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Unit 9: Holidays and Travel

Part 2: Describe a friend that you like spending time with.

Today I’d like to share with you about a friend with whom I
enjoy spending time. And that would be Almond - her
Vietnamese name is Nam, who is not only my best friend but
also the one who has a significant impact on me. Uhm, I usually
call her “Nấm” and she is a girl, not a boy. I explain that
because when someone hears her name, they are very surprised
why a girl has a name the same as a boy. But from my point of
view, her name is nice- Phạm Phương Nam. I believe I should
talk about how we got to know each other. Uhm yes, we were
classmates in grade 2 and at that moment, I also never knew
about her presence. We also had a rather big argument in grade
3 and by the way, when we were in grade 4, we turned out to be
really close-knit. Honestly speaking, when grade 5 ended, we
had different directions. She studied in Nguyen Khuyen Middle
and High School. About me, I studied at Le Thi Trung
Secondary School. However, I have never forgotten together.
We still chat and call every day and on Sunday every week, we
meet in the church because we are Catholic. About her
personality, the way I see she is empathetic and always listens to
problems. She is also very knowledgeable about a wide range of
topics and tends to live loyal. The reason why I like spending
time with Almond is because she is not only my best friend, but
she is also someone who understands me and accepts me for
who I am. I feel comfortable being myself around her and I
know that our friendship will last a lifetime.

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