Logbook Sample

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Project Logbook No 1

Name: Abdel Rahman Student ID: ST1550

Project Title: Assessing CSR Ooredoo

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved

The manager discussed the scope of the project, deliverables, time frame of the project

Any risks and/or issues identified?

The budget may not be suffiencet

Project Logbook No 2

Name:What haveRahman
Abdel I learnt about myself this week? Student ID: ST1550
I learned how to negotiate the budget and the time frame of the project

Project Title: Assessing CSR Ooredoo

Date: 11/4/2024
What have I learnt about myself this week?
I learned to manage the resource well and the communications within the shtakehoers.

Tasks planned for next week

Creation of the schedule for the tasks among the team.

Project plan status to date

(on, ahead, behind) ON

Supervisor comments to address

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