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Systemic pathology

Cardiovascular system

A)Define hypertension.

B)What are the types and causes of hypertension.

A)Classify ischemic heart diseases. Risk factor

B)Tell four important complications myocardial infraction.

A)What is myocardial infraction

B)Tell four important complications Of acute myocardial infarction.

3 immediate complications

A)What is athercoma. Atherosclerosis risk factor.

B)Tell the composition of plaque an athnomatous

A)What do you mean IHD.

B)Classify IHD. Biochemical invest.

C)Mention the risk factor of IHD

A)Rheumatic fever.Mention the Organs involved in Rheumatic fever.

B)What do you mean by Aschoff body. Composition

What is rehumatic carditis.

A)Define MI. Types . Diagnosis.

Mention the risk factors of MI.What are the complication of MI.

Def infective endocarditis, types, cause.

Def- Angina pectoris, Types

Normal reference of Ck, whats its importance.

Cardiac enzyme , whats are the earliest.,Whice enzyme persist for long time after an acute MI

Imp Congenital disease, Tetralogy of fallot..

Respiratory System

A)Four etiological factor for bronchogenic carcinoma.

B)Which type of bronchogenic carcinoma common among male and why?

A)What are the stage and complication of lobal pneumonia?

A)Diffrence between lobal preumonia and Bronchopneumonian.

Morphological stage of lobal preumonia.

A)What is Ghon complex what are character of secondary tuberculosis of lung?

Difference between primary & Secondary tuberculosis of lung?

A)Define and classiify preumonia?

A)Name four organism that can cause lobar pneumoniae.

Organisms responsible for bronchopneumonia.

A)Morphological stage of lobar preumonia.

b) Name three complication of lobar preumonia

A)Board way classification of brochogenic carcinoma.

b) Why lung cancer in male is common?

A)Define pneumoniae.

Classify pneumoniae

Mention the stage of lobur pneumonia

What do you mean bye pleural effusion, Type

Digestive System
A)Define acute appendicitis?

Mention the causes and complication of acute appendicitis.

A)Name Some common stormach cancer. Common malignant tumour of stomach.

Mention the causes of gastric carcinoma?

Morphological type of Ca of stomach.

A)what do you mean by impaired glucose tolarance?

B) Tell the normal valve of FBSS HbA1C

A)Define PUD

B)what are the common sites of PUD?

C) Which organ is commonly affected by PUD.

A)what do you mean by inflammatory bowel disease?

Tell three morphological charecteristics of crohn’s disease

A)Define IBD.

Mention the 3 imp difference between Ulcerative colitis & crohns disease.

A)What do you mean by inflammatory bowel disease?

B)Tell three morphological characteristics of crohns disease.

A)Define peptic ulcer?

Mention the complication of Peptic ulcer

What are the common sites of peptic ulcer?

Site of metastasis of Ca of stomach

Deference between malignant and benign tumour of stomach

Barret eshophagas, Importance

Hepatobilliary System
A)Name the types of gall stone

B)Name 2 complication of gallstone

A)Define Cirrhosis?

Describe histopathological features of cirrhosis.

Mention its complication.

A)Define hepatitis.

What are the type of hepatitis?

Mention the important cause of chronic hepatitis.

A)Mention the common liver function test done in laboratory??

A)Mention the cause of hepatitis.

Why hepatitis A virus is more dangerous than hepatitis B virus?

What is hemochromatosis ?

A)Define cirrhosis.

Mention the morphological & etilogical classification of cirrhosis

A)Define Cirrhosis?

B)what are the cause of cirrhosis? Complication of cirrhosis?

A)what do you mean by hepatitis?Name the hepatotrophic viruses.

Mention the fates of hepatitis B Virus infection.

What is lever abscess .

Name some common bacterial and helmenthic infection responsible for liver abscess.

Why hepatitis C is more dangerous than hepatitis B

Skin & Renal

A)Name 2 benign & 2 malignont tumour of skin .

B)what is melanoma ?

A)what are the precancerous lesion of skin.,Malignant lession

A)Mention important malignant tumour of skin

Morphological features of squamous cell carcinoma.

A)Mention the etiopathogeness of acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis.

Morphological feature of basal cell carcinoma

A)what do you mean by pyelonephritis , What is hydronephrosis

B) What are the causes of urinary tract obstruction.

A)What do you mean by uremia?

Mention the cause of acute renal failure.

A)Define nephritic & Nephrotic syndrome

b)Difference between them.

A)Define nephritic syndrome. Lab diagnosis of nephritic syndrom.

B)Etiopathogenesis of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.

What do you mean by urolithiasis

Type of renal stone. Tumor of kidney .

Nane Some bollous disease, cause .

What special test should be done .

Name some papulosquamas and vesicobullus disease of skin.

Name some term used in skin.

Female Reproductive system

a) What is teratoma?

b) Name 3 germ cell tumors of ovary.

c) what is kroukenberg tumor?

a) Name the most common carcinoma of cervix.

b) Name 4 etiological factors associated with cervical carcinoma.

A)Define adenomyosis and endometriosis.

Mention the common sites of endometriosis.

A)Name 3 malignant tumors of uterus.

What are the etiological factor involved In ca of cervix.

Define endometriosis, adenomyosis and endometritis.

a) What is kroukenberg tumor?

b) Name some malignant tumors of ovary.

a) What is CIN? b) What are types of CIN?

c) Name 2 investigations of diagnosis of corvical cancer.

a) What is adenomyosis? b) Name the complications of adenomyosis.

c) What is endometriosis?

Def and classify teratoma, ,macroscopic features of teratoma

Name 2 hormone producing tumour of ovary.

Classify testicular tumor. Which of them radiosensitive.

What is protatitis, 3 bacterial cause.

Whice cancer common in prostate

The Breast

a) Risk factors of breast carcinoma.

b) What do you mean by age of menarche and age at first live birth?

a) Name the inflammatory disease of breast.

B)How will you diagnose a case of breast lump?

c) Classify breast carcinoma.

a) Tumon markers of breast carcinoma

b) Role of tumor marker of breast Carcinoma?

a) Prognostic & predictive factors of breast carcinoma.

b) What do you mean by locally advanced disease?

c) Tell about inflammatory corcinoma of breast

45y female patient presented with a 5cm hand, fixed, lump for 6 months.

a) Probable diagnosis?

b) How will you proceed to diagnose the Case?

Endocrine Bones and Joints

A)Define osteomyelitis.What are Its type

B) Mention the common causes of osteomyelitis.

Define osteo mylelitis?

Name three organism causing osteomyelitis

Name three complication of chronic osteomyelit

Define osteomyelitis

Tell the causes of osteomyelitis

Metabolic disease
A)Define DM ? what its type

B)Mention the important complication of DM

A)Define hyper glycaemia, important cause.

B)Tell the normal reference value of RBS level

A)What do you mean by gestational diabetes.

B)Mention the couse of gestational diabetes?

C)Mention the fate of Gestational diabetes

A)Name the types of DM

B)Name three complication of DM

C) what is IGT

A)What is OGTTB)In OGTT, How much glucose taken by mouth,

C) Tell the indication of OGTT

A) what do you mean by gestational diabetes?

B) mention the fate of, Gestational Diabetes

A) Tell the procedure of OGTT

B) Among FBS and RBS which one is more important

A)Define DM , what are Its type

B) How will you diagnose a case of DM in the lab?

What do you mean by heperglycaemic glycosuria,How such condition is developed

What is renal threshold for glucose.

How to prepare patient , Value of FBS HbA1c,

What is alimentary glycosuria.


A) Indication of CSF excamination?

B)Common Couse of presence of blood in CSF.

A)Causative organism of meningitis.

Mention bronchial & microscople findings of pyogenic and tuberculous meningitis.

A) Normal colour and value of CSF.

B) Indication of CSF examination.

A)Intication of CSF examination. Name the organism -causing meningitis.

A)Intication of CSF examination? Differentiate pyogenic meningitis from virral meningitis

A)Three bacteria related to meningitis.

What specimen should be examined for diagnosis of acute meningitis.

A)You are supplied with 3 different test tubes. How will you differentiate, Different types of meningitis on
basis of appearance of CSF.

A)Name 2 bacteria and 2 virus causing meningitis .

B) Tell the appearance of CSF in viral meningitis.

A)Mention the indications of CSF examination.

B)Mention the conditions whene CSF collection is contraindicated.

Condition where decrease CSF suger, Increase CSF protein.

Common cause of presence blood in CSF

What is meningitis, type. Whice type Of cell wall increase in tubercular meningitis.
Smen analysis

A)Mention the indication of semen analysis.

What do you mean by azoospermia, Oligospermia, asthenozoospermia?

a) Tell the normal total count of sperm.

b) when you call it oligospermia?

c) Tell the indications of semen analysis.

Tell the normal and total count of semen. Constituent.

Normal count of spermatozoa.

Complication of oligospermia,

Causes of azoospermia.

A)Define proteinuria , Mention the renal causes of protienuria

Lipid profile
What are the components of lipid profile?

Tell the complications of obesity.

Tell the differences between HDL and LDL.

What are the importances of HDL and LDL? Adv and disabd of HDl and LDL respectively.


a) What is Jaundice? b) What are the clinical types?

c) why normal urine does not contain bilirubin?

a) Tell 3 imp causes of Obs. Jaundice.

b) Tell the urinary findings of obs jaundice.

a) What is jaundice? b) what are the clinical types?

c) Tell 3 causes of hemolytic jaundice.

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