TKAM Webquest

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Bellino 2018

To Kill A Mockingbird
Directions: Follow the directions on this page. When you get to each website, take your time
and completely read the site. You will need a good understanding of the material so that you will
better be able to understand the background and setting of TKAM. Take copious notes and keep
them all together.

1. Go to
Read the whole page and summarize—What is Jim Crow and what is the history of the
name? Fill out the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How sheet—you might want to
wait until you read the website in #2, as it gives you more info.

2. Go to Read all of this Jim Crow site.

Choose 3 Jim Crow etiquette rules that are most interesting to you. Record those 3
in your notes.
Choose 3 Jim Crow laws/statutes that are most interesting to you. Record those 3 in your
Discuss some of the punishments/outcomes of the Jim Crow laws and etiquette—choose at
least 2, tell the punishment or outcome, and give your thoughts/feelings about it.

3. Go to
Choose 2 people from this site—choose the person whose first name is closest in the
alphabet to yours and the person whose last name is closest in the alphabet to yours.
Read/listen to their stories; In your notes, write a half page paragraph on one of the
people (or both together). Summarize the impact Jim Crow had on them.

4. Go to
Choose 2 people from this site--choose the person whose first name is closest in the
alphabet to yours and the person whose last name is closest in the alphabet to yours.
Read/listen/watch their stories; summarize their impact/struggle against Jim Crow. In
your notes, write a half page paragraph on one or both of them: Include—name, birth
date, place of origin, struggle, and major accomplishments

5. Go to
Read the Plessy v. Ferguson court case and the impact it had on America. Fill out a Who,
What, When, Where, Why, How sheet

6. Go to
Look through all the pictures of segregation and discrimination on this site.
** After looking at all the pictures, write a half page paragraph recording your
thoughts/opinions. Consider how the people in the pictures might have felt, what
it would be like to live during that time, if similar conditions still exist, etc.
Mention specific pictures in your paragraph.

7. Choose one of the websites listed below. Read it and type the incident into a search engine.
Read 2 other sites about this incident. Fill out a Who, What, When, Where, Why, How chart.
1: -detail.aspx?entryID=1102

To Kill A Mockingbird


Directions: Indicate yes or according to your beliefs. Below each statement, explain your
reasoning/opinion. There is no right or wrong answer.

Under our justice system, all citizens are treated fairly in our courts of law.

No one is above the law.

When the law does not succeed in punishing criminals, citizens should do so.

A person’s motives for breaking the law should be considered when deciding their punishment.

Today, there is a certain way girls should act and a certain way boys should act.

People in today’s society are ostracized for being different.

Nobody is all bad or all good.

All men are created equal.

A hero is born, not made.

The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you," is true.

Racism/prejudice is prevalent in Ashburn today.

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