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Summary Kartolo Numpak Terang Bulan

The film Kartolo Numpak Terang Bulan tells the story of Cak Kartolo's life, who runs a
boarding house for college students in Surabaya. There are four male students living in Cak
Kartolo's boarding house: Simon, Yusuf, Mat, and Boncel. Additionally, there is Jon, an
online motorcycle driver, who frequently stays at Cak Kartolo's boarding house as a
neighbor. The story begins with a portrayal of Cak Kartolo living alone in his boarding
house without a wife and children. None of the boarding house residents know anything
about Cak Kartolo's family, and questions about his family remain a mystery. One day, Cak
Kartolo falls ill, prompting his neighbors to contact his child and wife who live outside the
city. However, when Cak Kartolo's child arrives at the boarding house, it angers Cak
Kartolo, who seems to have a strong aversion to his own child, leading to confusion among
the audience about what might have happened in Cak Kartolo's family. Sari, Cak Kartolo's
daughter, is depicted as a beautiful, sweet, and sexy female college student. This causes all
the boarding house residents to fall in love with Sari. However, despite the residents'
advances, Sari shows no interest in any of them. Instead, Sari is seen to be close to Jon, her
childhood friend, which triggers the other residents who view Jon as their rival. This
jealousy causes the residents to distance themselves from Jon. Tensions escalate when Jon
and Sari go to the market together, provoking the anger of Simon, Yusuf, Mat, and Boncel.
Upon returning from the market, Jon is confronted and attacked by the four, leading to
further resentment from Jon, who feels misunderstood. One day, one of the boarding house
residents goes to a shaman to cast a spell on Sari to make her fall in love with him. This
scheme is discovered by the other residents, leading to a violent altercation among them.
The fight is eventually broken up by Jon and the shopkeeper in front of Cak Kartolo's
boarding house. Shortly after, Bendoyo, the complex security guard, arrives and reveals that
"Sarifudin toh! Pangling aku." This revelation confuses the boarding house residents as to
why a woman has a man's name. Finally, it is revealed that Sari is transgender, transitioning
from male to female. Since childhood, he has a feminine side that makes him different from
the other boys, which deeply embarrasses Cak Kartolo as a father. Consequently, Cak
Kartolo disowns Sari and her wife. Feeling ashamed and exposed at the boarding house, Sari
decides to return to her mother's home outside the city without informing the boarding house
residents or Jon. Panicked and worried about Sari, the boarding house residents and Jon go
to the terminal to find her. After encountering Sari, they try to convince her to stay, but Sari
refuses. In the end, Cak Kartolo arrives at the terminal, having reconciled with Sari and
accepting her as his daughter again. And the story ends here.

2. In Rojek's typology of celebrity, Kartolo and his friends (Cak Kartolo, Ning Tini, Cak
Supari, Ning Dewi) would be categorized as attributed celebrities. This classification is
based on the fact that their fame or recognition is assigned to them by external sources, such
as their community or neighbors, rather than being earned through personal achievements or
efforts. Cak Kartolo attains fame within his neighborhood complex primarily due to his
solitary lifestyle in the boarding house without a wife and children, and the fact that his
transgender daughter's identity is known among the neighbors. Similarly, Ning Dewi and
Cak Supari gain recognition in the complex because they operate a shop in front of Cak
Kartolo's boarding house, and they are privy to the gossip and stories circulating among the
residents, including the private
affairs of Cak Kartolo. Ning Tini's fame is attributed to her outspoken and gossipy nature, as
well as her openly expressed affection for Cak Kartolo. In summary, Kartolo and his friends
become known figures within their community through external factors and perceptions,
rather than through personal achievements or talents, thus fitting the classification of
attributed celebrities.

3. In my opinion, this occurs when Sari arrives at her father, Cak Kartolo's boarding house. All
the residents become obsessed with Sari solely because she has a very beautiful face and a
sexy body, as if Sari is someone famous. But when it is revealed that Sari is actually
transgender, they no longer become obsessed with Sari.

4. The treatment of transgender individuals in the movie reflects deep-seated prejudices and
misconceptions prevalent in many societies, including Surabaya. Throughout the film, Sari's
transgender identity is portrayed as a source of shame and embarrassment for her father, Cak
Kartolo, leading him to ultimately disown her. This reaction underscores the stigma and
discrimination often faced by transgender individuals in conservative communities, where
non-conforming gender identities are viewed as taboo or deviant. The revelation of Sari's
transgender status disrupts the residents' idolization of her, highlighting how society's
obsession with conventional beauty and norms can quickly turn to rejection and
ostracization when confronted with gender nonconformity. Ludruk, a traditional Javanese
theatrical form, often features transgender performers known as banci or waria. These
performers play exaggerated and comedic roles, contributing to the entertainment value of
ludruk performances. However, their portrayal in ludruk is often steeped in stereotypes and
caricatures, reinforcing narrow and often derogatory perceptions of transgender individuals
as objects of ridicule or amusement.

5. Local celebrities like Kartolo and his friends are unlikely to achieve transnational stardom
due to cultural barriers, limited global appeal, and the localized nature of their fame. Their
popularity is rooted in Indonesian culture and may not resonate with international audiences.
Additionally, transnational stardom requires resources and marketing strategies beyond their
reach. Despite thriving in their local media landscape, breaking into the international market
would pose significant challenges.

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