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Effort Grade EAL Effort & Approach to Learning

Exceptional ● Approach to learning is consistently above and beyond expectations.

● Consistently demonstrates most attributes of the learner profile.
● Consistently demonstrates a strong commitment to improving English language skills through
dedicated use of English inside and outside of lessons.
● Actively engages in class activities and discussions, contributing thoughtfully and confidently.
● Takes initiative to seek additional resources and opportunities for language practice; clear evidence
of independent learning outside of the classroom.
● Regularly seeks feedback and implements suggestions to enhance language proficiency.
● Significant contribution to creating a positive learning environment.
● Demonstrates a positive attitude, resilience, and a willingness to take risks in language learning.

Very Good ● Approach to learning is often above and beyond expectations.

● Often demonstrates most attributes of the learner profile.
● Generally shows a proactive approach to improving English language skills.
● Participates actively in class activities and discussions, making meaningful contributions.
● Utilises available resources and seeks support when needed; some evidence of independent learning
outside of the classroom.
● Responds positively to feedback and demonstrates progress in language development.
● Displays a positive attitude towards challenges and consistently works towards improvement through
use of English inside and outside of the classroom.

Good with ● Approach to learning usually meets expectations; demonstrates an acceptable level of commitment
room for to English language learning.
improvement ● Usually demonstrates most attributes of the learner profile.
● Engages in class activities and discussions but may require some prompting to participate fully.
● Occasionally seeks out resources and support for language development.
● Responds to feedback and shows some progress in language skills.
● Generally maintains a positive attitude, although may need occasional reminders to stay focused.

Causing ● Unsatisfactory approach to learning; displays inconsistent effort in improving English language skills.
some ● Seldom demonstrates attributes of the learner profile.
concern ● Participates minimally in class activities and discussions, often requiring significant prompting.
● Relies heavily on teacher guidance and support for language practice.
● Demonstrates limited progress despite feedback and intervention.
● May display a negative attitude or lack of motivation towards language learning; sometimes has a
negative impact on the learning environment.
● Increasing number of absences from lessons.

Serious ● Very poor attitude to learning; significant negative impact on learning opportunities.
concern ● Rarely demonstrates attributes of the learner profile.
● Demonstrates minimal effort and engagement in improving English language skills.
● Rarely participates in class activities and discussions, showing little interest or motivation.
● Demonstrates a lack of initiative in seeking resources or support for language development.
● Shows limited progress and does not effectively respond to feedback or intervention.
● Consistently displays a negative attitude towards language learning and may require targeted
intervention and support.
● Concerning number of absences from lessons.

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