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Journal #1

This week was not how every week will work. I was not able to start until Tuesday and

then the weather had other plans. Next week, my schedule with my internship will be more

regulated, as we have figured out how my hours will work. The after-school program at the ELC

will also be something I begin partaking in next week. I am extremely excited for what is to

come working at the Early Learning Center.


With this being my first day, we started by sitting down and talking about what I would

be focusing on to integrate public health into my internship. I have come up with a tutoring

schedule for specific children who need extra help in certain areas. Because this is one on one

help, we had to send parental consent forms home with the students for permission to tutor. I

worked on getting the consent forms written up, so that we can get tutoring started within the

next week or so. I then worked on separating books by age groups, as we are trying to give the

students a free book every month. The reason we are doing this is to make sure students are

reading at home by having the materials they need to do so. We worked on getting numbers

together so that we could place an order for gloves, hats, and jackets. This took most of my time

on Wednesday.


Thursday, I worked on organizing our book closet in the library. This is where we keep

the books that are given to the kids each month. I also started working on lesson plans for my

tutoring sessions and brainstorming what I wanted to do with each age group. I realized it was

important to focus on social skills as well. Many of the children at the ELC have trouble

communicating their feelings and emotions about different situations.


I worked all day on finishing my plans for the tutoring sessions. I will only have 30 minutes with

each student I tutor, so my supervisor and I had to figure out a way to include all of the children

who needed help. We emailed each teacher and asked them for a list of students who needed

extra help and there were probably a total of 50 students. I decided I wanted to include learning

activities and also games that will keep them entertained while learning.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Wednesday, Jan 10 8:00am 1:00pm 5

Thursday, Jan 11 8:00am 1:00pm 5

Friday, Jan 12 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Total Hours: 16 hours

Internship Journal #2


On Tuesday, I worked on getting the parent consent forms passed out to the teachers. As

stated previously, I cannot begin working one-on-one with the students until their parents have

signed the form and returned them to their child’s teacher. Once this was completed, I helped

with registration for the next school year.


The hats and gloves that we ordered last week for the kids to keep at school were

delivered. I worked on organizing the sets by boys and girls so that we could pass them out to

each child. Many of these kids cannot afford hats and gloves to keep at school and to them, this

was very exciting. We then passed out the hats and gloves to each classroom at the school and

took pictures to put on the website. This took most of the day, but it was very rewarding for the

staff at the ELC.


We had 6 classes come to the library on Thursday and I read to all of them. We focused

on MLK Jr. because many of the kids had never heard of him before. It was interesting to see

how well the kids behaved because they were so interested in what we were talking about. After I

finished in the library, I passed out Blessing Bags to each classroom. These bags are full of

essential items for the children that they do not get at home.


Six classes had time spots in the library on Friday as well. I worked most of the day on

getting their folders ready for tutoring. There are around 50 students I will be working with each
week, so there is a lot of preparing that goes into it. I got my personal binders ready with all of

the children’s information in it for me to track their progress.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Tuesday, Jan 16 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Wednesday, Jan 17 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Thursday, Jan 18 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Friday, Jan 19 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Total hours: 26 hours

Total hours to date: 42 hours

Journal #3


Monday was a longer day of individual work for me. I spent the day finishing the folders

for the students I will be working one-on-one with. I am starting to work with the students

individually on week four, so a lot of my time at the ELC has been spent preparing for that. We

sent out referral forms to the teachers to get some information on where each kid needed the

most help in. This was very helpful when it came to scheduling and preparing their folders for

the first week.


I finished working on the folders and struggled finding one activity I could work on with

each kid. Because each of them struggles in different areas, it is important for me to make sure

each child is getting the help they need. The teachers provided things they have done to try and

improve their students in the areas they struggle in, as well as which strategies work and which

do not. I realized most of these kids struggle behaviorally and voicing their emotions, so I will be

working a lot on social-behavioral activities with the kids.


I read to five classes on Wednesday and that took up most of my morning this day. I then

went to the computer lab and helped parents fill out registration forms for the next school year.

We will be registering kids the entire month of January, so I have had a good amount of

interaction with the parents thus far.


On Thursday, I passed out all the books for this months First Readers. The kids get so

excited when they get their books because it is a luxury to them. I then got the Blessing Bags
ready and passed those out as well. We worked on getting everything ready for the First. Readers

Meeting and that took the rest of the day.


I made each student I am working with individually, a coloring sheet of their name. This

is a starting activity that they will enjoy, and it will allow me to get to know them by name. I

made a pretest for them so I can gage where they are at academically.

Overall, I learned a lot this week at my internship about the children’s home life due to

registration. The parents are very open and honest about their situations at home, and most of

them just want the best for their kids. It was rewarding to be able to reassure the parents that their

child would be treated the best at the Early Learning Center. This week got me excited to start

tutoring next week and I am excited to try and make a difference in their lives.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, Jan 22 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Tuesday, Jan 23 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Wednesday, Jan 24 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Thursday, Jan 25 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Friday, Jan 26 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Total hours for week 3: 36 hours

Total hours to date: 78 hours

Journal #4


I started my first week of tutoring on Monday. I tutored a total of 15 kids that I will now

be working with every Monday until the end of the semester. It was a little chaotic being the first

time working with them on their own, but it was exciting and helpful as a starting point.


I read to three classes on Tuesday and the kids are finally getting used to me reading to

them some days instead of my supervisor. Before reading to them, we always go over how to

behave during class time. Some of them are really interested in following the rules, but others

have trouble doing that. I have been working on redirected them in a positive manner and that

has started working better.


On Wednesday, I began to prep activities for tutoring next week. I talked to some of the

teachers about what individual student needed to work on. Fortunately, a lot of the teachers had

the same requests, being fine motor skills. I decided next week to work on the alphabet packets

where they can trace each letter and begin working on writing their names.


I covered for two classes at the beginning of the day on Thursday. The first class I was

helping with were very on task and good at following directions. One of the kids has special

needs, so I was focused on working with her and trying to understand what she needed. I then

passed out blessing bags to each class and continued making copies for the alphabet packets.

The school was donated a variety of different children’s books, so I worked on getting

those organized and giving some of them away. There were a few books that were in Spanish and

English, and I gave those to one of the teachers who has a student who does not speak English.

This week was very eventful, and I was never left without anything to do. I am excited to

continue to get to know the kids I am tutoring and help push them towards learning. I felt the

most involved this week at my internship.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, Jan 29 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Tuesday, Jan 30 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, Jan 31 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Thursday, Feb 1 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Friday, Feb 2 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Total hours for week 4: 36 hours

Total hours to date: 114

Journal #5


Monday was a very busy day for me. I had my second week tutoring and we focused on

fine motor skills. It has taught me a lot of patience from tutoring because I have never worked

with children this young before. Many of the kids did very well with tracing their letters;

however, I noticed a pattern of them not being able to recognize the letters at the end of the

alphabet. This allowed me to plan for next week’s lesson.


I had a small group to work with on Tuesday in the morning. After finishing with those

kids, I worked on prepping for next week. I found some more lessons I could use with them to

work on being able to identify each letter in the alphabet. I also worked on preparing this

month’s books for the First Readers program. This took most of the day and I was able to get a

lot of work done.


I was able to communicate with each teacher about the students I am working with to see

what they needed help with individually. I assisted some teachers with help in their classrooms

and continued getting stuff prepped for next week.


I was sick this day, so I did some work from home. I was able to get my progress sheets

done for my kids, as well as planning out a reward chart for them.

I was still sick this day and continued to work from home. I worked on finding ideas for

our bulletin board on Black History month. I did not get as much done this day, but I am

planning on making up the hours.

Overall, this week was different because of being sick, but I feel like I was able to gage

where each kid was at individually. I am excited to continue working with them and to see how

much they can learn from me.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, Feb 5 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Tuesday, Feb 6 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, Feb 7 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Thursday, Feb 8 8:00am 12:00 pm 5

Friday, Feb 9 8:00am 12:00pm 5

Hours worked: 32 hours

Hours to date: 146 hours

Journal 6


I had tutoring on Monday and my first two groups of kids were perfect. Once I got to the

third group, things got somewhat out of control. I learned the importance of patience when

working with children this young and was able to figure things out once the day went on.


I worked a lot on my behavioral health needs assessment on Tuesday and was able to

collect some research that I will be using in my project. It was interesting for me to see how

different Baldwin County schools are from those in my hometown.


I continued working on my behavioral health needs assessment and tutored some more

kids. Tutoring wise, these groups of kids were way more under control than the groups I had on

Monday. Once I was finished with that, I kept working on collecting research and doing some

tasks around the library.


I used this time to start prepping for tutoring next week, and after the situation on

Monday I had to really think about what each student needed from me individually. I then

continued to work on my needs assessment.


There was no school this day, but I finished the rest of tutoring prep and worked on their

progress reports for the week.

Overall, this week was the craziest week I’ve had thus far; however, like I stated

previously, I was able to gain more information on how each child functions in the classroom. I

am looking forward to seeing how much each child can improve each week.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, Feb 12 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Tuesday, Feb 13 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, Feb 14 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Thursday, Feb 15 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, Feb 16 8:00am 12:00pm 5

Hours worked: 34 hours

Total hours to date: 180 hours

Journal #7


I worked on First Reader’s ideas for the month of March and decided on what we could

do to implement family interaction when it comes to reading to the children when they are not at

school. Reading is a huge aspect of education, and it is important to introduce this at a young



My supervisor was out of work the whole week, so that left me in charge for the

remainder of the week. On Tuesday, I focused on reading to two classes about exercising and

getting your body moving. This was a good topic for me to handle because it was so closely

related to public health. It was exciting to see how excited the kids were to exercise together and

learn about something important to me.


On Wednesday, I assisted in two classrooms for most of the day. This was good for me to

see their schedules and how they chose to teach the children. I then started reorganizing the

bookshelves because they get messed up almost every week.


I passed out Blessing Bags at the beginning of the day and this took a while because we

added a lot more children to the list. I continued working on organizing the bookshelves and

planned for next weeks themes.

I continued to work on my research for my behavioral needs assessment. I found a variety

of research on Baldwin County. It always interests me to learn about the social determinants of

health in different age groups and counties over Georgia.

This week was a good week and I felt very trusted by my supervisor being left in charge

for the week. I am starting up tutoring again next week and I am really looking forward to

working with the kids I’m used to working with every week. This week taught me much about

the social determinants of health in this age group.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, Feb 19 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Tuesday, Feb 20 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, Feb 21 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Thursday, Feb 22 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, Feb 23 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Hours this week: 35 hours

Hours to date: 215 hours

Journal #8


Monday was a very productive day for me. I was able to put together teacher appreciation

gifts from Communities in Schools. We have decided to do this every month to show the teachers

how much they are appreciated. Especially this time of year, it is important to let them know that

all they do is being recognized.


Tuesday, I was in charge of story times. This week, but this day especially, the kids

behavior was off the walls. Usually, they are good at following the rules that have been put into

place for them; however, this week was very hard for all students to behave the way they are

expected to behave.


I worked on the classroom door on Wednesday. I really wanted to make this one fun for

the kids, since one of their favorite things is looking at all the classroom doors that are decorated.

This one will be for march, so it is all about luck and reading.


On Thursday, I continued working on the door and helped out with other tasks around the

school. I passed out the blessing bags to each classroom and helped other teachers in their

classrooms when they needed it.


Friday was a chill day, but I got to work on my project and talked to my supervisor about

presenting that. I was able to get a lot done on this day regarding my internship project.
Overall, this week was very productive. These are my favorite type of work weeks

because of how busy it keeps me. I also think it educates me more on the age group I am

working with.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, Feb 26 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Tuesday, Feb 27 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, Feb 28 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Thursday, Feb 29 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, March 1 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Hours this week: 35 hours

Hours to date: 250 hours

Journal #9


I spent most of the day tutoring kids from different classes. They were the same children I

tutor every week, and I am starting to see some improvement. I was able to finish the decorations

for the door for this month and put that up. I then spent the rest of the day making my reports for

the kids I worked with this day.


I continued to prep tutoring materials for the other kids I tutor on Wednesdays. This took

more time than I expected because most of the kids I work with on Wednesdays do not have the

same skills as the Monday groups. Some of them are still struggling with paying attention and

staying on task, but I am working on that with them.


Again, I spent most of the day tutoring the second group of kids for the week. Some of

them are showing slight improvement; however, there is more work needed. This has given me

an understanding of how every individual learns differently. I have learned how to work and

teach kids in different ways in order for them to all feel included.


I passed out the blessing bags for the week and noticed more children getting added to the

list. These bags essentially assist the child and their family by providing necessary items and

non-perishables. This has been eye opening for me because I was not aware of how many

families, just at the Early Learning Center, struggle every single day.

Friday was a big day for the kids because they had a parade and family play time. This

was put together by the ELC to involve parents at the school and allow them to see where their

kids are learning. I assisted with showing parents where to go, taking pictures, and helping

wherever help was needed.

This week felt very productive, and it was nice to interact with some of the families of the

children I work with. I am going to continue working hard to help the students I tutor and access

what I can do to help them.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, March 4 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Tuesday, March 5 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, March 6 8:00am 2:00pm 6

Thursday, March 7 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, March 8 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Hours this week: 36 hours

Hours to date: 286 hours

Journal 10


On Monday, I tutored all day. I felt the most prepared this week for tutoring because I am

getting used to the way they learn and what they need help with individually. I feel like they are

beginning to feel like they are accomplishing something.


I had two classes come into the library on Tuesday and they were so interested in learning

about St. Patrick’s Day. After the classes finished, I worked on organizing some cabinets in the

classroom and continued putting my project together.


Wednesday was a full day of classes and teaching, and my supervisor was out all week,

so it was sort of up to me to be in control this week. I like doing this every once in a while,

because it keeps me busy and allows me to interact with all of the kids at the ELC.


I continued reading to classes on Thursday but had to do some adjusting to the lesson

plan because Thursdays are the day, we teach the babies. We like to make sure every age group

can comprehend and retain what we are teaching them.


Friday is another day of classes, but after I was done with that, I had more time to work

on my e-portfolio. I have had a lot of fun with this because it has allowed me to be creative with

my work and what I have done at my internship thus far.

Overall, this week went well, and I am fully comfortable teaching full classes on my own.

I liked having some time to work on other assignments, while also teaching all of the classes.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, March 11 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Tuesday, March 12 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, March 8:00am 3:00pm 7


Thursday, March 14 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, March 15 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Hours this week: 37 hours

Hours to date: 323 hours

Journal Week 12


I spent all of Monday preparing for our male involvement event that took place all week.

This was an event put on by the ELC for grandpas, fathers, brothers, and other male figures

could come eat breakfast with their child. These events are super important to allow the parents

to see where their child is learning.


On Tuesday, I had only two classes that came into the library. Although it was not a super

chaotic day schedule-wise, the two classes I did have struggle with behaving and staying on task.

This has been a learning curve this semester.


There were five classes this day and they were way more well behaved than the previous

classes that came in on Tuesday. In between classes, I started looking up ideas for the next door I

will be doing for the library.


Thursday was another day of five classes and while children were not in the classroom, I

looked through my tutoring folders to look at the progress each of my kids have made. This has

made me feel very confident in my job and motivates me to end the semester the same way.


Friday was full of teaching different classes and in my down time, I started working on

my reflection paper. It has felt very rewarding being able to reflect all that I have accomplished

while at my internship.
This week, I felt very proud of myself after having so much time to reflect on the last few

months. I am excited for this chapter to end, but I know it will be very bittersweet.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, March 25 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Tuesday, March 26 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, March 8:00am 3:00pm 7


Thursday, March 28 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, March 29 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Hours this week: 37 hours

Hours to date: 360 hours

Journal Week 13


This week was spring break for the ELC; however, my supervisor and I worked together

to ensure that I was getting hours in while not being in the building. On Monday, I worked on

planning the themes for the rest of the semester regarding story times. We usually like to try and

match the theme close to what each grade level is learning about each week. This consists of

picking out two to three books to read to each class, four to five educational videos for the kids

to watch, and a coloring sheet or activity that relates to the lesson.


I spent the beginning of the day finishing the planning for story times and then continued

working on my project. As it gets closer to presentation time, I have been recording myself

practicing my presentation, as well as having additional information for me to speak on while

presenting to my coworkers.


On Wednesday, I worked on planning the rest of my tutoring lessons for the students I

work with each week. As stated previously, they are all in different areas of curriculum. I do

believe I have gotten the hang of making sure I provide each kid with exactly what they need.


I have decided that before my internship comes to an end, I am going to do something fun

for each class that I have worked with this semester. Whether it be a party or just a sweet treat, I

want to give these students something to remember me by. I spent most of the day working on

planning that and finished my day working on my portfolio.

I worked on my portfolio, as well as practicing my presentation at the start of the day on

Friday. I then worked on getting decorations ready for my next and last door that I will be

decorating this semester.

This week made me realize how fast this internship has gone by. As much as I wish it was

more public health related, I made relationships with others that I know will travel with me for a

lifetime. I am ready to get back with the kids next week and really soak in these last few weeks

that we have left!

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, April 1 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Tuesday, April 2 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, April 3 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Thursday, April 4 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, April 5 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Hours this week: 37 hours

Hours to date: 397 hours

Journal Week 14


Monday was somewhat of a prep day for us. My supervisor has been sick for the past few

weeks so we needed some time to sit down and plan out our week. This week was picture day at

the ELC and our room was being used for it, so we had to go work in the classrooms for the first

few days of the week.


Tuesday we worked on setting things up for Autism Awareness Day that would take place

on Friday. This consisted of decorations, organizing, and making sure everything would be

delivered on time for the event.


On Wednesday, we were finally able to get back into our classroom and I continued on

working on prepping things for the event. Because most of our special needs students are severe,

we had to make sure we had enough activities to keep them entertained and occupied.


On Thursday, I worked on reorganizing the classroom because things got rearranged

during picture days. I wanted to make sure everything was back in its original spot so that we

wouldn’t have issues finding things later. I then passed out Blessing Bags to each class and put

away a ton of books that had been returned to the library.


Friday was our Autism Awareness Day where parents of our special needs students were

able to come and enjoy food, activities, games, and other forms of entertainment. We ended up

having a good turn out and the event went well.

Overall, this week was very jam-packed, but it made me realize how time is flying by. I

have grown so close with the staff at the ELC and they have shown me skills that I will use in my

future career wherever that may be.

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, April 15 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Tuesday, April 16 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, April 17 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Thursday, April 18 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, April 19 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Hours worked this week: 37 hours

Hours to date: 434 hours

Journal #15


On Monday, my supervisor and I worked on getting things ready for the classes we had

the rest of the week. We also started talking about the Fairytale Ball that the school was putting

on for the kids on Friday. I also sorted the First Readers Books as well as getting surveys ready

for CIS.


Tuesday was a productive day because we only had two classes that came in so we were

able to get more things done around the classroom. My supervisor needed my help getting rid

of/organizing the cabinets and closets in the classroom. A lot of the stuff we have been provided

has been passed down and much of it needed to be thrown away.


Wednesday was busy in the sense of being around the kids all day. They have been

excited about the warm weather which makes it harder for them to pay attention when we are

trying to teach them. I got the surveys passed out to each teacher which basically just asks the

parents if there is anything we can do differently during the next school year to see how we can



On Thursday, I spent a lot of the day blowing up balloons, decorating, and getting things

ready for the ball on Friday. I also made the decorations for the last door I will be doing this

semester, and it was the best one I have made so far. Bittersweet! I helped with one class that was

one teacher short and the kids were so excited. This was the best part of my week.

Friday was the day of the ball where all the kids were dressed up as fairytale character.

They went by age group, so the ball took most of the day. It was so fun seeing how excited each

one of them got. One of the girls I tutor wouldn’t leave my side and I was able to get her to go

play with her friends so that was nice to see as well. We then continued working on deep

cleaning the classroom.

I truly am blessed for this experience and the connections I made. I am excited for

graduation, but I will miss these kids so much!

Day Time in Time out Hours worked

Monday, April 15 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Tuesday, April 16 8:00am 4:00pm 8

Wednesday, April 17 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Thursday, April 18 8:00am 3:00 pm 7

Friday, April 19 8:00am 3:00pm 7

Hours worked this week: 37 Hours

Hours to date: 471 Hours

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