Monkey's Paw

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Monkey’s Paw by W.W.


Calcutta Institute of Technology

CE 3rd Year (6th Sem)



"The Monkey's Paw" is a horror short story by English author W. W. Jacobs. It first appeared in Harper's
Monthly in 1902, and was reprinted in his third collection of short stories, The Lady of the Barge, later
that year.[1] In the story, three wishes are granted to the owner of The Monkey's Paw, but the wishes
come with an enormous price for interfering with fate.

It has been adapted many times in other media, including plays, films, TV series, operas, stories and
comics, as early as 1903. It was first adapted to film in 1915 as a British silent film directed by Sidney
Northcote. The film (now lost) starred John Lawson, who also played the main character in Louis N.
Parker's 1907 stage play.


Part I: Setting the Stage

The story begins on a cold and wet night at Laburnum villa, where Mr. White and his son Herbert are
engaged in a game of chess. Mr. White, known for his risky chess moves, makes a particularly daring
move that prompts comments from his wife, Mrs. White, who is knitting by the fire. The family is
interrupted by the arrival of Sergeant-Major Morris, an old friend of Mr. White's who brings tales of his
adventures in India. During Morris's visit, the conversation turns to a mysterious monkey's paw, which is
said to have the power to grant three wishes. Morris warns of the dangers associated with the paw's
magic and reveals that he obtained it after the previous owner's final wish for death.

Part II: Temptation and Consequences

Intrigued by the possibility of making wishes with the monkey's paw, Mr. White persuades Sergeant-
Major Morris to reveal more about its history. Morris reluctantly shares the story of the paw's
enchantment by a fakir, who intended to prove that fate controls people's lives. Despite Morris's
warnings, Mr. White becomes fascinated by the idea of making wishes. After Morris leaves, the family
discusses the potential wishes they could make, with Mrs. White suggesting they wish for money to
improve their financial situation. Eventually, Mr. White wishes for £200, and immediately after making
the wish, they hear a mysterious knocking at the door, which unnerves them.

Part III: The Price of Greed

The following morning, the news arrives that Herbert has died in a tragic accident at work. The Whites
are devastated by their loss, and Mrs. White becomes obsessed with the idea of using the monkey's paw
to bring Herbert back to life. Despite Mr. White's reservations, she convinces him to make the wish. As
they hear knocking at the door again, Mr. White frantically searches for the monkey's paw and makes
the final wish for Herbert to be alive again. However, before the wish is fully granted, Mr. White wishes
for the knocking to stop, resulting in a sudden silence. The story ends with Mrs. White trying to open the
door to let Herbert in, while Mr. White, realizing the potential consequences of their actions, makes his
final wish for everything to return to normal.

Throughout the story, themes of fate, greed, and the consequences of meddling with the unknown are
explored in depth. The tale serves as a cautionary warning about the dangers of unchecked desires and
the unpredictable nature of fate.

Sample NCQs with answers:

1. Where does the story take place?

A) Laburnum villa

B) Maw and Meggins

C) London

D) An Indian temple

2. Who are playing chess at the beginning of the story?

A) Mr. and Mrs. White

B) Mr. White and his son Herbert

C) Mr. White and an old lady

D) Mr. and Mrs. Smith

3. How does Herbert White die?

A) He is killed in a car accident.

B) He is caught in machinery.

C) He drowns in a river.

D) He dies of an illness.

4. Who is Sergeant-Major Morris?

A) A retired military officer

B) A mysterious stranger

C) A neighbor

D) A relative of the Whites

5. What does Sergeant-Major Morris bring with him?

A) A magic lamp

B) A monkey's paw

C) A talisman

D) A treasure map

6. What does the monkey's paw supposedly grant?

A) Three wishes

B) Unlimited wealth

C) Eternal life
D) Magical powers

7. How many wishes does Mr. White make with the monkey's paw?

A) One

B) Two

C) Three

D) Four

8. What happens after Mr. White makes his second wish?

A) His son returns to life.

B) Nothing happens.

C) A mysterious figure appears at the door.

D) The monkey's paw disappears.

9. What does Mrs. White want to wish for after Herbert's death?

A) Wealth

B) Health

C) Her son to be alive again

D) Eternal happiness

10. What is Mr. White's initial reaction to his wife's wish?

A) He immediately makes the wish.

B) He hesitates and is unsure.

C) He becomes angry and refuses.

D) He laughs it off as foolishness.

11. What happens when Mrs. White opens the door after hearing knocking?

A) Herbert returns home.

B) The monkey's paw is found.

C) A cold wind rushes in.

D) The street lamp goes out.

12. What does Mr. White wish for as he frantically searches for the monkey's paw?

A) For wealth

B) For his son to be alive again

C) For the knocking to stop

D) For the street lamp to stay lit

13. How does the story end?

A) Herbert returns, but as a ghostly figure.

B) Mrs. White's third wish is granted.

C) Mr. White makes a final wish for peace.

D) The knocking stops, and the street is quiet.

14. What is the main theme of "The Monkey's Paw"?

A) The dangers of greed and selfishness

B) The power of love and family bonds

C) The inevitability of fate and destiny

D) The importance of friendship and loyalty

15. What is the significance of the monkey's paw falling to the floor at the end of the story?

A) It represents the end of magic in the world.

B) It symbolizes the loss of hope for the characters.

C) It signifies the fulfillment of the third wish.

D) It suggests that the curse of the paw is broken.


1. A) Laburnum villa

2. B) Mr. White and his son Herbert

3. B) He is caught in machinery.

4. A) A retired military officer

5. B) A monkey's paw

6. A) Three wishes

7. C) Three

8. B) Nothing happens.

9. C) Her son to be alive again

10. B) He hesitates and is unsure.

11. C) A cold wind rushes in.

12. B) For his son to be alive again

13. B) Mrs. White's third wish is granted.

14. A) The dangers of greed and selfishness

15. C) It signifies the fulfillment of the third wish.

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