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Brain Research 1789 (2022) 147946

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Whisker trimming induces anti-anxiety like status via activation of

dorsomedial hypothalamus nucleus in mice
Jiangling Wang a, b, c, Weiran Shan a, Xinzhong Chen b, Zhiyi Zuo a, *
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA
Department of Anesthesiology, Women’s Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310006, China
Department of Anesthesiology, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310022, China


Keywords: Whiskers are highly developed tactile organs in mice. Here, we showed that mice with whisker trimming had a
Anxious behavior decreased anxiety behavior and activation of dorsomedial hypothalamus compared to control mice. Inhibition or
Dorsomedial hypothalamus damage of dorsomedial hypothalamus reversed the decrease of anxiety level induced by whisker trimming. These
results expand the role of whiskers in regulating mouse behaviors to anxiety and suggest a novel function of
dorsomedial hypothalamus. These findings indicate importance of normal sensory functions in modulating an­
imal behavior.

1. Introduction that are critical for this relationship. Here, a tactile impairment model
induced by whisker trimming was used to investigate this relationship.
Touch is a vital sense for object recognition, social communication, The role of DMH in the anxiety behavior was determined by using a
decision making and motor control in many mammalian species (Wang chemogenetic approach.
et al., 2020; McGlone et al., 2014; Moore et al., 2016). Parental touch
raises trust and reduces social anxiety in children (Brummelman et al., 2. Results
2019). Studies have shown that neonatal tactile enrichment reduces
anxiety levels in adult rats while tactile deprivation impairs the devel­ Six- to eight-week old CD-1 male mice had whisker trimmed to the
opment of anxiety-related emotional system in the brain of mice (Baldini skin every day. The sham mice had whisker root manipulation similar to
et al., 2013; Soumiya et al., 2016). Whisker is the most important and that of whisker trimming but without receiving whisker trimming. The
highly developed tactile organ in mice, through which mice can rapidly anxiety levels of these mice were assessed by the open field and elevated
locate and recognize objects in their environment. These functions help plus maze tests after whisker trimming for 14 days. There was a differ­
them modulate movement and make proper decisions (Bosman et al., ence in the center time [F(2,112) = 4.919, P = 0.009], corner time [F
2011). Whisker-related signal is integrated in the thalamus and pro­ (2,112) = 5.482, P = 0.0054] and number of corner entries [H(3) =
jected to barrel cortex where the sensory signals are decoded and 22.26, P < 0.0001] among the groups of mice with or without whisker
encoded (Harrell et al., 2020). Hypothalamus is a regulator of basic trimming. Mice with whisker trimming stayed longer in the center re­
brain functions including emotions (Blackshaw et al., 2010; Sevoz- gion and had fewer numbers of entries into the corner region than naïve
Couche et al., 2013). For example, dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) control mice and sham mice in the open field test. The mice with whisker
regulates stress-related cardiovascular responses in rodents (Sevoz- trimming also spent less time in the corner area than control mice
Couche et al., 2013). DMH also regulates anxiety (Shekhar, 1993), (Fig. 1A and 1B). There was also a difference in the open arm time [H(3)
projects to the thalamus (Kagan et al., 2013) and receives input from = 11.37, P = 0.0034] among the groups of mice. Mice with whisker
cerebral cortex (Dampney, 2015). Although tactile functions and anxi­ trimming spent more time in the open arms than naïve control mice and
ety have been well studied, little is known about the relationships be­ sham mice but the total amount of time spent in the closed arms were
tween anxiety behavior and tactile impairment and the brain regions not different among naïve control mice, sham mice and mice with

* Corresponding author at: Department of Anesthesiology, University of Virginia Health System, 1 Hospital Drive, PO Box 800710, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0710,
E-mail addresses: (J. Wang), (W. Shan), (X. Chen), (Z. Zuo).
Received 21 October 2021; Received in revised form 27 April 2022; Accepted 15 May 2022
Available online 18 May 2022
0006-8993/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Wang et al. Brain Research 1789 (2022) 147946

whisker trimming in the elevated plus maze test (Fig. 1C). These results spent in the closed arm of the elevated plus maze test [F(3,36) = 2.998,
suggest that whisker trimming reduces the anxiety levels. P = 0.0433]. Whiskerless mice receiving injection of pAAV2-hSyn-
To identify brain regions that may be involved in the effects of hM4D(Gi)-mCherry into their DMH and then intraperitoneal injection
whisker trimming on anxiety, brain sections were stained for c-Fos of compound 21 spent more time in the closed arms than whiskerless
protein, an indicator of neuronal activation (Zeng et al., 2021). Amyg­ mice but the total amount of time in the open arms was not different
dala, a brain region that is involved in fear and anxiety behavior among the groups in the elevated plus maze (Fig. 5D). However, mice
(Ressler, 2010), had the highest number of c-Fos positive cells among all receiving injection of pAAV2-hSyn-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry into their DMH
brain regions in mice with whisker trimming (Fig. 2A and Fig. 3). DMH and then intraperitoneal injection of saline or injection of pAAV2-hSyn-
had the second highest increase in c-Fos positive cells in the mice with mCherry (control virus) into the DMH and then intraperitoneal injection
whisker trimming compared with sham mice or control mice (Fig. 2B of compound 21 did not have alterations in their behavior in the open
and 2C). Interestingly, certain brain regions, such as retrosplenial area, field and elevated plus maze (Fig. 5B to 5D). These results from che­
had c-Fos positive cells in the whisker trimming and sham mice but not mogenetic approach support the idea that DMH plays an important role
in the control mice (Fig. 2D). DMH was selected to be studied because it in the decreased anxiety in mice with whisker trimming. Interestingly,
receives input from amygdala (Myers et al., 2014; Calhoon and Tye, there was a difference in the travel distance among the naïve control,
2015) and its role in anxiety behavior is less established than amygdala. sham mice and whiskerless in the open field [F(2,115) = 4.931, P =
To determine the role of DMH in reducing the anxiety of mice with 0.0088] or elevated plus maze [H(3) = 6.331, P = 0.0422]. Mice with
whisker trimming, ibotenic acid, a neurotoxin (11), was injected into the whiskerless traveled less distance in the open field and elevated plus
DMH. This injection led to the injury of neurons in the DMH when the maze than the naïve control or sham mice (Fig. 6A). DMH damage by
assessment was performed 5 days later (Fig. 4A). Although there was no ibotenic acid did not affect the travel distance in the open field and
difference in the performance in the open field test (Fig. 4 B and C), there elevated plus maze test (Fig. 6B). There was a difference in the travel
was a difference in the amount of time spent in the open arm among the distance in the open field tests among the whiskerless mice with various
groups with or without the injury to the DMH neurons [F(2,31) = 4.357, treatments with viral injection [H(4) = 8.523, P = 0.0364]. Inhibition of
P = 0.0215]. The injection of ibotenic acid reduced the time in the open the DMH neurons reduced the travel distance of whiskerless mice in the
arms in the elevated plus maze test but the injection of saline into DMH open field (Fig. 6C). However, there was no difference in the travel
did not have any effects in mice with whisker trimming (Fig. 4D). These distance in the elevated plus maze among the whiskerless mice with or
results suggest that DMH is important for the decreased anxiety level of without DMH neuron inhibition (Fig. 6C). These results suggest a
whiskerless mice. To supplement the approach of damaging DMH by decreased locomotor function of whiskerless mice, which may not
ibotenic acid, neurons in the DMH was inhibited by a chemogenetic explain the presentation of a decreased anxiety level in the whiskerless
approach. The injected viruses pAAV2-hSyn-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry and mice. In addition, there was no consistent change in the locomotor
pAAV2-hSyn-mCherry (control virus) were mainly in the DMH (Fig. 5A). functions of whiskerless mice with DMH damage or inhibition. How­
There was a difference in the number of entries to center area [F(3,36) = ever, the damage or inhibition of DMH neurons reversed the anti-anxiety
3.669, P = 0.021] and time in the corner area [F(3,36) = 3.322, P = status in the whiskerless mice. Thus, the locomotor activity changes in
0.0304] among the groups. Compared with whiskerless mice, whisker­ mice with various treatments may not be a cause for the alternation of
less mice receiving injection of pAAV2-hSyn-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry into anxiety levels in them.
their DMH and then intraperitoneal injection of compound 21 had a
decrease in the number of entries to the center area and an increased 3. Discussion
time in the corner area in the open field test (Fig. 5B and 5C). In addi­
tion, there was a difference among the groups in the amount of time Neural circuits in human and animal brains undergo dynamic

Fig. 1. Whisker trimming reduced anxiety

behavior. (A) time spent in the center area
and the number of entries into the center
area in the open field test. (B) time spent in
the corner area and the number of entries
into the corner area in the open field test. (C)
time spent in the open arms and closed arms
of the elevated plus maze. Data were pre­
sented as means ± SEM for the left panels of
panels A and B and the top panel of panel C
(n = 37 – 39 for panels A and B, 40 for panel
C) in a bar graph with the presentation of
data of individual animal. Data in the right
panels of panels A and B and bottom panel of
panel C were in box plot with the presenta­
tion of data of individual animal. Between
lines: 95th percentile of the data; inside
boxes: 25th to 75th percentile including the
median of the data. Statistical analysis was
performed by one-way ANOVA (the left
panels of panels A and B and the top panel of
panel C) or one-way ANOVA on rank (right
panels of panels A and B and bottom panel of
panel C) followed by Tukey test.

J. Wang et al. Brain Research 1789 (2022) 147946

Fig. 2. Whisker trimming altered c-Fos expression in selected brain regions. Mouse brain was harvested for immunofluorescent staining 1 h after the completion of
elevated plus maze test. (A) Heat map of the number of c-Fos positive cells in different brain regions in naïve control, sham control and whiskerless mice. (B) Heat
map of the comparisons of the number of c-Fos positive cells between sham control and naïve control mice, whiskerless and naïve control mice or whiskerless and
sham control mice. (C) Immunofluorescent images of c-Fos positive cells in the DMH. Scale bar = 100 µm. (D) Heat map of the number of c-Fos positive cells in brain
regions where naïve control mice had no c-Fos positive cells. Data were presented as means (n = 6) and analyzed by t-test or rank sum test. Abbreviations for brain
regions: Amyg: amygdala; Arc: arcuate hypothalamic nucleus; BL: basolateral amygdala nuclei; Cpu: caudate-putamen (neostriatum); DMH: dorsomedial hypo­
thalamus; Ect: ectorhinal cortex; GrDG: granular layer of the dentate gyrus of hippocampus; LaDL: dorsolateral division of the lateral amygdala nucleus; LHb: lateral
habenular nuclei; MD: mediodorsal thalamus nucleus; Me: medial nucleus of the amygdaloid complex; PoDG: polymorphic cell layer of the dentate gyrus of hip­
pocampus; PRh: perirhinal cortex; PVT: paraventricular thalamus; RSP: retrosplenial area; VMH: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus.

Fig. 3. Whiskerless mice had increased expression of c-Fos in selected brain regions. (A) Naïve control mice. (B) sham control mice. (C) mice with whisker trimming.
Scale bar = 50 µm. Amyg: amygdala; PoDG: polymorphic cell layer of the dentate gyrus of hippocampus; PRh: perirhinal cortex; PVT: paraventricular thalamus.

reorganizations in response to environmental or sensory changes, which detect stimuli, distinguish texture, locate objects, communicate and
can help them to develop proper behavior including anxiety behavior navigate (Staiger and Petersen, 2021; Iwasato and Erzurumlu, 2018; Liu
(Calhoon and Tye, 2015; Guo et al., 2014). Tactile sensory circuit is one et al., 2018). Our results provide initial evidence for the involvement of
of the most important circuits in the central nervous system. Whiskers whiskers in regulating anxiety behavior and the role of DMH in this
are the major tactile organs in rodents and critical tools for them to involvement.

J. Wang et al. Brain Research 1789 (2022) 147946

Fig. 4. Neuron injury in the DMH increased anxious behavior in mice with whisker trimming. (A) Representatives of cresyl violet images showing the injury to the
DMH whose area is indicated by white dash line in mice with ibotenic acid injection. Scale bar = 100 μm in the top panel and = 50 μm in the bottom panel. (B) time
spent in the center area and the number of entries into the center area in the open field test. (C) time spent in the corner area and the number of entries into the corner
area in the open field test. (D) time spent in the open arms and closed arms of the elevated plus maze. Data were presented as means ± SEM (n = 9–14) in a bar graph
with the presentation of data of individual animal. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test.

Fig. 5. Inhibition of neurons in the DMH increased anxious behavior in mice with whisker trimming. (A) Representatives of immunofluorescent images showing the
accurate injection of viruses into the DMH whose area is indicated by white dash line. Scale bar = 50 μm. (B) time spent in the center area and the number of entries
into the center area in the open field test. (C) time spent in the corner area and the number of entries into the corner area in the open field test. (D) time spent in the
open arms and closed arms of the elevated plus maze. Data in panels B, left panel of panel C and right panel of panel D were presented as means ± SEM (n = 9–11) in
a bar graph with the presentation of data of individual animal. Data in the right panel of panel C and left panel of panel D were in box plot with the presentation of
data of individual animal. Between lines: 95th percentile of the data; inside boxes: 25th to 75th percentile including the median of the data. Statistical analysis was
performed by one-way ANOVA (panel B, left panel of panel C and right panel of panel D) or one-way ANOVA on rank (right panel of panel C and left panel of panel D)
followed by Tukey test.

DMH receives inputs from cerebral cortex, amygdala and other brain receptors in the DMH neurons induces an anxiolytic effect (Shekhar,
regions that regulate respiration, food intake and energy state (Damp­ 1993).
ney, 2015; Rau and Hentges, 2019). DMH may be involved in cardio­ Vibrissal primary somatosensory cortex, also called “barrel cortex”,
vascular response to emotional stress (Fontes et al., 2014). Our results is the most studied cortex related to whisker tactile input (Guo et al.,
have identified an additional function of DMH by showing its role in 2014; Brecht, 2007). This input involves thalamus (Guo et al., 2014;
modulating anxiety behavior in mice with somatosensory impairment. Petreanu et al., 2009; Hooks et al., 2013; Mao et al., 2011). Thalamus
Our results showed that mice with the activation of DMH neurons had a receives projects from hypothalamus (Kagan et al., 2013; Hsu and Price,
decreased anxiety level. Consistent with our finding, activation of GABA 2009). Signals from the hypothalamus can be transmitted to the down-

J. Wang et al. Brain Research 1789 (2022) 147946

Fig. 6. Neuronal injury or inhibition of neurons in the DMH did not affect travel distance of mice with whiskerless. (A) travel distance of naïve control, sham control
and whiskerless mice in the open field test and elevated plus maze test. (B) travel distance of mice with or without neuronal injury in the DMH in the open field test
and elevated plus maze test. (C) travel distance of mice with or without inhibition of neurons in the DMH in the open field test and elevated plus maze test. Data in
panel B, left panel of panel A and bottom panel of panel C were presented as means ± SEM (n = 9–11) in a bar graph with the presentation of data of individual
animal. Data in the right panel of panel A and top panel of panel C were in box plot with the presentation of data of individual animal. Between lines: 95th percentile
of the data; inside boxes: 25th to 75th percentile including the median of the data. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA (panel B, left panel of panel
A and bottom panel of panel C) or one-way ANOVA on rank (right panel of panel A and top panel of panel C) followed by Tukey test. EPM: Elevated plus maze, OF:
Open field.

stream limbic targets, such as amygdalae (Otis et al., 2019), and lateral in the mice with whiskerless, can be investigated for their role in the
septum-bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, structures that are known to decreased anxiety of these mice. Finally, our study has only determined
regulate anxiety behavior (Johnson et al., 2008). Our results showed the baseline anxiety levels of mice with and without whiskers. It has not
that neurons in the paraventricular thalamic nucleus and DMH were been determined whether the reduced anxiety in mice with whiskerless
activated after whisker trimming, suggesting that tactile deficiency may remains if a stimulus to elicit anxiety is applied.
affect the activation of neurons in the hypothalamus and thalamus
circuits. 4. Conclusions
Our results showed that DMH neurons were highly activated in
whisker trimmed mice and moderately activated in sham whisker Our results suggest a role of whiskers, a structure that is primarily
trimmed mice but were not active in control mice (Fig. 2). Neuronal involved in tactile sense, in modulating anxiety behavior. The neural
activation in sham whisker trimmed mice may be due to the mechanical circuit for this modulation includes DMH.
stimulus of whiskers by sham trimming procedure.
Our results showed mice with whiskerless spent more time in the 5. Experimental procedures
center area during the open field test, suggesting that they have more
exploratory behaviors than control mice. It is unclear whether these The animal protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care
mice are more exploratory or have a higher non-purposeful move due to and Use Committee of the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA,
the tactile impairment. However, mice with whiskerless had a shorter USA). All animal experiments were carried out in accordance with the
travel distance, suggesting that the increased time in the center area is National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
not due to an increase in non-purposeful move of these mice. Our results Animals (NIH publications number 80–23) revised in 2011 and reported
also showed that mice with tactile impairment have a reduced anxiety according to the ARRIVE guidelines.
level. It is difficult to know the biological implication of this finding.
However, one can speculate that the decreased anxiety level in mice 5.1. Animals
with tactile impairment may have help maintain their locomotor ac­
tivity at a reasonable level. Six- to eight-week old CD-1 male mice (weighing 30–36 g) from
Our study has limitations. First, only male mice were used in the Charles River Laboratories International Inc. (Wilmington, MA, USA)
study. Future studies may investigate whether our findings here are were used. The mice were group-housed in cages (5 mice/cage) on a 12-
applicable to female mice. Additional brain regions, such as lateral h light/dark cycle with free access to water and food. All experimental
habenular nucleus that had an increased number of c-Fos positive cells procedures or behavior tests were performed during the light cycle.

J. Wang et al. Brain Research 1789 (2022) 147946

5.2. Whisker trimming posterior direction. One section from every 10 sections was kept for
staining c-Fos and DAPI. Antigen retrieval with sodium citrate buffer
Mice in the whisker trimming group had whiskers trimmed to skin (10 mM sodium citrate, 0.05% Tween 20, pH 6.0) was performed at
every day for 2 weeks as described previously (Wang et al., 2020). Mice 95–100 ◦ C for 20 min. After being washed in Tris-buffered saline (TBS)
in the sham control group received manipulation to the roots of the containing 0.1% triton-X 100, sections were blocked with 10% donkey
whiskers, which mimicked the whisker trimming. Mice in the naïve serum plus 1% bovine serum albumin in TBS for 2 h at room temperature
control group did not receive any stimulations. and then incubated at 4 ◦ C overnight with the mouse monoclonal anti-c-
Fos (1:1000 dilution; catalogue number: ab190289, Abcam) as primary
5.3. Open field test antibody. Sections were rinsed in TBS with 0.1% triton-X 100 and then
incubated with donkey anti-mouse IgG antibody conjugated with Alexa
Mice were placed in an open field apparatus made of black polyvinyl Fluor 594 (1:200 dilution; catalogue number: A21203, Invitrogen) for 1
chloride. The time and distance traveled in different zone and total h at room temperature in the dark. The slides were then rinsed in TBS
distance traveled were recorded for 5 min and analyzed by the ANY- three times for 5 min each, co-stained with 4′ ,6-diamidino-2-phenyl­
maze system (SD Instruments, San Diego, CA). indole (DAPI) and cover-slipped with VECTASHIELD HardSet mounting
medium. The heat map of the number of c-Fos positive cells in the brain
5.4. Elevated plus maze test was constructed as we reported before (Zeng et al., 2021). Briefly, three
randomly selected and independent microscopic fields of each brain
Mice were subjected to the elevated plus maze 2 days after the open structure of interest were obtained. Three sections from each mouse
field test. The elevated plus maze was made of black polyvinyl chloride were analyzed by image J. The 9 values of each mouse were averaged to
with two opposing open arms (30 × 5 × 0.5 cm) and two opposing reflect the number of c-Fos positive cells in the brain region of the
enclosed arms (30 × 5 × 15 cm) connected by a central platform (5 × 5 mouse. The examiner was blind to the group assignment of the mouse.
cm). Mice were placed in the central area in this maze as previously Identification of brain anatomical regions was based on the morphology
described (Wang et al., 2020; Zeng et al., 2021). As they freely explored and DAPI counter staining images. Data of 6 mice from each experi­
the maze, their behavior was recorded for 5 min by a video camera mental condition were used to build the c-Fos expression heat map of
mounted above the maze and analyzed using the ANY-maze system. The brain regions.
duration and number of entries into the open arms or closed arms were Frozen coronal sections (25 μm thick) from − 1.6 to − 2.2 mm relative
calculated to measure anxiety-like behavior. to bregma were used to examine the location of mCherry expression
after virus injection. The slides were rinsed in TBS three times for 5 min
5.5. Injection of viruses or chemicals into dorsomedial hypothalamus each, co-stained with DAPI and cover-slipped with VECTASHIELD
HardSet mounting medium.
The pAAV2-hSyn-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry virus (catalogue number:
50475-AAV2, Addgene) or pAAV2-hSyn-mCherry virus (catalogue 5.7. Cresyl violet staining
number: 114472-AAV2, Addgene) was injected into DMH as described
previously (Zeng et al., 2021; Gautron et al., 2010). Briefly, mice were Five days after the injection of ibotenic acid injection, mouse brain
anesthetized with ketamine HCl/xylazine HCl (60 – 75 mg/kg, i.p.) and was harvested for paraffin embedding. Coronal 10 μm thick sections
placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. A small hole was drilled into the skull were used for cresyl violet staining. Briefly, sections were deparaffi­
under aseptic conditions. The viruses were administered slowly (250 nl nized, stained in 0.1% cresyl violet for 25 min at 37 ◦ C, rinsed quickly in
of 7.6 × 1012 particles/ml solution for each side) into the DMH with the distilled water, differentiated in 95% ethanol for 2 min, dehydrated in
following coordinates: − 1.88 mm from bregma, 0.43 mm lateral to the 100% alcohol and cleared in xylene. Images were taken under a mi­
midline and 5.3 mm depth from the surface of the skull. These co­ croscope (Olympus DP70, Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan).
ordinates were chosen for the injection into the ventral part of the DMH.
Both sides of the DMH were injected. Ibotenic acid (catalogue number: 5.8. Statistical analysis
ab146670, Abcam) was injected into DMH at a dosage of 2.0 µg (10 µg/
µl in distilled water, 200 nl) per side for bilateral injection. Only one Results are presented as means ± S.E.M. with the presentation of
injection of the virus or ibotenic acid solution to each side of the DMH individual animal data in the bar graph (for normal distribution data),
was performed. The incision of injection site was closed with surgical median and 95th percentile with the presentation of individual animal
sutures. Behavior tests were performed 4 weeks later after virus injec­ data in the box plot (for non-normal distribution data) or means ± S.E.
tion as a previous study has demonstrated that AAV-mediated delivery M. in the line plots. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by
of protein expression is identical between 2 and 12 weeks after surgery Tukey test if the data were normally distributed, by one-way ANOVA on
(Chamberlin et al., 1998). To induce inhibition of neurons, intraperi­ rank followed by Tukey test if the data were not normally distributed, by
toneal injections of compound 21 at 3 mg/kg were performed 30 min t-test or rank sum test. Three ANOVA assumptions, i.e., normal distri­
before mice were subjected to open field or elevated maze tests. Saline bution of the data, approximately equal variance of the data among
was injected as control solution. groups and independence of individuals, were observed during the data
analysis. Significant difference was defined as P < 0.05. All statistical
5.6. Immunofluorescent staining analyses were performed with SigmaStat (Systat Software, Inc., Point
Richmond, CA, USA).
Immunofluorescent labeling was performed to detect c-Fos positive
cells in the brain. One hour after the elevated plus maze test, mice were 6. Authors’ contribution
anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine (60–75 mg/kg) and transcardially
perfused with 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), followed by 4% ZZ conceived the project; JW, WS, XC and ZZ designed the studies;
paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M PBS. Brains were harvested. One hour after JW and WS performed the experiments. JW did initial data analysis,
the elevated plus maze test was chosen to harvest the brain because c- drafted the manuscript and prepared the figures. ZZ rewrote the
Fos protein expression has reached a peak in rodents after various manuscript.
stimuli in our previous study and other studies (Zeng et al., 2021; Zhong
et al., 2014; Barros et al., 2015). Frozen coronal sections (25 μm thick) of
the brain were cut from the whole brain sequentially in an anterior to

J. Wang et al. Brain Research 1789 (2022) 147946

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