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CUET 2024 Mock Test
Passage (Q.1-Q.5): The campaign is the period when the political parties put forward their candidates and arguments with
which they hope to persuade people to vote for their candidates and parties. Candidates are given a week to put forward their
nominations. These are scrutinised by the Returning Officers and if not found to be in order can be rejected after a summary
hearing. Validly nominated candidates can withdraw within two days after nominations have been scrutinised. The official
campaign lasts at least two weeks from the drawing up of the list of nominated candidates, and officially ends 48 hours before
polling closes.
During the election campaign, the political parties and contesting candidates are expected to abide by a Model Code of Conduct
evolved by the Election Commission on the basis of a consensus among political parties. The model code lays down broad
guidelines as to how the political parties and candidates should conduct themselves during the election campaign. It is intended
to maintain the election campaign on healthy lines, avoid clashes and conflicts between political parties or their supporters and
to ensure peace and order during the campaign period and thereafter, until the results are declared. The model code also
prescribes guidelines for the ruling party either at the Centre or in the state to ensure that a level field is maintained and that no
cause is given for any complaint that the ruling party has used its official position for the purposes of its election campaign.
Once an election has been called, parties issue manifestos detailing the programmes they wish to implement if elected to
government, the strengths of their leaders, and the failures of opposing parties and their leaders. Slogans are used to popularise
and identify parties and issues, and pamphlets and posters distributed to the electorate. Personal appeals and promises of
reform are made, with candidates travelling the length and breadth of the constituency to try to influence as many potential
supporters as possible.
1. Why do the political parties put forward their (a) as to how the political parties and candidates should
candidates and arguments during a campaign? conduct themselves during the election campaign
(a) to allure the other political parties and limit their (b) to ensure that there is no peace and order during the
voters campaign period during the election campaign
(b) to show off their status through these activities and (c) so that the ruling party can use its official position for
dissuade voters its benefit in election campaign
(c) to make their opponents not to participate in the (d) to aggravate the clashes and the conflicts between
nomination process political parties during the election campaign
(d) to persuade people to vote for their candidate and
4. Which of the following best expresses the opposite
meaning to the given word “scrutinised”?
2. Which of the following is not associated with the (a) inspected (b) neglected
manifestos issued by different parties after calling of the (c) investigated (d) perused
5. Which of the following statements is incorrect according
(a) to express their plans and programmes they wish to
to the given passage?
(a) During the election campaign, the political parties
(b) to show the strengths of their leaders in their
and contesting candidates are expected to abide by a
Model Code of Conduct.
(c) to reveal the failures of opposing parties and their
(b) Slogans are used to popularise and identify parties
and issues during the election campaigns.
(d) to make false personal appeals and promises of
(c) Candidates are given a week’s time to put forward
reform are made
their nominations.
3. Why does the Election Commission implements Model (d) The nominated candidates can withdraw within
Code of Conduct before the elections? twenty days after nominations have been scrutinised.

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Passage (Q.6-Q.10): A passage is followed by questions pertaining to the passage. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
Some cultural products live on and others die out. We all know this. But why do some work of creativity thrive and make history,
while others disappear as soon as they have been released? What makes arm idea a poem. a song. a fashion item popular? There
are so many possible explanations that it amounts to a mystery. Many artists and maybe even more producers, gallery owners
and studio executives aspired and worked to understand the path to popularity in creative industries. The number of companies
that depend on the understanding of culture is huge. It ranges from the big conglomerates in creative industries such as fashion,
advertising or film, to all the giant tech companies that rely on the understanding of human behaviours and tastes. One way to
understand the success of creative products begins with a ‘population’ viewpoint of culture. Don’t think of cultural products as
‘monoliths’, complete wholes, but as combinations of cultural elements. For example, songs are associations of a finite number
of essential components, such as verse, chorus, bridge, tempo, key, riffs, etc. Similarly, fashion items associate colours, patterns
fabrics and broader stylistic references such as a period or sub-culture. Many songs are made legend on the basis of just a few
elements, such as the iconic three-note riff in Led Zeppelin’s song ‘Whole Lotta Love’. From a list of 100 guitar riffs selected by a
panel of experts. BBC listeners voted it the ‘best guitar riff of all time’.
Looking for the reasons why a cultural product is popular, then, might require us to understand the success of the various
elements that compose these products. In other words. It might be necessary to look at the components and not just at the whole.
In general, cultural elements can be genres stylistic references, ideas or even fashion elements — basically, anything that can be
used as a tool for creativity. At the heart of creativity stands the ability to combine various cultural elements in meaningful ways.
Artists and those in creative industries know all the different components and elements available in their craft. They think, talk and
debate about the combinations that have, and those that have not, brought market success in the past. The French sociologist Pierre
Bourdieu maintained that true creativity cannot be naive — that is, it cannot happen without a mastery of a given field. That knowledge,
Bourdieu conceded in The Rules of Art, could come from formal education, or from some form of exposure to practitioners.
To take seriously the population view of culture means understanding why some cultural elements survive better than others.
It means laying aside the hunt for some mysterious ‘intrinsic quality’ in the product, or crediting simply great marketing. But we
are lucky: there is one field where ‘quality’ alone does not — and cannot — explain the popularity of cultural elements. And that
is fashion. Knowing whether long dresses are better than short dresses whether minimalism is better than baroque, or whether
the 1920s are better than the 1980s fashion-wise is a dead-end.
6. According to the author what is the reason for, fashion (b) Every artist has a combination of skill sets that together
being the only field which cannot be measured through make up for the popularity of a cultural element
quality alone? (c) The Rules of Art explains that the mastery skills
(a) Because the intrinsic quality required for the accurate required to achieve true creativity can be obtained
measurement of popularity is missing in the field of through formal education
Fashion (d) Because true creativity can only be mastered through
(b) Because when it comes to the field of Fashion, the specific skill sets, which are not found in any and
success cannot be attributed directly to great every artist.
marketing skills since they are not predictable
8. Which of the following is a reason behind popularity of a
(c) Because it is the only field where quality parameters
cultural element?
are difficult to decipher, since they keep changing over
(a) Understanding the success of multiple elements when
combined together to form a popular cultural element
(d) The real reason behind why it cannot be measured
(b) Looking at the entire element from a holistic point of
only through quality is not stated in the passage
view to understand what leads to the popularity of a
7. Why can’t true creativity be termed naïve according to particular element
Pierre Bourdieu? (c) Not only looking at the entire element but analysing each
(a) Since every artist in their respective field are well and every component involved in making it popular
aware of each and every requirement with respect to (d) By understanding the combinations of various
their own field. meaningful ways in which a popularity of a cultural
element comes into play
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9. Which of the following options can be attributed to the 10. What is the main idea of the passage?
success of creative products? (a) The passage aims to draw a link between various
(a) By having a population viewpoint of culture to elements that lead to the popularity of a cultural or
determine its success creative element.
(b) By not looking at it as a single element but by (b) The passage aims to understand the success behind
considering it as a combination of various elements cultural elements
combined together (c) The passage criticizes the way in which a popularity
(c) By not considering a cultural element as a monolith, of an element is measured in today’s world
but only focussing on a specific element of the event (d) The passage praises the theories portrayed by
(d) By associating songs with their musical components, French Sociologists in deciphering the way a
and fashion with their cultural components popularity of a creative element can be measured

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Passage (Q.11-Q.15): A passage is followed by questions pertaining to the passage. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
“Pro-ana” communities—websites. blogs. forums. and social media spaces dedicated to promoting the worsening of eating
disorders like anorexia—have been a fixture of the web more or less since its inception. So it’s no surprise that. as Buzzfeed
reported last month. some TikTok users have found disturbing pro-ana content on their For You page. a personalized section of
the platform that displays videos users are likely to enjoy. Discovering. damage-controlling, and deleting pro-ana content has
become a rite of passage for web companies. In 2001. Yahoo removed 113 pro-ana websites from its servers. MySpace. Turnblr.
Instagram. Pinterest. Reddit, and many other social media platforms have faced pro-ana problems. This well-publicized history
makes it frustrating that TikTok wasn’t better prepared. beyond claiming it doesn’t allow ‘content that promotes eating habits
that are likely to cause health issues.” But now that TikTok’s policies are under a microscope, what guidance will the company
take from a longer history of regulating online pro-ana communities, and exactly how worried should its users be?
The problem TikTok has right now is that its For You page is working exactly as it should: It gives users a personalized and therefore
pleasurable experience by showing them what they likely want to see. I’ve previously written about the same problem playing out
on Instaram Pinterest, and Tumblr. Recommendation algorithms like this are the bread and butter of social media platforms. The
happier you are on a platform. the likelier you are to stay. and if you stay. the company can retain your profitable data- generation.
But the problem—a problem most major social media companies have faced—is that recommendation algorithms aren’t really
trained to make moral and health-related judgements about the kinds of content they recommend. Do you like cats? TikTok
thinks you do, based on what you’re liking and searching for, so its algorithm will show you more cats. Yay cats! But the exact
same formula applies to potentially harmful forms of content. Do you have anorexia? TikTok thinks you do. so here’s a bunch of
triggering videos. Have at it!
In a recent BuzzFeed article, some TikTok users shared anecdotes of randomly receiving recommendations for pro-ana videos
through their For You page. It is difficult to describe pro-ana behaviors without triggering readers. but they might involve
sharing diet tips and purging methods, writing personal stories, and pairing up with a “buddy” to further encourage weight loss.
We know from charities like Beat that eating disorder patients often report feeling ‘triggered” by certain images or words. If a
TikTok user continuously sees triggering posts on their For You page, this could very well harm them. But one of the frustrations
social media researchers have is that the inner workings of recommendation systems like the For You page are notoriously
opaque. making it difficult to figure out why particular users see certain recommendations while others don’t. A recent New
Media and Society article notes how social media users often create elaborate theories for figuring out how recommender
systems work, what the author calls “algorithmic gossip.”
11. According to the passage what is meant by ‘pro-ana (c) The For You page gives its users a personalized
content’? experience and recommendations based on their
(a) Pro-ana content refers to the suggestions generated on viewing pattern
TikTok about anorexia based on your viewing pattern (d) The For You page provides the users with a pleasurable
(b) Pro-ana content refers to the negative publicity of experience keeping in mind their preferences
anorexic videos on TikTok based on your viewing
13. According to the passage, what are the glitches in regards
to recommendation algorithms?
(c) Pro-ana refers to the promotion of videos relating to
(a) Recommendations are only based on assumptions of
anorexic disorders based on your viewing pattern
viewing patterns of the users
(d) Pro-ana content refers to specific videos, webs etc.
(b) Recommendation algorithms are not trained to make
communities etc. that promote Anorexia and eating
moral decisions in regards to promoting a specific
kind of content more than the rest
12. As per the passage, what problem is TikTok facing right (c) Recommendation algorithms are not trained to
now? understand the needs and desires of the viewers
(a) The problem is that it’s For You works very well for based on general notions of right and wrong
the brand and users (d) Recommendation algorithms are not trained to
(b) The problem is that it’s For You page works in a way distinguish between what is right and wrong with
that it recommends all the content that the users respect to promotion of content
wish to see without any filters
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14. Which of the following can be inferred about the author 15. What is the tone of the passage?
of the passage? (a) Cynical
(a) He/she is a professional video maker on TikTok (b) Bipartisan
(b) He/she is a professional web developer who is well (c) Circumspect
aware of the backend work (d) Flippant
(c) He/she is a journalist who is mapping the trends in
(d) He/she is a psychoanalyst who is trying to
understand the impact of TikTok videos
Passage (Q.16-Q.20): Late at night, guards on the battlements of Denmark's Elsinore castle are met by Horatio, Prince Hamlet's
friend from school. The guards describe a ghost they have seen that resembles Hamlet's father, the recently-deceased king. At
that moment, the Ghost reappears, and the guards and Horatio decide to tell Hamlet.
Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, married Hamlet's recently-widowed mother, becoming the new King of Denmark. Hamlet continues to
mourn for his father's death and laments his mother's lack of loyalty. When Hamlet hears of the Ghost from Horatio, he wants
to see it for himself.
Elsewhere, the royal attendant Polonius says farewell to his son Laertes, who is departing for France. Laertes warns his sister,
Ophelia, away from Hamlet and thinking too much of his attentions towards her.
The Ghost appears to Hamlet, claiming indeed to be the ghost of his father. He tells Hamlet about how Claudius, the current King
and Hamlet's uncle, murdered him, and Hamlet swears vengeance for his father. Hamlet decides to feign madness while he tests
the truth of the Ghost's allegations (always a good idea in such situations).
According to his plan, Hamlet begins to act strangely. He rejects Ophelia, while Claudius and Polonius, the royal attendant, spy
on him. They had hoped to find the reason for Hamlet's sudden change in behaviour but could not. Claudius summons
Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, old friends of Hamlet to find out what's got into him. Their arrival coincides with a group of
travelling actors that Hamlet happens to know well. Hamlet writes a play which includes scenes that mimic the murder of
Hamlet's father. During rehearsal, Hamlet and the actors plot to present Hamlet's play before the King and Queen.
16. Why did Hamlet want to kill his uncle Claudius? (c) because they were very much feared from the ghost
(a) because was a vicious king of Denmark of Hamlet’s father
(b) because his mother was killed by Claudius (d) because they wanted to expel Hamlet and his mother
(c) because his uncle Claudius murdered his father from the their empire
(d) because he wanted to get married to Ophelia
19. Which of the following best expresses the opposite
17. Why did Hamlet lament on his mother’s lack of loyalty? meaning to the given word “Summon”? (easy)
(a) because she abandoned Hamlet and punished him (a) send for (b) call for
many times (c) convoke (d) discharge
(b) because she expelled fiancé Ophelia from her empire
20. Which of the following statements is incorrect according
(c) because she did not liked Hamlet’s uncle Claudius to
to the given passage?
be the king
(a) Hamlet writes a play which includes scenes that
(d) because she married his uncle Claudius, who
mimic the murder of Hamlet's father.
murdered his father
(b) When Hamlet hears of the Ghost from Ophelia, he
18. Why did Claudius and Polonius spy on Hamlet? wants to see it for himself.
(a) because they wanted to find sudden change in (c) Hamlet decides to feign madness while he tests the
Hamlet’s behaviour truth of the Ghost's allegations.
(b) because they wanted to know what hamlet’s friends (d) Hamlet writes a play which includes scenes that
are conspiring against them mimic the murder of Hamlet's father.

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Passage (Q.21-Q.27): Books are the major source of knowledge for every individual. Many books are published each day that
focuses on different genres. Some books are informative like history or math while others are romantic. Through books, and the
diligence of writers, much information was recorded. Books play a vital role on research especially for future historians. Through
books, people are able to connect with the past. Books also reflect man’s evolvement intellectually. Surely, books are very reliable
source of information for future generations. This is definitely a reasonable object that could be placed on a time capsule.
Language or speech may differ after hundreds of years but at least through the production of these different books, historians
of the future will have enough evidence to know of the life in our present generation. The formation of the different continents
changed greatly after billions of years. Earth’s geography and topography made it possible for living things to grow, population
to grow, colonies to form and countries to be established. A map can show all these ideas. A map not only gives general directions
but also gives important information. Maps manifest the physical aspect of the earth. The economy and strength of a nation is
influenced by its geography. A map could be a very useful object, a historian could use to understand more about the geography
of a particular time that affected the lifestyle of people.
Wars, famine, glory, power, happiness, and grief can all be expressed in a single picture. Pictures relate and visualize the life of
people in a society. Many events have happened over the past years. These events were probably drawn or pictured and thus
relate a very memorable incidents in the history. These pictures may be important in general or maybe important personally
but one thing is for sure; these are cherished for eternity. Truly “a picture says a thousand words” and a mere picture of a flag
could express various ideas about a country or a state. Historical pictures are certainly very essential in understanding the
history of different time periods. Travelling in time might be too vague for a person in this present but it would be good to be
prepared and think ahead if ever a time capsule will be invented. A computer, various books, maps and memorable pictures are
what I believe will be very useful for historians or even just for general people who will be living a hundred years from now.
21. What does the author mean by the word ‘manifest’ that is (b) Necessity of books
used in the first paragraph? (c) Importance of the current resources for history
(a) obvious (b) Demonstrate (d) None of the above.
(c) Betray (d) Hides.
26. In the following questions, one part of the sentence may
22. What would be the appropriate theme of third paragraph or may not have an error. Find out which part of the
if the author wants to continue this passage? sentence has an error and select the appropriate option.
(a) Comparative analysis of books and computer. If the sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.
(b) Time traveling. While people disagree with us or turn us down, we
(c) Historical analysis on the usage of the mentioned routinely and typically incorrectly interpret it as
resources. evidence of enmity.
(d) None of the above. (a) with us or turn us down, we
(b) No error
23. Which of the following statement is false in regards to the
(c) While people disagree
(d) routinely and typically incorrectly interpret it as
(a) Major events like war can never be explained in a
evidence of enmity
single picture.
(b) Time capsule will be essential to think ahead. 27. In the following questions, one part of the sentence may
(c) Books are one of the most vital for research for future or may not have an error. Find out which part of the
historians. sentence has an error and select the appropriate option.
(d) all of the above. If the sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'. You
defined the contours of your character and the shape of
24. What is the opposite of the word ‘diligence’ as used by the
your life by what you say "no" to.
author in 1st paragraph?
(a) You defined the
(a) Conscientiousness (b) Zeal
(b) No error
(c) Constancy (d) Slack
(c) contours of your character
25. What is the main thought/ concern of this passage? (d) and the shape of your life by what you say "no" to
(a) Importance of history

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Passage (Q.28-Q.32): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out and replaced by a blank represented
by a letter. First read the passage and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks as per the questions given.
Saudi Arabia has announced ___(A)___ reforms to its system of wilayah, or guardianship - a jumble of regulations that dictate
what women can and can't do on their own, and that Human Rights Watch has said constitute "the most significant
impediment to realizing women's rights in the country." The publication of the new laws ___(B)___ exuberant memes from
Saudi women on social media, even as activists who have agitated for changes to the system remain in jail or on trial. Saudi
Arabia's Council of Ministers approved new regulations indicating that women over the age of 21 will soon be able to obtain
passports without requiring a close male relative's ___(C)___. The reforms, which Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S.,
Princess Reema bint Bandar, called "history in the making," also ___(D)___to improve protection against employment
discrimination and grant women more autonomy over family matters. For example, while they have long had to depend on
male relatives to register births, marriages or divorces, the new laws allow them to take those steps alone. Since Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman became the kingdom's de facto leader in 2017, he has overseen a series of reforms like the
latest to wilayah, including blunting the power of the religious police and lifting the ban on women driving. But his attempts
to cast himself as a modernizer have been ___(E)___by crackdowns on dissident voices, mounting criticism of Saudi
involvement in the war in Yemen and a recent U.N. report citing “credible evidence” linking him to the murder of journalist
Jamal Khashoggi.
28. Which word/phrase should come at (A)? (c) Guide (d) Approve
(a) Nervous (b) Sweeping
31. Which word/phrase should come at (D)?
(c) Movement (d) Shock
(a) Assures (b) Ensures
29. Which word/phrase should come at (B)? (c) Lies (d) Promise
(a) Recoil (b) Developed
32. Which word/phrase should come at (E)?
(c) Start (d) Prompted
(a) Assiduous (b) Care
30. Which word/phrase should come at (C)? (c) Prevent (d) Undermined
(a) Permission (b) Flinched

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33. In the following questions, choose the word opposite (a) Physically strong but not very intelligent
in meaning to the given word. (b) Rude to inferiors
Loquacious (c) Think too much of oneself
(a) Abstemious (b) Fastidious (d) Hardworking
(c) Taciturn (d) Mellifluous
39. In the question given below, a set of four sentences A,
34. In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, B, C, D is given, which when properly sequenced, form
choose the one which best expresses the meaning of a coherent paragraph. Arrange the sentences in the
the given word. correct order, and mark the correct order as your
Tyrant answer.
(a) Abysmal (b) Pithy A) While in the west, Allied Forces had fought their
(c) Prolix (d) Dictator way through southern Italy as far as Rome.
B) In June 1944 Germany's military position in
35. In the following questions, choose the word opposite
World War II appeared hopeless.
in meaning to the given word.
C) The disastrous situation was evident by the British
Army's stand to drive the Nazis back through the
(a) Detest (b) Punitive
(c) Turgid (d) Superficial
D) The situation on the eastern front was
36. In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, catastrophic.
choose the one which best expresses the meaning of (a) BADC (b) BDCA
the given word. (c) ABDC (d) CDAB
40. Choose the option that fills the blank making the
(a) Renounce (b) Reject
sentence, both semantically and syntactically, correct.
(c) Recover (d) Restore
The ... treatment meted out to women officers by not
37. In each of the questions below, an idiom is given, giving them too many duties, tough assignments and
followed by four options. Select the option that gives more of static jobs is also resented by male officers.
the correct meaning of the idiom. (a) kids'stuff (b) kid glove
play devil's advocate (c) kidult (d) kiddish
(a) To present a counter argument
41. Choose the option that fills the blank making the
(b) To start a heated debate
sentence, both semantically and syntactically, correct.
(c) To reject the common opinion
The playwright is, of course, ... the false expertise of
(d) To refuse to succumb to peer pressure
these apparently learned men by showing their
38. In each of the questions below, an idiom is given, knowledge to be no more than sophistry.
followed by four options. Select the option that gives (a) Satirising (b) Condoning
the correct meaning of the idiom. (c) Elucidate (d) experimented
All brawn and no brains

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42. A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four (c) Characterstic (d) Convinient
alternatives are given for the underlined part which
48. In each of the questions below, a sentence is given
will improve the sentence. Choose the correct
active/ passive voice. Change the statement from
alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In
active to passive voice or vice versa, and choose the
case no improvement is needed, click the button
option that gives the correct statement.
corresponding to "No improvement".
This sketch has been made by Monsieur Reynolds.
There is no way you could have presumed the
(a) Monsieur Reynolds has made this sketch.
outcome of the match.
(b) Monsieur Reynolds had made this sketch.
(a) predicted (b) preceded
(c) Monsieur Reynolds made this sketch.
(c) preferred (d) No Improvement
(d) Monsieur Reynolds makes this sketch.
43. A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four
49. In the following questions, a sentence has been given
alternatives are given for the underlined part which
in Direct/ Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives
will improve the sentence. Choose the correct
suggested, select the one which best expresses the
alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In
same sentence in Direct/ Indirect speech.
case no improvement is needed, click the button
"My father is cooking dinner," said the girl.
corresponding to "No improvement".
(a) The girl said that her father was cooking dinner.
They made a series of cruel jokes about Jerry,
(b) The girl said that my father was cooking dinner.
inferring that he was stupid.
(c) The girl said that her father had been cooking
(a) deferring (b) implying
(c) urging (d) No Improvement
(d) The girl said that her father cooks dinner.
44. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can
50. In the question given below, a set of four sentences A,
be substituted for the given words/sentences and
B, C, D is given, which when properly sequenced, form
mark it.
a coherent paragraph. Arrange the sentences in the
Comfort in grief or sadness
correct order, and mark the correct order as your
(a) Solace (b) Proscribe
(c) Partisan (d) Vapid
A) The likelihood of an accident is determined by
45. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can how carefully the motorist drives and how
be substituted for the given words/sentence. carefully the pedestrian crosses the street
The ruler or a person who is tyrant B) An accident involving a motorist and a pedestrian
(a) Despot (b) Anarchist is such a case.
(c) Righteous (d) Saviour C) Each must decide how much care to exercise
without knowing how careful the other is
46. Four words are given in which only one is correctly
D) The simplest strategic problem arises when two
spelled. Find the correctly spelled word.
individuals interact with each other, and each
(a) Delightfull (b) Aluring
must decide what to do without knowing what
(c) Etiquette (d) Agreable
the other is doing.
47. Four words are given in which only one is correctly (a) ABCD (b) ADCB
spelt. Find the correctly spelt word. (c) DBCA (d) DBAC
(a) Afection (b) Interpreted

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1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (d)

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