea ia clear in the sender’s mind ,it must be expressed in clear and simple
language .
4. elimination of noise –noise is the greatest barriers to comm.. every possible
effort must be made to eliminate noise caused by machines, equipement,
comm.. devices, disturbance in the transmission line etc.
5.completeness—every comm.. must be complete and adequate . incomplete
message keep the receiver guessing , create misunderstanding and delay
actions every person should ,be provided with all the required facts and figure .
6.concisenses – brevity is the soul of good comm.. therefore we should use
only relevant in our message. Brevity saves the time of both the sender and
the receiver of the message .organise your message well by using simple words
and short sentences.
7. correctness—if the employees forward incorrect information to managers ,
decisions based on such infor.. may be wrong .similary transmission of
incorrect to outside may spoil relations and reputation
8. consideration—in order to communicate effectively think and look from the
receiver’s angle . the sender should adopt a human approach and understand
the emotion and sentiments of the receiver
9. attentiveness-- while sending and receving a message you must pay full
attention .while transmitting information ,attention is necessary to ensure that
all the relevant details are include in correct and clear manner.
10.courtesy—courtesy means a friendly and helpful behaviour towards others.
Polite manners facilities comm.. politeness begets politeness and encourage
participative commm..


Hearing is the physiological process .
• It is an ability and it is primary and also continuous.
• It is a passive and involuntary process that occurs automatically when
sound waves reach the ear and are transmitted to the brain for
• Hearing simply involves the reception of auditory stimuli.
Listening, is the psychological process.
• It is a skill and it is secondary and also temporary in nature.
• It involves interpretation of the message received by ears.
• Listening involves not only receiving auditory input but also paying
attention, interpreting, and making sense of the information being
• It requires focus, concentration, and mental engagement.
• Effective listening involves not only understanding the words being
spoken but also grasping the underlying meaning, intent, and context.

Write the listening process

The listening process involves several stages that individuals typically go
through when they engage in active listening. These stages provide a
framework for understanding how information is received, processed, and
interpreted during communication. The listening process can be summarized
as follows:
1.RECEIVING--The first stage involves receiving auditory stimuli through the
ears. This is the basic act of hearing sounds or spoken words.
2. Understanding--Once the information is received, the listener attempts to
comprehend the meaning of the message. This stage involves processing the
words, interpreting their significance, and grasping the intended message.
3. Remembering-- After understanding the message, the listener may store the
information in memory for future reference. This stage involves retaining and
recalling the key points or details of the communication.
4. Evaluating--During this stage, the listener critically evaluates the message by
assessing its relevance, credibility, and significance. This may involve
comparing the information to existing knowledge or beliefs and making
judgments about its validity or reliability.
5.Responding--The final stage involves responding to the message in some
way. This can take various forms, such as asking questions, providing feedback,
expressing agreement or disagreement, or taking action based on the
information received.

Difference between verbal and non verbal.

Verbal communication involves the use of words, spoken or written,
to convey messages, ideas, thoughts, or information. It includes
language, grammar, vocabulary, tone, and clarity of expression.
Verbal communication can occur face-to-face, over the phone,
through video calls, or in written form such as emails, letters, or

Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, encompasses all

forms of communication that do not involve words. It includes body
language, facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice, eye
contact, touch, space, and even silence. Nonverbal cues often
complement verbal messages, adding nuances and depth to
communication. They can convey emotions, attitudes, intentions,
and relational dynamics.

While verbal communication primarily relies on language, nonverbal

communication is more about the expression and interpretation of
non-linguistic cues. Both verbal and nonverbal communication are
crucial in interpersonal interactions, as they work together to convey
meaning and facilitate understanding.
Effective and ineffective communication
Effective communication refers to the exchange of information in a way that is
clear, concise, and easily understood by all parties involved. Effective
communication fosters mutual understanding, minimizes misunderstandings,
and enables the conveyance of messages accurately. Some characteristics of
effective communication include:
1.Clarity: Messages are expressed clearly and without ambiguity.
2.Active Listening: All parties involved actively listen to one another, seeking to
understand before responding.
3.Empathy: Communicators consider the perspective and feelings of the other
party, fostering empathy and connection.
4.Feedback: Feedback is provided and received constructively, promoting
mutual understanding and adjustment.
5.Adaptability: Communicators are flexible and adapt their communication
style to suit the needs and preferences of the audience.
6.Respect: Communication is conducted with respect for others' viewpoints,
feelings, and boundaries.
….Ineffective communication, on the other hand, fails to achieve its intended
purpose and may result in confusion, conflict, or misunderstanding. Some
characteristics of ineffective communication include:
1.Ambiguity: Messages are unclear or ambiguous, leading to confusion or
2.Lack of Listening: Communication is one-sided, with little emphasis on active
listening or understanding.
3.Poor Feedback: Feedback is absent or provided in a non-constructive
manner, hindering mutual understanding.
4.Rigidity: Communicators are inflexible and unwilling to adapt their
communication style to accommodate others' needs.
5.Distractions: External distractions or internal biases interfere with the
communication process, leading to miscommunication.
6.Disrespect: Communication is conducted in a disrespectful or hostile
manner, damaging relationships and trust.
Agenda minutes notice
Agenda – agenda is a document that outline the contents of a forth
coming meeting .it is usually sent alone with the notice of the
meeting .sometimes the agenda is prepaid after circulation of the
notice in order to enable the members to get include in the agenda
any items or content that they would like to be discussed at the
Minutes—minutes are official report of the preceeding of the
meeting . all organization, whether commercial or social, attach
great importance to maintaing a proper report of the business
transcated at various meeting. Meeting minutes are a formal record
of the discussions, decisions, and actions taken during a meeting.
They serve as a historical document and reference for participants
and stakeholders to review what transpired during t he meeting and
to ensure accountability for any decisions or action items.
Type of minutes
Minutes are two type
1. Minutes of resolutions:-- in this type of minutes only the
resolution passed at a meeting or recorded and no
reference is made to any discussion proceeding the
resolution .no mention is made even of the mover of the
2. Minutes of narration—minutes of narration are some
what similar to a report here, to addition to the
resolution past, a brief account of the discussion and the
voting pattern is also included the usual practice is to
write minutes of resolution.

Sample 2.A notice urging the staff member to become

active participate in reducing global warming level
Shriram Research.
Palma New Delhi

20 th Sept. 2023
Reduce global warming
Are we on the Small efforts verge of destruction & your cam
global warming!! save the earth from
1.Plant a tree wherever you find some space .
2.Adopt a growing tree and take care it to save it.
3.Recycle water for, ordinary use in the house.
4. Harvest rain water. Install solar water heater, and lighting system.
5.use compact flour cent lamp (CFL)・it will reduce electricity bill.
7.use Carpools, save oil, reduce pollution level .
8.switch over to clear fuel like (CNG)
9.Say no to use polythene and plastic bag.
10.use jute and cloth bags in ted of plastic bag .
11. Don't burn bio degradable product. Make comp osed
Your motto
Reduce--- Reuse--- Recycle

Prem kumar
general, manager

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