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Understanding the Long-Term Impacts of Flooding



Nature and Culture

By: Aniya Lewis


Table of Contents

1. OVERVIEW............................................................................................... 1

1A. WHAT ARE FLOODS?.............................................................................. 1

1B. HOW CAN FLOODS AFFECT US?.......................................................... 1

2. STUDY EXPLAINED................................................................................ 1

2A. DATA USAGE AND RESULTS.................................................................. 1

3. SIGNIFICANCE........................................................................................ 1

3A. WHY IS THIS INFORMATION IMPORTANT?...................................... 1



4A. BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF A FLOOD............................................... 1

4B. FLOOD WATCH VS. FLOOD WARNING................................................ 1

4C. EMERGENCY PLAN................................................................................ 1

5. CONCLUSION........................................................................................... 1

Table of Context

1a. What are Floods?
1b. How Can Floods Affect Us?
Study Explained
2a. Data Usage and Results
3a. Why is this Information Important?
3b. How can we Increase our Knowledge of Floods?
Ways to Increase our Understanding of Floods
4a. Basic Understanding of a Flood
4b. Flood Watch vs. Flood Warning
4c. Emergency Plan

Problem Problems

Study on the Effects of Flooding

A study was done by the University of Hill in regard to the mental health
of Hill, North England residents after the flood had taken place. This
study was taken from a group of adults, and they were asked questions
related to how the flood has affected their health. The survey was also
given online as well. Within this questionnaire the participants are also
allowed to go into detail on how the flood has affected them. Majority of
the respondents explained that they have experienced depression, stress,
or anxiety. Some were recorded as having physical injuries or health

conditions due to the flood as well.

What are Floods?

Floods can be defined as an overflow of water. The overflow can be
extremely dangerous and have lifelong effects on a person’s mental and
physical health. Floods tend to have a detrimental impact on families,
the economy, and numerus structures. Some of the common causes of
flooding are rain, tsunamis, tides, and hurricanes. We also see a history
of floods when we discuss religion. In the Bible the story of Noah talks
about a man named Noah who has told by God to build an ark. The ark
was built because God saw Noah as righteous and desired for Noah to
survive the flood that was about happen. John Withington explains this
religious culture more with his book that focuses on the topic of
flooding. Floods are a common catastrophe that have a prominent

How Can Floods Affect Us?

Floods are categorized as a natural disaster. Natural disasters are hazards
that are responsible for destroying properties and sometimes killing
people. Some areas are more prone to flooding than others. In a
scholiastic article by the National Institutes of Health it tells us that,”
North of England which is susceptible to flooding due to low lying land
and location on the coast alongside a tidal river.” The location of an area
is one of the main key factors when it comes to flooding. Floods are
commonly known to destroy people’s properties and valuables. Areas
that have heavy rainfall are at a higher risk to have flooding. Flooding
can also have an effect on a person’s mental and physical health. Some
of these effects include but are not limited to stress, trauma, and
emotional instability. In the article it states that, “20,000 people were
affected by the 2007 floods with 8,600 households flooded.” I believe
that this statement shows us the realism of a flood and its effect on a
person’s lifestyle.

Data Usage and Results

After collecting all the given data, the University used the data to predict
how concerned were the residents of Hall about another flood. These
concerns were also compared among external factors such as age and
tenancy status. Within the study it showed that 34.8 percent of people
who answered the survey claimed their house was flooded while 48.6
percent experienced some type of flooding. The data showed a
correlation between residents who experienced flooding and a low
concern on a flood happening again. These residents explained within
their surveys that the flooding they experienced was a “freak accident”.
This means that they believe it is very unlikely for the recurrence of a
flood in their area again. On the other hand, people who had a concern
that there might be another flood, based their concerns off the topic of
climate change and drainage systems.


Why is this Information Important?

When looking over the findings of this study we can see the significance
within it. This survey gives us the honest reaction of individuals who
have been affected by a flood. Their responses show the concern that
they are feeling for their community. We can also see the
misunderstanding that some of the residents have as well. A flood is not
a “freak event” and should not be looked at as such. A flood is a natural
event that can occur based on many factors within the environment. This
shows us that we need to educate yourselves more when it comes to the
topic of floods.

How Can we Increase our knowledge of Floods?

Increasing our knowledge of floods is something that everyone can
benefit from. If we take the time to make our communities aware of

these natural hazards, we can possibly save a life. The number one
concern now is how do we gain a better understand of floods. Some
things we can do include:

[1.] Having a basic understanding of what a flood is:

A flood is categorized as an overflow of water. Floods are results

of heavy rain. We tend to see heavy rain when we have hurricanes
and tsunamis.

[2.] Knowing the difference between a flood watch and a

flood warning:

A flood watch is defined as an alert that notifies you that the area
you are in might experience flooding. A flood warning lets you
know that a flood is already occurring in your given area or will
occur soon. During these warmings it’s best to listen to the radio
because that will help you keep up with what is going on. They
will also let you know if you need to evacuate.

[3.] Being prepared to Evacuate if Needed:

Having a plan set in motion can save you a lot of valuable time
during a flood. Most people refer to this as an emergency plan.
With this plan you will need to pack a bag with emergency
supplies and have a safe place to go. In your emergency bag you
will need a first aid kit, water, clothing, flashlights, batteries, food,
and other things that are lightweight and needed. Some individuals
also gather their important documents. This step is really
overlooked but is very important. The purpose is to take your
documents just in case your home does get flooded.

How the solutions is resolves


Solution Resolved:
These given solutions work for the given problem of flooding because
they allow individuals to be more aware. There should be a mandory
class from people in high school on how to be safe and prepare for a
flood. This would be a solution the meets the longer-term goal of having
communities informed on their options.
Below I have listed three ways that we can stay educated about the topic
of floods and how dangerous they are. All these suggestions are resolved
by staying well educated and having resources. When discussing the
topic of flooding we can always look for a solution but they key is what
actions are being taken. Action needs to start with an individual or
community themselves. As a communality we need to educate ourselves
so we can them spread the word about to be how safe during a flooding

1. Having a basic understanding of what a flood is:

A flood is categorized as an overflow of water. Floods are results

of heavy rain. We tend to see heavy rain when we have hurricanes
and tsunamis.

2. Knowing the difference between a flood watch and a

flood warning:

A flood watch is defined as an alert that notifies you that the area
you are in might experience flooding. A flood warning lets you
know that a flood is already occurring in your given area or will
occur soon. During these warmings it’s best to listen to the radio
because that will help you keep up with what is going on. They
will also let you know if you need to evacuate.

3. Being prepared to Evacuate if Needed:


Having a plan set in motion can save you a lot of valuable time
during a flood. Most people refer to this as an emergency plan.
With this plan you will need to pack a bag with emergency
supplies and have a safe place to go. In your emergency bag you
will need a first aid kit, water, clothing, flashlights, batteries, food,
and other things that are lightweight and needed. Some individuals
also gather their important documents. This step is really
overlooked but is very important. The purpose is to take your
documents just in case your home does get flooded.


In conclusion, the topicThe topic of floods is extremely diverse, and the

severity can be broken into many different pieces. Flooding should not
be talked about lightheartedly. As stated on page 3 floods can have a
massive impact on the life we live. There have been many people who
have lost their homes and lives due to flooding. We hear these effects
firsthand from the individuals who have survived the flood in Hull, New
England. This brings us a sense of realism when it comes to flooding.
Before a flood occurs, we need to have all the knowledge we can to
make the situation less scary than it already is. An emergency plan needs
to be made for the event of a flood. This will reduce a lot of the stress.
Floods are a natural event that should always be taken seriously.
Knowing what to do in a flood can save your life and maybe someone
else’s life as well.


Makwana, N. (2019). Disaster and its impact on mental health: A narrative

review. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8(10), 3090–
NOAA. (n.d.). Flood Basics. NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory.
Twiddy, M., Trump, B., & Ramsden, S. (2022). Understanding the long-term
impact of flooding on the wellbeing of residents: A mixed methods
study. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0274890.
US Department of Commerce, N. (n.d.). Flood and flash flood definitions.

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