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I can see a major improvement in my writing throughout this semester.

In the beginning of this

course, my writing assignments would be very confusing and bundled together. I was not used to
writing my documents in an emails format. I believe that from the first writing assignment to the
last there is a big different. Looking back on my first assignment I think I was very off topic and
struggled with structure. The white paper packet is the current project that displays how much
my writing skills have progressed in this course. When looking back on the first assignment I
noticed that I would restate a lot of the same information in my document. My last assignment
was very clear and used plain language.

My goal for this course was to feel comfortable with a different writing style. Now that it is the
end of the semester, I know I have meant this goal. At the beginning of this course, I was not
confident with my writing skills. I was used to the normal high school type of essay writing. For
this class I think the writing style is more complexed and denser. I meant this goal by continually
looking over my work and outlines. I have always had a really rough time following outlines for
assignment. This course has made me stick to outlines and to put more attention into my work. I
also meant my goal for this course by having an open mind. For this course we had to do a lot of
writing that involved fictional companies or people. I like to do more fact-based writing, so this
was strange to me at first. Once I started to think positively about the assignments, I noticed that
my grades were getting a lot better.

I am most proud of my “White Paper Packet” assignment. I am proud of this assignment because
I felt like I put the most effort into the paper. I remember working on the assignment for days
before it was due. At first, I didn’t know what the end goal of the paper would be. I then had to
look over the PowerPoints many times. It was a very long process, but I think it paid off at the
end. I made an 80 on the assignment which is way better than me other grades. The White Paper
Packet assignment was the longest assignment for the course this semester. While it is the
longest, I enjoyed it the most. My topic for the document was floods. In the document I
discussed a study that was took for residents that encountered a flood. If I could add any
assignment to this course it would be an assignment where we mainly just focus on how to
structure certain papers. I think I would have benefited from it. If I could edit any assignments, it
would be the first two. I say this because I didn’t do as good as I know I could on them.

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