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Pleasant Water’s Charge UMC

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May 2024 Newsletter

“You will enjoy the fruit of your labor. How joyful and prosperous you will
be!” – Psalm 128:2

Pleasant Grove Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School 8:45 a.m.
Water’s Edge Worship Services: 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:45a.m.

Church Office Address and Hours:

Pastor: Laura Holtzapple 471 Abels Road, Wrightsville, PA 17368 Monday thru Thursday: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Office email:
Church Secretary: Bryton Abel Office Phone: (717) 246-2428

Greetings, Beloved of the Pleasant Waters Charge,

Greetings, Beloved of the Pleasant Waters Charge,

Aaaachoo! Wow, it seems like right now the pollen is more abundant than normal. I do
not have allergies, but many of you do. It is amazing that such a tiny particle can cause so
much trouble. Although a single particle probably would not bother one’s nose, it takes many
of them to have a reaction. Without pollen much of the plant world would not exist. What
would the world be like without plants?
We have so many wonderful events that are coming up in the next several months. In
all these events we can make an impact on our community. Ministry requires work. Look at all
the things that are planned and ask yourself how you can help. Monitoring a table or passing
out information requires very little physical effort, just a smile. Each of us can participate in
some way.
We want to make an impact on the world for God and his work. Let’s be like all that
pollen, by working together to create a positive reaction in the community. Pollen is essential,
just as our community of believers are. What would the world be like without Jesus’ disciples
working together?

Pastor Laura
Pastor Laura and Crist will be on vacation from May 9-May 18. For emergencies, please
contact Pastor Beth Holz at 717- 659-1374. Pastor Terry Robinson will bring the message on
Sunday, May 12 at both churches.


1 Acts 3:12-26 14 Isaiah 40:1-11 27 Isaiah 43:8-13
2 John 3:1-8 15 Acts 2:1-4 28 Psalm 113
3 Psalm 5 16 Acts 2:37-47 29 Galatians 3:19-29
4 1 John 1:1-2:2 17 Genesis 33:1-15 30 Proverbs 10:19-25
5 Romans 3:21-30 18 Psalm 29 31 Matthew 6:19-24
6 Matthew 20:1-16 19 Romans 5:1-11
7 Genesis 13:14-18 20 Joel 2:28-32
8 Genesis 15:1-6 21 Romans 9:14-16
9 1 John 2:12-17 22 Romans 11:1-4
10 Psalm 32 23 Deuteronomy 30:11-20
11 Romans 4:1-12 24 Mark 5:35-43
12 Romans 4:13-25 25 Isaiah 52
13 Isaiah 26:1-11 26 Romans 10:1-17

Pleasant Grove Birthdays Water’s Edge Birthdays

05/10 Theresa Hibner 05/05 Barry Jennings
05/13 Lisa Miller

Water’s Edge Anniversaries

05/05 Barry & Connie Jennings
05/18 Henry & Valerie Smeltzer
Pleasant Grove Anniversaries
05/29 C.J & Ali Scott

Assisting in Worship in May at Water’s Edge:

Greeters: May 5 – Fayne Stermer Scripture: May 5 – Barry
May 12 – Joy Markel May 12 – Val
May 19 – Betty Keller May 19 – Donna
May 26 – Marty Gemmill May 26 – Karen
Assisting in Worship in May at Pleasant Grove:
Greeters: May 5 – Bonnie Scott Scripture: May 5 – Amanda Strack
May 12 – Barb Clark May 12 – Krista Dellone
May 19 – Faye Selack May 19 – Evonne Myers
May 26 – Terry & Deb May 26 – Barb Clark

Ushers: C.J Scott, Jonathan Hibner, Merle McElwain, Robert Hibner

May Sermons:
During the month of May, we will continue to explore life as Easter people. We will focus on how we
should love others.

May 5: How Shall We Love? We Love One Another John 15:9-17

Communion will be served. Building fund collection at PG
May 12: Mother’s Day (Pastor Terry) The Faith of Mary Luke 1:26-38

May 19: Pentecost Sunday/(Wear Red) How Shall We Love? We Share Christ
John 17:6-19
May 26: Trinity Sunday/Under Cover John 3:1-17

This month at our Churches:

May 2 – Bible Study at Pleasant Grove at 6:30 p.m.
May 6 – Water’s Edge Council Meeting will be held at 6:45 p.m.
May 7 – Mother/Daughter Banquet at 6:30 p.m. at the New Bridgeville Fire Hall.
May 13 – Pleasant Grove Trustees Meeting at 6:30 p.m. followed by Administrative Board Meeting at
7:00 p.m.
May 18 – Fellowship Breakfast at Water’s Edge at 8:00 a.m.
May 19 – Mental Health Program/Fair at Pleasant Grove at 6:00 p.m.
May 23 – Bible Study at Pleasant Grove at 6:30 p.m.
May 25 – Water’s Edge Community Yard Sale from 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
May 25 – Campfire Night at Pleasant Grove from 4-6p.m.
May 30 – Bible Study at Pleasant Grove at 6:30 p.m.
June 1 – Pleasant Grove Community Yard and Ladies Aid Bake Sale from 8:00 a.m. – 2 p.m.

May Mission/Outreach Projects:

Pleasant Grove: For Community Reach we will collect Jelly, Oatmeal, Granola Bars and Individual
Fruit Cup Servings.

Water’s Edge: Shoebox ministry items for 60 shoeboxes: Children’s toothbrushes (no adult sized
please), washcloths, individually wrapped small tissue packages, bars of soap.
Also, for both churches we will be collecting hand towels for Mission Central Care Kits to be taken to
Annual Conference at the end of May. The hand towels should be new, good quality, and the size of
a dish drying towel or roughly 14 x 24.

Fellowship Breakfast:
Fellowship Breakfast will be held this month on May 18th at 8:00 a.m. in the
Water’s Edge social hall. Breakfast will be served and a devotional will be shared.
All are welcome!

Bible Study:
We are watching the 2nd season of The Chosen, with one episode per week. There will be a short
introduction and some discussion after we watch each episode.
Pleasant Grove participants will be meeting on May 2, 23 and 30.
Water’s Edge to be determined.

Mother/Daughter Banquet:
Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30 PM. Those who have signed up to attend will meet at the New Bridgeville
Fire Hall for the turkey dinner meal and fellowship. The theme this year is “A Star in Her Crown”. Rita
Pershing will provide the entertainment with her autoharp.

Children’s Day Practice:

The Pleasant Grove children will be practicing for the Children’s Day Program on Tuesdays at 6:00
PM. There will be no practice on Tuesday, May 7th. This program will be presented on Sunday, June
9 during worship at 10:00 AM.
Campfire Night:
Pleasant Grove will be having a Campfire Night on May 25th from 4-6pm. We will be roasting hot dogs
and singing campfire songs. All families are welcome! (Will cancel if it rains)
Yard Sale Water’s Edge:
Saturday, May 25 from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. 10’x10’ spots are available to rent for $10.00. If you have
anything for the church table please bring it to the social hall the beginning of the week of May 20.
Contact Barry Jennings if you’re interest in a spot or have anything for the church table.

Mental Health Awareness Program:

Pleasant Grove will present a Mental Health Awareness Program/Awareness Fair on May 19, 2024 at
6:00 p.m. It’s free to the community to spread the awareness of mental health. At that program you
will receive information from the National Alliance of Mental Illness, first responders, how essential
oils can help, information on a variety of illnesses and much more.

Pleasant Grove Yard & Bake Sale:

Pleasant Grove UM Church will have their annual yard and bake sale on June 1 from 8-2 p.m. Ladies
Aid will have fresh baked goods for sale. The children’s department will have a lemonade sale with all
proceeds going to children at LifePath Shelter. Also, free hot dogs and water will be
available. Anyone interested in reserving a table for $10 should contact Renee Abel at 717-378-1710.

Penny Carnival with Food Trucks:

Is being planned for Saturday, August 3 from 3:00-7:00 PM. Lots of fun things are being planned for
the children to participate in. Help is needed. Please contact Lisa Miller (717-487-2557) if you can


Rise Against Hunger Ministry Event will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM. We will
be packing over 10,000 meals to feed the hungry all over the world. This will be a partnership
between the Pleasant Waters Charge and Bethel United Methodist Church. We will need to raise
$4,000.00 to fund this ministry, which will be divided evenly between the three churches. Help will be
needed to set up and to clean up on the day of the event. This is a powerful ministry, and everyone is
encouraged to participate. There are jobs for all!

Annual Conference
Will be held in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on Thursday, May 30- Saturday, June
1, 2024. The theme this year is “The Harvest is Plentiful”. Please be in prayer for
Pastor Laura and Barry Jennings during the work and worship of Annual Conference.

The congregations of Pleasant Grove and Water’s Edge have the opportunity to travel
by motorcoach bus to Williamstown, Kentucky to experience the Creation Museum and
the Ark Experience. This trip is planned for September 18-21, 2024. There are many
other exciting opportunities included. Please contact Barb Clark (717-244-9720) for
more details.

***We are now streaming the worship service live on Youtube. It is also being
recorded to be viewed at any time. Check it out,
Be sure to subscribe, by clicking on the subscribe button and say hello in the
comments so we know that you have watched.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Ministry at Work
Many thanks to everyone in both congregations who participated in our peanut
butter drive. The total for the two churches was 181 jars.
Many thanks to those at Water’s Edge who worked so hard to make and sell all that
candy. There were 5699 eggs made.
Many thanks to those at Pleasant Grove who contributed to the Miles of Pennies
drive. $994.50 was raised.
Many thanks to the worship teams at both churches who made the altar area so
beautiful for our April Sundays.
Many thanks to the Ladies Aid group for purchasing another refrigerator for the
Pleasant Grove picnic building.
Many thanks to all our Trustees who care for our buildings and property on a
weekly basis.

Congregational Care Connection

The following information is meant to be educational and meaningful to our journeys through this daily
life. We will continue our conversation about grief.
The two stages of grief we will focus on are bargaining and depression. Both stages can appear
at any time along grief’s path. Both are a normal part of processing the changes in our lives. (If you
believe that a loved one is lingering too long in any stage of grief professional help should be sought.)
Bargaining is our response to taking what is out of control in our lives and trying to regain
control. This stage of grief might find us thinking of all the different ways we may have been able to
change the circumstances before they happened. If I had, I should of…. We may even do some
bargaining with God. “If you do this God, I will respond in a certain way.” Bargaining allows us to put
off our grief and feelings, but eventually we will need to work towards the reality of what has occurred.
Martha faced these same struggles when her brother Lazarus died. (John 11:17-22)
Depression can be the toughest stage of grief to recognize and work your way through. It can
also vary in length. Depression can be quiet time alone or the desire to not be around people at all. This
time can be a healing way to process all that has happened, but if it is prolonged or there is difficulty
escaping from this deep state of sadness seek professional help.
After my first husband passed, Easter was right around the corner. I needed a sweater for our
two-year-old daughter Lindsey to wear with her Easter dress. I went by myself to the mall to find a
sweater. I wandered around in the mall for a long time, completely unfocused, confused and saddened
by all the couples wandering by me. I remember at one point wondering what was happening to me and
I felt so alone. I should have had someone with me. I found that sharing my experience with others
confirmed I was normal and helped me to recover.
Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” How can I and the church
community comfort you? Please feel free to reach out.Grief can be a long and challenging process.
Awareness of what is going on can be helpful. Always give yourself time, time to process and time to
recover. Grief is different for everyone.

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