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KS2 – 2,25d

1. Your father invested a lump sum 26 years ago at 4.25 percent interest. Today, he gave you the proceeds
of that investment which totaled $51,480.79. How much did your father originally invest? (KS2)

(Cha của bạn đã đầu tư một lần vào 26 năm trước với lãi suất 4,25%. Hôm nay, anh ấy đã trao cho bạn
số tiền thu được từ khoản đầu tư đó với tổng trị giá 51.480,79 đô la. Bố bạn đầu tư ban đầu bao

Vo = Vn/(1+i)^n = 51480.79/(1+4.25%)^26

1. $15,929.47.

2. $16,500.00.

3. $17,444.86.

4. $17,500.00.

5. Which one of the following statements concerning interest rates is correct? (KS2)

1. Savers would prefer annual compounding over monthly compounding.

(Người gửi thích lãi kép hàng năm hơn là lãi kép hàng tháng)

2. The effective annual rate decreases as the number of compounding periods per year increases.

(Lãi suất hiệu dụng hàng năm giảm khi số kì của lãi kép hàng năm tăng lên)

3. The effective annual rate equals the annual percentage rate when interest is compounded annually.

(Lãi suất hàng năm thực tế bằng với lãi suất phần trăm hàng năm khi tiền lãi được gộp hàng năm)

4. For any positive rate of interest, the effective annual rate will always exceed the annual percentage

(Đối với bất kỳ lãi suất dương nào, lãi suất hiệu dụng hàng năm sẽ luôn vượt quá lãi suất phần trăm
hàng năm)

5. The Wine Press is considering a project which has an initial cash requirement of $187,400. The project
will yield cash flows of $2,832 monthly for 84 months. What is the rate of return on this project? (KS2)

1. 6,97%.

2. 7,04%.

3. 7,28%.
4. 7,41%.
5. You are paying an effective annual rate (EAR) of 18.974 percent on your credit card. The interest is
compounded monthly. What is the annual percentage rate (APR) on this account? (KS2)
1. 17,5%.

2. 18%.

3. 18,25%.

4. 19%.

5. What is the interest rate charged per period multiplied by the number of periods per year
called? (KS2)
(Lãi suất tính theo kỳ nhân với số kỳ trong năm được gọi là gì?)
=> APR
A. effective annual rate

B. annual percentage rate


C. periodic interest rate


D. compound interest rate


E. daily interest rate

6. What is the effective annual rate if a bank charges you 8.25 percent compounded quarterly? (Ks2)

A. 8.32 percent
B. 8.38 percent
C. 8.42 percent
D. 8.51 percent
E. 8.61 percent

7. You have $5,600 that you want to use to open a savings account. There are five banks located in
your area. The rates paid by banks A through E, respectively, are given below. Which bank should you
select if your goal is to maximize your interest income? (Ks2)

A. 4.61 percent, compounded annually

B. 4.15 percent, compounded monthly
C. 4.57 percent, compounded semi-annually
D. 4.10 percent, compounded continuously
E. 4.25 percent, compounded quarterly
EARA = 4.61 percent
Bank C offers the highest effective annual rate at 4.622 percent.
8. You are going to loan a friend $550 for one year at a 6 percent rate of interest, compounded
annually. How much additional interest could you have earned if you had compounded the rate
continuously rather than annually? (Ks2)

A. $0.84
B. $1.01
C. $1.10
D. $1.23
E. $1.28

Additional interest = $550 × (0.0618365 - 0.06) = $1.01

9. Crystal Glass recently paid $3.60 as an annual dividend. Future dividends are projected at $3.80,
$4.10, and $4.25 over the next 3 years, respectively. Beginning 4 years from now, the dividend is
expected to increase by 3.25 percent annually. What is one share of this stock worth to you if you
require a 12.5 percent rate of return on similar investments?

A. $42.92
B. $43.40
C. $45.12
D. $45.88
E. $46.50
You are considering a project which will provide annual cash inflows of $4,500, $5,700, and $8,000 at
the end of each year for the next three years, respectively. What is the present value of these cash
flows, given a 9 percent discount rate?

A. $14,877
B. $15,103
C. $15,429
D. $16,388
E. $16,847

Ks3: 2 d
1. A flexible short-term financial policy: (0,25)

A. increases a firm's need for long-term financing.


B. minimizes net working capital.

C. avoids bad debts by only selling items for cash.
D. maximizes fixed assets and minimizes current assets.
E. is most appropriate for a firm with relatively high carrying costs and relatively low shortage costs.
2. The Lumber Mart recently replaced its management team. As a result, the firm is implementing a
restrictive short-term policy in place of the flexible policy under which the firm had been operating.
Which of the following should the employees expect as a result of this policy change?
(Lumber Mart gần đây đã thay thế đội ngũ quản lý của mình. Kết quả là, công ty đang thực hiện một
chính sách hạn chế ngắn hạn thay cho chính sách linh hoạt mà công ty đã và đang vận hành. Nhân viên
nên mong đợi điều gì sau đây khi thay đổi chính sách này?)
implementing a restrictive short-term policy : CHÍNH SÁCH HẠN CHẾ NGẮN HẠN
I. reduction in sales due to stock outs
II. greater inventory selection
III. decreased sales due to the new accounts receivable credit policy
IV. decreased investment in marketable securities

A. I and II only
B. II and IV only
C. I, II, and IV only
D. I, III, and IV only
reduction in sales due to stock out (GIẢM DOANH SỐ DO HẾT HÀNG)
decreased sales due to the new accounts receivable credit policy
decreased investment in marketable securities

E. I, II, III, and

3. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. A firm with a restrictive financing policy secures sufficient long-term financing to fund all its
B. A firm with a flexible financing policy frequently invests in marketable securities.
(cty có chính sách tài chính linh hoạt thường đầu tư vào thị trường chứng khoán)
C. A firm with a flexible financing policy tends to use short-term financing on a frequent basis.
D. Firms tend to avoid short-term financing under both restrictive and flexible financing policies.
E. Firms with seasonal sales select flexible financing policies.
4. Roger's Home Appliances offers credit to customers it deems worthy of this privilege. To determine
if a customer is worthy, the firm computes a numerical value which is used to estimate the probability
that the customer will default if credit is granted to them. The process of computing this numerical
value is referred to as:
(giá trị số ước tính tỉ lệ vỡ nợ của KH)
A. credit scoring.
B. credit capacity.
C. receipts assessment.
D. conditions for credit.
E. consumer analysis.
5. The terms of sale generally include which of the following?
I. type of credit instrument(CÔNG CỤ TÍN DỤNG)
II. cash discount(GIẢM GIÁ TIỀN MẶT)
III. credit period(THỜI HẠN TÍN DỤNG)
IV. discount period(THỜI HẠN CHIẾT KHẤU)

A. I and III only

B. II and IV only
C. III and IV only
D. II, III, and IV only
E. I, II, III, and
6. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. The credit period begins when the discount period ends.

B. The discount period is the length of time granted to a customer to pay for a purchase.
C. The credit period begins on the invoice date(THỜI HẠN TÍN DỤNG BẮT ĐẦU VÀO NGÀY
D. With terms of 2/10, net 30, the net credit period is 20 days.
E. With EOM dating, all sales are assumed to have occurred on the 15th of each month.
8. Which one of the following will increase a firm's investment in accounts receivables?

A. a decrease in the number of days for which credit is granted

B. a decrease in credit sales
C. an increase in cash sales
D. a decrease in the average collection period
E. an increase in average daily credit sales
Ks4 - 3
1. Which one of the following represents the capital gains yield as used in the dividend growth model?
(KS4) 0,25


1. D1.

2. D1/P0.

3. P0.

4. G.

5. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the two-stage dividend growth

6. G1 cannot be negative.

7. Pt = Dt/R.

8. G1 must be greater than G2.

9. G1 can be greater than R.

10. Which one of the following is a type of equity security that has a fixed dividend/CỔ
TỨC CỐ ĐỊNH and a priority status/TRẠNG THÁI ƯU TIÊN over other equity
securities? (KS4) 0,25
(là một loại chứng khoán vốn có cổ tức cố định và trạng thái ưu tiên hơn các chứng
A. senior bond

B. debenture

C. warrant

D. common stock

E. preferred stock
4. Which one of the following types of stock is defined by the fact that it receives no preferential
treatment in respect to either dividends or bankruptcy proceedings? (Ks4) 0,25
(không nhận được sự đối xử ưu đãi đối với cổ tức hoặc thủ tục khi cty phá sản)
=> cổ phiếu thường (COMMON STOCK)

A. dual class
B. cumulative
C. non-cumulative
D. preferred
E. common
5. Free Motion Enterprises paid a $2.20 per share annual dividend last week. Dividends are expected
to increase by 3.75 percent annually. What is one share of this stock worth to you today if your
required rate of return is 15 percent? (Ks4) 0,25
(Free Motion Enterprises đã trả cổ tức hàng năm $2,20 cho mỗi cổ phiếu vào tuần trước. Cổ tức dự
kiến sẽ tăng 3,75 phần trăm hàng năm. Một cổ phiếu của cổ phiếu này có giá trị như thế nào đối với
bạn ngày hôm nay nếu tỷ lệ hoàn vốn yêu cầu của bạn là 15 phần trăm?)
g=3.75%, Do= 2.2, re=15%

A. $19.06
B. $19.30
C. $19.56
D. $20.29
E. $20.59
6. Harvey County Choppers, Inc. is experiencing rapid growth. The company expects dividends to
grow at 25 percent per year for the next 7 years before leveling off to 7 percent into perpetuity. The
required return on the stock is 12 percent. What is the current stock price if the annual dividend share
that was just paid was $1.05? (Ks4) (0,5d)
(Harvey County Choppers, Inc. đang có tốc độ phát triển nhanh chóng. Công ty dự kiến cổ tức sẽ tăng
25% mỗi năm trong 7 năm tới trước khi giảm xuống 7% vĩnh viễn. Tỷ suất sinh lợi yêu cầu của cổ
phiếu là 12 phần trăm. Giá cổ phiếu hiện tại là bao nhiêu nếu cổ tức hàng năm vừa được trả là $1,05)

A. $60.15
B. $64.36
C. $67.37
D. $72.11
E. $75.19

7. Crystal Glass recently paid $3.60 as an annual dividend. Future dividends are projected at $3.80,
$4.10, and $4.25 over the next 3 years, respectively. Beginning 4 years from now, the dividend is
expected to increase by 3.25 percent annually. What is one share of this stock worth to you if you
require a 12.5 percent rate of return on similar investments? (0,5)

A. $42.92
B. $43.40
C. $45.12
D. $45.88
E. $46.50
8. The Corner Grocer has a 7-year, 6 percent annual coupon bond outstanding with a $1,000 par value.
The bond has a yield to maturity of 5.5 percent. Which one of the following statements is correct if the
market yield suddenly increases to 7 percent? (0,5)
(The Corner Grocer có trái phiếu lãi suất 7 năm, lãi suất 6% hàng năm với mệnh giá 1.000 đô la. Trái
phiếu có lãi suất đáo hạn là 5,5%. Phát biểu nào sau đây đúng nếu lợi suất thị trường đột ngột tăng lên

A. The bond price will increase by $57.14.

B. The bond price will increase by 5.29 percent.
C. The bond price will decrease by $53.62.
D. The bond price will decrease by 8 percent.
E. The bond price will decrease by 8.36 percent.

Difference in prices = $946.11 - $1,028.41 = -$82.31

9. Collingwood Homes has a bond issue outstanding that pays an 8.5 percent coupon and matures in
16.5 years. The bonds have a par value of $1,000 and a market price of $944.30. Interest is paid
semiannually. What is the yield to maturity? (0,25)

A. 8.36 percent
B. 8.42 percent
C. 8.61 percent
D. 8.74 percent
E. 9.16 percent
This cannot be solved directly, so it's easiest to just use the calculator method to get an answer. You
can then use the calculator answer as the rate in the formula just to verify that your answer is correct.

Ks5: 2,75

1. Textile Mills borrows money at a rate of 13.5 percent. This interest rate is referred to as the: (0,25)

A. compound rate.
B. current yield.
C. cost of debt.
D. capital gains yield.
E. cost of capital.

2. A firm's cost of capital: (0,25)

A. will decrease as the risk level of the firm increases.
B. for a specific project is primarily dependent upon the source of the funds used for the project.
C. is independent of the firm's capital structure.
D. should be applied as the discount rate for any project considered by the firm.
E. depends upon how the funds raised are going to be spent.
3. All else constant, which one of the following will increase a firm's cost of equity if the firm
computes that cost using the security market line approach? Assume the firm currently pays an annual
dividend of $1 a share and has a beta of 1.2. (0,25)
(Tất cả các yếu tố khác không đổi, điều nào sau đây sẽ làm tăng chi phí vốn chủ sở hữu của
công ty nếu công ty tính toán chi phí đó bằng cách sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận đường thị
trường chứng khoán? Giả sử công ty hiện đang trả cổ tức hàng năm là 1 đô la một cổ phiếu và
có hệ số beta là 1,2)
A. a reduction in the dividend amount
B. an increase in the dividend amount
C. a reduction in the market rate of return
D. a reduction in the firm's beta
E. a reduction in the risk-free rate
4. The dividend growth model: (0,25)
=> chỉ đáng tin cậy như tốc độ tăng trưởng
( ((
is only as reliable as the estimated rate of growth.
B. can only be used if historical dividend information is available.
C. considers the risk that future dividends may vary from their estimated values.
D. applies only when a firm is currently paying dividends.
E. uses beta to measure the systematic risk of a firm.
5. Southern Home Cookin' just paid its annual dividend of $0.65 a share. The stock has a market price
of $13 and a beta of 1.12. The return on the U.S. Treasury bill is 2.5 percent and the market risk
premium is 6.8 percent. What is the cost of equity? (0,25)
(Southern Home Cookin' vừa trả cổ tức hàng năm là 0,65 đô la một cổ phiếu. Cổ phiếu có giá thị
trường là 13 đô la và hệ số beta là 1,12. Tỷ suất sinh lợi của trái phiếu kho bạc Mỹ là 2,5% và phần bù
rủi ro thị trường là 6,8%. Chi phí vốn chủ sở hữu là gì?)

A. 9.98 percent
B. 10.04 percent
C. 10.12 percent
D. 10.37 percent
E. 10.45 percent
Re = 0.025 + (1.12 × 0.068) = 10.12 percent
6. National Home Rentals has a beta of 1.24, a stock price of $22, and recently paid an annual
dividend of $0.94 a share. The dividend growth rate is 4.5 percent. The market has a 10.6 percent rate
of return and a risk premium of 7.5 percent. What is the firm's cost of equity? (0,25)
(National Home Rentals có hệ số beta là 1,24, giá cổ phiếu là 22 đô la và gần đây đã trả cổ tức hàng
năm là 0,94 đô la một cổ phiếu. Tỷ lệ tăng trưởng cổ tức là 4,5%. Thị trường có tỷ lệ hoàn vốn là
10,6% và phần bù rủi ro là 7,5%. Chi phí vốn cổ phần của công ty là gì?)
Beta: 1.24
Po= 22
Do= 0.94
G= 4.5%
Rm= 10.6%
Rf= 7.5%
A. 7.05 percent
B. 8.67 percent
C. 9.13 percent
D. 10.30 percent
E. 10.68 percent
Re = (0.106 - 0.075) + (1.24 × 0.075) = 0.124
Re = [($0.94 × 1.045)/$22] + 0.045 = 0.08965
Re Average = (0.124 + 0.08965)/2 = 10.68 percent
7. Simple Foods has a zero coupon bond issue outstanding that matures in 9 years. The bonds are
selling at 42 percent of par value. What is the company's aftertax cost of debt if the tax rate is 38
percent? (0,25)
(Simple Foods có một khoản phát hành trái phiếu không trả lãi suất đáo hạn trong 9 năm. Trái phiếu
đang được bán với giá 42% mệnh giá. Chi phí nợ sau thuế của công ty là bao nhiêu nếu thuế suất là 38
phần trăm?)

A. 5.48 percent
B. 5.73 percent
C. 6.12 percent
D. 7.73 percent
E. 9.88 percent
8. Titan Mining Corporation has 14 million shares of common stock outstanding, 900,000 shares of 9
percent preferred stock outstanding and 220,000 ten percent semiannual bonds outstanding, par value
$1,000 each. The common stock currently sells for $42 per share and has a beta of 1.15, the preferred
stock currently sells for $80 per share, and the bonds have 17 years to maturity and sell for 91 percent
of par. The market risk premium is 11.5 percent, T-bills are yielding 7.5 percent, and the firm's tax rate
is 32 percent. What discount rate should the firm apply to a new project's cash flows if the project has
the same risk as the firm's typical project? (0,5)

A. 14.59 percent
B. 14.72 percent
C. 15.17 percent
D. 15.54 percent
E. 16.88 percent
MVD = 220,000 ($1,000) (0.91) = $200,200,000
MVE = 14,000,000 ($42) = $588,000,000
MVP = 900,000 ($80) = $72,000,000
V = $200,200,000 + $588,000,000 + $72,000,000 = $860,200,000
D/V = $200,200,000/$860,200,000 = 0.232737
E/V = $588,000,000/$860,200,000 = 0.683562
P/V = $72,000,000/$860,200,000 = 0.083701
RE = 0.075 + 1.15(0.115) = 0.20725
RP = $9/$80 = 0.1125

RD Aftertax = 0.1119514 (1 - 0.32) = 0.076127

WACC = 0.683562(0.20725) + 0.083701 (0.1125) + 0.232737 (0.076127) = 16.88 percent
9. Miller Sisters has an overall beta of 0.79 and a cost of equity of 11.2 percent for the firm overall.
The firm is 100 percent financed with common stock. Division A within the firm has an estimated beta
of 1.08 and is the riskiest of all of the firm's operations. What is an appropriate cost of capital for
division A if the market risk premium is 9.5 percent? (0,25)

A. 13.12 percent
B. 13.96 percent
C. 14.63 percent
D. 15.77 percent
E. 16.01 percent
0.112 = rf + 0.79(0.095); rf = 0.03695
ReDivision = 0.03695 + 1.08(0.095) = 13.96 percent
10. New York Deli has 7 percent preferred stock outstanding that sells for $34 a share. This stock was
originally issued at $45 per share. What is the cost of preferred stock? (0,25)

A. 13.68 percent
B. 14.00 percent
C. 18.29 percent
D. 20.59 percent
E. 20.80 percent
Rp = (0.07 × $100)/$34 = 20.59 percent

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