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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2023, Article ID 6688500, 33 pages

Review Article
Hole Cleaning during Drilling Oil and Gas Wells: A Review for
Hole-Cleaning Chemistry and Engineering Parameters

Mohammed Al-Rubaii ,1 Mohammed Al-Shargabi ,2 and Dhafer Al-Shehri1

Department of Petroleum Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk 634050, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed to Mohammed Al-Rubaii;

Received 13 April 2023; Revised 7 November 2023; Accepted 27 November 2023; Published 7 December 2023

Academic Editor: Anil Singh Yadav

Copyright © 2023 Mohammed Al-Rubaii et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Efcient hole cleaning during drilling operations is critical to maintain a high rate of penetration and smooth drilling, leading to
minimum drilling problems and economical drilling efciency. Tis process involves several important factors, including pipe-
sticking incidents, higher cuttings concentrations in the annulus, noisy vibration of the drill string, erratic equivalent circulating
density, lost circulation incidents, well control incidents, geomechanical hole section instability, tight spots during tripping
operations, and excessive usage of chemical additives for conditioning hole sections and mud. Various approaches, including
correlations, methodologies, developments, algorithms, equipment, charts, feld experience, chemicals, and studies involving
experiments, can be used to enhance the efciency of hole cleaning. Te development of hole-cleaning models is important for use
as hole-cleaning indicators to ensure optimized drilling efciency. Tis paper presents a comprehensive overview of the complex
feld of hole cleaning in the oil and gas industry. It includes techniques, tools, models, and chemical additives. It also encompasses
drilling engineering, operations, and chemistry. To facilitate the transit of drill cuttings, maintain hole section stability, cool and
lubricate the drill bit, and transmit hydraulic horsepower, this article outlines the important roles of drilling fuids. Te sig-
nifcance of chemical additives, including nanoparticles, natural and modifed polymers, and synthetic polymers, in preserving
wellbore stability, improving drilling efciency, and lowering drill bit wear is also covered in the study. It concludes by making
recommendations for further study to clarify hole cleaning for the reader to facilitate and boost drilling efciency.

1. Introduction the drilling fuid, for instance, water- or oil-based mud, to

efectively and efciently carry and transport generated and
Optimization of downhole cleaning during drilling can be suspended drilled cuttings during drilling is identifed as
achieved either by improving engineering aspects or en- hole cleaning. Hole cleaning is an efective tool used to
hancing chemical efciency and, most of the time, by ap- overcome wellbore instability during drilling in case cutting
plying both appropriately. While the vision of the drilling accumulation and shale sloughing and caving are encoun-
industry is to achieve excellence in drilling operations, its tered. Cutting accumulation and caving will lead to difcult
main mission is to plan, design, and drill high-quality wells tripping operations resulting from pipe sticking [3].
in an optimum time and cost efectively in a safe and en- Hole cleaning during drilling plays a signifcant role in
vironmentally friendly manner. Drilling wells require reducing the drilling time by ensuring a proper rate of
a comprehensive understanding of the exploration, ap- penetration (ROP) and the fat time by minimizing tripping
praisal, evaluation, and development of felds [1, 2]. operations, pumping sweep pills, time of circulation, time
In planning and designing drilling wells, drilling time spent running casing, and improving cementation integrity
and fat time must be appropriately optimized to obtain the and efciency. Improper hole cleaning causes drilling
best drilling efciency and cost efectiveness. Te ability of problems such as high or erratic trends of equivalent
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

circulating density, torque and drilling drag, wellbore in- hole cleaning. Mud solid control efciency and the loop
stability, high annulus pressure, lost circulation, areas of contribute to practical hole cleaning to ensure the efcient
tight hole sections encountered during tripping, and stuck performance of mud solid control equipment, the faster rate
pipe and well control incidents. Tirty-three percent of stuck of penetration (ROP), the maintenance of proper mud
pipe incidents are due to insufcient hole-cleaning efciency rheological properties, and the control of the additional
and are responsible for a large portion of all stuck pipe events amount of dilution and mud chemical additives in drilling
[4, 5]. fuids [16, 17].
If drilling problems cannot be controlled, they will ul- Knowledge of the chemistry of drilling mud is important
timately lead to economic losses or take more time for to understand the performance of chemical hole cleaning
drilling. Hole cleaning is better with water-based muds, as [18, 19]. Chemical infuences and the efects of reactions on
cuttings can split from water-based muds (WBMs) more the lifting capacity of the drilling fuid can ensure proper
easily than from oil-based muds (OBMs) [6]. However, some downhole cleaning if they are appropriately manipulated
studies have suggested that OBMs may have higher hole- and are compatible with the WBM or OBM used. As mud
cleaning efciency than WBMs due to their lower viscosity chemical materials are extensively used in drilling, un-
and higher lubricity [7]. Te rheology of WBMs is non- derstanding chemical factors is essential to maintain optimal
Newtonian, while the rheology of OBMs is more Newtonian, drilling efciency [19]. Terefore, the novelty of this paper
with WBMs demonstrating more thixotropic fuid behavior lies in its comprehensive review of published literature on
than OBMs. Inadequate hole cleaning can lead to the ac- drilling engineering, operations, and chemistry of hole
cumulation of drill cuttings in the annulus of open hole cleaning, which provides strong insights to bridge gaps in
sections, and the drilling rate will decrease. Drilling in current knowledge and improve drilling efciency. Te
complicated geological zones, such as faults, joints, fractures, paper presents major fndings in a clear and concise format
layered formations, and weak bedding planes, normally through tables, which helps readers better understand the
leads to instability problems in hole sections. Hole cleaning complexities of hole cleaning in oil and gas drilling. By
efciency can be afected by mechanical and chemical in- highlighting the importance of proper hole cleaning, this
fuences or a combination of both. Mechanical efects are paper contributes to the advancement of drilling technology
normally due to the density of mud (too high or too low) and and the optimization of drilling operations. Te review
drilling mud parameters or the use of inappropriate drilling covers critical aspects of hole cleaning, including drilling
practices (such as the penetration rate, infuence of vibra- fuid functions, physical and chemical properties, and the
tion, torque, and drag, and not performing wiper trips when role of chemical additives. Overall, this paper ofers valuable
the drilled hole section demands) [8–10]. insights for drilling professionals seeking to improve drilling
On the other hand, chemical efects are due to the use of efciency and reduce costs.
drilling fuids with improper rheological properties and
improper concentrations of inhibitors or chemical additives 2. The Analysis of the Efficacy of Oil-Based and
added to manage the anticipated rheology adjustments. Water-Based Muds in Hole Cleaning
Non-Newtonian fuids are more efcient than Newtonian
fuids because the rheological parameters of drilling fuids Numerous studies have investigated the contrasting be-
afect their lifting capacity and contribute to optimizing the haviors of OBMs and WBMs, but varying conclusions have
carrying capacity and transportation ability, efciency, and been drawn. Most conclusions are based on empirical in-
energy of muds. Most models of drilling fuids, including quiries, with some studies showing inconsistencies com-
Bingham plastic, power law, and Herschel–Bulkley, are pared to others. Despite having similar rheological
based on the non-Newtonian behavior of fuids. Te properties, OBMs and WBMs have varying hole-cleaning
Bingham plastic model is more applicable for spud-drilling performance, indicating variations in efciency despite their
fuids, which are mainly WBMs composed of water and similar properties [5].
bentonite [11, 12]. Te yield point of used drilling fuids or Seeberger et al.’s study found that OBMs and WBMs
drilling muds of this type enhances the carrying capacity of showed similar efcacy in hole cleaning and cutting
muds during drilling. Other models based on non- transport when fuid velocity exceeded a threshold. How-
Newtonian fuids are applicable to both types of drilling ever, WBMs had slightly better hole-cleaning capacity than
fuids, i.e., WBMs or OBMs [13–15]. OBMs at velocities below the threshold. Te study also found
In deviated, highly deviated, or horizontal hole sections, that OBMs tend to experience sliding at reduced inclination
a fow regime with high enough turbulence to exceed the angles, and it is preferable for the cutting bed to move
critical Shield’s number is required to dislodge and mobilize cohesively rather than as individual particles in a fuidized
accumulated cuttings on the lower side of the hole section state [6].
and underside of the drill string. Finally, the drilling fuid is Moreover, Hareland et al. compared the efcacy of hole
selected based on the lithology of the drilled formation, cleaning between OBMs and WBMs. Te study was con-
which is an uncontrollable factor taken into consideration ducted on a 50% eccentric annulus with inclinations ranging
during the planning phase of the well design. In the feld, from 0 degrees to 90 degrees. Te results showed that hole
mud solid control equipment, such as shale shakers, cleaning was comparable in both fuids under high in-
degassers, desanders, desilters, mud cleaners, and centrifuge clinations, especially when both had a low yield point (YP)
devices, must be taken into consideration to ensure proper and plastic viscosity (PV). However, WBMs demonstrated
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

superior hole-cleaning capabilities in deviated wells with 3. The Impact of Rheological Properties and
inclinations of 40° and 50°. Te study found that an increase Parameters on Hole-Cleaning Efficiency in
in YP and PV reduced the rate of cutting transportation
Oil and Gas Wells
across all inclinations, except for vertical and horizontal
orientations. OBMs had a greater impact. By reducing YP Te rheological properties and parameters of drilling fuid,
and PV, increasing fow rates, and enhancing hole-cleaning including the PV, apparent viscosity (AV), YP, fow index
efectiveness, water-based fuids demonstrated superior (n), consistency index (k), density, fuid loss, gel strength,
hole-cleaning performance [20]. Furthermore, Hemphill and regime of drilling fuids, are critical for efective hole
and Larsen analyzed hole-cleaning efciency between OBMs cleaning during drilling operations [8, 24, 25]. PV is
and WBMs with similar API YP. Te study focused on the a measure of the internal friction in the fuid under fow.
critical fow rate, the threshold fuid velocity at which Fluids with higher PV are more viscous and can suspend
a cutting bed begins, and the critical transport fuid velocity, cuttings better. An increased yield point enhances the ef-
the minimum velocity needed for particles to move upward. fcacy of solid suspension; however, it necessitates a greater
Subcritical velocities were fuid velocities that fell below the pump pressure for circulation. AV is the measured viscosity
critical velocity threshold, leading to cutting accumulation. at a given shear rate, and higher AV fuids have more cutting
Te researchers found that WBMs had superior efcacy in carrying capacity but also more frictional pressure losses. YP
impeding cutting bed formation at inclination angles of 45°, is a measure of attractive forces in the fuid. A higher YP
65°, and 85°. OBMs required a 20 to 25% higher fuid velocity indicates a more gel-like fuid that can suspend cuttings
to achieve the critical fuid velocity, primarily due to density when the fow stops, but too high YP can cause excessive
disparity [21]. Another study by Saasen and Loklingholm gelation. Te fow index (n) indicates whether a fuid is
found that OBMs performs better than WBMs, even with Newtonian or non-Newtonian. Non-Newtonian fuids ex-
similar viscosity profles. OBMs have a continuous oil phase, hibit shear-thinning or shear-thickening behavior, thereby
enhanced with emulsifed water and organophilic clay for enabling them to fow at increased velocities while experi-
desired viscosity. WBMs have a brine phase viscosifed using encing reduced pressure. Te consistency index (k) is
polymers. Te gelling properties in water-based fuids a measure of a fuid’s viscous properties. A higher k indicates
contribute to challenges in hole cleaning. Te performance more viscosity. Density is important for maintaining good
of drilling fuids is superior when exhibiting low shear stability and preventing blowouts. Higher density fuids can
thinning, as oil inertness on solid particles eliminates the exert a greater buoyant force on cuttings to improve lifting
particle-particle gel-forming efect, enhancing hole-cleaning but also increase hydrostatic pressure. Fluid loss is a measure
efcacy. Te study highlights the importance of oil inertness of how much fuid flters into the formation. Lower fuid loss
in drilling fuid systems [22]. is better for building flter cakes, while high fuid loss can
Recently, Sayindla et al. compared the efcacy of OBMs destabilize the hole. Gel strength is a measure of attractive
and WBMs that containing potassium chloride (KCl) in forces that allow the fuid to suspend cuttings when cir-
hole-cleaning performance, considering eccentricity and culation stops. Moderate gel strength is good, but too high
rotation efects. Te study found signifcant variation in causes pumping problems [2, 26]. More importantly, the
hole-cleaning efcacy across the fuids. OBMs performed rheological behavior of drilling fuids is typically described
better in the absence of drilling string rotation due to its using four primary models: Newtonian, Bingham plastic,
more elastic behavior. However, at high rotation speeds, the pseudoplastic, and dilatant models (Figure 1) [15]. Fluids are
drilling string’s rotational motion disrupts gel structures in classifed into Newtonian and non-Newtonian categories,
both fuids, resulting in comparable hole-cleaning perfor- with the viscosity of a Newtonian fuid remaining constant
mance. Te study highlights the importance of considering regardless of shear rates. Non-Newtonian fuids can be
eccentricity and rotation efects in drilling fuid selection and categorized into three main types: dilatant behavior, pseu-
application [23]. doplastic behavior, and plastic behavior. Dilatant behavior is
Te worldwide experience reveals that drilling fuid observed in fuids such as water-based polyethylene glycol
properties, not just viscosity, have a signifcant impact on drilling fuid, while pseudoplastic behavior is seen in fuids
hole-cleaning performance. Te fuid’s ability to establish with high clay content, waxy crude oil, and paint. Plastic
a gel structure within the cutting bed is also crucial. OBMs, behavior is a characteristic of aqueous solutions and
infuenced by gravity, retain cuttings within the bed. WBMs, emulsions of polymer compounds. Te viscosity of dilatant
composed of polymers, create a robust gel structure, re- fuids increases with higher shear rates, while the viscosity of
ducing deformation resistance. Tis results in a more both pseudoplastic and plastic fuids decreases with in-
compacted layer and enhanced erosion resistance. Tere- creased shear rates. Plastic fuids initiate fow only when
fore, the viscosity of drilling fuids does not primarily in- a specifc shear stress threshold is exceeded, while pseu-
fuence hole-cleaning performance. doplastic fuids can fow under any applied shear force.
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Dilatant behavior is infrequently observed in drilling fuids,

as most are characterized by plastic and pseudoplastic
properties. Te rheological curve of drilling fuids helps in tic
assessing the equivalent circulating density, cutting capacity, n Pl
and hydraulic parameter optimization [15, 27]. ni
Ne t ic
Among them, the Bingham plastic model can estimate n- Plas
o g ham
the minimum pressure required to initiate fow (yield point) N l Bin
and the resistance to fow (plastic viscosity) of the drilling
fuid to evaluate cutting transport [28, 29]. Tis parameter is
crucial in determining the fuid’s ability to carry cuttings and )
maintain efcient hole cleaning during drilling operations n g

Shear stress
i a in
on n
[30]. More importantly, the yield point to plastic viscosity e wt -thin
N r
ratio (YP/PV), a parameter derived from the Bingham n- e a
No ic/sh
plastic model, was initially proposed by Hussaini and Azar s t
(1983) as a metric to assess the efectiveness of solids in udo
drilling fuid hole-cleaning capacity. Te fndings of these ps 1)
n (n=
experiments revealed that an increase in YP/PV leads to i a
enhanced cutting transportation, regardless of the in- wt 1)
Ne >
ian (n
clination angle [31]. ton ning
w e
Table 1 shows the problems while drilling and their Ne ck
o n- r-thi
impact based on diferent parameters, such as PV and YP. As N ea
indicated in Table 1, several logical reasons explain why t ant/
l a
exceeding the limit can induce hole problems. Te preferred di
drilling fuid regime, i.e., laminar, transition, or turbulent, Shear rate
depends on the type of drilled hole section, including
whether vertical or directional. In vertical drilling, the Figure 1: Rheological models exhibited by various types of fuids,
preferred fuid fow regime is laminar, which provides an namely, Newtonian fuid, plastic fuid, pseudoplastic fuid, and
dilatant fuid [15].
efcient bouncy efect and a maximum annular velocity
profle at the walls of the drilled hole section to ensure
a proper lifting capacity [32, 33]. jet circulation techniques [35, 36]. Te principle of vortex
More importantly, identifying the factors that afect circulation involves the utilization of a jet pump bit, which
cutting transport during drilling is a complex task, as no efectively extracts annular drilling fuid from the region
single explanation can fully account for all the observed beneath the bit and subsequently introduces it through ofset
phenomena. However, numerous studies have concluded nozzles located at the face of the bit [36]. Tis phenomenon
that the mud’s ability to transport rock fragments is de- results in the generation of rotational fow patterns, which
pendent on various factors, including mud type, density, and enhance the efciency of cutting and lifting operations by
rheology, as well as the rate of mud fow or annular velocity. simultaneously reducing the overall fow rate and diferential
Other factors that afect cutting transport include the size pressure. Te optimization of nozzle quantities, orientations,
and density of the cuttings, borehole angle, RPM, ROP, and and dimensions is of utmost importance to achieve optimal
drill pipe eccentricity. Tese parameters are shown in Fig- vortex systems while minimizing pressure losses. In an al-
ure 2, which highlights the direct infuence of variables such ternative approach, the process of hydraulic jet circulation
as borehole size and drilling fuid rheology on borehole- involves the circulation of a high-velocity jet fow through the
cleaning efciency. In addition, indirect factors such as drill string, which efectively propels the cuttings in an up-
cutting size, density, shape, and ROP can also moderately ward direction [35]. Te utilization of an adjacent placement
impact borehole-cleaning efciency [32]. of the jet nozzle to the bit nozzle obviates the need for any
However, some variables can have a negative impact on external pumps. Studies have shown that the utilization of
the borehole-cleaning efciency. For example, inclinations systems incorporating multiple staggered nozzles has resulted
can signifcantly afect borehole-cleaning efciency, making it in enhanced transport efciency compared to designs uti-
difcult to achieve optimal results. Conversely, certain factors lizing a single nozzle [35, 36]. Furthermore, the use of pulsed
can signifcantly improve borehole-cleaning conditions. Te jets can enhance cutting removal at the bottom of the well.
fow rate and RPM are examples of variables that can have Pulsed jets are created using tools that modulate the con-
a positive efect and optimize the cleaning process. Terefore, tinuous fow of drilling fuid into intermittent pulses, gen-
it is essential to consider all the factors that can impact erating fuctuations in the pressure and fow rate at the
borehole-cleaning conditions to achieve the best possible bottom hole. Pulsed jets have been shown to improve the
results [24, 34]. More importantly, the enhancement of penetration rate by efectively fracturing rock formations.
cutting transport during drilling operations can be achieved However, the exact mechanism of how they afect cutting
by reducing the diferential pressure at the bottom hole. Two removal remains unclear [37]. As an example, Heqian et al.
primary techniques that have been examined for the purpose developed a numerical model to simulate pressure and fow-
of achieving this objective are vortex generation and hydraulic rate changes induced by a pulsed jet, accounting for factors
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 1: Problems by diferent parameter scenarios while drilling and their impact on hole cleaning.
Problems Impact
(i) Poor cutting transport in deviated and horizontal wells
Increased PV, YP, gels, and 6 and 3 revolution per minute (RPM) readings (ii) High equivalent circulating density (ECD) and possible breakdown of formation
and lost circulation
Increased fuids loss/thick flter cake (i) Diferential sticking and high torque and drag
Slow ROP (i) Chip hold down pressure
(i) Possible breakdown of the formation
Increase in density
(ii) Increase dilution and addition of chemicals to maintain proper density
Poor cement displacement (i) Channels that allow pressure communication up the wellbore
Increased abrasion and wear of mud pumps and downhole motors and tools (i) Increased cost and lost time
Increase disposal cost of drilling waste (i) Environmental and health safety
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Borehole Borehole
size angle Pills

density rate
Cuttings Borehole
size cleaning
Fluid Cuttings
Drill string
rheology shape
Drill pipe
Fluid eccentricity

Direct effect Significant negative effect

Indirect effect Significant positive effect

Figure 2: Parameters and their efect on borehole cleaning.

such as drilling fuid properties, wellbore geometry, and pulse in hole-cleaning applications. Te key purpose of this section
tool design. Figure 3 elucidates the mechanism underlying the on hole cleaning is to understand the functions of drilling
removal of cuttings at the bottom hole through the utilization fuids, including how physical and chemical properties
of pulsed jet technology. Te model was solved using char- contribute to achieving the needed objectives. A drilling
acteristics and coupled pressure-fow equations to capture fuid facilitates the transport of drill cuttings produced by
wave propagation efects. Te results showed that fow-rate drilling on the surface if the full path of fuid circulation is
fuctuations decrease sharply with increasing depth, but more established. In addition, maintaining a balance in the drilled
gradual changes occur above 4000 m. In addition, pressure hole section to prevent formation fow, maintaining hole
oscillations near the tool are reduced by enlarging the tool section stability, cooling, lubricating the drill bit, and
fow area. Te fow-rate fuctuations promoted by the pulsed transmitting hydraulic horsepower to the drill bit are critical
jet help alter the mechanical state of the cuttings at the functions of the drilling fuids.
bottom. Te mathematical model considers forces acting on Te physical and chemical properties that contribute to
individual cutting particles under the jet, considering pa- the efcient transport of cuttings are the yield point, ap-
rameters such as drag, buoyancy, gravity, and hydraulic parent viscosity, average annular mud velocity, cutting slip
pressure diferences [37]. velocity, and gel strength. Te density of the drilling fuid is
Moreover, under high-pressure and high-temperature extremely important to balance the drilled hole section to
(HPHT) conditions, higher density mud is used to control prevent formation fuid fow and to maintain wellbore
pressure, accelerating the sagging of solid barite particles. stability mechanically in the case of shale caving or
Tis settlement is infuenced by drilling fuid properties and sloughing. In addition, introducing chemical additives such
drilling parameters, potentially leading to stuck pipes, as shale inhibitors can maintain reactive shale formation,
wellbore instability, loss of circulation, and irregular rheo- while other chemicals can enhance ROP, increase mud ef-
logical properties [38, 39]. Studies have explored various fciency, reduce drill bit wear, avoid bit and bottom hole
remedies for sagging in drilling operations [40], including assembly (BHA) balling, and condition the hole section and
using antisagging agents and rheology modifers, reducing drilling mud. Annular velocity cools the drill bit, and density
particle size in weighting materials such as micronized barite and annular velocity transmit hydraulic horsepower to the
and ilmenite, and implementing a combination of diferent drill bit using the appropriate viscosity and bit nozzles with
weighting materials [40–43]. Tese approaches aim to im- a size similar to the total fow area.
prove drilling fuid rheology and prevent sagging issues in
drilling operations [41].
4.1. Chemical Materials and Wellbore Instability.
4. Hole-Cleaning Chemistry and Chemical materials used in drilling fuids can afect wellbore
Engineering Parameters stability, which in turn can impact hole-cleaning efciency.
Wellbore instability can result in the formation of cutting
Tis section covers hole-cleaning chemistry, hole-cleaning beds, pack-ofs, and mud rings, all of which can impede the
engineering, and operations, including methodologies used fow of drilling fuids and hinder the transport of drill
in drilling practices, tools, modeling, and chemical additives cuttings [17, 18]. Terefore, in this subsection, the most
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7

Jet velocity
Wellhead device


Jet pressure

Drill pipe
Pulsed jet


Bottom hole
Pulsed jet
• Cuttings tumble away from the bottom hole

Figure 3: Mechanism underlying the removal of cuttings under the force of a single particle in the bottom hole through the utilization of
pulsed jet technology [37].

successful studies from 1906 to 2023 are explained and additives can ensure chemical compatibility to prevent
highlighted. wellbore problems such as tight holes and swelling shales
Knowledge of basic chemistry is important to optimize and help in hole cleaning by strengthening mud efciency,
chemical hole cleaning and address drilling problems safely minimizing time spent on wiper trips during tripping op-
and in an environmentally friendly manner [44]. erations, and minimizing tripping time for pull out of hole
Chemical additives are also used to optimize drilling (POOH) [46, 47]. More importantly, zeta potential is
efciency, minimize wellbore instability, and assist tripping a crucial parameter in understanding drilling fuid behavior
drilling operations. Te rheology of drilling fuids can during hole-cleaning operations. It afects the fuid’s ability
minimize drilling problems, including drill bit balling, to remove cuttings and maintain hole stability and afects its
drilling tight spots during tripping drilling operations, drill rheological properties and fltration behavior [47, 48]. Te
bit wear, and problems encountered in other drilling ap- American Petroleum Institute recommends a range for zeta
plications. Chemical additives can be viscosifers, friction potential in drilling fuids to ensure efective hole cleaning
reducers, weighting agents, fuid loss agents, hole and mud and stable wellbore conditions. Te zeta potential should be
conditioners, deformers, inhibitors, rheology modifers, and within a certain range for optimal performance [49–51].
defocculating agents (see subsections 4.1.1–4.1.3) Table 3 shows the main range for zeta potential in drilling
[17, 18, 45]. As cations play an important role in controlling fuids to ensure efective hole cleaning and stable wellbore
the properties of drilling muds, their radii before and after conditions.
hydration are provided in Table 2. For instance, calcium ions As seen in Table 3, a drilling fuid’s zeta potential is
are commonly used in drilling muds to increase their vis- a crucial parameter when evaluating its potential for hole
cosity and improve their ability to suspend cuttings. Mag- cleaning [49–51]. A zeta potential between − 20 and − 30 mV
nesium ions, on the other hand, can help to reduce the is considered stable and nonaggregating, reducing the
viscosity of mud and improve its fow properties. Sodium likelihood of particles or agglomerates causing issues. Tis is
ions can also be added to the mud to improve its ability to often associated with lower viscosity and better lubricity,
dissolve and remove drill cuttings [17, 18, 45]. which can reduce friction and improve hole-cleaning ef-
Te chemical properties of drilling fuids are crucial for ciency. A zeta potential between − 40 and − 50 mV is mod-
maintaining the stability of drilling fuids during drilling erately aggregating, forming particles or agglomerates that
operations. Parameters such as pH, electrical stability, sa- can cause issues. Tis range may also be associated with
linity, and the concentration of reactive clays determined higher viscosity and reduced lubricity, making hole cleaning
using the methylene blue test (MBT) are important in more challenging. A zeta potential less than − 50 mV is
obtaining a fuid with stabilized rheological properties, highly aggregating, forming signifcant particles or ag-
which can be achieved using chemical additives. Chemical glomerates that can cause issues. In this case, additional
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 2: Ionic radii of cations before and after hydration.

Name of ionic radii of cations Angstroms (before) Angstroms after)
Sodium (Na+) 1.90 5.50–11.2
Potassium (K+) 2.66 4.64–7.6
Cesium (Cs+) 3.34 4.60–7.2
Magnesium (Mg2+) 1.30 21.6
Calcium (Ca2+) 1.90 19.0

Table 3: Te recommended range for zeta potential in drilling fuids.

Zeta potential range Description
− 20 to − 30 mV Stable, nonaggregating fuid
− 30 to − 40 mV Slightly aggregating fuid, may require additional treatment
− 40 to − 50 mV Moderately aggregating fuid, may require additional treatment
Highly aggregating fuid, may require signifcant additional treatment or change in
<− 50 mV
fuid formulation

treatment or fuid formulation changes may be necessary outside this range, bentonite’s efectiveness can be reduced.
[47, 48]. Furthermore, the lubricity of drilling fuid can In acidic conditions, bentonite’s efectiveness decreases due
impact hole cleaning, with high lubricity causing cuttings to to reduced swelling capacity, while in basic conditions, it can
stick to wellbore walls, making removal more challenging be less efective due to increased swelling capacity, leading to
[52–55]. Additives in drilling fuids create a protective layer increased viscosity and decreased fuid loss [5, 7, 59].
between the drill bit and the formation, enhancing lubri- More importantly, efective mud with shale inhibitors or
cation. Teir long-chain structure and high molecular clay coating agents can eliminate, minimize, or manage
weight minimize friction and wear. Adsorption occurs on drilling tight spots, movable formations, and caving or
the drill bit surface, forming a lubricating flm that reduces sloughing shale formations. An appropriate pH can ensure
frictional forces. During rotational motion, shear forces mud stability to prevent degradation and reduction of mud
form a protective layer [52–54, 56, 57]. For instance, latex, rheological properties. Electrical stability (ES) controls the
a novel polymer, was synthesized using potassium persulfate viscous oil phase of the drilling fuid to manage reactive shale
and emulsion polymerization. When incorporated into formation to ensure that the oil phase is the dominant phase
drilling fuid, the lubrication ratio decreased by 64.4%. Te compared to the water phase during drilling, as OBM is
polymer’s lubricating capabilities are evident, as it uses composed of a ratio of water equal or less and chemical
micro “rolling” and “flm creation” processes. Te nano- additives. Water is used with OBMs to ensure that water-
particles, with their spherical morphology, act as “roller soluble chemical additives dissolve in the mud to initiate the
bearings,” reducing torque and transforming sliding friction needed chemical reaction. Salinity and the concentration of
into rolling friction [58]. Terefore, this can give rise to reactive clays (identifed using the MBT) in the drilling mud
a phenomenon commonly referred to as “sticking,” wherein facilitate drilling across shale or movable formations. Ele-
the cuttings adhere to the walls of the wellbore, resulting in vated salinity levels have the potential to augment the vis-
an obstruction that hinders the unimpeded fow of the cosity of drilling fuids, a phenomenon that is not desirable
drilling fuid [58]. More importantly, the HPHT conditions in the context of WBMs. Tis is because heightened salinity
signifcantly impact hole cleaning during drilling, as high can induce an upsurge in the plastic viscosity of the mud,
pressure and temperature can cause cuttings to stick to consequently leading to a decline in the lifting capacity and
wellbore walls, causing “sticking” and preventing drilling overall efciency of the mud. Clays identifed by the MBT are
fuid fow, resulting in reduced efciency, increased more suitable for reactive shale formations because they
equipment wear, and loss of wellbore integrity [59]. For possess a high cation exchange capacity (CEC). Te colloidal
instance, bentonite drilling fuid formulations showed a 22% fraction of a drilling fuid contains small reactive solid
reduction in fltration loss under HPHT conditions, while particles, which carry surface electrical charges and allow
a 42% decrease was observed under low-pressure and low- them to react with chemicals added to the mud [47].
temperature conditions. Te rheological characteristics, Te common clay minerals encountered during drilling
such as viscosity and gel strength, improved. Te grass el- operations are kaolin, illite, montmorillonite, and chlorite.
ement analysis revealed a signifcant presence of calcium Tables 4 and 5 summarize the properties of these clay
(54%), potassium (19.83%), and chlorine (16%), suggesting it minerals. CEC is an important characteristic of clays, which
can function as a pH regulator to manage alkalinity levels characterizes the actual capacity of clay to exchange ions by
during operational activities [60, 61]. Moreover, the pH of isomorphous substitution in the crystal lattice. Cation ex-
mud samples signifcantly impacts the efectiveness of change will depend on factors such as concentration, ex-
bentonite in hole cleaning during drilling. Bentonite, change sites, and the nature of the mineral. Tese clays are
a common additive, is most efective in neutral to slightly divided into two basic classes: expandable (swelling) and
alkaline conditions with a pH range of 7–9. If the pH is nonexpandable (nonswelling). Crystalline swelling is due to
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9

surface hydration caused by the adsorption layers of water stabilization of aqueous dispersions of colloidal particles. At
on the crystal surfaces. Osmotic swelling is caused by the the pH corresponding to the isoelectric point, the contri-
change in the concentration of cations in solution between bution of the charge on the particle surface to the stabili-
the layers. Polymers can play a major role in handling clay zation of the dispersion cannot be determined owing to the
reactions, which can be inorganic or organic in nature and difculty of predicting the rheological properties of dis-
natural or synthetic in origin [47, 63]. persion and signifcant interparticle interactions of
A typical natural inorganic polymer is asbestos, and dispersions [68].
a typical synthetic inorganic polymer is silicone. Organic In addition, at the pH corresponding to the isoelectric
polymers can be classifed into three basic categories: nat- point, the zeta potential is zero, which corresponds to the
ural, synthetic, and modifed. Natural organic polymers neutralization point. Te relationship between the zeta
include proteins, carbohydrates (sugar and starch), and potential and pH is almost linear. In addition, the power law
untreated cellulose (see subsections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2). Syn- model was modifed by including the squared diference of
thetic organic polymers include hydroxyethyl cellulose pH (delta pH), which is exactly equal to the value of
(HEC), and typical modifed organic polymers include pH minus the pH value corresponding to the isoelectric
polyanionic cellulose (PAC). Physically, a polymer can be point (pHiep) (τ � K (c) n + pHiep). Te viscosity at diferent
linear, branched, or cross-linked. A typical oilfeld polymer pH values can be estimated. Te efect of pH on viscosity was
is carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Polymers can be clas- determined after pHiep was decreased. Wilkes and Bir-
sifed based on their chemical nature into anionic, cationic, mingham defned kinematic viscosity as the ratio of viscosity
nonionic, and amphoteric polymers. Anionic polymers are to density, showing the importance of dividing dynamic
formed by organic molecules with negatively charged viscosity by density to demonstrate the coexistence of sig-
functional groups. Typically, they are formed by the dis- nifcant viscous and gravitational forces. Te density of most
sociation of an acid group (-CO-O-H). Most polymers liquids is a linear function of temperature [69].
commonly used in oilfelds today are anionic in nature Pejcinovic et al. modifed the K and n of the rheological
[47, 64]. properties of the power law model by including the con-
Cationic polymers are formed by organic molecules with centration of solids. Te results show that K increases with
positively charged functional groups. Often, these are increasing solid concentration, while n decreases [70].
amine-type compounds. Nonionic polymers are formed by Rismanto and Zwaag confrmed the oil content of OBM
organic molecules with little or no charge. Often, they are (inverted emulsion) using nuclear magnetic resonance
polymers of ethylene oxide or propylene oxide. Amphoteric (NMR) relaxation time measurements at a 2 MHz proton
polymers are formed by organic molecules that contain both resonance frequency (T2). Variable oil-water ratios were
positively and negatively charged functional groups. For used, and the static barite sagging behavior of an oil-based
applications in oilfelds, polymers must be able to withstand drilling mud was observed using an experimental 1D profle.
high bottom hole temperatures, high shear rates that can tear NMR can diferentiate OBMs with a high oil-water ratio
apart a polymer chain, and oxygen that can react and break from OBMs with a low oil-water ratio due to the efect of
parts of the polymer chain. Te common polymer used as a higher oil-water ratio on T2 [71]. Abedian and Kachanov
a viscosifer in feld drilling operations is xanthan gum [47]. developed a modifed model for determining the efective
Some chemical additives, such as acorn shell powder and viscosity of a Newtonian fuid with rigid spherical particles,
tamarind gum, are used with mud to increase their hole which is more accurate at higher concentrations of solid
cleaning efciency [7]. Glenn and Slusser controlled solid particles [72]. Benyounes and Benmounah investigated the
invasion by muds using solid weighting material such as impact of the addition of salts such as calcium chloride,
KCl, manganese tetroxide (Mn3O4), and calcium carbonate sodium chloride, and KCl on power law rheological pa-
and barite (CaCo3/barite) with an optimum size to prevent rameters and determined the K and n of a diluted sodium
impairment of productivity in two primary ways: plugging carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC) dispersion. K decreases
pore throats and increasing capillary pressure [65]. Einstein with the amount of salt added, and n increases as salinity
developed a new formula to calculate the efective viscosity increases. Te zeta potential of CMC dispersions increases
by including the infuence of the concentration of solid when the concentration of added salts is increased. Te
particles. Te accuracy of the equation is low at concen- results show that K can be increased, while n can be de-
trations higher than 0.02 [66]. creased with increasing salt concentration [73].
McCollum et al. used a reformulated OBM and upgraded Moreover, Economides introduced two types of mud
the equipment used for controlling solids in mud to improve fltrate invasion methods, including dynamic fltration,
hole cleaning and minimize environmental impacts. Te which occurs above the bit while the mud is circulating. Te
modifcation provided low PV and low YP, resulting in low rate of fuid loss during this stage is normally higher than
mud rheology for enhancing hole-cleaning performance. that during tripping. Te other type is static fltration, which
Te results of this study led to a reduction in the accu- occurs during tripping or periods of noncirculation. In
mulation of cuttings, oil remaining on cuttings, and addition, he concluded that there are four major flter cake
upgrading of equipment for controlling solids in mud [67]. parameters that can control mud fltrate invasion. Te dy-
Liang et al. conducted experimental work to determine the namic fuid loss coefcient for the flter cake can be de-
pH value corresponding to the isoelectric point of alumina- termined from the laboratory (in3 /in2 .hr1/2 ), the exposure
coated titanium dioxide (TiO2) and observed the time (h), the mechanical stability constant of the flter cake

Table 4: Properties of clay minerals [62].

Property Kaolin Mica (illite) Montmorillonite Chlorite
Chemical formula Al2Si2O5(OH)4 (K, H3O)(Al, Mg, Fe)2(Si, Al)4O10[(OH)2, (H2O)] (Na, Ca)0.33(Al, Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2·nH2O (Mg, Fe)3(Si, Al)4O10(OH)2·(Mg, Fe)3(OH)6
Sheet 1 :1 2 :1 2 :1 2 :1
Structure Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet
Shape Hexagonal Wide-ranging plates Flake Plate
Size (microns) 5_0.5 Large sheets to 0.5 2_0.1 5_0.1
BET-N2 15_25 50_110 30_80 140
BET-H2O — — 200_800 —
CEC 3_15 10_40 80_150 10_40
Viscosity in water Little Little High Little
Infuence of salts Flocculates Flocculates Flocculates Flocculates
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 11

Table 5: Surface area of clay minerals [62].

Surface area m2g Water area
Nitrogen Water Nitrogen area
Montmorillonite 38 20+/250 5.3/6.6
Kaolinite 16 12+/12 0.8
Illite 56 52+/82 0.9/1.5

of reported values from the lab 2 × 10− 8 to 5 × 10− 7 the appropriate balance is critical to achieve the desired
(Cm3 /Cm2 ), and the rate of shear at the wall (Sec− 1 ). Te drilling performance. Te use of an appropriate concen-
most important parameter of flter cakes is their dynamic tration of MWNTs can also help to minimize undesirable
fuid loss coefcient [74]. mud cake thickness [79].
Gerogiorgis et al. developed a parametric rheological Deng proposed a new approach for the optimized se-
model for multivariate viscosity and yield stress based on the lection of drilling fuid additives to evaluate the hole-
Herschel–Bulkley model of a smart drilling fuid containing cleaning capacity of Herschel–Bulkley (yield-power-law)-
nanoparticles. Te model takes into consideration the im- type fuids. He investigated the efect of diferent additives
pact of activation energy and its infuence on rheological (bentonite and biopolymers) on the rheological properties of
parameters of the Herschel–Bulkley model [75]. Aber- water-based drilling fuids and the hydraulic behavior as well
oumand et al. conducted an experimental study on nano- as hole-cleaning capacity indicators. Experimental results
fuid OBM viscosity with the bulk temperature, nanoparticle show that adding more bentonite or a biopolymer increases
diameter, and nanoparticle concentration included in the the yield stress and annulus pressure loss, which indicates
analysis to evaluate their infuence on the viscosity. Teir higher suspension and a lower sweeping capacity. Te se-
results show that thermal conductivity increases with in- lection of the right concentration depends on the real
creasing temperature of nanofuids, while previous models conditions, such as the velocity level, pump capacity, and
showed a reduction. Increasing the nanofuid concentration allowable annular pressure. Samples with a higher bentonite
increases the viscosity. In addition, they developed a new concentration and a lower biopolymer concentration nor-
correlation based on a database to evaluate the combined mally showed better hole-cleaning capacity. A lower annulus
efects of thermal conductivity and concentration of pressure loss can not only enhance the sweeping capacity
nanofuids [76]. Ihenacho et al. studied the infuence of and widen the plug width but also reduce the risk of
OBM with a low oil-water ratio compared to conventional hydrofracture and allow higher fow velocity [80].
OBM. Te OBM with a low oil-water ratio is more efcient Gamal et al. studied the efect of pH on WBM with
in terms of fuid loss and viscosity owing to the low fuid loss bentonite to investigate rheological properties such as PV,
and consistent and slight increase in viscosity due to rota- YP, a low share yield point (LSYP), a YP/PV ratio, and the
tion. Te results show that less fuid loss and higher viscosity strength of gels. Tey also evaluated the volume of fltration
can be achieved with a half-half oil-water ratio, indicating and mud cake thickness. Te results showed that the increase
that higher fuid efciency and consistency can be achieved in pH can diminish the rheological properties, increase the
[77]. Ahmed, S et al. modeled foam viscosity, K, and n using fltration volume, and increase the mud cake thickness.
the power law model for a polymer-free carbon dioxide Tese results are not applicable in real-world drilling op-
(CO2) foam fracturing fuid using the surfactant concen- erations, as stable pH levels must be maintained to ensure
tration, salinity, and shear rate by including concentration appropriate mud rheological properties that promote sta-
and salinity. Te experimental results show that increasing bilization [81]. Boyou et al. experimentally evaluated the
the concentration and salinity increases apparent foaming application of nanosilica WBM to determine the hole-
viscosity [78]. cleaning efciency in directional drilling compared with
Özkan investigated the efect of multiwalled nanotubes conventional WBM using the foor loop system at diferent
(MWNTs) on WBM (spud mud) to evaluate the improve- rotational speeds. Te results showed that the use of
ment in rheological properties, loss of fltration, and mud nanosilica WBM improves the transport efciency of cut-
cake thickness. Variable concentrations of MWNT were tings due to the colloidal interaction between nanosilica and
used with a pH in the range of 9.5–10. Te addition of cuttings, which improves the transport performance of
MWNT to WBM can signifcantly impact the rheological cuttings [82].
properties of the drilling fuid, with noticeable improve- Amorin and Bediako evaluated the rheological drilling
ments in PV, YP, apparent viscosity, and gel strength. fuid properties of pseudo OBM with the addition of three
However, it is important to note that the optimal concen- antioxidants (citric acid, red onion skin extract, and propyl
tration of MWCNTs can vary depending on the specifc gallate) used as thermal stabilizers for enhancing geothermal
application and desired properties of the drilling fuid. For drilling applications. Tree distinct temperature values were
example, in some cases, lower PV and YP may be desirable to used (49.8, 93.3, and 121.1°C), with a 121.1°C temperature
reduce the risk of lost circulation, while in other cases, higher used for the fltration test at 500 psi. Te results of the study
PV and YP may be required to ensure adequate wellbore using aged and unaged muds showed that PV, YP, electrical
stability. Similarly, the apparent viscosity and gel strength stability, and gel strength values at 10 sec and 10 min and
can be afected by the concentration of MWNTs, and fnding that the pH of vegetable oil evidently improved. Hence,
12 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

OBM with antioxidants is more suitable for high- Te activity of a fuid (the ratio of the vapor pressure of
temperature drilling operations than conventional OBM. pure water to the vapor pressure of the fuid) can be used to
Te hole-cleaning index of the carrying capacity index (CCI) control its salinity. Te activities of typical water-based muds
was used to better understand drilling fuid rheology and to vary from 0.8 to 0.9, while for shale, they vary from 0.75 to
determine the impact of optimized rheology on hole 0.85. Te swelling of shale is due to the increase in vapor
cleaning and their contributions to enhancing hole-cleaning pressure within shale, leading to weakening of adherence
efciency. Te CCI values were above the selected value of and development of washout. Te second efect causing
0.5 (CCI > or � 0.5), indicating that the rheological param- wellbore instability is chemical difusion (transfer of specifc
eters are appropriate for proper hole cleaning [83]. ions from a region of high concentration to a region of lower
Ofei et al. studied the efect of variable concentrations of concentration) [90]. Al-Arfaj et al. discussed the physico-
barite on drilling fuid rheological parameters K and n. At chemical and chemicomechanical infuences on the in-
higher barite concentrations, K increases, while n remains teractions of shale formations with drilling fuids and
constant. Moreover, the results revealed that the augmen- reviewed several test methodologies for evaluating the po-
tation of drilling fuid density through the addition of barite tential interactions of diferent drilling fuid systems.
resulted in a consistent and incremental rise in both yield Moreover, they presented mechanisms for inhibiting shale,
stress and surplus stress, with the index remaining relatively which made drilling shale formations smoother [91].
stable [84]. Ideally, numerous experimental studies have been
Sargani et al. experimentally evaluated the infuence of conducted to optimize hole-cleaning efciency during
varying oil-water ratios (60/40, 70/30, 80/20, and 90/10) on drilling operations. Tese studies have explored the use of
the rheological properties of a biodiesel-based drilling fuid. various chemical additives, such as silica nanoparticles,
Vegetable oils obtained after the transesterifcation of oils nanosilica nanoparticles, low-density polyethylene beads,
from groundnuts and soybeans were used in the test and polyethylene and polypropylene beads, viscoelastic fuids
validated against a conventional oil-based drilling mud. Both using polymers, sweeping pills, biodegradable fber, alkyl-o-
drilling fuid formulations used the same common chemical glucoside (APG) biosurfactant, and limonene antiaccretion.
additives. Mud density, pH, ES, PV, YP, gel strength, and Te goal of these studies is to enhance the physical and
apparent viscosity were evaluated using drilling fuids based chemical properties of drilling fuids to improve their
on groundnut and soybean oils. CCI was used to evaluate the rheology and induce interactions between particles and
optimized impact of the rheology of biodiesel drilling fuids. nanoparticles, forming spiderweb-like networks in the fuid
Te results show an improvement in the rheological that can lift drill cuttings and prevent them from settling.
properties, an appropriate pH, and high PV, YP, gel Te use of diferent types of polymers with low molecular
strength, apparent viscosity, and mud density at an oil-water weights and gelation has also been explored to improve the
ratio of 60/40. After adding a viscosity reducing agent, PV viscosity and lifting capacity of drilling fuids. In addition,
decreased and YP increased. ES was high at an oil-water ratio studies have compared the efectiveness of using hole-
of 90/10 with and without the viscosity reducing agent, and cleaning fbers with polymeric pills and evaluated the per-
to obtain a highly stable emulsion and a continuous oil formance of drilling fuids containing KCl and NaCl at low
phase, they selected the 90/10 oil-water ratio. CCI showed concentrations. Te ultimate aim is to optimize the efciency
a high value at a 60/40 oil-water ratio due to the presence of of hole cleaning during drilling operations, which is critical
optimal rheological properties [85]. for maintaining the integrity of the wellbore and ensuring
Moreover, Steiger and Leung reported that more than safe and efcient drilling operations [92–107].
75% of drilled formations are shale formations and that at Table 6 shows a summary of the major fndings of all the
least 90% of wellbore stability problems are caused by shale most successful studies. Te table highlights that the addi-
formations. A research test program was implemented to tion of nanoparticles, biopolymers, and other additives for
determine the mechanical parameters of shale formations to modulating drilling fuid properties has been a major re-
classify their characteristic mechanical behavior [86]. search focus for improving hole-cleaning ability. Re-
Frenkel et al. conducted a study on clay minerals, in- searchers have explored various nanomaterials, polymers,
cluding kaolinite, illite, and smectite, to determine the surfactants, and other chemicals to optimize drilling fuid
dispersion tendency and found that kaolinite is the most rheology and create “smart” fuids with superior hole-
dispersive, followed by illite, while smectite is not highly cleaning capacity.
dispersive [87]. Zhou explained clay-swelling mechanisms,
i.e., crystalline or osmotic, and concluded that the expansion
of clay is due to the increase in spacing between the clay 4.1.1. Well-Cleaning Capabilities Associated with Natural
layers [88]. Stephens et al. conducted swelling tests on Polymers. Tere exist several classifcations of both natural
several drilling fuids and concluded that a high swelling and modifed polymers that are used in drilling fuids,
percentage is a clear indicator of low efciency of drilling serving to improve the rheological characteristics and boost
fuid inhibition against swelling. Wellbore instability (mud/ the efcacy of well-cleaning operations [5]. Natural poly-
rock interaction) is caused by two efects. First, osmotic mers (biopolymers), such as starch [112], quebracho [113],
difusion (the transfer of water from low-salinity regions to xanthan gum [114], guar gum [115], welan gum [116–118],
high-salinity regions (formation)) causes shale to swell and scleroglucan [118], locust bean gum [119, 120], and ligno-
weaken due to elevated internal pore pressure [89]. sulfonates [121, 122] are considered very suitable. However,
Table 6: Summary of the major fndings of all the most successful studies (hole-cleaning chemistry).
Number Year Author Type Technique Output Ref
Efective viscosity is signifcantly infuenced by the concentration of solid particles
in the drilling fuid. As the solid particle concentration increases, the efective
1 1906 Einstein New formula Rheology [66]
viscosity of the fuid also increases, making it more difcult for the fuid to remove
rock fragments from the wellbore
Controlled solid invasion using KCl, Mn3O4, and CaCO3/barite to prevent
impairment of productivity in oil and gas wells, ensuring efcient hydrocarbon
2 1957 Glenn et al. Materials Solid weighting material [65]
recovery and minimizing operational costs, while maintaining wellbore stability and
mitigating formation damage
Kaolinite exhibits the highest dispersivity among the three clay minerals, followed
3 1992 Frenkel et al. Study Wellbore instability by illite, while smectite displays limited dispersivity, which can impact the [87]
efectiveness of the drilling fuid
Te expansion of clay is primarily caused by the increase in spacing between the clay
layers, which results in a greater distance between the negatively charged clay plates,
4 1997 Zhou Study Clay-swelling mechanisms [88]
leading to a decrease in the electrostatic forces between them and an increase in the
volume of the clay
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Approximately 75% of drilled formations are shale formations, which are notorious
5 1992 Steiger and Leung Study Wellbore instability for their poor wellbore stability, with at least 90% of wellbore stability problems [86]
being attributed to shale formations
Low mud rheology, reduction in the accumulation of cuttings, and controlling
6 1998 McCollum et al. Mud formulation Rheology solids in mud are all critical aspects of drilling fuid management that can help [67]
improve wellbore stability and reduce operating costs
Te stabilization of aqueous dispersions of colloidal particles is a complex process
7 2005 Liang et al. Experimental work Rheology that involves the interaction of various factors, including particle size, shape, and [68]
surface chemistry, as well as the properties of the surrounding fuid
Te kinematic viscosity and density of liquids are strongly correlated with
temperature, allowing for accurate predictions of their behavior. Tis linear
8 2006 Wilkes and Birmingham Study Rheology relationship enables engineers to design efcient heat transfer systems, optimize [69]
chemical reactions, and predict fuid fow in various industrial and scientifc
applications, thereby enhancing the efciency of heat transfer systems
Te consistency index and the fow behavior index by including the concentration of
9 2007 Pejcinovic et al. Modifcation Rheology [70]
NMR can diferentiate OBMs with a high oil-water ratio from OBMs with a low oil-
10 2007 Rismanto and Zwaag Experimental work Rheology [71]
water ratio
High swelling percentage is a clear indicator of low efciency of drilling fuid
11 2009 Stephens et al. Experimental work Swelling tests [89]
inhibition against swelling
Swelling of shale is due to the increase in vapor pressure within shale leading to
12 2007 Zoback Study Wellbore instability [90]
weakening of adherence and development of washout
13 2010 Abedian and Kachanov Methods Rheology Efective viscosity of a Newtonian fuid with rigid spherical particles [72]
14 2012 Benyounes Materials Rheology K and n of a diluted sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC) dispersion [73]
15 2014 Al-Arfaj et al. Study Wellbore instability Mechanisms for inhibiting shale, which made drilling shale formations smoother [91]
16 2015 Gerogiorgis et al. Methods Rheology Multivariate viscosity and yield stress containing nanoparticles [75]
17 2016 Aberoumand et al. Experimental work Rheology Nanofuid OBM viscosity [76]
18 2016 Ihenacho et al. Experimental work Rheology Less fuid loss and a higher viscosity [77]
19 2017 Ahmed et al. Experimental work Rheology Te apparent foaming viscosity [78]

Table 6: Continued.
Number Year Author Type Technique Output Ref
20 2018 Özkan Materials Rheology MWNT is critical to avoid undesirable mud cake thickness [79]
Higher bentonite concentration and a lower biopolymer concentration normally
21 2018 Deng Materials Rheology [80]
showed better hole-cleaning capacity
22 2019 Gamal et al. Experimental work Rheology Stable pH levels [81]
23 2019 Boyou et al. Materials Rheology Nanosilica WBM improves the transport efciency of cuttings [82]
24 2020 Amorin and Bediako Materials Rheology OBM with antioxidants is more suitable for high-temperature drilling operations [83]
25 2020 Ofei et al. Materials Rheology Increasing mud density, hole-cleaning efciency can be increased [84]
26 2021 Sargani et al. Experimental work Rheology CCI showed a high value at a 60/40 oil-water ratio [85]
MgO showed the highest improvement in hole cleaning, while TiO2 resulted in the
27 2020 Alsaba et al. Experimental work Rheology [108]
lowest improvement
Cellulose nanoparticles as a perfect substitute for oil-based muds improve the
28 2021 Abbas Experimental work Rheology [109]
transport efciency of cuttings
29 2022 Mohammed et al. Experimental work Rheology Shape memory polymer increases viscosity at low shear rates for better hole cleaning [110]
Novel nanocomposite-based thermoassociating polymer/silica nanocomposite
30 2023 Xie et al. Experimental work Rheology [111]
enhanced the overall hole cleaning
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 15

drilling operations face extreme conditions such as high quaternizing agent under carefully regulated temperature
temperatures, pressures, and chemical environments, re- conditions in DMF (N,N-dimethylformamide). Te addi-
quiring modifed polymers to maintain performance and tion of 0.3 weight percent PEX resulted in the formation of
prevent degradation of natural polymers [5]. CMC [123], a three-dimensional network molecular structure, which
PAC [124], HEC [125], and styrene copolymer [126, 127] are exhibited the ability to increase fow resistance and fuid
examples of modifed polymers. Te functions of these viscosity. Te use of a drilling fuid possessing an appropriate
polymers can signifcantly impact the processes of hole viscosity serves to mitigate the settling of drilling cuttings,
cleaning and cutting transfer in oil and gas wells (Table 7). thereby diminishing the likelihood of drill pipe sticking.
Viscosity, the resistance to fow, determines the fuid’s ability Moreover, in comparison to other muds, WBDF with PEX
to traverse the wellbore and eliminate cuttings. A fuid with exhibited elevated gel strengths of 10 s/10 min. Te gel
high viscosity may face difculties in traversing the wellbore, profle of the drilling fuid allows for the sustained transport
resulting in insufcient hole cleaning and suboptimal cutting of cuttings even when circulation is temporarily halted [142].
conveyance. Conversely, a fuid with low viscosity has en- It is worth noting that the specifc cleaning capabilities of
hanced fowability, facilitating efcient cutting removal but synthetic polymers in drilling fuids may vary depending on
potentially resulting in wellbore losses [137]. Loss control the polymer type, concentration, and specifc challenges of
refers to a drilling fuid’s ability to mitigate drilling mud loss the drilling operation. Formulations can be customized to
into the geological formation. A fuid with favorable loss optimize the cleaning functions needed for each drilling
control qualities can minimize the volume of fuid needed project.
for pumping and reduce the risk of wellbore blockage,
enhancing drilling efciency and cost reductions [5]. 4.1.3. Well-Cleaning Capabilities Associated with NP.
Flocculation and defocculation, or thinning, are phenom- Nanoparticles can be modifed in drilling fuids to enhance
ena in drilling fuids where particles aggregate to form larger their behavior and properties for well cleaning. Tese mod-
clusters, facilitating cutting removal from the wellbore. Shale ifcations can be achieved through surface functionalization,
inhibition is the ability of a drilling fuid to impede the coating with ligands, or altering their structure. Tese changes
suspension of shale particles, reducing issues such as lost enhance the interaction with solids in the drilling fuid and
circulation or pipe blockage [138]. A fuid with excellent their ability to retain and remove solids from the well
shale inhibitory capabilities can mitigate these challenges [57, 109, 143]. Previous studies have shown that NPs have the
and improve drilling process efciency [137]. For instance, ability to augment the transport of cuttings and the efcacy of
PAC and CMC have a negative charge, which can help to hole cleaning in drilling fuids [82, 109, 144–146]. Te use of
neutralize positive charges on the rock surface and improve carbon NPs (CNPs) has been shown to enhance the trans-
the fuid’s ability to wet the rock and remove cuttings [124]. portation and circulation of drill cuttings via the improve-
Table 6 shows the main functions of most natural polymers ment of the yield stress and fow consistency coefcient of the
or modifed polymers in drilling fuids. drilling fuid [147]. SiO2 NPs have been used for the purpose
of enhancing the conveyance of cuttings in water-based
4.1.2. Well-Cleaning Capabilities Associated with Synthetic drilling fuids. In the conducted investigation, the in-
Polymers. Te use of synthetic polymers in some instances corporation of SiO2 NPs led to a notable enhancement in the
may improve the efective transport of cuttings throughout transport of cuttings, as shown by an increase in density from
the drilling process by ensuring that the drilling fuids 1078.44 to 1318.1 kg/m3 compared to untreated water-based
possess desirable rheological properties, including high YP, drilling fuids operating at a rotational speed of 150 RPM
low PV, and suitable gel strength [139–141]. Te quad- [147]. Moreover, Alsaba et al. experimentally studied the
ripolymer (DMDAAC) was synthesized via solution-free efect of the addition of several types of nanoparticles on the
radical polymerization using AMPS, dimethyl diallyl am- rheological parameters of WBM. For this purpose, the values
monium chloride, sodium p-styrenesulfonate (SSS), and of PV, YP, and gel strength were optimized by adding alu-
acrylamide (AM) as monomers [141]. Te quadripolymer minum oxide (Al2O3), magnesium oxide (MgO), titanium
system exhibited YP/PV ratios of up to 0.80, indicating its dioxide (TiO2), and copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles to
remarkable shear-thinning characteristics, at a polymer WBM containing 7% bentonite at two diferent concentra-
concentration of 0.9 weight percent. Te gel strength of tions, i.e., 0.5% and 1.5% by volume. Te results show sig-
a drilling fuid is indicative of its capacity to maintain the nifcantly enhanced and higher gel strength when the
suspension of drilling cuttings after fuid circulation ceases. concentration of nanoparticles is 1.5%. PV was high with TiO2
Te enhanced gel strength may be attributed to the in- at both concentrations of 0.5% and 1.5%, and MgO yielded
termolecular interactions among polymer molecules. Con- the highest YP. Te transport ratio index of hole-cleaning
sequently, the use of a quadripolymer drilling fuid devoid of efciency was used to evaluate the improved rheological
bentonite has exceptional efcacy in transporting cuttings properties with diferent simulated hole sizes, densities, and
[141]. sizes of cuttings and fow rates. Te transport ratio index is the
Te efcacy of conveying drilling cuttings and facili- diference between the average annular velocity and average
tating hole cleaning was enhanced by the use of a synthetic slip velocity divided by the average annular
polymer known as an amphoteric polymer (PEX) [142]. PEX velocity (transport ratio index � 1 − slip velocity /average a
was synthesized by quaternizing Na2EDTA with a DPF nnular velocity). Te average slip velocity in diferent fow
16 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 7: Natural polymers or modifed polymers.

Fluid loss Flocculation/defocculation
Name Viscosity Shale inhibition Ref
control (thinning)
Starch and its derivatives − + + + [128]
Guar gum + − − − [129]
Locust bean gum + − − − [120, 130]
Hydroxypropyl guar + − − − [131]
Carboxymethyl cellulose + + + − [123]
Polyanionic cellulose + + − + [132]
Carboxymethyl ethyl cellulose + + − − [133]
Hydroxyethyl cellulose + + − − [133]
Chrome-complexed LSO3 − + + − [134]
Scleroglucan + − − − [135]
Xanthan gum + − − − [114]
Welan gum + − + − [136]

regimes was considered. MgO showed the highest im- stability of NPs is typically determined by their charges and
provement in hole cleaning, while TiO2 resulted in the lowest the concentration of suspended NPs when surfactants are
improvement [108]. Abbas et al. examined the efects of present, indicating the potential for long-term stability in
varying concentrations (ranging from 0.15 wt% to 0.60 wt%) high-temperature environments [149].
of cellulose NPs in crystalline CNCs and carbon nanofbers It is crucial to acknowledge that the performance and
(CNFs). Te incorporation of CNCs and CNFs resulted in an efcacy of NPs in drilling fuids may be contingent upon
augmentation of the shear stress exerted on the base fuid and many elements, including concentration, size, and surface
an elevation of its efective viscosity. Te inclusion of CNCs at modifcation. Additional investigation and experimentation
a weight percentage of 0.60 resulted in an enhancement in the are required to comprehensively comprehend the pro-
cutting transport rate. Specifcally, the transport rate in- spective advantages and constraints associated with the
creased by 18.75% for small cuttings, 13.88% for medium utilization of diverse nanoparticle variants for enhancing the
cuttings, and 14.69% for large cuttings when compared to the efcacy of hole cleaning in drilling procedures.
base fuid [143]. Te enhanced performance of water-based
drilling fuids may be attributed to the favorable interaction
between cuttings and CNCs due to their high surface area to 4.2. Rheology, Modeling, Factors, Indicators, Experiments, and
volume ratio, as well as the higher colloidal forces involved. Software. Rheology is crucial in hole cleaning, as it in-
Te behavior of CNFs was shown to be superior, particularly fuences the ability of drilling fuids to transport drilling
at elevated annular fuid velocities, owing to their elongated cuttings to the surface. Rheology studies the deformation
structure and capacity to create intricate networks via en- and fow of matter, and in drilling fuids, it refers to the
tanglement [109]. fuid’s response to applied stress. Modeling is another im-
Te use of CNTs and CNFs in drilling fuids has shown portant tool in hole cleaning, as it helps predict fuid be-
diverse levels of efectiveness in transporting drill cuttings. havior and optimize drilling operation design. Factors
CNFs, due to their distinctive characteristics, have shown afecting hole cleaning include drilling fuid properties,
exceptional efcacy in augmenting the transport capacity of drilling parameters, drill cutting size and shape, wellbore
drilling fuids for cuttings [57, 109, 143]. Moreover, geometry, and obstructions. Indicators of hole-cleaning
a nanopolymer made of polyethylene and nanosilica efciency include cutting concentration, pressure drop
modifed with sodium dodecyl sulfate was developed to across the bit, and penetration rate. Experiments can
study its efects on fuid fltration loss and rheological evaluate fuid performance and optimize design, including
properties. Te nanopolymer, with a size range of 82 to laboratory tests and feld tests. Software can also be used to
410 nm and a specifc surface area of 41.4 m2/g, increased the model and optimize drilling operations, allowing for sim-
viscosity of drilling fuid and controlled fltration loss by ulation of fuid fow and prediction of cutting transport
sealing pores within drilled formations. Te optimal [16, 150]. Terefore, in this subsection, the most successful
nanopolymer concentration was 1.5 g, resulting in a slender studies from 1941 to 2023 are explained and highlighted.
flter cake with low permeability on the borehole’s inner First, Pigott recommended that the cutting concentra-
surface [148]. Furthermore, Oseh et al.’s study found that tion in the annulus must remain less than 5% [151]. Williams
modifed SiO2 particles showed stability even at 150°C, and Bruce found that pipe rotation initiates the unstable
suggesting long-term stability in high-temperature envi- turbulent fow regime, which takes the drill cuttings to the
ronments. A separate study found signifcant adsorption and center, with the annular velocity lifting them to the surface
binding of cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium [152]. Mitchell suggested a new method to calculate the
bromide molecules onto nanoparticles’ surfaces due to cutting concentration in the annulus, which should be
electrostatic interaction between microorganisms. Te within the range of 5% to 8% and accounts for connection
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 17

and circulation [153]. Mitchell reported that the American laminar fow in the annulus can lead to poor hole-cleaning
Petroleum Institute (API) has developed a new model to efciency, as the fuid velocity and pressure are not uni-
calculate the cutting concentration in the annulus using the form, and cuttings and debris may not be efectively re-
transport ratio. Newitt et al. calculated the cutting con- moved [82]. O’Brien conducted experimental work on the
centration in the annulus (CCA) based on the ROP, hole size of cuttings and drilling fuid yield point and found that
size, mud pump fow rate, and transport ratio a higher yield point value is needed with larger cuttings
(CCAAPI � ROP ∙ OH2 /1471 ∙ GPM ∙ TR) [154]. Hopkin [161]. Becker and Azar demonstrated the infuence of the
investigated the relationship between the maximum and density of the drilling fuid on the formation of the cutting
average slip velocities using the Marsh funnel, yield point, bed. Tey found that improving mud rheological param-
and mud weight. Te experiments involved tests with more eters, particularly low shear rate viscosity, improved cut-
than 2000 dynamic particles and vertical tubes of 8 feet ting transport performance. Te efciency of cutting
length and 4 ½ inches diameter with 13 types of drilling transport was enhanced when the drilling fuid operated
muds and 52 particles of diferent shapes and sizes. He used under a laminar fow regime and was higher when oper-
diferent fow regimes (laminar, transitional, and turbulent) ating in turbulent fow regimes. Te impact of mud rhe-
to circulate the particles from the bottom of the tube to the ology on cutting transport was more pronounced during
top and mud Marsh funnel viscosities ranging from 26 to laminar fow conditions in vertical wellbores, but no sig-
1000 seconds/qt. Te results show a signifcant reduction in nifcant infuence was observed under turbulent fow re-
both maximum and average cutting slip velocities with an gimes. Te study suggests that mud rheology can
increase in the Marsh funnel viscosity, yield point, and signifcantly infuence cutting transport performance [162].
drilling fuid density. Knowledge of the densities and sizes of Luo et al. conducted a study on fow-rate predictions for
generated drill cuttings is vital for estimating the slipping cleaning deviated wells. Tey developed a prediction model
velocities of drill cuttings [155]. For that reason, Moor in- to estimate the critical fow rate, which is the minimum fow
dicated that drill cuttings generally have a specifc gravity of rate needed to remove cuttings from the lower side of the
2.3 to 3, with an average assumed to be 2.5 [156]. wellbore or prevent accumulation within the annulus. Te
Annis and Smith observed that the increase in plastic model’s validity was confrmed using experimental data
viscosity of drilling fuid can increase the density of the from an 8-inch wellbore. Te model and the computer
drilling fuid due to uncontrolled solids in the used drilling program were then simplifed, resulting in charts designed
fuid during drilling and decrease YP [157]. Siferman et al. for ease of use and application at rig sites [163].
conducted experimental studies on generated cuttings in the Rasi proposed that if the height of the free region above
annulus for three mud systems with low, medium, and high the bed of cuttings is greater than the critical bed height,
rheological properties using a model approximately 100 feet pulling through the cutting bed would increase without
long and found that the higher the yield point, the higher the contributing to circulation. From a study of 50 larger di-
transport ratio [158]. ameter directional wells in the North Sea, Rasi observed that
Zeidler determined that an annular velocity of 164 ft/min when the hole-cleaning ratio (HCR) was greater than 1.1,
is required to clean holes with clear water in two felds in stuck pipe incidents did not occur. Problems do not occur if
Canada [159]. Black found that a higher flter cake pressure the ratio is greater than one. However, if the ratio is less than
drop resulting from a drilling fuid based on a low-solid one, problems can be expected. For example, stuck pipes
nondispersed water-based mud (LSND-WBM) can reduce always occur when the HCR is less than 0.5 [164].
the rate of penetration due to an incremental diferential Ford et al. conducted several experimental and theo-
pressure rise. Te rate of penetration is also reduced owing retical studies with the objective of improving the hole-
to the impacted and restricted drill-sting rotation and cleaning performance. For example, the factors studied
movements with a lower weight applied on the drill bit [160]. include the annular velocity needed in the annulus, mud
Hussaini and Azar found that drilling mud rheology properties, mud system, and frictional pressure losses [165].
has a signifcant impact on the transport of drill cuttings Beck developed qualitative relationships between the rate of
when the annular velocity is less than 120 ft/min. Tis is penetration and the rheological properties of the drilling
due to mud rheology being adversely afected when the fuid. An increase in PV, n, and efective viscosity of drilling
annular velocity in the gauged hole is higher than 120 ft/ fuids can reduce the drilling rate due to the high shear rate
min. Hence, the transport ratio will be afected only in the of efective viscosity and the thixotropic infuence of the fow
washout zones of the wellbore. Hussaini and Azar con- behavior index being higher than the shear-thinning in-
ducted tests using drilling fuids with apparent viscosities fuence as well as more total solids in drilling fuids con-
ranging from 20 to 40 cP. Obviously, the results obtained by tributing to an increased PV [166]. Pitt introduced a new
Hussaini and Azar are not applicable when drilling fuids formula to determine the efective viscosity using the Marsh
with low values of apparent or efective viscosities are used funnel, which can be used to determine the fow regime
[31]. Walker and Li showed that efcient hole cleaning with [167]. Adari et al. ranked the hole-cleaning factors in drilling
low viscosity fuids requires having a turbulent fow regime their control in a feld application and determined that the
in the annulus. Te reason for this is that turbulent fow in time to efectively clean the wellbore increases as the angle
the annulus creates a more uniform distribution of fuid increases. A sufcient fow rate alone can remove cuttings
velocity and pressure along the wellbore, which helps to without rotation if sufcient time for circulation is allowed
remove cuttings and debris more efectively. In contrast, [168].
18 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Mitchell found that the same factors that afect hole Organophilic clay is reactive and will reduce the surfactants
cleaning in a vertical hole section also afect hole cleaning in and emulsifers in the OBM system, disrupting the stability
deviated and horizontal hole sections. Te single major efect of the continuous oil phase. Te addition of modifed
on hole cleaning in deviated and horizontal sections is due to bentonite decreases the emulsion formed in the drilling
the angle of inclination. Te inclination will produce a bed of mud, afecting ES [174]. Sharif et al. developed a model for
cuttings and increase the settling tendency of drill cuttings. computing the cutting concentration based on eccentricity.
Te cutting bed will increase the volumetric drill cutting Eccentricity was computed using the ratio of the equivalent
concentration in the annulus. He concluded that at diameter to the hydraulic diameter. Te equivalent diameter
a moderate angle of 30 to 60 degrees, the drilling fuid fows was determined based on the ratio of the inner to outer
along the top of the hole in a laminar fow environment. diameter of the annulus. Te models were developed using
Critical pipe rotation should lead to good hole cleaning due experimental data, and the efect of the inclination was
to the formation of a flm owing to “viscous coupling” [4]. considered for simulating downhole conditions [175].
Lapeyrouse developed a model for calculating the av- Saasen et al. demonstrated that the drill pipe drags
erage bulk density of drill cuttings using a mud balance, with a large proportion of the bed by rotation to the top of the
a graph giving a quick direct reading of the average bulk annulus of a deviated hole. An appropriate fow rate can
density [169]. Te equation developed by Wright et al. to remove the bed of cuttings, and optimal hole cleaning can
calculate the economic cost per foot was applied to calculate be achieved [176]. Qahtani and Amanullah developed
the minimum total operating cost. A maximum ROP based a model for correlating hole cleaning with relevant pa-
on 5% CCA and ECD was considered to be appropriate, as rameters. Te model is based on the temperature, PV, ratio
the annular pressure loss is less at this value of ECD. Te slip of the cutting size and density at YP, ratio of PV and ef-
velocity of the cuttings was calculated using Bingham and fective mud viscosity, and annular diameter. Normalized
power law models, and it was concluded that the power law water viscosity and plastic viscosity mud rheology are
model has more economic value. Overall, the power law reduced with an increasing temperature [177].
model has more economic values than the Bingham model Unegbu found that the efect of drill pipe rotation on
because it can predict slip velocity more accurately, reduce hole cleaning is signifcant in inclined wells [178]. Several
operating costs, reduce wear and tear on equipment, and models have been used to optimize hole cleaning [179, 180].
improve wellbore stability. By using the power law model, Malekzadeh and Salehi combined Larson’s model with
operators can optimize their drilling operations and achieve Moore’s correlation to determine the optimum fow rate,
cost savings while also improving the safety and efciency of ensuring both good hole cleaning and drilling hydraulics in
their operations [170]. a directional well to achieve an optimized ROP. Te results
Robinson and Morgan developed a relationship between show that the selection of an appropriate fow rate leads to
mud weight and low gravity solids (LGSs). Te mud weight less drilling torque, a higher rate of penetration, and better
increases as LGS increases, resulting in an increase in the hole-cleaning conditions. Te average or equivalent size of
plastic viscosity as well [171]. Robinson and Morgan de- the drill cuttings can be estimated using the rate of pene-
veloped a simple empirical index CCI to predict hole tration and drill string rotation as RPM [181].
cleaning for vertical and near-vertical wells with an in- Te average size of drill cuttings in inches is estimated
clination of 0 to 30 degrees. A hole-cleaning index of 1 or using equation 0.2 (ROP/RPM), where 0.2 is the conversion
greater indicates good hole cleaning. When the CCI value is factor proposed by Guo and Liu [182]. In addition, they
0.5 or less, hole cleaning is inefcient because the cuttings modifed n and K by including LSYP in their equations. Te
are more rounded and small. Good hole cleaning can be assumption is that the log-log slope of the Herschel–Bulkley
achieved by increasing the value of K and annular velocity fow equation is numerically close to that of the power law
[171]. Duru et al. applied transport efciency (TE), which is fow equation. In an experimental study conducted in the
(1 – slip velocity over average annular velocity), to determine feld, Erge et al. evaluated the infuence of the increasing and
the economic cost of maintenance and fuel consumption decreasing rates of drill string rotation on annular pressure
with two diferent drilling fuids. In addition, they identifed loss to determine the hole-cleaning efciency and accu-
appropriate drilling fuid models, including Bingham and mulation of cuttings in the annulus [183]. Nwagu et al.
power law models, to enable a drilling fuid to have ac- applied hole-cleaning tubes (HCTs) to help in hole cleaning
ceptable hole-cleaning efciency [172]. integrated into a drill string design to ensure efcient hole
Berg et al. developed a fowchart for ensuring efective cleaning in deviated wells in which drill cuttings have
displacements for wellbore cleanliness of open holes and a signifcant tendency to accumulate in the lower part of the
cased holes prior to running completion by depending on drilled hole section. Te tool has a special spiral shape with
nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs), which are a measure stabilized blades that can allow cuttings to be lifted while
of the opacity of the fuid used for displacements. Te main executing sufcient drill string rotations. After applying
indication of fuid cleaning efectiveness during wellbore HCT, the feet per day increased, while drag, of-bottom
cleaning displacement is no remaining drilling mud in the torque and hook load decreased [184].
top of the upset connections [173]. Njobuenwu and Wobo Hossain and Al-Majed introduced drilling fuids with
conducted an experimental study and concluded that the ES diferent types of gel strengths in their book and identifed
of an oil-based drilling fuid decreases as the concentration the desirable type that is preferred for applications as drilling
of modifed bentonite (organophilic clay) increases. fuids. Te desirable gel strength is low-fat gel strength in
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 19

muds. Progressive or high-fat types provide less fuid ef- making connections. Continuous circulation while making
ciency during static conditions when circulation stops or the connections can contribute to this, and the equivalent static
mud pump is switched of, making the carrying capacity of density (ESD) cannot be experienced in the wellbore. ESD
drill cuttings insufcient [185]. Ramsey states in his book represents cuttings and mud weights in static conditions
that even though new drill bit teeth are always longer than 3/ (ceased circulation) [192]. Jimmy et al. used a numerical
8 inches practically, the drill bit cutters do not remove 3/8 approach to establish a new cutting lifting factor to rep-
inches of rock with each revolution. Tis means that the resent the ability of drilling fuid to carry cuttings and assess
maximum equivalent or average size of drill cuttings gen- the hole-cleaning efciency in hole sections [193]. Te
erated is 0.375 inches [186]. Alkinani and Al-Hameedi model is a ratio of cutting annular velocity to cutting slip
studied the infuence of PV, YP, and solid content (SC) velocity, which is (β1) a function of the annular velocity,
on ECD using data collected from 1000 wells drilled in cutting concentration, mixed annular velocity of cuttings
thirteen oilfelds in Iraq. Te data were tested and evaluated and mud velocity, slip velocity, cutting sizes, and annular
for normality to determine the appropriate methodology for area. A value of the developed coefcient greater than 1 is
statistical analysis, and the Pearson correlation coefcient better for hole-cleaning efciency, and a lower fow rate can
was used to develop a tornado chart, which defnes the be obtained for lift cuttings. Xiao-Feng et al. performed
dependence of ECD on the three selected parameters. ECD experimental work and applied an analytical model to re-
increases with PV and SC, while it decreases slightly or is design a hydraulic-magnetic rotary hole-cleaning tool by
mostly stable with increasing values of YP [187]. changing the magnetic thickness by 12 mm of magnetic
Mahmoud et al. developed a new cutting capacity index couples inside the hydraulic rotary hole-cleaning tool. Te
to determine the extent of hole cleaning applicable to de- purpose of this change is to increase the rotation of the
viated hole sections [188]. Te original carrying capacity tool’s spiral cutting cleaning blades for better downhole
index was modifed by taking into consideration the efect of cleaning efectiveness by increasing the magnetic torque.
inclination on the annular velocity and equivalent circulating Te tool is composed of spiral cutting cleaning blades,
density. Mohammed and Almahdawi experimentally evalu- turbine assembly, magnetic axis drive assembly, overload
ated the cutting transport ratio (CTR) at diferent inclination decoupling devices, and tool housing [194]. Holt and Ruel
angles to monitor the variation in CTR as a function of the applied computer vision cameras in rigs as a proof of
fow rate, size and density of cuttings, and the yield point of concept (POC) to assess the shaker load estimate (SLE)
drilling mud. Te results of the study indicate that annular [195]. Te cameras were used as a sensor to capture the
velocity is crucial in improving CTR and that CTR ensures image and then preprocess the image by considering the
efcient cleaning under diferent drilling scenarios, including sizes, resizing the image to match the deep neural network
varying inclinations, sizes, and shapes of cuttings. In this (DNN), and applying a convolution neural network (CNN),
study, CTR was computed as the ratio of collected dry cuttings which is a deep-learning method for computer vision tasks.
to the fnal total dry cuttings collected [189]. Ahmed et al. Te result of applications of SLE, CNN and DNN can
provided a numerical model to compute the important pa- continuously generate profle of SLE with images of cuttings
rameters for hole cleaning and provided an engineering on shakers for evaluating cuttings while drilling operations
methodology to consider hole enlargement by using a Monte in real time bases. Awojinrin developed an artifcial in-
Carlo simulator. Te optimum fow rate with rheological telligence (AI) workfow for estimating cutting concen-
properties was determined to be applicable during unstable trations to assess hole-cleaning conditions by considering
formations, such as shale formation lithology [190]. Hovda the rheology of drilling fuid and drilling parameters using
and Sangesland studied and analyzed drill pipe movements several machine-learning techniques that are accessible as
laterally rather than pulling the pipe up and down, which open-source packages in the Python environment. A
could cause surge and swab troubles [191]. heatmap was generated to determine the correlation matrix
Experimental work and cutting transport models were of cutting concentrations and drilling fuid and drilling
performed to conclude that the interaction between the drill parameters [196]. Elmgerbi utilized two interconnected
pipe and cutting solids by induced lateral movement can models to enhance drilling hydraulics. Tey employed
induce jet fows that can help considerably for cutting predictive and analytical models to forecast, calculate, and
transport to ensure efective downhole cleaning perfor- optimize surface drilling parameters [197].
mance. In addition, Ji et al. developed software for pre- Rathgeber investigated the efciency of cutting transport
dicting cutting bed thickness in shale gas horizontal wells by and its correlation with factors such as pipe eccentricity, drill
using the continuity equation of two phases to propose the pipe rotation rates, pipe-to-hole area ratios, and wellbore
optimum fow rate and pipe rotation to be applied across fow areas. Te author also analyzed the impact of the pipe-
cutting bed accumulation. Based on that suggested drilling to-hole area ratio and the fow area within the wellbore on
tool, a cutting bed remover (CBR) was used to remove the drill pipe rotation and the occurrence of fow channeling
cutting accumulation in the predicted cutting bed place- [1]. More recently, Davoodi et al. developed and tested
ments [140]. Petrie and Doll deployed a continuous cir- a novel prediction framework based on hybrid machine-
culation system (CCS) in an extended-reach oil well to learning models. Te intelligent prediction framework de-
alleviate and manage ECD by controlling the bottom hole veloped substantially reduced prediction errors in estimat-
pressure. CCS is a drilling tool installed in the drill string ing the FV, PV, and YP of diferent water-based drilling
with each stand to ensure continuous circulation even while fuids deployed in actual oil and gas felds [198].
Table 8: Summary of the major fndings of all the most successful studies (engineering).
Number Year Author Classifcation Type Technique Output Ref
1 1941 Pigott Engineering Experiment Indicators Cutting concentration in the annulus must remain less than 5% [151]
2 1951 Williams and Bruce Engineering Method Factors Pipe rotation initiates the unstable turbulent fow regime [152]
3 1955 Mitchell et al. Engineering Method Modeling Cutting concentration in the annulus [153]
4 1961 Newitt et al. Engineering Method Modeling Cutting concentration in the annulus [154]
5 1967 Hopkin et al. Engineering Experiment Rheology Signifcant reduction in both maximum and average cutting slip velocities [155]
6 1986 Moore Engineering Study Factors Drill cutting-specifc gravity [156]
Increase in plastic viscosity of drilling fuid can increase the density of the
7 1974 Annis and Smith Engineering Study Rheology [157]
drilling fuid and decrease the yield point
8 1974 Siferman et al. Engineering Experiment Indicators Te higher the yield point, the higher the transport ratio [158]
9 1974 Zeidler Engineering Method Factors Annular velocity of 164 ft/min is required to clean holes with clear water [159]
10 1983 Hussaini and Azar Engineering Study Rheology Signifcant impact on the transport of drill cuttings [31]
Higher flter cake pressure drop resulting from a drilling fuid can reduce
11 1985 Black et al. Engineering Experiment Factors [160]
the rate of penetration
12 1985 O’brien and Dobson Engineering Experiment Factors A higher yield point value is needed with larger cuttings [161]
13 1991 Becker et al. Engineering Study Factors Impact of inclinations on cutting bed and cutting concentration [162]
Rheology and Te rheology factor and the corrected minimum needed the fow rate with
14 1992 Luo et al. Engineering Experiment [163]
factors the used ROP and induced washout during drilling
15 1994 Rasi and Member Engineering Experiment Indicators Cutting bed height and hole-cleaning ratio (HCR) [164]
16 1994 Ford et al. Engineering Experiment Factors Improving the hole-cleaning performance [165]
Qualitative relationships between the rate of penetration and the
17 1995 Beck et al. Engineering Study Rheology [166]
rheological properties of the drilling fuid
18 2000 Pitt Engineering New formula Modeling Efective viscosity using the Marsh funnel [167]
Ranked the hole-cleaning factors in drilling and the time to efectively clean
19 2000 Adari et al. Engineering Study Factors [168]
the wellbore
Te minimum total operating cost with a maximum ROP based on 5%
20 2003 Wright et al. Engineering Method Modeling [170]
Rheology and Relationship between MW, PV, LGS, and developed CCI to predict hole
21 2004 Robinson and Morgan Engineering Study [171]
factors cleaning
Flowchart for ensuring efective displacements for wellbore cleanness of
22 2006 Berg et al. Engineering Method Modeling [173]
open hole and cased hole prior to running completion
Electrical stability (ES) decreases as the concentration of modifed
23 2007 Njobuenwu and Wobo Engineering Experiment Rheology [174]
bentonite (organophillic clay) increases
24 2007 Yu et al. Engineering Experiment Factors Eccentricity and cutting concentration [175]
Drill string rotation in a deviated hole with an appropriate fow rate can
25 2009 Saasen et al. Engineering Method Factors [176]
remove the bed of cuttings and an optimal hole cleaning can be achieved
26 2010 Qahtani and Amanullah Engineering Method Modeling A model for correlating hole cleaning with relevant parameters [177]
Factors and Drill pipe rotation on hole cleaning is signifcant in inclined wells and
27 2010 Unegbu Engineering Method [178]
modeling developed CCI for deviated hole section
28 2011 Guo and Liu Engineering Method Modeling Modifed n and K by including LSYP in their equations [182]
Malekzadeh and Mohammad Te optimum fow rate ensuring both good hole cleaning and drilling
29 2011 Engineering Method Modeling [181]
Salehi hydraulics in a directional well to achieve an optimized ROP
Te economic cost of maintenance and fuel consumption, appropriate
30 2011 Calgary Engineering Study Indicators [172]
drilling fuid models and transport efciency
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Table 8: Continued.
Number Year Author Classifcation Type Technique Output Ref
Drill string rotation on the annular pressure loss to determine the
31 2014 Erge et al. Engineering Experiment Factors [183]
hole-cleaning efciency and accumulation of cuttings in the annulus
32 2014 Nwagu et al. Engineering Method Indicators Hole-cleaning tubular to help in hole cleaning [184]
33 2015 Hossain and Al-Majed Engineering Study Rheology Types of gel strengths [185]
34 2015 Lyons et al. Engineering Method Modeling Average bulk density of drill cuttings [169]
35 2019 Ramsey Engineering Study Factors Average size of drill cuttings generated is 0.375 inches [186]
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

ECD increases with PV and SC, while it decreases slightly or is mostly stable
36 2019 Alkinani et al. Engineering Study Rheology [187]
with increasing values of YP
37 2020 Mahmoud et al. Engineering Method Modeling Cutting capacity index [188]
Annular velocity is crucial in improving the cutting transport ratio and
38 2020 Mohammed and Almahdawi Engineering Experiment Factors [189]
ensures efcient cleaning under diferent drilling scenarios
Te important parameter for hole cleaning with an engineering
39 2021 Ahmed et al. Engineering Method Modeling [190]
methodology to consider the hole enlargement
Drill pipe movements laterally can induce jet fows that help considerably
40 2021 Hovda and Sangesland Engineering Study Factors [191]
for cutting transport
Predicting cutting bed thickness and based on that, the cutting bed remover
41 2021 Ji et al. Engineering Method Software [140]
tool was used to remove cutting accumulation
Continuous circulation system drilling tool showed the equivalent static
42 2021 Petrie and Doll Engineering Method Indicators [192]
density cannot be experienced in the wellbore
Redesign the hydraulic-magnetic rotary hole-cleaning tool for obtaining
43 2021 Xiao-Feng et al. Engineering Experiment Factors [194]
better hole cleaning by increasing the rotation
44 2022 Jimmy et al. Engineering Method Modeling A new cutting lifting factor [193]
45 2022 Holt and Ruel Engineering Method Software Shaker load estimate [195]
Te impact of the pipe-to-hole area ratio and the fow area within the
46 2023 Rathgeber et al. Engineering Method Factors [1]
wellbore on the drill pipe rotation and the occurrence of fow channeling

Table 9: A compilation of diferent models that depict the conditions related to cutting transport or borehole cleaning.
No Name of model Equations∗ Defnition Ref
Te HCR is a quantitative measure that compares the
vertical distance of the drilling fuid in the annulus to the
1 Hole-cleaning ratio (HCR) HCR � Hr /Hcrit critical height of the cutting bed. Tis metric is frequently [200]
employed in the evaluation of potential pipe-sticking
hazards during drilling activities
Te CCI serves as a quantitative measure to assess the
2 Cutting carrying index CCI � MW K Vann/400000 efectiveness of borehole cleaning in vertical sections of [171]
a wellbore
CCA2 is frequently employed for evaluating the
Cutting concentration in CCA1 � − 1/2(Vann /Vs − 1) +
3 discontinuation of circulation during connections and the [154]
annulus (1/4(Vann /Vs − 1)2 + (Vann /Vs )(Vc/(GPM/7.48)))0.5
preconnection circulation
Te CCA2 method is frequently employed for the evaluation
Cutting concentration in 1/CCA2 � 1 + (1 − (OD2 /OH2 )) (V ann − Vs/30 )(1800/ROP) +
4 of the equilibrium state of lifting solid particles within [153]
annulus (Vs/(24.5GPM/OH − ODc) − Vs)Tc
a vertical tube
TR is employed for the purpose of assessing the efectiveness
5 Transport ratio TR � (Vann − Vs/Vann) [158]
in which cuttings are extracted from the wellbore
β1 is employed in the assessment of borehole-cleaning
characteristics pertaining to the optimal capacity for lifting
6 Lifting coefcient β1 � 0.11519 ∙ Qm /Aa ∙(1 − Cf )− 1 ∙(dc )− cuttings and the coefcient associated with the lifting of [193]
cuttings. Tese factors establish the necessary conditions for
efectively removing cuttings within a wellbore
TI is employed for the purpose of assessing the efcacy of the
7 Transport index TI � (GPM ∙ RF ∙ MW /100)or � RF ∙ AF ∙ MW drilling fuid in the removal of cuttings and the preservation [163]
of a pristine wellbore

All abbreviations can be found in nomenclature.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 23

Moreover, the real-time models for oil and gas well hole efectiveness, and feasibility in the context of drilling op-
cleaning optimize performance and safety, reduce envi- erations were found to be lacking [154]. Furthermore, it is
ronmental impact, save costs, and enhance regulatory important to note that the models employed for the eval-
compliance. Recently, a novel transport index model (TIm) uation of drilling performance and borehole-cleaning
was developed to optimize borehole-cleaning performance conditions exhibit numerous notable defciencies. Te
in real time based on Luo’s 1992 and 1994 models [163, 199]. mud weight in both static and dynamic conditions, in-
It considers factors such as mud weight, hydraulic velocities, cluding equivalent circulating density, is not taken into
drilling fuid properties, fow regime, cutting properties, and consideration. In addition, there exist several crucial factors
equivalent circulating density. Te model has shown po- that are not taken into account, such as hydraulic velocities,
tential in achieving optimal drilling performance. Two in- rheological characteristics of drilling fuids (including the
novative models were developed: one for computing the low-shear yield point), fow regime, and properties of cut-
modifed angle factor using interpolation at various borehole tings. Tese factors possess the potential to signifcantly
angles and another for determining the rheology factor. Te infuence the drilling procedure. In brief, every model ofers
TIm model performed well across various drilling fuid a distinct viewpoint on the assessment of cutting transport
compositions and well profles, providing precise and timely and borehole-cleaning conditions in drilling operations,
real-time data [16]. Moreover, a novel cutting transport ratio with the TI model being the most extensive and encom-
(CTRm) model has been developed for real-time drilling passing among them. By rectifying these defciencies, it is
operations based on Tom Siferma’s model [158], ofering plausible to achieve enhanced precision and dependability in
a reliable and comprehensive measure of hole-cleaning ef- prognostications, thereby augmenting the security and ef-
fectiveness. Te model was tested and validated, demon- fcacy of drilling endeavours.
strating accurate hole-cleaning efectiveness in detecting
stuck pipes. Te CTRm model also showed a 52% increase in
ROP, indicating its potential for improved drilling efciency 5. Conclusions and Recommendations for
[32]. A novel hole-cleaning index (HCI) model has been Future Work
developed and utilized, potentially leading to cost savings by
preventing incidents such as stuck pipes and reducing Hole-cleaning chemistry and engineering parameters to
nonproductive time, resulting in more efcient drilling understand hole-cleaning efciency and the process of op-
operations [150]. Te adoption of these particular models timization will help to fll the gaps in the knowledge of hole-
has the potential to exert a substantial infuence on drilling cleaning efectiveness, avoid drilling troubles, and ensure
operations, thereby fostering enhanced safety, efciency, and successful drilling. Several points can be summarized as
cost-efectiveness. Table 8 shows a summary of the major follows:
fndings of all the most successful engineering studies. (i) High-angle wells require specifc hole-cleaning
Table 9 presents a compilation of diferent models that strategies to ensure adequate transport of
depict the conditions related to cutting transport or borehole cuttings.
cleaning. As evidenced by the data presented in Table 1, it is
(ii) Drilling rig and drill bit hydraulics are critical
apparent that each model possesses a distinct collection of
factors for hole-cleaning optimizations in vertical,
variables that play a critical role in evaluating various facets
deviated, highly deviated, and horizontal hole
of drilling operations. HCR is a widely employed metric in
sections. Using appropriate nozzles that balance
the assessment of the likelihood of a pipe getting stuck while
ROP optimization versus annular velocity allows
conducting drilling operations. Tis is achieved by de-
cleaning of holes. In scenarios where rotation is
termining the ratio between the vertical distance of the
possible, circulating and cleaning the hole section
drilling fuid in the annulus and the critical height of the
with rotation prior to tripping and a single ap-
cutting bed [200]. In a similar vein, the CCI (cuttings
plication should be sufcient. However,
carrying index) relies on additional parameters such as mud
in situations where rotation is not possible, al-
weight, consistency factor, and annular velocity. Tis metric
ternative methods may need to be employed to
serves the purpose of assessing the efcacy of the drilling
clean and circulate the drilling fuid.
fuid in efectively conveying cuttings away from the well-
bore. Te TR model, conversely, is employed for the eval- (iii) Te chemical and physical properties of drilling
uation of cutting removal efciency by considering annular fuids should ensure chemical compatibility and
velocity and slip velocity [171]. Among the various models optimal rheological parameters to prevent drilling
considered, the TI model distinguishes itself by in- troubles in vertical and directional wells. Using
corporating a comprehensive range of variables including hole-cleaning indicators can empower drilling
the mud weight, rheology factor, fow rate, and angle factor. operations by properly evaluating and monitor-
Tese variables play a critical role in the assessment of the ing hole cleaning.
overall efciency of borehole cleaning during drilling op- (iv) High zeta potential drilling fuids are more likely
erations [163]. Moreover, a multitude of models, tools, to move towards charged surfaces, reducing the
chemicals, charts, methodologies, and correlations were formation of particles or agglomerates that can
employed; nevertheless, their applicability, efciency, cost- cause issues. Factors like surfactants, pH, and ions
24 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

can afect the zeta potential. In addition, the particularly in situations with restricted circula-
fuid’s rheological properties, such as viscosity tion or blind drilling. Real-time management of
and gel strength, can be infuenced by its zeta drilling fuid density and ECD can help optimize
potential. drilling efciency and reduce costs associated
(v) Drilling fuid is circulated through a wellbore to with additional chemical additives.
lubricate the drill bit and wellbore walls, reducing (x) Modifying a few key factors in real time can
friction between the bit and rock formations. signifcantly enhance hole cleaning during dril-
However, high lubricity can cause cuttings to ling operations. Leveraging artifcial intelligence
stick to the wellbore walls, making it harder to and real-time applications, drilling teams can
remove them. Tis phenomenon, known as continuously evaluate and monitor downhole
“sticking,” creates a blockage that prevents dril- cleaning performance and receive timely advisory
ling fuid from fowing freely, afecting the hole- recommendations to optimize cleaning efec-
cleaning process. Terefore, drilling fuid’s lu- tiveness. By taking immediate action based on
bricity is crucial for efcient drilling. these recommendations, drilling teams can pre-
(vi) HPHT drilling signifcantly impacts hole cleaning vent potential drilling troubles related to hole
due to the high pressure and temperature that can cleaning, ensuring a smoother and more efcient
cause cuttings to stick to wellbore walls, causing drilling process.
“sticking.” Tis can lead to reduced drilling ef- (xii) To improve hole cleaning during drilling, we
fciency, increased wear and tear on equipment, consider a combination of chemical materials,
and even loss of wellbore integrity. To overcome wellbore stability, and rheology. Chemical ma-
these challenges, operators often use specialized terials such as polymers improve rheological
techniques and equipment, such as high-viscosity properties, reduce fuid loss, and increase cutting
drilling fuids and advanced drilling technologies fuid carrying capacity. Nanoparticles enhance
like managed pressure drilling or underbalanced colloidal interactions and transport in un-
drilling. Tese technologies help control the conventional shale formations with nanosized
pressure and fow rate of the drilling fuid, pores. More importantly, mud chemistry should
allowing for better hole cleaning and preventing ensure chemical compatibility to prevent well-
the adhesion of cuttings to the wellbore walls. bore problems such as tight holes and swelling
Chemical groups like sulfonate, methyl, phenyl, shales. Wellbore stability is an important con-
furan, lactam, and pyrrolidine enhance the sideration to avoid hole enlargement (washout
thermal stability, rheological properties, fltration and break-out) achieved using a proper mud
control, lubrication characteristics, and salt tol- weight window.
erance of synthetic polymers used in drilling (xii) Sagging issues can have serious consequences,
fuids, preventing “sticking,” and facilitating especially in highly deviated wells, and managing
fuid fow. it is vital to prevent drilling problems, maintain
(vii) Terefore, it is crucial to monitor the pH of the good control, and ensure efcient hole cleaning.
mud sample and adjust it to the optimal range for Terefore, antisagging agents, such as polymers
bentonite to work efectively. A pH adjuster, such or surfactants, can be added to the drilling fuid to
as sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid, can be help prevent sagging by reducing the viscosity
added to the mud sample. Te pH of the mud and improving the fow properties of the fuid.
sample also afects the stability of the drilling Moreover, to combat barite sag in HPHT oil and
fuid, which is crucial for efective hole cleaning gas wells, various strategies can be employed to
and preventing stuck pipes. Terefore, the pH of improve the rheological properties of the drilling
mud samples is a crucial factor to consider when fuid, such as using antisagging agents, micron-
adding bentonite to hole cleaning. ized barite or ilmenite (FeTiO3) [42, 43],
(viii) Modifed NPs in drilling fuids ofer benefts such substituting barite with alternative materials, and
as efcient well cleaning, reduced bottom hole blending barite with other weighting agents.
and solid accumulation, and improved well (xiii) Maintaining proper borehole pressure and min-
productivity and longevity. However, further imizing diferential pressure are crucial for
research is needed to evaluate their environ- wellbore stability. Monitoring drilling fuid
mental and health efects, and the safety and properties, including rheology, density, and fuid
sustainability of NPs should be considered during loss, and using modeling and simulation tools can
drilling operations. optimize drilling parameters and prevent well-
(ix) Te optimal ROP for drilling operations depends bore instability.
on various factors, including the drilling fuid (xiv) Te most controllable parameters that afect
density and ECD. Controlling ROP is crucial to cutting transportation are drill pipe rotation, fow
prevent overloading of the annulus with cuttings, rate, and mud rheological properties.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 25

(xv) Drilling fuid simulators help optimize drilling AF: Angle factor
parameters and predict fuid behavior, enabling BHA: Bottom hole assembly
efcient and efective hole cleaning by modeling cf: Cutting fraction
and simulating drilling fuid behavior under CaCo3: Calcium carbonate
various conditions.
β1: Cutting lifting factor
(xvi) A well design with minimized hole sizes and CBR: Cutting bed remover
proper casing seat selections will maximize the CCA: Cutting concentration in the annulus
hole cleaning efciency. CCI: Carrying capacity index
(xvii) Cuttings tend to accumulate on the lower side of CCS: Continuous circulation system
the drilled hole section in directional drilling, CEC: Cation exchange capacity
where the annular velocity is signifcantly re- CMC: Carboxymethyl cellulose
duced. In addition, efort should be made to avoid CNN: Convolution neural network
enlargement of open holes. CNC: Cellulose NPs in crystalline
(xviii) Appropriate nozzles should be used that balance CNF: Carbon nanofbers
ROP optimization versus annular velocity, CNPs: Carbon NPs
allowing cleaning of holes. CO2: Carbon dioxide
-CO-O-H:Acid group
(xix) Mud rheology is selected to be high with an LSYP CTR: Cutting transport ratio
and optimal low shear viscosity for wells with CTRm: Modifed cutting transport ratio
inclinations higher than 35 degrees. Te ROP of CuO: Copper oxide
the instantaneous drill rate can be controlled to Hcrit: Te critical height of the free region above the
prevent overloading of the annulus with cuttings, cutting bed
especially with restricted circulation or while Hr: Te height of the free region above the cutting
drilling blind. Viscous pills and dense pills should bed in the annulus
be used only when essential. Special care should dc: Cutting diameter, inch
be taken with Lo-Vis pills to maintain a high fow DMDAAC: Quadripolymer
rate, while dense pills are hole-cleaning in- DNN: Deep neural network
dicators, which should be used only when es- EGBE: Ethylene glycol butyl ether
sential and limit volume to avoid fracture ES: Electrical stability
formation. ESD: Equivalent static density
(xx) Both vortex and hydraulic jet-assisted approaches GPM: Pump fow rate
show promise for reducing downhole pressure HCI: Hole-cleaning index
diferentials and enhancing cutting conveyance HCR: Hole-cleaning ratio
capabilities compared to conventional methods. HCT: Hole-cleaning tubular
Proper design considering factors such as jet HEC: Hydroxyethyl cellulose
momentum and swirl intensity is necessary to HPHT: High-pressure, high-temperature
fully realize their potential for optimized wellbore K: Consistency factor
cleaning in challenging pressure regimes. KCl: Potassium chloride
(xxi) Te models used to evaluate drilling performance LGS: Low gravity solids
and borehole-cleaning conditions have several LSND- Low-solid nondispersed water-based mud
defciencies, including not considering mud WBM:
weight, hydraulic velocities, rheological charac- LSYP: Low shear yield point
teristics of drilling fuids, fow regime, and cutting MBT: Methylene blue test
properties. Tese factors can signifcantly infu- MgO: Magnesium oxide
ence drilling procedures. Addressing these de- Mn3O4: Manganese tetroxide
fciencies could improve precision and reliability MWNT: Multiwalled nanotubes
in prognostications, enhancing drilling safety and MW: Mud weight
efcacy. n: Flow behavior index
NPs: Nanoparticles
Nomenclature NaCl: Sodium chloride
Na-CMC: Sodium carboxymethylcellulose
AV: Apparent viscosity NMR: Nuclear magnetic resonance
Al2O3: Aluminum oxide NTU: Nephelometric turbidity units
AMPS: 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid OBMs: Oil-based mud
AM: Acrylamide OD: Drill pipe’s outer diameter
APG: Alkyl-o-glucoside ODc: Outer diameter of drill collar
API: American Petroleum Institute OH: Borehole diameter, inch
Aa: Annular area PAC: Polyanionic cellulose
26 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

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