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Capstone Update #3

What I have accomplished so far

So far, I have accomplished setting up my main page on Instagram so that the videos can start coming
through. I have filmed a lot of content with them only needing to be edited and posted. As of now, the
page has only hit around 53 followers, but when I post more content, I am sure that the numbers will go
up. I have had valuable feedback from my peers and even coaches about my introductory video which
has people calling me “Coach JB” rather than just saying John.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week, I plan to finish the first set of beginner videos which include “triple threat,”
“forming a shooting position,” and “simple handling workout.” Then finish my emails so they can finally
be sent out to my mentors, which I can get assistance and guidance around video making and what drills
I should do in the future.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I need to be able to find time as my schedule has been packing up with other subjects, my only worry is
the weather, I need pleasant weather. As much as I want to film indoors, I want to keep shooting
outdoors to show that you can do the fundamentals from the comfort of your driveway.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

The biggest challenge I had to face was after filming for around 2-3 hours, my footage blacked out to the
point where it is unusable. It killed my motivation, but I remembered my goal, so I pushed forward to re-
record those videos. I got my words out better in a more concise manner compared to the first place.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

Instagram Main Page
My Goal Post
First video (I’m not sure how to add)
About me Post

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