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Tugas 2.

Mata Kuliah Material Teknik

*Kerjakanlah Soal-soal berikut dengan benar, bacalah dengan teliti dan fahami.
*Pilihlah 1 jawaban tidak lebih.
*Batas akhir pengerjaan 16 April 2024, 20.00 wib
*kirimlah jawaban beserta soalnya ke Alamat email :
*Format subject email : Tugas 2. Tulislah Nama lengkap, Nim mahasiswa, kelasnya di
lembar ini serta jawaban yang benar.
Nama : Fhaqih Ardiansyah

NIM : 092023090139

Kelas : Teknik Industri

Tugas : Tugas 2 Material Teknik

1. What is the main purpose of forming and shaping metals in the manufacturing process?
A. To create the final product shape
B. To reduce the strength of the metal
C. To speed up production
D. To increase impurities in the metal

2. Which industry heavily relies on metals manufacturing for producing components?

A. Hospitality
B. Agriculture
C. Fashion
D. Automotive

3. What method is used to create complex shapes by forcing metal through a die?
A. Rolling
B. Forging
C. Casting
D. Extrusion

4. What is the purpose of quality control in metals manufacturing?

A. To increase production costs
B. To ensure the final product meets specifications
C. To reduce the quality of the final product
D. To speed up the manufacturing process

5. Why is finishing important in metals manufacturing?

A. To speed up the manufacturing process
B. To improve the aesthetic appeal
C. To reduce the appearance of the metal product
D. To decrease the mechanical properties of the metal

6. Which method involves shaping the metal by applying pressure and heat?
A. Casting
B. Forging
C. Rolling
D. Extrusion

7. Which process involves heating the raw materials to high temperatures to separate the
metal from impurities?
A. Rolling
B. Smelting
C. Forging
D. Casting

8. Which process is used to improve the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of
metal products?
A. Plating
B. Heat treatment
C. Coating
D. Polishing

9. Which method involves pouring molten metal into a mold to create a specific shape?
A. Extrusion
Tugas 2. Mata Kuliah Material Teknik
*Kerjakanlah Soal-soal berikut dengan benar, bacalah dengan teliti dan fahami.
*Pilihlah 1 jawaban tidak lebih.
*Batas akhir pengerjaan 16 April 2024, 20.00 wib
*kirimlah jawaban beserta soalnya ke Alamat email :
*Format subject email : Tugas 2. Tulislah Nama lengkap, Nim mahasiswa, kelasnya di
lembar ini serta jawaban yang benar.
B. Casting
C. Forging
D. Rolling

10. What is the final step in metals manufacturing before the product is ready for use?
A. Smelting
B. Refining
C. Quality control
D. Finishing and surface treatment

11. How does metals manufacturing impact the construction industry?

A. It only affects the automotive industry
B. It provides materials for building structures
C. It has no impact on construction
D. It increases production costs for construction companies

12. What role does quality control play in metals manufacturing?

A. To reduce the strength of the metal
B. To increase impurities in the metal
C. To ensure the final product meets standards
D. To skip the refining process

13. How does metals manufacturing impact the aerospace industry?

A. It has no impact on aerospace
B. It provides materials for aircraft construction
C. It only affects the automotive industry
D. It increases production costs for aerospace companies

14. How does metals manufacturing impact the electronics industry?

A. It has no impact on electronics
B. It provides materials for electronic devices
C. It increases production costs for electronics companies
D. It only affects the automotive industry

15. What is the primary goal of quality control in metals manufacturing?

A. To ensure the final product meets standards
B. To skip the refining process
C. To increase impurities in the metal
D. To reduce the strength of the metal

16. What is the first step in metals manufacturing?

A. Forming and shaping
B. Smelting and refining
C. Extraction of raw materials
D. Finishing and surface treatment

17. Why is surface treatment important in metals manufacturing?

A. To reduce the appearance of the metal product
B. To decrease the mechanical properties of the metal
C. To speed up the manufacturing process
D. To improve corrosion resistance

18. What is the purpose of smelting in metals manufacturing?

A. To reduce the strength of the metal

B. To remove impurities from the metal

C. To speed up production
D. To add impurities to the metal
Tugas 2. Mata Kuliah Material Teknik
*Kerjakanlah Soal-soal berikut dengan benar, bacalah dengan teliti dan fahami.
*Pilihlah 1 jawaban tidak lebih.
*Batas akhir pengerjaan 16 April 2024, 20.00 wib
*kirimlah jawaban beserta soalnya ke Alamat email :
*Format subject email : Tugas 2. Tulislah Nama lengkap, Nim mahasiswa, kelasnya di
lembar ini serta jawaban yang benar.
19. Why is quality control important in metals manufacturing?
A. To skip the refining process
B. To add impurities to the metal
C. To ensure the final product meets specifications
D. To reduce the strength of the metal

20. What is the primary purpose of refining metals in the manufacturing process?
A. To add impurities
B. To remove impurities
C. To speed up production
D. To reduce the strength of the metal
Tugas 2. Mata Kuliah Material Teknik
*Kerjakanlah Soal-soal berikut dengan benar, bacalah dengan teliti dan fahami.
*Pilihlah 1 jawaban tidak lebih.
*Batas akhir pengerjaan 16 April 2024, 20.00 wib
*kirimlah jawaban beserta soalnya ke Alamat email :
*Format subject email : Tugas 2. Tulislah Nama lengkap, Nim mahasiswa, kelasnya di
lembar ini serta jawaban yang benar.

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