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Quiz 2 O.

Maissy Athalia Resya Saragih (014202300174)
Management Class 4

1. Why do we need strategy in business? Explain with example
2. Which one is correct, structure follows strategy or strategy follows structure, please
explain and give the example
3. The role of human resources is important in an organization, please explain the
contribution of the human resources and the relationship with the strategy of the
organization, give the example..
4. Which one is more effective? work in team or individual ? Why? give example what
kind of works are effective done in teams or individual.

1. Strategy help us define our business, has a purpose, and is guided by a set of values as
a result of strategy. It aids in our comprehension of what success looks like in real life.
It acts as a road map for our company, pointing out our destination and helpful rest
stops along the route. Business strategy helps you set objectives and determines the
course of your organization.
Example: If you open a restaurant and there are other businesses there that do the
same thing as you, you will need to compete with them. If you don't have a strategy,
you won't know how to run your business successfully in that location and compete
with them.

2. The correct one is “Structure follows Strategy”

because before run a business and the area in which you wish to operate it, you must
then consider your strategy for how to run the business successfully, how to
outcompete competitors there, and how to create the structure that will support your
Example: if you want to open a coffee shop in a public area, you obviously need to
have a plan in place. Included in that plan is a business structure that explains how to
draw customers into your garden. Because, in my view, structure is not just about
building well, but also about branding.

3. Human resources is important in an organization, why? because human resources is

the department that has the ability to hire quality workers and, in addition, may assign
workers to suitable positions in accordance with their performance. This can help
your firm succeed by supporting your plan for successful business operations and the
Example: When you operate a coffee business without human resources, you may
have to fire some employees because of that. However, having strong human
resources allows you to hire the perfect candidate who shares your core values.

4. Both are effective things, maybe need to see the situation first.
Example: That we have a written exam in class, so as to do well on the written exam
for each individu, you must prepare carefully and complete the task on your own. But
if the exam was a project, however, you would need to work in a team. You would
form the team according to the talents you need to have, and your team's goal would
be to receive a high score as well as your own.

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