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Chapter 7

The Filipino Worker

Tolentin, Brian Jake I.

Vallespin, Claire
01. An Overview of Western Theories of

02. Understanding Filipino Work


03. Job Analysis and Evaluation

04. Utilizing Intrinsic and Extrinsic


05. Total Rewards for Filipino

06. Designing a Total Rewards
07. Implications

08. Discussion Questions

An Overview of Western Theories of
Content Theories of Motivation
point to a person's needs as the source of motivation.
These theories propose that a person's behavior is
motivated by their desire to satisfy their needs.

Process Theories of Motivation

proposes that a person's perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs

influences motivation. These theories highlight the
interaction of internal factors in determining behavior.
Understanding Filipino Work Motivation
In understanding the motivations of Filipino employees, it is important to
consider what is important in their lives as this may guide their work activities
and goals. A central feature in Filipino culture is the sense of familism
(pagkakamag-anak) that is reflected in the different interactions that they
engage in. This familism is the tendency to promote the interests of the
immediate small group even over personal requirements (Jocano 2001).

For Filipinos, work is also an essential tool for personal growth. It is an avenue
for self-expression and learning (Yabut et al. 2009). The tenacity to improve
one's self and their condition in society reflects the Filipino's pagsusumikap-a
valued social trait (Jocano 2001). One is expected to work hard to improve
their lot.
Filipino Theory Needs of Motivation
those that are specific to the worker's
Job-related Needs immediate tasks (e.g., co-worker relations)

considers the larger working environment

Organization-related Needs (e.g., being a role model to others).

include education for family members and

Family-related Needs having good pay and benefits.

are those that contribute to their

Career-related Needs professional development.
In general, two findings of the study stand out: first is the identification of
family-related needs which is not salient in Western literature. This finding
reaffirms the perception that Filipino society is a collectivist one and that
one's personal welfare is tied with the immediate group. The study also found
that job-related needs predict employee engagement. This result suggests that
workers appreciate and become motivaled to do more when the organization
provides them the resources needed to perform their jobs. Thus,
organizations should take a closer look at what the requirements of the
diflerent jobs are and ensure that these are met.
job analysis and evaluation
Job analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the
duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, and working conditions of a
particular job. It provides a thorough understanding of the job and is used to
create job descriptions, evaluate employees, and identify training and
development needs. It also helps in determining the compensation and benefits
for the job.

Job evaluation is a process of determining the relative worth of different jobs

within an organization. It is used to establish a systematic method for
determining the relative pay of different positions and to ensure that similar jobs
are paid similarly. This is typically done by comparing the duties, responsibilities,
and qualifications required for each job, and then assigning a monetary value to
each job based on that comparison.
Types of Job Evaluation Methods
Job Ranking Method
the simplest method and is best used for smaller organizations with a
manageable number of specific job titles. Job ranking places jobs in a
hierarchy of their value to the company, creating a ranking of jobs
within the point factor system.

Job classification method

In this method, descriptions of each class of jobs are created and assigned a
grade based on the job’s skill and complexity that best matches the class
description. The characteristics may include the level of responsibility required,
competencies required, and physical exertion necessary to perform the job and,
as such, positions may fall within more than one grade level.
Types of Job Evaluation Methods
point factor Method
This approach breaks down jobs into compensable factors identified
during a job analysis. Points are assigned to the factors, and a pay
structure is established for the position. The jobs with the highest
points garner the highest pay.

Factor comparison method

represents a combination of ranking and points factor methods. Jobs with similar
responsibilities within the organization are identified to set benchmarks.
Identifiable factors for the benchmark jobs are ranked during factor analysis and
then are compared to market rates in order to assign a monetary value to each
compensable factor.

According to Martires (1988), at its very basic level, work satisfies a

person's need for survival due to the financial gains it brings. Indeed, the
compensation that employees receive in return for the work that they
perform in the organization dictates the lifestyle and comfort that they,
together with their family, will enjoy (Franco 2008), such as acquiring a
house for themselves (Jocano 2001).

those who work "for the love of it." For these individuals, work that
allows them to apply their talents
and abilities, challenge them, and promote their learning and
development is a strong motivator (Corpuz 2000).

Extrinsic motivator
are those who rely on factors outside of themselves. 'They tend to
search for validation and approval from others to feel positive about
their work (Corpuz 2000). The impetus to work may also come from
other external motivators.
Total Rewards
Two parts of an employee’s compensation:

for Filipino Employees

the presence of both intrinsic and
extrinsic rewards in an organization Financial
01. Base Pay - the cash
underlies the concepts of total rewards. remuneration
or cash compensation that an employer
refers to all rewards that the pays for the employee
includes a person;s
02. employer gives to the employee
base pay, merit pay, Merit Pay - a performance-
and individual based increment to the base pay
incentives which can substantially increase
in the long run
Individual Incentives - given on
the achievement of an objective,
pre-established performance
Indirect standards such as commissions.
includes pay for time not worked,
services, perquisites, and
protection programs given to the
employees that are either
mandated by the government or at
the discretion of the company
Filipino workers Cafeteria Plan
enjoy government-mandated benefits (social for a specified amount, an employee is given
security, 13th month pay, retirement benefit) freedom to choose the benefits he or she would
Additional Benefits like to avail from a list provided by the company -
access to medical service the pointing style.
allowance for rice and groceries
life insurance This program adheres to the understanding that
savings plan different rewards will motivate different
training programs employees.
work life balance programs
In 2002, a study was conducted.
Flexible benefits program:
1. increased their understanding of the benefits
that they receive
2. led to a high positive regard about the
program, and
3. strengthened their belief that the benefits
aptly address their needs
Note: The most useful benefits identified were mobile phone allowance, paid leaves, medical allowance
According to Total rewards
the other part of an employee’s compensation includes the non-financial incentives or the
relational returns that workers enjoy by being a member of the company.

The friendships that they establish in the workplace ranks as

one of the most important priorities that they have.

Deep and solid relationships formed with others may even

translate to recognition of their shared identity with others or
shared inner self (SIS). In other words, to view them as their

Filipino concept of kapwa

different levels of closeness and resulting behavior
that Filipinos used in their different social
Enriquez (1993) provides employees leisure activities
the concept is reflected in their pakikipagkapwa. (family day, bingo socials, movie showing or
“accepting and dealing with the other person as even sports and recreation activities.
an equal.”

Even though the workers place conducts “Manila Water Challenge”:

importance on their relationships activities that highlights the company’s
with their colleagues, happiness in values.
this area doesn’t translate to their
happiness at work. Therefore, the
quality of interpersonal relationships Supervisor-Worker
and meaningful work are both
important and need to be present.

Organizations have recognized the

importance of promoting meaningful
interactions in the workplace.
A national survey
reveals that
92% of Filipino workers believed that a person needs to have a
job to be able to fully hone their talents. Jobs that provide
opportunities for the employee to employ several skills, have a
sense of task identity and significance, practice autonomy and
obtain feedback have been found to promote motivation and

Katrina Supangco (2008)

workers tend to remain with the company they’re made aware
of the significance of their inputs.
Job enrichment is an important motivator resulting in
employee productivity
Designing a Total
Rewards Package
determining the appropriate mix of financial and relational
returns that will help in achieving the organization’s goal is
getting sufficient data about their employees to determine
what rewards will be most valued would help.
Ways to enhance the
motivation of Filipino
1. Identify the most pressing needs of employees.
2. Introduce challenging activities where the
employee can potentially learn a new skill or
3. Give meaningful rewards.
4. Respect the behavior and cultural norms that they
have and use these as a vehicle to get through
5. Harness Congenial Relationships.
6. Build relationships with employees.

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