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Probability Ii- Extra

Task 6
Which is the missing adverb - certainly, probably or possibly - in each of the following
blocks of citations?
1) ial nation since the 1950s is a European - and quite a world - phenomenon. It happened because
-financing, and that the wage fund would be reduced, making the situation worse. Even if the w
nce for the PWR. But the inspectorate says it cannot reach that stage until well into next yea

2) urope’s X-ray astronomy satellite Exosat will almost be launched on an American Delta rocket
ds and this description of Watson’s incredible feats makes exciting reading. His dedication is
idised beds. The technology is available, and should be used in any new coal-burning power

3) ether, these data demonstrate that PN-II and APP are the same protein. The regulation of
he selenol group at the aminoacyl residue. SELB most functions biochemically as an alternative

4) d yesterday that Sri Lanka had nothing to hide. That indicates a change from last year, when t
ever heard of a popular tax? The American colonists took exception to Britain’s tea levy in 1
And will it lower the rate of heart disease? Almost . Will it get the credit for doing so? Th

5)oup has become extinct. Thus the dinosaurs themselves gained ascendancy in precisely this fashi
first use of controlled-release dissolving glass will be in the control of schistosomiasis
the resettling of 11/2 million people. That makes it the world’s largest resettlement scheme.

6) own mains wiring without bothering anyone. Who could object? First, the electricity supply
d malathion and malaria persists there; in India, and in Pakistan too, the same species shows
nasty prey. Aversion lasts at least eight months, and more. Nicolaus speculates that this could

Task 7
These adverbs are arranged from ‘least certain’ to ‘most certain’. Which one is in the
wrong place?

1 conceivably
2 possibly
3 perhaps/maybe
4 probably
5 hopefully
6 presumably
7 almost certainly
8 no doubt
9 definitely

Task 6
1) possibly
2) certainly
3) probably
4) certainly
5) probably
6) possibly
Task 7
4 hopefully 5 probably
Written by T. Johns. Last updated 2010, EVG

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