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Name __________________________ Class _____


SCHOOL YEAR: 2023-2024

A. CONTENT: Unit 9-10-11

Unit 9: Natural disaster
Vocabulary: Type of natural disasters
Pronunciation: Stress in words ending in -al and -ous
Grammar: Past continuous.

Unit 10: Communication in the future

Vocabulary: communication technology
Pronunciation: Stress in words ending in -ese and -ee
Grammar: Prepositions of place and time.
Possessive pronouns

Unit 11: Science and technology

Vocabulary: Science and technology in the future
Pronunciation: Sentence stress
Grammar: Reported speech (statement).


Exercise 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. flood B. food C. roof D. noon
2. A. effect B. necessary C. environment D. resident
3. A. conference B. tablet C. webcam D. internet
4. A. connection B. technology C. holography D. conference
5. A. social B. telephone C. respond D. mobile
6. A. addict B. attend C. scanner D. access
7. A. exact B. exotic C. exhausted D. experiment
8. A. digital B. luggage C. ginger D. degree

Exercise 2. Find the word which has different stress from the others.
1. A. dugong B. display C. damage D. coral
2. A. endangered B. seasonal C. volcanic D. emergency
3. A. guarantee B. employee C. refugee D. Chinese
4. A. disagree B. referee C. Vietnamese D. degree
5. A. invent B. breakout C. feedback D. contact

6. A. biometric B. technology C. disadvantage D. recognition
7. A. artistic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific
8. A. competitive B. infinitive C. positive D. repetitive
9. A. historical B. logical C. physical D. medical
10. A. geography B. biology C. photography D. climatology
Exercise 3. Give the Vietnamese meaning of the following words.
destroy flood
drought forest fire
equipment effective
Emergency kit telepathy
global warming translate
tsunami benefit
tornado drawback
helpful develop
lava device
mudslide energy-saving
property predict
rescue solve
risk science
suffer solar panel
volcanic eruption technology
victim Contact lens
barrier application
communicate attendance
face-to-face experiment
interact discover

Exercise 4. Look at the pictures and put the words/ phrases in the spaces provided.
flood forest fire volcanic eruption drought
tsunami hurricane tornado earthquake

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blank with the words from the box to complete the sentences.

facial expressions emails face-to-face meeting letters

body language texting video chat signs

1. Teenagers often use abbreviations when ______________ to save time.

2. People who cannot hear or speak often communicate with each other by using ______________.
3. In a ______________, people communicate directly to each other.
4. Using ______________ during your talk is an effective way to attract more people’s attention.
5. In the past, people who live far away used to write _____________ to keep in touch with their
relatives or their family.
6. ________________ helps people connect to each other in such a quick and cheap way.
7. Smiling and blinking your eyes are examples of ______________________.
8. Since the appearance of the Internet, people have been able to send ______________ to contact
people from any country in the world.

Exercise 6. Choose the better option to complete the sentences.

1. Today, there are a few ways to read (voice / text) messages without the phone.
2. The days of sending a hand-written (email / letter) with a stamp affixed to it are gone.
3. If you want to make a (group / private) call with this app, you need to invite at least three
4. People are relying on the Internet to get news rather than buying traditional (social network /
printed newspaper).
5. His (smartphone / telephone) is equipped with a 200MP camera that can capture videos in 8K
6. Does your phone camera (zoom / hold) in when you switch from photo to video mode?
7. YouTube Shorts will be available and watched on smart (television / radio) models, game
consoles, and streaming devices.
8. With training, (pigeons / holography) can carry up to 75g on their backs, and they have been
used for communication for a long time in China.

9. An alternative to a regular keyboard, a (real / virtual) keyboard is a software-based keyboard
used with touch screen devices.
10. A (video conference / face-to-face meeting) gives you real activities such as entering the room,
shaking hands, etc. that electronic communication can’t provide.

Exercise 7. Complete the text with the words below. There are three extra words that you do
not need.
information prints voice fingerprint
pattern keys thumb convenience
What is Biometric Authentication?
You need to open the door of your house, but you do not use a key. Instead, you just place your
_____________ on a small machine on the wall and click - the door opens. The machine scans
your 2 _____________, then it matches your print with the one it has stored before. Once the
______________ match, the door unlocks. Above is a perfect example of biometric
authentication. Biometric authentication identifies who you are rather than what you have. The
technology uses fingerprints, facial features or retina 4 ______________. People can also be
verified based on their behavioral characteristics, like their 5 ______________, the way they walk,
their gestures or even their typing speed.
Exercise 8. Complete the text with the words below. There are three extra words that you do
not need.
download homepage website cyber-bullying download
online posted surf view online
I’ve stopped going on social networks now because I was suffering from 1 ______________.
Somebody was posting aggressive comments on my homepage. I’ve never 2 ____________ a nasty
comment on anybody’s 3 _____________, and I don’t have any enemies so I think it was a stranger.
I don’t like the idea that a stranger can 4 _____________ my photos or my personal information.
Now, I prefer to keep in touch with my friends by phone. If I want my friends to see photos or
videos, I don’t need to post them 5 _____________. I can send them on my phone by using the
mobile application - Viber.
Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.
publish spreads joined hands inventions newspaper
The Internet is said to be one of the most amazing (1) _____________ that humans have made.
Since its appearance, the Internet has been so popular that nearly everyone uses it or knows about
it. However, the Internet can be a scary place, especially because of cyber-bullying. Open any (2)
______________ these days and you will see a story about this cyber-bullying. It’s a really nasty
and growing problem. Cyber-bullies are real cowards. They hide behind their computers and scare
people, send them hate mail or threaten them. Even worse is when they (3) ______________

pictures of their victims online. I have a friend who had a bad time at the hands of a cyber-bully.
The cyber-bully (4) ______________ lots of gossips and lies on the Internet. My friend’s
reputation was badly damaged. You may wonder how cyber-bullying starts at school. Many
schoolchildren physically bully others in class and then continue doing it online. Their victim isn’t
safe anywhere. It is high time we (5) ______________ to stop cyber-bullying.
Exercise 10. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in the following questions.

1. My friends and I used to take part in the Green campaign in our town when we were in
secondary school.
A. play B. participate C. organise D. celebrate
2. If I could afford the ticket, I would fly to Africa and take part in the WFF programme.
A. have no money to buy B. have enough money to buy
C. have enough time to spend D. have more money to buy
3. Smart devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops have made it easier than
ever to communicate with others.
A. things B. stuffs C. choices D. tools
4. In order to establish a stable internet connection, you need to plug in your modem
or router to the appropriate cable or phone line.
A. share B. connect C. get D. split
5. Our principal bought a biometric machine to record the student attendance.
A. presence B. ignorance C. absence D. neglect
6. School technicians are always accessible when you need help.
A. friendly B. available C. helpful D. comfortable
Exercise 11. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
1. He is afraid that his eco-house can be destroyed by the terrible weather there.
A. created B. demolished C. improved D. carried
2. It’s very handy having a smartwatch to have regular check-ups.
A. comfortable B. suitable C. inconvenient D. hands-on
3. The affected regions are now focusing on recovery efforts after the typhoon destroyed homes,
infrastructure, and crops.
A. development B. advancement C. improvement D. damage
4. I like going to the open-air market in Leeds. They have many tasty food vendors.
A. indoor B. outdoor C. online D. specialities
5. My brother always makes sure to check his private messages before going to bed.
A. personal B. impersonal C. unimportant D. public
6. It doesn’t take time to respond to our text messages.
A. ignore B. answer C. react D. type
Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using the Past Continuous tense form of the verbs.
1. At this time last year, they ______________ (build) this stadium.
2. I ______________ (drive) my motorbike very fast when James called me.
3. I ______________ (chat) with Hannah while Mr. Henry ______________ (teach) the lesson
4. My brother ______________ (watch) TV when I got home.
5. At this time last night, I ______________ (prepare) for my husband’s birthday party.
6. What ______________ (you/ do) at 7 p.m. last Monday?
7. Where you ______________ (go) when I saw you last weekend?
8. They ______________ (not go) to church when I met them yesterday.
9. My mother ______________ (not do) the housework when our grandparents came home.
10. Ms. Stacey ______________ (read) books while her children ______________ (play) football
yesterday afternoon.
11. They (have) _____________ a discussion about natural disasters at 9 a.m. yesterday.
12. _____________ you (talk) _____________ with your classmates when the teacher came in?
13. While my mother (water) _____________ the flowers in the garden, she heard a warning about
the coming storm.
14. My brother (not do) _____________ his homework at 8 p.m. yesterday. He (play)
_____________ computer games.
15. We (watch) _____________ news on TV when we heard a big noise.
Exercise 13. Give the correct prepositions in brackets.
1. The train leaves _____ tomorrow morning _____ 8 a.m.
2. I love going skiing _____ January.
3. We met at the restaurant _____ 8 p.m.
4. The class is _____ 9 a.m _____ Monday mornings.
5. I like to drink coffee _____ the morning and tea _____ the afternoon.
6. We went out for dinner _____ last Wednesday.
7. She left London _____ the 4th of March.
8. I had a party _____ my birthday.
9. Lucy went to New York _____ New Year's Eve.
10. We’re meeting _____ lunchtime _____ next Tuesday.
Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in the box.
in at x 5 on by x 2 near
Every day, I get up (1) ______ 6 o’clock. I take a shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I
have breakfast (2) ______ 6.45.1 live (3) ______ my school, so 1 don’t go to school (4) ___by___
car or (5) ______ bus, I go there (6) ______ foot. My school starts (7) ______ 8 a.m. and finishes
(8) ______ 11.30. 1 have lunch and then take a nap.
(9) ______ the afternoon, I do my homework and play some games with my brother. I have dinner
(10) ______ 7.30 p.m. After that, I clean my house and have a shower. I go to bed before midnight.
Exercise 15. Choose one suitable word from brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Is this cup _____ (your / yours)?
2. The coffee is _____ (my / mine).
3. That coat is _____ (my/mine).
4. He lives in _____ (her / hers) house.
5. You might want _____ (your / yours) phone.
6. The new car is _____ (their / theirs).
7. She cooked _____ (our / ours) food.
8. Don’t stand on _____ (my / mine) foot!
9. She gave him _____ (her / hers) suitcase.
10. I met _____ (their / theirs) mother.
11. Is this _____ (their / theirs) coffee?
12. Is the flat _____ (her / hers)?
13. The gray scarf is _____ (my / mine).
14. That red bike is _____ (our / ours).
15. We should take _____ (our / ours) coats.
16. That is _____ (my / mine) car.
17. He dropped _____ (my / mine) bag.
18. Are these phones _____ (their / theirs)?
19. These cakes are _____ (our / ours)!
20. Are those children _____ (your / yours)?
Exercise 16. Choose the correct possessive pronouns.
1. They bought that house last month. It is __________.
A. hers B. theirs C. ours D. yours
2. Here is your soup. It’s __________.
A. hers B. its C. mine D. Yours
3. This motorbike belongs to Mr. Anderson. It is __________.
A. his B. theirs C. ours D. Yours
4. You have a new book. It is __________.
A. hers B. mine C. yours D. ours
5. This notebook is __________. It has her name on it.
A. yours B. theirs C. ours D. Hers
6. My grandfather bought a parrot last Tuesday. It's __________.
A. hers B. his C. Ours D. yours
7. Is this __________ coat, Dave?
A. hers B. theirs C. his D. Yours
8. Mai has a new pair of shoes. They are __________.
A. hers B. mine C. ours D. Yours
9. They own this car. It’s __________.
A. hers B. theirs C. ours D. Mine
10. That's __________. He bought this plane at the department store.
A. hers B. his C. mine D. yours
Exercise 17. Choose the correct answers.
1. That’s my brother. __________ is playing golf.
A. She B. He C. It D. I
2. What time does __________ English class start?
A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
3. It’s not her calculator. __________ is over there!
A. She B. Her C. Hers D. Herself
4. Alex and Fiona are my new neighbors. __________ house is opposite to __________.
A. Their/mine B. They/mine C. Theirs / mine D. Their/my
5. Those __________ dresses are gorgeous.
A. girls B. girls’ C. girl D. girls’s
6. My brother wrote this letter __________.
A. his B. him C. he D. himself
7. My nieces are cute. Everyone loves __________.
A. theirs B. them C. they D. their
8. Look at that picture! __________ is beautiful.
A. It B. Its C. It’s D. They
9. There is __________ in the classroom. I can hear the noise.
A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody
10. You can call my friends and me. __________ are willing to help you.
A. Us B. Our C. They D. We
Exercise 18. Underline the correct prepositions in the following sentences.
1. There are some pictures (on/in/at) the wall.
2. The students are (at/on/under) school now.
3. We go to school (in /by/on) the bus.
4. Is there any juice (under/on/in) the glass?
5. There is a coffee table (at/in/on) the middle of the living room.
6. I live (on /in/at) 30 Cau Giay Street.
7. The bakery is (in/to/on) the right.
8. They live (above/on/in) the fifth floor.
9. My mother is cooking (on/at/in) the kitchen.
10. Bob is sitting (in/on/at) the table.
Exercise 19. Choose the correct options to complete these sentences below.
1. The children are playing ______________.
A. out B. outside C. at D. in
2. May comes ______________ April.
A. before B. after C. from D. against
3. There is a clock ______________ the wall in my class.
A. near B. across C. on D. at
4. Where is Susan? - She is sitting ______________ Jim.
A. on B. under C. between D. next to
5. We’re studying ______________ Sai Gon University.
A. at B. in C. of D. from
6. There are 40 students ______________ the class.
A. inside B. in C. at D. over
7. My pen is ______________ the books and the computer.
A. among B. down C. up D. between
8. I saw a mouse ______________ the chair.
A. among B. between C. in D. behind
9. My house is ______________ to the hospital.
A. close B. near C. opposite D. Across
10. We come ______________ Viet Nam.
A. in B. above C. from D. below
Exercise 20. Choose the correct answer.
1. The workers said that robots (were/ are) replacing them on assembly lines.
2. They said they (might/ may) develop wireless systems on their hardware platform.
3. He said he’d been so busy (this/ that) afternoon that he’d completely forgotten to call her.
4. She said she had left all worries behind and devoted herself to the study of science some years
(before/ ago).
5. He said that Emily was wearing a brown dress she’d bought (the previous day/ yesterday).
6. My teacher said that Alexander Fleming (invents/ invented) penicillin in 1928.
7. The secretary said I could leave a note on her desk whenever she wasn’t (here/ there).

8. The reporter said that the government didn’t have the answers to (these/ those) difficult
9. Julia said that she didn’t like to stay at home and watch TV (today/ that day).
10. He said that the Internet signal could (then/ now) be transmitted by satellite.
Exercise 21. Choose the best answers.
1. Charlie said, “I’m thinking of going to live in Canada”.
A. Charlie said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada.
B. Charlie said that I am thinking of going to live in Canada.
C. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada.
D. Charlie said that he is thinking of going to live in Canada.
2. Charlie said, “My father is in hospital”.
A. Charlie said that my father is in hospital.
B. Charlie said that his father was in hospital.
C. Charlie said that his father is in hospital.
D. Charlie said that my father was in hospital.
3. Charlie said, “Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow”.
A. Charlie said that Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow.
B. Charlie said that Nora and Jim were getting married the next day.
C. Charlie said that Nora and Jim were getting married tomorrow.
D. Charlie said that Nora and Jim are getting married the next day.
4. Charlie said, “I haven’t seen Bill for a while”.
A. Charlie said that he hadn’t seen Bill for a while.
B. Charlie said that I haven’t seen Bill for a while.
C. Charlie said that he hasn’t seen Bill for a while.
D. Charlie said that I hadn’t seen Bill for a while.
5. Charlie said, “I’ve been playing tennis recently”.
A. Charlie said that I’ve been playing tennis recently.
B. Charlie said that he had been playing tennis recently.
C. Charlie said that he had bee playing tennis recently.
D. Charlie said that I had been playing tennis recently.
6. Charlie said. “Margaret has had a baby”.
A. Charlie said Margaret has had a baby.
B. Charlie said Margaret had had a baby.
C. Charlie said Margaret had a baby.
D. Charlie said Margaret has a baby.
7. Charlie said, “I don’t know what Fred is doing”.
A. Charlie said that he doesn’t know what Fred is doing.
B. Charlie said that he didn’t know what Fred is doing.
C. Charlie said that he doesn’t know what Fred was doing.
D. Charlie said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.
8. Charlie said, “I hardly ever go out these days”.
A. Charlie said that he hardly ever went out these days.
B. Charlie said that I hardly ever go out these days.
C. Charlie said that I hardly ever went out these days.
D. Charlie said that he hardly ever goes out these days.
9. Charlie said, “I work 14 hours a day”.
A. Charlie said that he works 14 hours a day.
B. Charlie said that he worked 14 hours a day.
C. Charlie said that I work 14 hours a day.
D. Charlie said that I worked 14 hours a day.
10. Charlie said, “I’ll tell Jim I saw you”.
A. Charlie said he’ll tell Jim he saw me.
B. Charlie said I would tell Jim I had seen you.
C. Charlie said he would tell Jim he had seen me.
D. Charlie said I would tell Jim he had seen me.
11. Charlie said, “You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London”.
A. Charlie said you could come and stay with him if you were ever in London.
B. Charlie said I could come and stay with him if I were ever in London.
C. Charlie said you can come and stay with him if you are ever in London.
D. Charlie said I can come and stay with him if I am ever in London.
12. Charlie said, “Tom had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured”.
A. Charlie said Tom had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured.
B. Charlie said Tom had had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured.
C. Charlie said Tom had had an accident the previous week but he hadn’t been injured.
D. Charlie said Tom had an accident last week but he hadn’t been injured.
13. Charlie said, “I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine”.
A. Charlie said he had seen Jack at a party a few months before and he had seemed fine.
B. Charlie said I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.
C. Charlie said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.
D. Charlie said he saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
14. Tom said, “New York is bigger than London”.
A. Tom said that New York was bigger than London.
B. Tom says that New York is bigger than London.
C. Tom says that New York was bigger than London.
D. Tom said that New York is bigger than London.
15. “Stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said to me.
A. The doctor told me stay in bed for a few a days.
B. The doctor told to me to stay in bed for a few days.
C. The doctor said me to stay in bed for a few days.
D. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
Exercise 22. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Direct: “I am hungry.” said Tom.
Reported: Tom said that he ____________________________ hungry.
2. Direct: “We will see you tomorrow.” said Mary.
Reported: Mary said that they ____________________________ us tomorrow.
3. Direct: “I can't come to the meeting.” said John.
Reported: John said that he ____________________________ to the meeting.
4. Direct: “It's raining outside.” said Sarah.
Reported: Sarah said that it ____________________________ outside.
5. Direct: “I love chocolate cake.” said Julie.
Reported: Julie said that she ____________________________ chocolate cake.
6. Direct: “We need to leave now.” said Mark.
Reported: Mark said that they ____________________________ then.
7. Direct: “I have a headache.” said Jane.
Reported: Jane said that she ____________________________ a headache.
8. Direct: “I saw a movie last night.” said David.
Reported: David said that he ____________________________ a movie the previous night.
9. Direct: “I’m getting married next month,” said Lisa.
Reported: Lisa said that she ____________________________ married the following month.
10. Direct: “I don’t like seafood.” said Peter.
Reported: Peter said that he ____________________________ seafood.
Exercise 23. Choose the suitable answer A, B, C or D

1. They ______________ on the lake when it started to rain so they went home.
A. fished B. fishing C. were fishing D. are fishing
2. Her dad found some money while he ______________ her suitcase.
A. packing B. package C. are packing D. was packing
3. Your brother ______________ in Myanma when he met his girlfriend.
A. study B. was studying C. were study D. was study
4. His grandma tried cake for the first time while she ______________ in China.
A. staying B. is staying C. is stayed D. was staying
5. Her mom ______________ in the park when she saw a tree.
A. was go B. was going C. were going D. were go
6. _______it _______ when I woke up this morning?
A. Is...raining B. Was.. .raining C. Is...rain D. Were.. .raining
7. What ______________ when his mother came?
A. were you doing B. was you doing C. are you doing D. are you doing
8. What did you watch on TV while you ______________ dinner last night?
A. were having B. was have C. were having D. having
9. The policeman ______________ his letter in the post office at that time.
A. is sending B. was sending C. sending D. were sending
10. It ______________ and cloudy when I left Ireland.
A. was rain B. was raining C. is raining D. raining
11. My brother said via the phone that he ___________ Sydney for a tour of the world.
A. is leaving B. would leave C. leaves D. may leave
12. James said, “Hurry up! The store ___________.”
A. closed B. will close C. is closing D. closes
13. William said that he had visit a famous laboratory ___________.
A. last three days B. three days ago C. three days before D. three days previous
14. Samuel said to his friends that ___________ to become a conservationist.
A. they wanted B. he wants C. they had wanted D. he wanted

15. He said, “No matter what ___________ next, we ___________ him in his new project.”
A. happens - will support B. will happen – support
C. happened - am going to support D. would happen - am supporting
16. The teacher said that their school ___________ new computers in the library.
A. equips B. is equipping C. has equipped D. would equip
17. He said that his computer was downloading a big file ___________.
A. at this moment B. at that moment C. at the moment D. at moment
18. Dad said to me that the sun ___________ only a small star in the universe.
A. was B. is C. will be D. would be
19. Jonathan said to his friend that ___________.
A. he is reading a science book now B. he is reading a science book then
C. he was reading a science book now D. he was reading a science book then
20. Susan said, “I usually take the bus to town, but ___________ I cycle for a change.”
A. today B. that day C. the day before D. the previous day
21. Generally speaking, most technology has had a ________________ effect on our lives.
A. benefit B. benefice C. beneficial D. beneficent
22. It remains to be seen what the ________________ impact of this technology will be.
A. long B. long-term C. boring D. relax
23. Few ________________ have had a greater influence on mankind than the computer.
A. invent B. inventors C. inventions D. inventing
24. It is undeniable that ________________ have revolutionized our lives.
A. computers B. computer C. computerizing D. computed
25. The 21st century has already seen considerable ________________ in computer technology.
A. progress B. progressing C. progresses D. process
26. It is not easy to predict how this ________________ is going to develop.
A. technique B. technology C. technologies D. technologizing
27. One major ________________ in the use of computers is transport regulation.
A. advance B. advances C. advanced D. advantage
28. The cloud is one of the latest ________________ in computer technology.
A. innovate B. innovation C. innovations D. innovating
29. Face __________ is everywhere from social media tagging to airport security cameras.
A. agreement B. information C. realization D. recognition
30. __________ rooms allow you to divide your online meeting into as many as 50 separate
A. Break-up B. Breakaway C. Breakout D. Break-in
31. I usually have __________ lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.
A. contact B. touch C. communication D. zoom
32. All hand luggage has to be __________ at the airport security.
A. read B. scanned C. watched D. seen
33. The study will be __________ over a six-month period.
A. carried B. carried away C. carried out D. carried on
34. An MRI __________ makes images of the brain, spinal cord and other organs.
A. webcam B. reader C. camera D. scanner
35. The problem can be solved by using __________ teachers because they can teach anywhere and
won’t get stressed or tired.
A. device B. tool C. machine D. robot
36. In 1989, Honda __________ the robot Asimo to work as a bartender.
A. discovered B. developed C. found out D. did
37. We can only find the best solution by __________.
A. experiment B. check C. examination D. test
38. Email, and chat rooms let children _____________ with friends and family members.
A. talk B. say C. speak D. communicate
39. We have _____________ data transmission in our system.
A. high point B. high-speed C. high-powered D. high-top
40. Luckily, there are many communication techniques to help overcome _____________.
A. foreign languages B. culture shocks C. language barriers D. sound barriers
41. A non-native speaker most likely can recognize the ____________ - the non-verbal
A. second language B. official language C. sign language D. body language
42. Internet _____________ via broadband offers many advantages.
A. relation B. connection C. connectivity D. link
43. Seven of 10 people prefer face-to-face _____________ when having a date.
A. code B. sign C. language D. contact
44. We should not _____________ passwords with anyone.
A. share B. send C. bring D. lend
45. Mary: “I love chocolate.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ chocolate.”
a. loved b. loves c. loving
46. Mary: “I went skiing.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ skiing.”
a. went b. had gone c. have gone
47. Mary: “I will eat steak for dinner.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ eat steak for
a. willing b. will c. would
48. Mary: “I have been to Sydney.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ to Sydney.”
a. had been b. has been c. was being
49. Mary: “I have had three cars.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ three cars.”
a. has b. has had c. had had
50. Mary: “I’m going to go to Long Beach.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ going to go to
Long Beach.”
a. is b. was c. went
51. Mary: “I don’t like spinach.” Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ like spinach.”
a. doesn’t b. don’t c. didn’t
52. Mary: “I have never been to London.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ never been to
a. had b. has c. have
53. Mary: “I was swimming.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ swimming.”
a. has been b. had been c. have been
54. Mary: “I have a cat.” - Jill: “Mary said (that) she _________ a cat.”
a. have b. has c. had
55. Some people prefer to send ___________ messages rather than text messages
because it’s quicker and more personal.
A. spoken B. oral C. voice D. written
56. After months of talking online, it was great to finally meet each other ___________
person and have a face-to-face conversation.
A. by B. in C. with D. to
57. In the future, ___________ may change how we communicate by enabling virtual
meetings with 3D projections of people in real time.
A. video call B. text messages C. telepathy D. holography
58. I will fly to Switzerland to study abroad ________ the end of this year, my first semester starts
______ January next year.
A. for/in B. at/in C. at/by D. in/by
59. Before the video conference, you should ___________ your webcam to make
sure that you are properly framed and well-lit.
A. focus B. keep C. adjust D. hold
60. Having a reliable high-speed internet ___________ is important for people who
work remotely or attend online classes.
A. connection B. relationship C. usage D. correlation
69. To see the details of the picture, you can ___________ in by using the magnifying
glass tool on your computer.
A. focus B. concentrate C. highlight D. zoom
70. These dictionary books are different in price because ________ has 1000 words, but ________
has only 500.
A. mine/yours B. yours/my C. mine/your D. your/mine
71. Have you seen the advertisement about the new bakery. ______ it ______ they give free bread
for all customers who come before 16:00?
A. Is/ mean B. Does/ mean C. Does/ means D. Do/ mean
72. My parents ______ take me to Takashimaya to shop for Christmas.
A. usual B. unusual C. usually D. hardly
73. While I ______, the phone ______.
A. was sleeping/ was ringing B. slept/ rang
C. were sleeping/ was ringing D. was sleeping/ rang
74. - A: “Where can I ______ this shirt?” – B: “Sorry, our store is under maintenance, so we don’t
have a fitting room.”
A. try on B. fit on C. get on D. wear on
75. Tornadoes can cause widespread ______ and devastation.
A. destruction B. destroying C. destructive D. destroy
76. Two examples of ______ shops are the florist’s and the bakery.
A. goods B. convenience C. discount D. speciality
76. There are only 50 Saolas around Vietnam and they are the most ______ animals in Vietnam.
A. threatening B. popular C. endangered D. dangerous
77. I don’t know what tsunamis mean ______ I saw the documentary about them.
A. as soon as B. while C. when D. until
78. While my mother ______ dinner, my father ______ home from work yesterday.
A. was made/ came B. was making/ came
C. was making/ was coming D. made/ came
79. When traveling in Vietnam, foreigners have to learn to ______ to get the best price between
them and the sellers or to buy products at a lower price.
A. respect B. discount C. destroy D. bargain
80. Inventors will develop many ____ to help teachers save their time for families.
A. applications B. equipment C. furniture D. facility
81. To open the door, you look at this _____ screen
A. eye-track B. eye-tracking C. tracking-eye D. track-eye
82. The police used _________ technology to find the criminal.
A. recognition voice B. voice recognized C. voice recognition D. recognized voice
83. Teachers have a machine automatically check ________ .
A. attend B. attendance C. attentively D. attentive
84. Fingerprint _____ are fixed at the door, so place your finger on one of them before coming in.
A. scanners B. check C. robot D. recognition
85. He said that he _____ talk to his mother everyday on the Internet the following year.
A. would B. will C. can D. is able to
86. She said that she was staying at home chatting on facebook _____ .
A. the moment B. then C. now D. in the moment
87. The police said that she was not allowed to park _______.
A. in here B. here C. there D. on here
88. Susan: Before you use the webcam, make sure that you check this button right here to…
Jane: ___________ I wasn't listening. Which button?
A. Thank you. B. Hold on. C. You must be kidding D. So what now?
90. - Nick: I have been offered to be a president of our school science club.
- Mi: _________________
A. Great! B. Fine, then what? C. How's everything! D. How tired it is!
91. - Nam: I have passed my entrance exam to one of the best schools in my area.
- Mary: ______________.
A. What a pity! B. Wow, I'd love to. C. Can you bring me along? D. Congratulations!
Exercise 24. Fill in each blank with a word from the box.
as make machines do washing that because modern

Many people think that in the future robots will (1) ______________ all the housework. They talk
about robots (2) ______________ will be able to cook and robots that will tell us when we need to
go shopping. They say there will be robots in our shoes that do the hoovering (3) ______________
we walk around the house! People think these robots will exist in ten years, and they think they will
(4) ______________ a big difference to our lives. We all will have more
free time. But think about your house today. It is already full of (5) ______________! We don’t
call them robots, but they do the housework for us. Do you do the (6) ______________ yourself, or
do you use a washing machine? Do you do the washing-up yourself, or do you have a dish-washer?
(7) ______________ houses are full of machines that help US do the housework every day. We
don’t think they are special (8) ______________ they are everywhere. Can you imagine living 50
years ago? The future will be easy, but housework today isn’t so hard!
Exercise 25. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
A tornado is a kind of storm which looks (1) ____________a huge funnel. Tornados are the
strongest winds on earth. They can (2) ____________480km per hour. With such great strength, a
tornado causes a lot of damage. It can (3) ____________trees, flatten buildings, and throw heavy
things such as cars hundreds of metres. It is especially dangerous (4) ____________ people in cars
or mobile homes.
Tornadoes (5) ____________ in their duration and the distance they travel.
Most (6) ____________ less than ten minutes and travel five to ten kilometres. Some special
tornadoes can last several hours and travel up to more than 150km! Tornadoes can occur almost
anywhere (7) ____________ earth, but most of them happen in the United States, especially in the
Great Plains region. This area may (8) ____________ more than 200 tornadoes in each year.
1. A. like B. as C. such D. for
2. A. arrive B. go to C. reach D. speed
3. A. grow B. uproot C. plant D. water
4. A. for C. in D. at
5. A. differ B. similar C. different D. change
6. A. go B. keep up C. happen D. last
7. A. in B. on C. for D. up
8. A. be B. cause C. provide D. experience
Exercise 26. Read the text and tick True (T) or False (F).
a. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

When Smartphones Become Even Smarter

Mobile phone technologies have developed rapidly over the last decades, and experts are making
interesting predictions about smartphones of the future. They say that by 2035, smartphones will be able to
change their shapes to meet the users’ needs. For example, you can fold your phone like a sheet of paper
and put it in your wallet. Similarly, you can bend it and wear it as a watch. Moreover, new generations of
smartphones can send and receive holographic pictures. By using holography, you will be able to
participate in meetings without having to be at the meeting venue in person. You will also be able to
interact in computer games as if you were a character in it. Besides, smartphones will have super strong
sensors to read your mind and complete some tasks, such as making to-do lists and shopping online. They
will be able to sense your mood, give advice and play suitable music. In the near future, many people may
consider their smartphones their best friend, and they may interact with them even more than they do with
their human friends.
1. The passage describes predictions about future smartphones offered by _____________.
A. companies B. experts C. users
2. According to the passage, what can a user do to his / her smartphone by 2035?

A. Change its shape. B. Wear it as a necklace. C. Make it into a wallet
3. According to the passage, future smartphones may use _____________ to help their users interact in
computer games.
A. sensors B. generators C. holography
4. Which of the following tasks can a super smartphone NOT do for its users?
A. Check to-do lists. B. Shop online. C. Give advice.
5. According to the passage, people may treat their super smartphones as _____________ in the near
A. their servants B. their colleagues C. their best friends
b. Complete each gap in the note below with no more than THREE words.
 Smartphones of the future can ...

+ (1) _____________ according to their users’ demand.

+ exchange (2) _____________ pictures.
+ (3) _____________ their user’s mind.
+ sense their users’ (4) _____________ and play appropriate music.
 In the near future, people may interact with their phones more than they do with their (5) _____________.

Exercise 27. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. He/ Valentina Tereshkova/ the/ that/ into/ said/ space/ woman/ to/ was/ first/ travel
2. It/ me/ if/ the/ won’t/ email/ replaces/ completely/ regular mail/ in/ surprise/ near future
3. The students/ future/ the/ means/ finish/ about/ transport/ they/ would/ survey/ said/ of
4. Will/use/ for/special telecommunication lines/the/ systems?/ they/video conferencing
5. The scientists/ that/ were/ a/ working on/ said/ vehicle/ which/ like/ looked/ they/ flying cars
6. on phone/ We/ talked/ an hour/ for/ more than/ yesterday/ .
7. If/ will become/ we/ use/ our phones/ too much, /we/ them/ dependent on/ .
8. on the Internet/ Many teenagers/ prefer/ chatting/ to/ in person/ meeting their friends/ .
9. crossword puzzle/ was/ doing/ a/ ./ Mark

10. and/ a/ were singing/ Mai/ Lan/ pop song/ .
11. the/ Phong/ cleaning/ was/ board/ .
12. were reading/ Nick/ and/ together/ a/ Nam/ comic book/ .
13. Mi/ something/ in/ was drawing/ her/ notebook/ .
14. mobile phones/ the near future,/ In/ will/ run on/ solar energy/ .
15. will/ become popular/ Telepathy devices/ in 30 years/ .

Exercise 28. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. David said, “Robots can never replace human beings.”
 David said that____________________________________________________________________________
2. The man found the car’s battery and its interior design attractive.
 The man was attracted______________________________________________________________________
3. On arriving in Da Nang, I made a video call home.
 When I__________________________________________________________________________________
4. “You have to study harder if you want to be a doctor.”
 She told me that___________________________________________________________________________
5. My friend said that scientists would explore Mars in the near future.
 My friend said, “__________________________________________________________________________
6. We can see our loved ones every moment thanks to video call.
 Video call makes it_________________________________________________________________________
7. We spent two hours uploading our video files to YouTube.
 It took___________________________________________________________________________________
8. “Why don’t you swap the bookcase for the TV?” she said to me.
 She suggested that_________________________________________________________________________
9. “Most people will use flying cars”, Tom said.
 Tom told me that __________________________________________________________________________
10. “I am planning to send my friend an email”, Han said.
 Han said that _____________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 29. Listen to the news report and tick the statements are true (T) or false (F).

True False
1. The typhoon in Nghe An province began at around 11 p.m. and raged throughout
the afternoon.
2. There wasn’t any damage to property in Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An.
3. The storm had already weakened by the time emergency workers arrived in the
4. According to the weather bureau, the area will be rain-free over the next few

--- THE END ---


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