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Perla Ramirez Calixto

Dr. Bill Reader


30 January 2024

Changing to Earn a Future

On January 15, Alex arrived at my house for the interview. I conducted the interview that

consisted of many aspects of starting the college route. My cousin, Alex, and I have had the bond

of family and friendship throughout our life. Alex was raised in a similar manner that I did so we

could relate to each other more than most could. We were almost on the same path when he

started college in September. I had just become a senior in high school. One thing to note about

Alex was that he was strictly raised to be a good student, worker, and family member. Our

strongest values were family and pride and they went hand-in-hand. Failure was hardly ever an

option so when he found himself far from home and filled with stress, he was not prepared for

the next months ahead of him at Northern Michigan College.

Alex began the interview with how the location of friends and family had affected him.

He struggled with leaving his family, friends, and home because he knew that he could not just

turn around and find comfort where he once did, now it was miles away. He wasn't a very social

individual when first arriving so he spent most of his time in his dorm room. I asked him what it

is like to be away from home and he went on to say “It was awful, at first. It took me three weeks

or almost a month to get used to being on my own… like, very intimidating because you are now

in the real world on your own… I was just out there existing.” I observed that his confidence

decreased once entering college. This leads me to believe that entering an environment that is not

suitable for you while enduring pressures can lead to negative personal outcomes. Alex's coping

methods consisted of working, exercising, and sleeping. The obtained job was meant to pay off

his college.

Thus, his current environment and coping mechanisms were not enough to make him

happy. “It’s too far… they didn't have the athletic program I desired,” Alex believed his best

path was to find a place that could give him more of what he needed; close to home, a preferred

athletic program, and support from his peers. He is planning on transferring to a different

college. I do believe that finding people to be around that you share a connection with is what

will help him a great amount. I couldn't even imagine how difficult it is to keep thriving with all

the pressures he has faced. Alex is away from home and carries much stress on his shoulders,

ultimately, he will make the changes that he needs to prosper. He's fully aware that the financial

stress may not ease up but with his new athletic program, he knows he will find a way to cope.

His hobbies, loved ones, and ambition have helped him through the difficulties of becoming a

college student.

As a high school senior, the information and advice that he gave me meant a great

amount. I believe that the perspective around attending college is normally viewed by people

who are more outgoing and social. “I kept saying how I was gonna leave one day, then that day

became today. When I got there I sat in my car for two hours because I was so overwhelmed.”

Now that I know that Alex felt similar to how I will most likely feel it is more comforting, I can

consider that I will not be the only person who feels this way. Right now, I have taken up as

many dual enrollment classes as I could, yet, I know that attending the college in person will

greatly differ. It is Alex’s ambition and dedication that has always influenced me. He makes

smart choices that protect his education and even with financial pressure, he refuses to give up.

He has shown me that one choice does not have to be permanent. There is not any other person I

know who could give me better advice than he could.

Looking at this new perspective has given me a greater insight into some of the overseas

challenges that are rarely discussed to find healthy methods of coping with a new level of

education and adulthood. His upbringing had added pressure to who he was in college when first

arrived. I believe that Alex is a strong individual for realizing that education is not the only

important factor. He felt unsatisfied in his environment and instead of giving in to hopelessness,

he made the change that felt necessary. I was aware of the challenges that would have been

faced but I didn't understand how intimidating they could be. Thanks to Alex I have a better

understanding and can begin to find coping mechanisms and suitable paths when it becomes my

turn next year.

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