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Concept of Sports Mangement: Sports management is the field of business that focueses on the conduct and
organisation of sports event or tournament. In other words, it consists of adminstration, finance, law and ethics for
conducting sports event.

It considers the following parts in Sports Management: Planning, Organisation, Staffing Directing, Controlling
processes for conducting it.

The Parts of Sports Management:

1) Planning

Planning: Deciding in advance what is to be done

Planning plays a vital role in every field of life. “ Planning can be understood as the process
Of making a sequence of work for a future line of action”.

Planning in sports: It is an intellectual process of thinking in advance about setting of goals and
developing strategies which are required to attain the goal efficiently in the field of sports.

It means deciding the future course of action and developing strategies to attain the goals
efficiently in the field of sports.

Objectives of Planning: Following are the objectives of planning in sports.

1. Avoid Unnecessary pressure of last Minute hassles.

2. Increase efficiency of every activity.
3. Keep good control over all activities.
4. Facilitate proper coordination between various committees.
5. Facilitate safety and improvement in performance.
6. Increase creativity.
7. Reduce the chances of mistakes

Importance of planning
The importance of planning can be elaborated in following points:

1. Planning provides direction: Planning process provides the which is helpful in achieving the
desired target.
2. Planning reduces the risk of failure: The chances of any failure are reduced during the
3. Planning reduces wastage of time: Planning reduces the unnecessary wastage of time
during the time of event.
4. Planning promotes innovative ideas: During the planning new ideas are promoted and
5. Planning help in decision making; Planning hel Avoid Unnecessary pressure of last Minute
6. Increase efficiency of every activity.
7. Keep good control over all activities.
8. Facilitate proper coordination between various committees.
9. Facilitate safety and improvement in performance.
10. Increase creativity.
11. Reduce the chances of mistakes.
12. ps in decision making process to achieve better result.
13. Planning helps to focus on objectives: Planning process helps to focus on objectives to
achieve the main aim.
Planning in sports management is a process of thinking about and organizing the
activities required to achieve a desired goal. It is specific result that a person or
system aims to achieve within a time frame and within available resources. In sports
management; planning consists of considering the budget, approvals, type of
tournament, requirements of tournaments, available resources managing those
resources etc.

2) Organising: Organising is arranging the require resources event for smooth conduct of sports under various
heading or committees. In thus; the resources are arranged consisting of human as well as material
resources; and using them in best possible way. The organizing of sports event; the available resources and
other required things are noted or listed and then arranged as per the needs of tournament. The proper
schedule is drafted considering the resources. The prime works or duties of various committee are assigned
and concerned are informed. In other words organizing in sports event is the process of identifying and
grouping accordingly.
3) STAFFING: Staffing means the working force which is responsible for attaining the objectives of the
tournament. In sports event management, the staffing is grouping the human resources and assigning them
their duties. Staff is selected chosen or taken as per their academic qualification, experience, capability of
the person; as per activity needs etc.
4) DIRECTING: Directing is defining or explaining the duties and responsibility to the concerned saff under
various committees. In sport event management, the staff members are guided to use authority as per
guidelines/instruction under rules morecover use the available resources efficiently and effectively. The
staff is also guided to tackle aa types of situations in best possible way. Proper directing helps to conduct
sports event without hindrance while fulfilling the objectives of the tournament.
5) CONTROLLING: Controlling in sports event management fulfils the immediate requirement or need during
the progress of the tournament. Continuous evaluation and effectiveness of the tournament is done and
corrected as per needs. The staff is guided or supervised accordingly.


I) Helps of Achieve the Aim of Programme: Good management and good planning in sports helps to
achieve the aim and objectives of programme along with time and finance available for the programme.
Planning in sports event management gives direction to achieve the desired goal and targets.

ii) Ensure Success: A well planning in sports event provides good management and ensures the success of
sports programme or events, thus failure can be prevented as planning reduces the chances of mistakes.

iii) Establishing Coordination: It bring good coordination among various committees and helps to improve
the programme efficiency.

iv) Reduces Undue Pressure: Well management skills and good planning helps to reduces the undue pressure
of immediacy thus less stressful during the event or tournament.
v) Good Control: Management skills improves the organization skills; it provides good control and directions to
various committees to perform their work as team in a systematic way.

vi) Increases Efficiency: Good management and well planning improve the efficiency, thus maximum output

can be gained; moreover, it reduces the stress.

vii) Prevents Wastage: It prevents wastage of resources, moreover wastage of time can be prevented.

viii) Develops Creative Ideas: It helps to develops creative ideas, thus promotes innovation.

ix) Proper Schedule: Good management skills helps to make good schedule of the tournament, thus good
utilization of time with comfortable rest time for officials.
Various committees & Their Responsibilities ( Pre, During, Post )
Committees To Organise Sports Events
Sports event of tournaments require lot of planning and preparation. Lot of people are
involved and various committees are made so that the plans are implemented and executed

1) Tournament Director/ President/ Chairman: Incharge of over all activities.

2) Executive committee: One member from each committee to decide important matters
regarding tournament.
3) Organising committee: It includes the following:
a. Accreditation committee.
b. Finance committee.
c. Publicity committee.
d. Boarding and Lodging committee.
e. Transport committee
f. Reception committee.
g. Ceremony And Decoration committee.
h. Prizes and Certificates committee.
i. Ground and Equipment committee.
j. Refreshment committee.
k. First Aid committee.
l. Announcement committee.
m. Committee for Officials.
n. Entries and Programmes committee.

And Their Responsibilities

A) Pre Meet works: These works are done before the start of tournament and require
lot of planning in a systematic way. These works are generally performed by the physical
education teachers of an institution.
1) T0 arrange and plan the schedule of tournament and finalizing the date of
2) To make arrangements like marking of tournaments field for various tournament and
equipment required for the tournaments.
3) To plan the budget, finances and other payments etc. and their approval from the
higher authorities.
4) To form various committees and arrangement of official and briefing their duties to
various committee members.
5) To confirm the number of participants in each event.
B) During Meet Works: The success of a tournament depends upon the smooth
systematic follow up of the given schedule. These tasks are mentioned below:
1) To check all the arrangements, particularly marking of play field and equipment, etc.
2) To apply the schedule of the events as per given programme.
3) To supervise and direct various committees when in need.
4) To supervise and check the smooth functioning of officials.
5) To bring good coordination among different committees.

c) Post Meet Works: These works are performed when the scheduled progamme of
the meet ends.

1) To present medals, trophies and certificates to the position holders in prize distribution

2) To make press note and overall report of the meet and send it to the concerned ones.
3) To return the borrowed equipment and material.

4) To complete documents and release the payments of the officials and other payments.

5) To collect the records from different committees and winding up of all the thing from all

Tournament—Tournament is that series of sports competition in which a

team finally wins and the rest of the teams lose the matches. Now-a-day, tournament,
competition are held according to set rules and regulations. These are various tournaments in the
field of sports such as zonal level, district level, state level, national level & international level.

Tournament is a large contest of many rounds among various teams. We can also say that a
tournament is a competition held among various teams in a particular activity according to a fixed
schedule where a winner is decided.

Types of tournament--- There are four main types of tournaments such as:
1) Knockout or Elimination tournament
2) League or Round Robin tournament
3) Combination tournament I) Knock-out cum Knock- out
ii) League cum League
iii) Knock-out cum Knock-out
iv) League cum Knock-out
4) Challenge tournament

Importance of Tournaments: Tournaments play a very

important role in the field of sports. Players participate in tournaments with a great zeal
and zest.
The tournaments are not only significant to the players but also to the coaches and
physical education teachers.
1) Development of Sports Skills: Not only develops technical skills but
tactical skills also.
2) Help in popularization of Sports: Helpful in publicizing the sport. And
also spectators come to know about that sport.
3) Helpful in Selection of good players: Good players can be selected easily
by observing their performance.
4) Development of Unity and Peace: Help to developing national integration
as well as international unity and brotherhood.
5) Development of Social qualities: Like tolerance, sympathy,
cooperation, brotherhood and discipline etc.
6) Source of Recreation: For getting recreation, they do not hesitate to spend
money. That is why, a large number of people go to watch the Olympic game and
world cups of various games and sports.
7) Development of Ethical Value : Like honesty, fair play, respect for others etc.

KNOCK-OUT TOURNAMENT: In this type of tournament, a team which is

once defeated, automatically gets elimination from the tournament. Only the winning
teams continue in the tournament. It means that second opportunity is not given to the
defeated team
i. Single knock- out tournament: Every team losing once is eliminated.
No second chance is given. Number of matches to be played are calculated using n-1 I.e
Number of teams-1). Good team once lost cannot make a come back. It is less expensive

make a come back. It is less expensive

ii. Consolation tournament: It provides a chance to the defeated teams to

play y again and show their skill performance and win subsidiary honours. We know the fact that
in single knock- out tournament a good team may get itself eliminated by chance or by other
reason it does not have another chance to show its real worth therefore consolation tournaments.

a) Type 1: In this type of tournament all the teams that were defeated
in the first match play among themselves in the consolation tournament.
b) Type 2: In this type of tournament every loser of the regular round
are given opportunity to play in the consolation round to win the
subsidiary honour.
ii. Double knock- out tournament: This tournament is an extension of the
consolation tournament type llnd i.e the winner of the regular tournament will have to
play with consolation winner to decide the true winner.
Every team losing twice except the winner is eliminated. Every losing team
gets a second chance. Number of matches = 2( n-1). Good team once lost make
a come back. It is expensive.
Advantages of knock-out tournament:
i) There are less expensive and can be finished in less time.
ii) Standard of game improves as every team has to perform at the highest level
to remain in the competition.
iii) There is a need of less officiating staff.
Disadvantages of knock-out tournament:
i) There may be many chances of elimination of good teams in early round and
giving chances to weak teams to move ahead.
ii) Fear of defeat makes even a good team feel psychologically depressed.
iii) Interest in tournament is lost when some times good teams are elimination.

LEAGUE OR ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT: In this type of tournament, each team

plays with every other team once if it is a single league tournament. If it is a double league
tournament, each team plays with every other team twice. In these types of tournament, every
team plays with every other team without any consideration of victory or defeat.


I) plays with every other team once. The total number of matches is determined by using
the formula n(n-1) / 2 , where ‘n’ refer to the total number of teams. Single league
tournament: In this type of tournament every team
Example: If 8 team are taking part, then total number of matches to be played.
II) Double league tournament: In double league tournament every team plays with every
other team twice. The number of matches is
Determined by using the formula n( n-1), where ‘n’ refers to the total number of
Example: If 9 teams are taking part in a double league tournament, them total number
of matches to be played:
n(n-1)= 9(9-1)=9(8)=72
Advantages of League or Round Robin Tournament:

i) It decides the real strong team as winner because one team has to face all other
teams, In case one team losses by chance that team gets chance in other matches to
cover up.
ii) Greater number of matches are played by the teams.
iii) Every team gets the rank according to its ability
iv) The teams need not wait to know the winner of the round for playing a match as in
Knock-out tournament.
v) Every team get the equal chance to show their capability because they have to play
with all other teams.
vi) Audience gets a good chance to watch many matches

Disadvantages of League or Round Robin tournament

i) The tournament requires lot of time to finish and to know the winner.
ii) In this method no team is seeded or can be given any Advantage to any strong or
outstanding team .
iii) It costs more.
iv) It requires more arrangement for sport officials and teams.
v) Teams that get defeated often will lose interest in the game and that particular match
becomes boring for the participants, spectators and even for officials

How is scoring done in league matches

Scoring in league matches is done as per the details
Winner of the match -2 Points
Draw - 1 Point
Loser - 0 Point
The point are added for all the played matches. The team which scores maximum points is
declared as winner. In case of a tie, the team which defeated the other team earlier, is declared as
winner. If 3 or more teams are tied, then the position is decided by calculating goal average or run

Method for drawing fixture in League or Round Robin Tournament

i) STAIRCASE METHOD: In the method the fixture are draw in staircase form.
In this method no bye is given to any team and there is no problem of even
orodd number of teams.
Example: If 8 teams are playing, the fixture is drawn in following method:

ii) CYCLIC METHOD: In cyclic method if the number of teams is even then the
team number 1 is fixed on the top of right hand side and other teams in
ascending order consecutively downward and then upward on the left side
and rotate them clockwise. If the number of teams is odd then bye is fixed on
top right side and the rest procedure remains same. The number of rounds in
case of even number of teams will be n – 1, where n = number of teams. The
number of rounds in case of odd number of teams will be n, where n = number
of teams.

Example(a) If total number of teams = 6

Total number of matches = n (n – 1) / 2 = 6(6 – 1) /2 = 6( 5) /2 = 30/2 = 15
Number of rounds = n – 1 = 6- 1 =5

Example (b) If total number of teams = 5

Total number of matches = n( n – 1) /2 = 5 (5- 1)/2 = 5X4/2 = 20/2 =1O
Total number of rounds = n = 5

iii) Tabular method: In this method the fixtures are drawn in table form. If the
number of teams is even then n + 1 row and columns are made, where n =
number of teams.


There are some other methods which are also used to declare the winner.
1) British Method: In this method, the total points obtained are divided by the total
possible points. For example, if a team has played 10 matches in a tournament and
won 6 matches, loses 2 and 2 remain draw, the percentage of points will be:
Total points = 12 + 2 =14
Possible points = 20
Percentage of points = Total points obtained 14
----------------------------- x100 =---------100
Total possible points 20

Percentage of point = 70

2) American Method: In this method, the number of matches won are divided by the
total number of matches played. If a team plays 10 games and wins 5 games in a
tournament, them
Matches won
Percentage =-----------------------100
Matches played

Its percentage will be = ---- x 100 = 50
In this way the percentage of other teams is calculated. In this method, tie is not

COMBINATION TOURNAMENT: In this tournament we combine two fixtures

together i.e, league cum knock out and knock out cum league to declare the
true winner.


I) KNOCK OUT CUM KNOCK OUT: Total number of teams are divided in different
zones. First of all the teams of each zone play on knock out basis. In this way, a
team becomes the winner from each zone. All the winner teams again play
their matches on knock out basis. The team that wins in the final becomes the
winner of inter zonal tournament.
Rank competition, Designed to attract players who can’t commit to a regular match schedule,
ladders typically run for several month, allowing players many challenge opportunities. To make a
successful ladder, consider the participants’ skill levels, and your options in establishing
procedures and format, enforce the rules.
Advantages of ladder tournament
Competition ladder require very hand-on involvement and basically run themselves. Unlike
tournaments where administrators face match scheduling headaches, tournament expenses and
must be on site for the duration of the event, ladder participants contact each other, decide on a
day, time and place to play their match, and report the score.
ii Pyramid Tournament: This type of challenge tournament is recommended for a large
number of individuals. Players may challenge any player horizontally. Winners may challenge
opponents in the row above. A variation may be used in which winners of a challenge are placed
in the bottom row. Bottom row winners move to the second row if a vacancy exists. They
continue in this manner to move up until a winner is determined.
Challenge method: In this there are many players at same ranking. If
they have to improve their ranking; then player have to compets all
other players at the same ranking.
iii Cobweb Tournament: The cobweb or spider web tournament takes its name from
the bracket design, which is the shape of a spider’s web. The championship position is at the
centre of the web. The bracket consists of five lines drawn radically from the centre, and the
participants names are placed on concentric lines crossing these radial lines. Challenges may be
made by persons on any concentric line to any person on the next line closer to the centre. This
tournament provides more opportunity for activity. This type of tournament organization adopted
should be the one best for the group, activity, and local interests. The goal should be to have as
mush participation as possible for the facilities and time available


BYE: A team which gets a bye will not play in the first round. Bye is a privilege given to a
team generally by drawing of lots, exempting it from playing a match in the first round.

Method of deciding Bye: We check whether team participating is a power of two or not.
Such as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,128 etc. In case the is not a power of two them Bye shall be given. Eg, IF
number of teams participating are 13. Next higher power of two is 16.
Number of Bye=16-13=3 Bye
The sequence of giving byes is started, which is as follows:
i) 1st bye is given to the last team of lower half.
ii) 2nd bye is given to the 1st team of upper half
iii) 3rd bye is given to the 1st team of lower half.
iv) 4th bye is given to the last team of upper half.
v) 5th bye will be given in same order as described.

FIXTURE: It is a competition held among various teams in a particular activity according to

a fixed Date, schedule and time. The competition among teams is arranged on the basis of lots. It
is important to see the previous year’s winner and runners-up team so that they are in different
Drawing a fixure: For a certain number of teams competing, the number being the
power of two ( 2, 2x2. 2x2x2, 2x2x2x2, 2x2x2x2, 2x2x2x2x2,1.e, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 respectively), in this
case bye shall not be given, when number of team competing is not the power of two i.e, 3, 5, 6, 7,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 etc. in that case Bye shall be given to a specific number of teams in the
first round, number of byes shall be decided by subtracting the number of teams from its next
higher number, which is the power of two.
SEEDING: It is a way of spotting the teams and fitting them into fixtures in such a way that
strong teams do not meet in earlier rounds. This method is applicable only when the standard of
the teams is known to the organizers. It is recommended that byes are generally given to the
seeded teams and rest of the teams are arranged according to drawing of lottery.
Example: Draw a single knock-out fixture for 11 Teams
Seeding Teams A, B, C, D and I
Total number of teams =11 . Number of rounds = 4
Number of teams in Upper half = n + 1 / 2 = 11 + 1 /2 = 12 /2 =6
Number of teams in Lower half = n + 1 / 2 = 11 -1 /2 = 10 /2 = 5
Total number of byes = 16 – 11 = 5 BYES
Number of byes in upper half = n -1 / 2 = 5-1 /2 = 4 /2 =2 byes
Number of byes in lower half = nb+1 /2 = 5+1/2 = 6/2 = 3 byes
Number of matches =n – 1 = 11 – 1 =10

SPECAL SEEDING: This provision is meant for only 4 top ranked players and they will be
playing their first match at quarter finals stage, The byes will be given to rest of the teams or
players according to drawing of lottery
Example: If 20 players are participating in a Lawn Tennis Tournament on knock- out basis, and four

players are to be kept in special seeding, draw their fixures.


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