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Introduction: What is Communication Management?

Communication management is a critical aspect of project management that involves planning,

executing, monitoring, and controlling the flow of information among project stakeholders.
Effective communication is essential for ensuring the success of any project as it helps to ensure
that everyone is on the same page, that the right information is being shared, and that
expectations are managed correctly.

Planning for Communication

Before starting a project, it’s essential to develop a communication plan that outlines who needs
to receive what information, when it needs to be delivered, and how it will be delivered. The plan
should also include a backup plan for when communication channels fail.

Establishing Communication Channels

Different types of information require different communication channels. For example, informal
conversations may be appropriate for discussing minor issues, while more formal channels, such
as emails or meetings, may be necessary for more significant issues. It’s crucial to choose the
right channel to ensure that the information is communicated effectively.

Sharing Information

Project managers need to ensure that all stakeholders have access to the information they need to
perform their jobs effectively. This may include project status updates, changes in project scope,
and other relevant information. Sharing information in a timely manner can help to avoid
misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Managing Expectations

It’s crucial to manage stakeholders’ expectations by setting clear communication goals and
ensuring that the right information is being shared. This can help to reduce confusion and
increase transparency, leading to a more efficient and successful project.
Monitoring Communication

Project managers need to monitor communication to ensure that it’s effective and that all
stakeholders are receiving the information they need. They should also be proactive in addressing
any communication issues that arise during the project.

Resolving Communication Issues

Problems with communication can arise at any time during a project, and project managers need
to be prepared to resolve them quickly. This may involve addressing misunderstandings,
clarifying expectations, or changing the communication channels used.

Controlling Communication

Effective communication is essential for project success, but it’s also important to ensure that
communication is controlled. This may involve setting limits on the amount of information
shared, restricting access to sensitive information, or controlling who can send or receive


In conclusion, communication management is a critical aspect of project management that should

not be overlooked. Effective communication helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page,
that the right information is being shared, and that expectations are managed correctly. Project
managers need to plan for communication, establish communication channels, share information,
manage expectations, monitor communication, resolve communication issues, and control
communication to ensure that their projects are successful.

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