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Indira Gandhi National Open University fee ehh arts as PeprerTere \jignou ¢) ones UNIVERSITY Program Title: Course Code: .. MLS. ESF. Course Title: Assignment No: Study Centre Cor Phone No. Email ID: .. Date’... Signature: ... ASSIGNMENT Course Code Course Title Business Communication Assignment Code: MMPC-007/TMA/JULY/2023 Coverage 1AM Blocks Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the Coordinator of your study centre. st date of submission for July 2023 session is 31*' October, 2023 and for January 2024 session is 30" April 2024. Why is it important to use a proper language in communication? Discuss giving amples, 2. What are the different zones of communication in Proxemics? Explain. Be Hist the features of a good application letter. Prepare an application letter for applying for job in a multinational organization. _B- Discuss different characteristics of @ good report. 5. What is the role of values in communication? Explain with the help of examples. Blues Why is it important te vse _a_proper loorguoge, income: — _unieation 2 Pisuss giving —exarnple? ————— me ef —tre_voy baie. chimersians ef. — ef fecbie _cesmimmunieation” ; ig the __knawledye — arel one f pepe lexguage fox 2—speuipe— | ___ punpose._ Just 03 “cormunication 1, —atonys—_purpo dvs, Langue ie_alce — prsoposive. “these fore sie hawe_de ‘chucky the aveladica——| acl te _puspose ef ids use. ‘The_poumpose — between —languarye— canbe to _iefoxm, deposed, to creade ox tn argue | - _ - Wen ee laequage bey Gombsini geome {them _ppussposer=—— oe oh infor ca wwe as a . | Andee —Propea— “language in —tommunication —b2_estent fox Several nenscns-f- : “parnrauwic ates —elevaly and —acuunat ely, —eininainig ox _misiexpretaKeat,— tshen languoge. ep — roi den standings — ige aya —+ is ,_esvveck, Pere ia less. ~ @, — duel —eseddoility , seflecting poshiveby an the earomunicedot ard 5 the ergant sation they xepuesent, Wnether Us): a fseenalprreseria— alin, a weport, or a customer interaction , using —prefessiersl._—_§. —larqnaze demonstrates _yeapect for ‘re aucliene ond enhances the communicators —_-repubation. for insharte , in Cush men service —_ interaction , using polte ond respectful _longuege tom hefp— build _- trust end -yoppovt with caterers, beading —do- better .ctispatin acl’ loyally, —— - <—! 2: Respect + _Propeh. language dhe sespect fox the —aueliente —_ by —ackntuladging their —_intelliqente, Hime, tard cubdref — __ ______gensidiv dh ing —appropizata language demenstaetsstonsidate—_ ation fax te _prePrence and communication styles _sfahens, ____ fastening postive _selahionshlps ancl caudd candles stasclirg ie, Aimal cligats eo ee erample,irhon —communisating with _jnfennab ___ ecenques, using — cleod acl _x2spectful ~6 | faltuell diftexsntes and. foctlilates eff esive edaboratian. | 4. "Lfbuence Proper —baguage can i pltence che pexcepéias _ a attiioles, gach behowiast ane pessuadin , convincing _ oa nailing using—ef fctively cam tesprne. action — oe enqchaede Cad aehiene dese aubcme, Doth — | for instanee using —patsuasire —languisg 2 Jn edvendi seeneads | pte ___pramationad _materiols cen mplucnce Arsumers puachssing —_ decks anol __daive__cales = Salegal amt evnieal toasidorefenne Pooper language ae —tompliante uith leqak Grd ethital stordards: Govewing Comminicadien —., especially in sensidlve or -regubted —indusdoiex such as ——_-heetheare y finance ,.or legal seater. Uring aceurede. and appro — ——_pricte language helps avoid (egat abies, sais repuesentotion +-er__ bereaches af. fidenhally, For cxenple, la _medteot_ documentation ov legal conteack, precire ond unembigucs — —lenguage is ewictal «for ensuring comptionce _wslh _xepu ladery — —~Yequizements _anel__proteving- vigghts ef all_powtiea Joxalvect a urnMmany tsi ng. _pvepe_languia se je__ceromuntcation —_____vitel _fox_achieving clarity, _profemiealisen , sespecd,-inftienta— ard com ince with legef ond ethical stardards whether sl polsea_comeunitedio,eraploying correct: | grammy, Nw orebutery rer ars uette_enhonces the —effechvenes — airol_imtpack The. mesgase b ashing Po hotter pudianm Doz, lithafare__the__diP forest -zones _o| wiicadien jn = Beonemies 7 Explata I They, Frosemiae, a tancapad —Irtrocbveed the study of bow _penple psrecieve ork use space—in—_commuunicaliea, ecewling to Hall's Hoan, = \ _ —. Proxemicsclfvides the spate around individuals into _cliffereore — cach with its oun characteristics and implication fox —daterpevsonal —demmunication, The four — prima Zones 4 — gommuneation 1h =e one 4 Intimate Zone! “the inimabe gon the clasea pasioesl spate —surrrcunding ovr Individual, typically i aaa 138_inches_(9 40 UC cenkimedens) fynen the body. Family members, cromantie Pavtnen, ox tnisted Piiends. tt Carmunication Wm. tthe Wwhenate zone often fvolves — a eae all a epi gt eR + Buding sarrenne’ S_intimede. vane -without pevmicsien ean be pen cejvedl oa intrusive or alls comfasting, | 2 Pexsonel Zone b he — || tthe pease rie imacely 1 jaches to 4 feet (U6 conti meter (a_mebers) aucay from the tani ie Thie_yene_js_seenmabaly used foe inferat fon lll — eee sail, collen ques, er _caauol felenda, A Convers Zone loth the _perseraf Zone ofa jnctvidich +2 maindain a _Camebatable level of physic? conc) pryc halgice —disdance—_whik edi. engaging in rmeanirafuf _crmenunteadion. 1 Lntrudirg indo temeone’s gersonal core without Invitation. may cance alls comfort or: crecde tension _In_ he Interaction. Be Social Zone! is 4 the social scone encom SP approri mast 4_ds 12. feet owoy fiver the body TIS nee suldebh fox indenecbere_in_enclof settings, suchas partion, meetings er _gacthenings ________ | Pubhe Zonet 4 he public _zome_¢ktonde beyand. > feet fron ro | body eure! encom 7 i vison mesif: A This zone Jaws interned = . - s such 49 lechises , porformanet, ox exwded event, ___— ——= ¥ Communication in he public zane often invokes addr — farze audiences or engaging in Non 1 peusnal Inferaedens. —_ _ A he publi wore Alien individual 42 mojnlale 2 sense ef _anonyraidy and spate! aoa while _paxticipahing ba wtollecHve activities, = — Blagg, 2. List -the— fleatuses off 4 _ god —applizabion fetter. Prepare an —— opin leben far_oplhing fr Seb_in—a—mulnbinad — prganicakten, Be eatin afd good appl bton_lettor + | _ |_Concisenen; ‘The letter. should be clear _ancl_to the paint SS ee ea Se eae uneecestely | | a. Parconalixationt Adobe the [eter do thes ranean. oy seeruiten uheneven_pacsible , anasthen Hon using 0 generic. || golatobion |S. Tilledag 1 Gustorize fhe —letlen f2 patch tre vequivemecds — I band sthe _sompams, demonstrating a _gxntsne, ndereat i He __posidian. —u. Profeaional tone: Mainlan a formmal_and profersional_tone — ee fendet the letier avoiding Slang o¢ casual language, Ss. Mig hight ndliadoment=:1 Shaveave eleven _asenplishments and obells that make you strong eandidlate fav the positiea— a. Specificity: Prod specific. examples or aneclatea te illactate — =" gel fable al pee __# “Cloatty ! tas a and _exsnics faaguay to_ommvey ya, qualifications and intentions eMpectively. g. Conseet grammar and spelling | Prooficad the letien carefllty do engune Sfhose a raahicsl earorh of typoes, 9. Col) to acdion | tontlude vre letter swith a call ¢ action, expsening Year intencad- af then. cliscusing aud qualified a an _Intenviess. p *e . 4 _KHALIQUR RAH MeN | BapaRPug peLkieyy DuRof @ Garat Cor) | 7S #4 3626 ‘ — HIRING MANAGER'S Name — Company Nrime patel = = —_——.. APpRest — = ; DE HIRING managers Name _ ee Lom wilting te_expres_my intezeit_in’ dre (SOR TIE, )_posidien _- -_ at (omPaniy Nave) as advertised eo Linkepin. bith. = —-beckiourd inthe industry and a pasion forte position _- and _0 passion flow dte gob, 1 am ~cxrfidert io omy ability te ___- ——tentvibute effectively do Your team : = —4_ain_ particularly cbiawsn pode Company ven _Commid mend do — Cmentier_a_Specifie vabe os mitiotive of Dre cogeny's I ond tem — eager de __esnbvibube do _yevr continued cuces sli xelouot - yous of experiere in the fivtl EF pore diene honed roy _ _skille ja the teh). . _ raent Sfhis__expestent Aas_epuipped pre baits vodueable bnsighss — = [ated _|_tm excited pheul- che opportunity da _leverase rms = expertise do derive the _esmpanys goah, 9 | Fhomke Lou. &e consiclenles ep _opplcabion mn_tsiobs, =. AEs @ ~- Guest “Disebss Afferent characteristics wf’ 2 good. wepot, _ i> _ och seport chai have some feadurea ihich_make et 2 pond ex bad _aepord. The choro denistics cre listed explained ——bolav b+ i Precisimb Precishen means tobe lea focused ard etly = peesent those facts Inthe eprtt_arhich_ane—x beunntt, ___ This enantio te a pose ef he yepral._ tbe _Liilngs_n_P2 ff ithe _nepont Pre cisten prasvides_o type of hess veneds dte epost S Ei u o_ = Ltretings even Me jrxclevant ones, as Ohey feet fled __- ; Wt would make a detailed vepod Mentning. ber: —— lensed. confuse the veadens and also eesull jo low of « =aaoe precious Aire. Re. report must include seleyart ard rsestt —_______!'o__ legs, of- Pex precisus tire, Da sepect pws chide _§_ ——xtltevant= ond! useful moter sally, —______ ee ey ee orlentataion = Be «eport should be masle fa alignment ysith_dhe_toate , preferenter of. Gna rtesdens, _____The__punpose ef Te epost wi_be _jacsmplete ‘if the eeelen Est able fn Teel te_+the —mepects ; 5 Dh gectivity Pap Recommendations Pagsuclices) Paousyd poten, — eal acetic ad Pace aioe Uni _____e._sacity_sf dre _ssepast»—The __ssecommendaHens shoul ___be free frrom_all_qnede: Rings ancl shiatol maintola oa unbiased dene. |G Simple. and 7 Language Clastde, : : ane Ord 9 billy exe Keay ehoanchoritha Gn | ape Ut ba ken) ef celentifsle ofp euenent chic l is_pong malic jn__natune. i Cloniky - Ambigueva efepooks ose of nO_use . fle dove of stne_seepoet aust lens —_Sid tanapehaceiles— the sceposts wsheidd nod have [ong paxoguaphs _buct- [ichould have well artioulsbead chest porejyepls i : GD thes hich wd make dre teport roost cxmpichonsi Dk dt dhe veadens. ps os 7 gs. Baeutty = A epost shoslel be baler? and evip bat — it ghiould ned Compromise \n_s expression. af the sreport is _ addrersing Lina depth —anchysis«f—S frig — __ then —cthe propor eee Me 2 respeeted cre of the basic sites — 0 _jond_ epost: se heal error cto Soe he rage of the miter but alo de quade the — image of the —— ox anisadiar. Gees © that is the sssle_of walttes Loennaunicotion® Splaio. = ysith fhe. hedp of sear ples. fee Manes playa _cmerad ssete__in _Shappir an nob'artluads’s i aap iff starshine talc, : ecegiens, _eaurtvies, de, yed rene ore _cortain alves thot” ocean. pmimon, These axe Dre. @. , kindness , peaee, mudtuad respect opel unde.ctorcling “ane preferres valve, . Te core values 2s promoted ~ by Ne UN Generel Assembly tne * inherext __— dignity” and" te equaland Inalioabe nigh —f— lh tk sna ane Auman family” along _usith — —— freedena,_ 4usdico pec gem othe tt man honed — values andl traits "proposed by ferent eYnerts Include pathy umpassion, trufrpulnest,diggitey ; if oe 2 : Ieindn est Love, “fusdice ,faienes,, smercap courage * —respeck core and haters Cty» . Mt ~ Nelues. operate ast beginning point fe ethical —commanitadicn.tihile cleetyning © wnicatiey Heat Is cleerned to be . alues ase. used as standard measure, dik idfrect | | the poority te Joga co. given to _varinuw valves L may differ. +tuman 6: ing also abiffen win each laches. m Tre basis drab feeb, Jevoler. i othpiady , a fe ete. thu —ettading A_Uaigue | pechstim i sonbin ation folves dor eaeh indfividuial Ze. 4 af tha. ol aracadeo! Aiffererce bediseon inolividual chene _/s__a commen _esnndienal. nectan___1n _~communico-dien. Each incbividuap 3s [alge wiPrh__q set of characdersdics io hich shapes} with he — dicdinad: portente. ~trffens an jnder apretatien of wabiros betiefs, ferCepdisnr, anal SS _@- heel, ——— 7 . __ 2g Oy Sleni a Sequence je -oloo_crealed foe — hese JM e2, tahich 130 toll he sz ganioabiza’® i ee He —clend do behave In” a efashiom— a ecenevaition te ethest do behave wif us, EAd oy stene. al Veag Pt rede, beliefs ared vdlyes of De __ Cp ese em aie an win. @ cele _communtea bn Dsl de amcTeg pia osde do __be melebint —orrel asad fd. —eGuIEeL oun ctadetlarding cf “tien He Ob Hy

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