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Brain Breaks for Kids

Increase Focus with Proprioceptive Exercises

1. Jumping jacks, 10-20 14. Jog in place

2. Seated chair lifts: while sitting, place 15. Inchworm: keep feet still, walk hands
hands near back of chair, lift body up out on the floor as far as they'll go
and hold for 10-30 seconds, repeat (into a plank position,) hold for a few
as needed seconds or do a push-up before
3. High plank position on floor: hold walking hands back to the feet
position with arms straight/palms 16. Hop on right foot 10 times, hop on
flat on the floor, toes on the floor. left foot 10 times
Hold for 10, break for 10 if needed, 17. Plank position: on the floor if space
or hold up to 30 seconds allows, lie on stomach; push up onto
4. Yoga / adapted yoga positions: table, the forearms / keep toes on the
downward dog, warrior, chair, etc floor; lift the body above the floor
5. Crab kicks: hold a crab position and (toes and forearms should be the
slowly kick each leg, 10-20 times only body parts in contact with the
6. Donkey kicks: in a downward dog floor)
position, keep hands still and slowly
kick each foot, pause at the top, 10- 18. Dance moves (ask a student to lead a
current popular viral dance or share
20 times
7. Marching: slowly march in place one of your own!)
bringing knees up as high as possible 19. Sit-ups, crunches, or bicycles (elbow
– 10 strong marches and then 10 to opposite knee)
slow marches with quiet feet 20. Scissor arms straight out in front of
8. Jump up and down, 10-20 the body (right hand over left, then
9. Reverse table pose: sit on floor and left over right); end with a “give
lean back into straight arms / fingers yourself a hug” squeeze!
pointing toward feet, lift body up 21. Toe touches: pause at the bottom
keeping hands and feet on the floor, for a stretch through the legs, 10-15
hold for 10-30 seconds 22. Wall sits (or hover above chair) for 5-
10. Stand on tip toes and stretch hands 35 seconds
high above the head, hold for 20-30 23. Hold largest / heaviest textbook
seconds above head, lean slowly to each side,
11. Arm circles – large movements: 10 return slowly back to center
forward / 10 backwards, then 24. Plank jumping jacks: hands remain in
smaller faster circles: 10 forward, 10 one spot on the floor, feet alternate
backwards; follow with floating arms jumping in together / out apart, 5-15
straight up to the ceiling and slowly 25. Reciprocal jumps: stand up, start
return them back to the sides with right arm forward - left arm
12. Push-ups: floor, desk or wall, 5-15 back - left leg forward - right leg
depending on location and ease of back. Jump to switch leg position
push-up while also switching arm position (a
13. Slow squats / fingertips tap the floor, fun challenge for some kids!)

DEVELOP LEARN GROW Amy, Occupational Therapist

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