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Roll No
B.TECH./ 3rd YEAR (SEM-6)
(EVEN SEM 2023-24)
Time:2Hr. Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all the Sections.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 10 x 2= 30
Q No. Question Marks CO
(a) Discuss the role of CSS in web page design. 2 CO2
(b) Describe advantages over inline styling in CSS. 2 CO2
(c) Discuss the attributes of the <a> element, including href, target etc. 2 CO2
(d) Explain DHTML. 2 CO2
(e) What is a datagram in networking? 2 CO2
(f) How to create an object in JavaScript. 2 CO3
(g) How do you call a JavaScript function? Provide example. 2 CO3
(h) What is the purpose of the return statement in JavaScript functions? 2 CO3
(i) Explain the concept of parameters and arguments in JavaScript functions. 2 CO3
(j) Define variable scope in JavaScript. 2 CO3

2. Attempt any three of the following: 3 x 10 = 30
Q No. Question Marks CO
(a) Define AJAX and its type. 10 CO3
(b) Demonstrate the creation and manipulation of objects using JavaScript. 10 CO3
(c) Discuss the role of CSS in controlling the size, alignment of images on web pages. 10 CO2
(d) Explain the structure of an HTML document and the purpose of each of its components. 10 CO2
(e) What is a JavaScript function? Explain its purpose and how it is defined. 10 CO3

3. Attempt any two parts of the following: 2 x 10 = 20
Q No. Question Marks CO
(a)Create an HTML code to create a web page that contains the user registration form with 10 CO2
following details username, user date of birth, user address, user gender, user email id,
user mobile number.
(b) Describe the concept of TCP/IP client sockets and their role in network communication. 10 CO2
(c) What is DTD? Discuss its differences with XML Schema. 10 CO2
4. Attempt any two parts of the following: 2 x 10 = 20
Q No. Question Marks CO

(a) Design a JavaScript program to display the current day and time. 10 CO3
Current Day
Current time
(b) Explain the fundamentals of internet addressing, including IP addresses and domain 10 CO3
(c) Discuss in brief how to perform Client Side Validation like Mandatory fields and Email 10 CO3
field using Java Script? Justify with a suitable example.

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