2024-04-29 - 6b Class Timetable

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Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a young girl named Emily.

had long, flowing hair and big, curious eyes. Emily lived in a small cottage on the
edge of the enchanted forest. Every day, she would wander into the woods, exploring
the mysteries that lay within.

One sunny morning, as Emily was walking through the forest, she stumbled upon a
hidden pathway. Curiosity getting the best of her, she decided to follow it. The
path twisted and turned, leading her deeper and deeper into the heart of the

After what seemed like hours of walking, Emily emerged into a clearing. In the
center of the clearing stood a magnificent castle, its towers reaching up towards
the sky. Emily couldn't believe her eyes. She had never seen anything so beautiful
in all her life.

As she approached the castle, Emily noticed a small, wooden door tucked away in the
corner. Without hesitation, she pushed it open and stepped inside. What she found
took her breath away. The inside of the castle was even more beautiful than the
outside. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

Emily explored every inch of the castle, marveling at its grandeur. But as the sun
began to set, she realized that she needed to find her way home. With a heavy
heart, she said goodbye to the castle and started back towards the hidden pathway.

As she walked, Emily couldn't stop thinking about the castle and the magical world
she had discovered. She knew that she would never forget her adventure in the
enchanted forest.

When Emily finally arrived back at her cottage, she found her parents waiting for
her. They had been worried sick about her and were overjoyed to see her safe and
sound. Emily hugged them tightly and promised to never wander into the forest alone

From that day on, Emily never forgot her adventure in the enchanted forest. She
would often sit by her window, gazing out at the trees and dreaming of the magical
world that lay just beyond.

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