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Assignment 4

John Driscoll

March 8, 2024

1.) Since in the question we are concerned with the same surface the old
thing we can change is the orientation of the surface. If the Surface is normal
to the magnetic eld then it will have the maximum ux ow. Similarly if the
surface is parallel to the magnetic eld then it will have not only a minimum
but no ux ow at all.
2.)Again the maximum value would simply be the surface area times the
magnetic eld density. As stated above the minimum value would be zero.
3.)False consider a charge inside a closed surface. By Gauss's law the Flux
would be non zero
4.) Also false again consider an open surface next to a point charge.
5.)Again by Gauss's law we know the shape/size of an enclosing surface dose
not matter and its net ux is directly proportional to the charge of the inside
charge. So in this case the ux through both spheres is equal.
6.)Similar to question ve, Gauss's law states that the ux through and
enclosing surface is only dependent on the charge. So in this case the shape of
the surface dose not matter so electric ux crossing each surface is equal.
7.)The electric eld is not always zero consider the case where there are two
charges of equal magnitude and opposite charge in the sphere. The net charge
is zero
8.) Gauss's law would remain largely unaected as the exact rate of dissi-
pation in the integral is not so important and the linear relationship between
charge and ux would be preserved.
9.) The Gravitational and Electric eld act very similar in the sense that they
are both inverse square laws. Occurs the major dierence is charges can have
two signs and thus dierent eld behaves while gravity is always an attractive
10.)Yes like above since gravity is much the same as a electric eld if we were
to measure the gravitational eld we should be able to solve for the mass of the
surrounded object.
11.)While the electric eld may be inuenced by external charges if the
charge is not in the surface its net ux through the surface will be zero so we
can think of the eld as only that of whats inside the surface when going about
our calculations.
12.)If we recall our vector calculus if we change the sign of the normal vec-
tor we will just need to maintain equality by changing the sign outside of our
13.)yes we could surround a single on of the charges in the surface and solve
for its magnitude and sign. This information would then allow us to get the
sign and of course the equivalent magnitude of the other charge.

14.)Gauss's law is dependent of symmetry so it can only be applied to well
dened even charge distribution thought a geometrically symmetric volume.
15.)the shape of the surface integrated on makes no dierence as long as it
is Riemann integrable, closed and well-dened. That said a sphere is often used
because it dose not require any fancy integration methods such as change of
variable for complex surface.

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