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MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY ‘OFFICE. OF THE REGISTRAR (ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFF Ks [NOTICE FOR MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY 87! GRADUATION CEREMONY Machakos Univesity hereby announces the 8 Graduation Ceremony to be tie on Friday 3 ‘May, 2024 at 8.00 au. a the Machakos University Sports Ground, All candilates who have jualied for the award of various Cetiicates, Diplomas and conferment of Degrees ding the Yon2/2028 and earlier aca year are invited to atiend, [EXAMINATION RESULTS ‘The rests of Examinations taken in the 2022/2023 Academic Year are available from the dices of the vespective Deans of Schools and University students’ portal. All students who ‘Completed their Programmes in 2022/2023 Academic Year are advised t confirm inclusion of theit names in the Graduation list with thee respective Schools. APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION & CONFIRMATION OF NAMES “The provisional list of Gradhuands is available on the website www.mkswac-ke, Graduands are ‘ejulted to apply for the st Graduation and the application forms are svalable at the University website for Graduands to dowload, fll and submit to the Register (ASA) vi the Tink provided on the application form before Friday 12% April, 2024. A copy of the KCSE ‘erlficae/esul lip should be atached to the application form for confiemation ofthe correct Set of names to Be printed on their certifieales. No additional names shall be introduced tinless aecompanied by a sworn affidavit, ‘TVET GRADUANDS, TVET grasuands wishing to participate in the graduation ceremony are advised t0 pay the ‘eaduation fees of Kes, 3,000 and apply for graduation using the preseribed graduation plication form available on the website and submit the filled form online tothe Office of the evateae ASA using the link provided on the form. Only TVET graduands who have applied foe gtadation will be included in the graduation list and subsequently participate in the _gtaduation ceremony. (CLEARANCE. Geadtuands are advised to initiate online clearance through their student 2ortal, However, [TVET graduanch should not itliate the online clearance as they had cleared asing the manual ‘clearance form. Graduands are expected to have cleared any outstanding fee balances by Tiday 12% April, 2024, Those who will not have cleared fees by the stated date willbe excluded from the Graduation is. [GRADUATION FEES, ACADEMIC DRESS & ALUMNITEES ‘mandatory non-refundable Graduation fee as stated below must be paid not ater than Friday 12% April, 2024. AWARD AMOUNT ThD. Kes. 7000 “Masters/ Postgraduate diploma es. 6,000 drgraduate;Degree/Diplona/CeiieaieCnternal | Kes. 4,500 pn eee [F510 a Graduation fees should be paid through e-citizen poral, two methods by wich fees maybe pid areas follows { Jiange App Option 1. Download Junge App from Play tore o Apple store 2. Login/Register to “Junge” Follow the prompis and Register with you: email address and Students Admission Number 53. Choose you payment method. (M-FESA or Bank Account) (0) Sten’ portal 1. Log into your students portal 2, select fees item on the dashboard, 8 Ope the fee pay link register on Junge platform and pay fees asp No.S above, (COLLECTION AND RETURN OF ACADEMIC DRESS. Graduation gowns will be available for collection upon presentation of the Crisinal National entiy cara,”Gowms will be collected from respective schools and the Directorate of TVET Sarting from Monday 29! April, 17 May, 2024. Talure to return per day, [REHEARSAL !2024 to Wednesday 1® May, 2024 and relured by Friday the gown by the sated date will attract a penalty of Ksh.500 Ret GAudnds are expected to attend the rehearsal on Thursday 2! May, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. ft the University Sports Ground in full academic ate, INVITATION CARDS Tavitaion cards will be e-mailed to all graduands to print together with car stickers. Fach ‘Rhu! wl be expected fo print only one car ticket and thee invitation cad, one for Fraeatnes and to for their guests, Only persons with invitation cards wil be allowed into the University Sports Ground. PUNCTUALITY rama an their guess are required tobe seated by 8.00 a.m, Those who will Be late will hot be allowed into the University For furter information, please contact the Resi ‘Telephone0734684737 e-mail: reginrar-asa@@mkst PY PROF. EZRA 0. OKEN REGISTRAR (ACADEMI © ~ 1. Viee Chancellor 2, DVC-ASA 4.DVCRIL = 5.CRO Spots Ground (Academie and Student Affairs) om: ScFranos Onn 3, DVC-APF 6, Deans of Schools

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