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7, JULY 1991

We also paired the eigenvalues of F , and F , using the Small-Signal Analysis and Minimum Settling Time
matrices A and P, given in (17) and (18), respectively. With the Design of a One-Stage Folded-Cascode CMOS
forward-only data matrix (71, the A matrix yielded 130 misses in Operational Amplifier
500 trials, while the P , matrix yielded 19 misses. The pairing
method given in this paper gave the correct pairing in all of the Howard C. Yang, Mahmoud A. Abu-Dayeh,
trials. With the forward-backward data matrix (111, no misses and David J. Allstot
were observed with any pairing method.
Abstract -A small-signal analysis of the single-ended one-stage
ACKNOWLEDGMENT folded-cascode CMOS operational amplifier i s presented. The analysis
results in a four-pole two-zero representation from which a two-pole
The authors wish to thank an anonymous reviewer for helpful model is extracted that is sufficiently accurate for many applications in
comments and T. Manickam for performing the simulations. s&ched-capacitor ( s c ) circuits. A design equation for obtaining the
minimum settling time (MST) response for SC applications is given.

J. Capon, “High-resolution frequency-wavenumber spectrum analy- I. INTRODUCTION

sis,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 57, pp. 1408-1418, Aug. 1969.
L. B. Jackson and C. H. Chien, “Frequency and bearing estimation The CMOS folded-cascode operational amplifier (opamp)
by two-dimensional linear prediction,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’79, provides higher frequency operation and better power supply
pp. 665-668, Apr. 1979. noise rejection in switched-capacitor (SC) circuits than conven-
0. L. Frost and T. M. Sullivan, “High resolution two-dimensional tional cascode and two-stage designs. Although various versions
spectral analysis,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’79, pp. 673-676, Apr.
of folded-cascode opamps have been reported [1]-[4], a com-
A. K. Jain and S. Raganath, “Two-dimensional spectral estima- plete small-signal analysis of the widely used single-ended one-
tion,” in Proc. RADC Spectrum Est. Workshop, pp. 151-157, 1978. stage design has not been given. Moreover, it has recently been
S. Roucos and D. G. Childers, “ A two-dimension maximum entropy shown that for SC applications there exists a well-defined mini-
spectrum estimator,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-26, pp. mum settling time (MST) versus unity-gain phase margin for
554-560, May 1980. two-pole opamps [5],[6]. Since the folded-cascode design is well
J. S. Lim and N. L. Malik, “A new algorithm for two-dimensional
maximum entropy power spectrum estimation,” IEEE Trans.
suited to high-frequency SC applications, it is desirable to de-
Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-29, pp. 401-413, Jun. sign it for the MST response in order to obtain the maximum
1981. operating frequency.
J. H. McClellan, “Multidimensional spectral estimation,” Proc. In this paper, we present a small-signal analysis of the CMOS
IEEE, vol. 70, pp. 1029-1039, Sept. 1982. single-ended one-stage high-swing folded-cascode opamp shown
S. W. Lang and J. H. McClellan, “The extension of Pisarenko’s in Fig. 1. In Section 11, this opamp is accurately modeled with
methods to multiple dimensions,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’82, pp.
125-128, Apr. 1982. four left-half-plane (LHP) poles and a complex pair of LHP
S. W. Lang and J. H. McClellan, “Spectral estimation for sensor zeros. The fourth-order system is then simplified to a two-pole
arrays,’’ IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP- model, which provides sufficient accuracy for many SC applica-
31, pp. 349-358, Apr. 1983. tions. In Section 111, a basic design equation for the MST
T. S. Durrani and R. Chapman, “Eigenfilter methods for 2-D response is derived based on this two-pole model.
spectral estimation,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’83, pp. 863-866, Apr.
R. Kumaresan and D. W. Tufts, “High-resolution frequency-wave-
number spectrum analysis,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 69, pp. 1515-1517, 11. SMALL-SIGNAL
Nov. 1981.
A. Efron and D. W. Tufts, “Estimation of frequencies of multiple In SC circuits, the maximum output voltage step size between
two-dimensional sinusoids: Improved methods of linear prediction,” sampling periods is usually small enough so that opamp slew-rate
Proc. IEEE, vol. 74, pp. 369-371, Feb. 1985. limiting is negligible, and only small-signal analysis is necessary.
M. Wax, T-J. Shan, and T. Kailath, “Covariance eigenstructure A small-signal model (Fig. 2) of the single-ended one-stage
approach to 2-D harmonic retrieval,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’83,
folded-cascode opamp is associated with nodes a through e in
Apr. 1983.
-, “Spatio-temporal spectral analysis by eigenstructure meth- Fig. 1. The very high frequency pole associated with the node
ods,” IEEE Trans. Acoust ., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-32, between M5 and M6 is excluded from the model with negligible
pp. 817-826, Aug. 1984. error. The loading capacitance, C , ~ is
, included in C,, and Vout
D. Spielman, A. Paulraj, and T. Kailath, “ A high resolution algo-
rithm for combined time-of-arrival and direction-of-arrival estima-
tion,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’86, pp. 90-93, Apr. 1986.
S. Y. Kung, K. S. A r m , and D. V. Bhaskar Rao, “New state space Manuscript received December 9, 1989; revised January 9, 1991. This
and singular value decomposition based approximation methods for work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under
the harmonic retrieval,’’ J . Opt. Soc. A m . , vol. 73, pp. 1799-1811, Contract MIP-8709158. This paper was recommended by Associate
Dec. 1983. Editor T. T. Vu.
D . V. Bhaskar Rao and S. Y. Kung, “ A state space approach for H. C. Yang is with the Chips and Technologies, Inc., San Jose, C A
the 2-D harmonic retrieval problem,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’84, 95134.
vol. 1, pp. 4.10.1-4.10.4, Apr. 1984. M. A. Abu-Dayeh is with National Semiconductor Corp., Santa Clara,
S. Attasi, “Modelling and recursive estimation for double indexed CA 95052.
sequences,” in System Identification: Adi,ances and Case Studies, D . J. Allstot is with the Department of Electrical and Computer
R. K. Mehra and D. G. Lainiotis, Eds. New York: Academic Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, P A 15213.
Press, 1976. I E E E Log Number 9144834.

0098-4094/91/0700-0804$01.00 01991 I E E E

Vdd and the nondominant pole/zero frequencies are

' rl10 The numerator terms of (8) are the small-signal output conduc-
tances, g, and g,, associated with the n- (M9-MI0) and p -
channel (M7-M8) cascode current sources, respectively; Cd is
approximately equal to the loading capacitance, C,. Thus the
dominant pole w d = (g, + g p ) / C , is determined by the loading
vss capacitance C,. The nondominant poles are of the same order;
Fig. 1. One-stage single-ended folded-cascode CMOS operational am- w b is associated with the cascode current mirror used for the
plifier. double-to-single-ended conversion, and w , and w e are associ-
ated with the cascode devices M9 and M8, respectively. Apply-
ing superposition to Fig. 1, it is clear that w,, w c , and w d
is associated with node d . The node equations for the equivalent are associated with the V,,, signal path, while w e and w d are
circuit are associated with the path. When the transfer functions of
the parallel signal paths are summed at the output, w , and w ,
are combined into a single pole, w,, and w,, and w , remain as
separate nondominant poles. The LHP zeros of (12) usually
form a complex pair whose real part is the average of w b and
w,, R e ( s z l ,sZ2)= ( w , + w,)/2. T o make the analysis tractable,
assume that sz1 and sz2 are cancelled by w,,and w,. Conse-
quently, the fourth-order transfer function of (6) becomes a
second-order function

Fig. 3 shows the two-pole small-signal circuit model resulting

from (13) in which

where Gm= gm gmbs. Complete expressions for the small-
signal parameter values are given in Table I. In writing these
equations, the small Cgd10(of MI01 in Fig. 2 is neglected since
with R,C, << R,Cc, Cgd10acts as a large Miller resistance [6],
[7] in parallel with the much smaller R , at node b. Using a
dominant-pole approximation, the transfer function for the cir-
cuit of Fig. 2 is

where the low-frequency voltage gain is given by The dominant pole associated with the output node is repre-
sented as the second stage in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 shows the simulated
frequency responses of the opamp (Fig. l), the complete small-
signal model (Fig. 21, and the two-pole model (Fig. 3). The
fourth-order model is accurate well beyond the unity-gain fre-
quency, while the two-pole model is less accurate near the
the dominant pole frequency is
unity-gain frequency due to the inexact pole-zero cancellation.
However, the accuracy of the two-pole model in determining the
unity-gain phase margin is sufficient for designing the opamp to
realize the MST response.

Fig. 2. A complete small-signal model for the opamp of Fig. 1. Node voltages Va-V, refer to nodes a - e in Fig. 1 , and V,,,

is associated with node d.

........................ ..................................................................
VI v out

Fig. 3 . A two-pole small-signal model for the folded-cascode opamp of

10.1 ..................................

Fig. 1.

0 t,, t.2 100 200


Fig. 5. Simulated MST step response of the opamp with C, = 10 p F

(curve 2) compared with a more underdamped response with C, = 5 p F
(curve 1) and a more overdamped response with C, = 15 p F (curve 3).
The minimum settling time is indicated as t S l .

frequency. Excess phase shift due to the nondominant poles and

-200 I iO ' '''i00"''IK' zeros is independent of C,.
""i"bli0K' ';U 1OM O
; In SC applications, it has been shown that the minimum
FREQUENCY (Hz) small-signal settling time of a two-pole opamp is obtained with
an underdamped response so that the first peak of the step
Fig. 4. SPICE (LEVEL = 2) simulated frequency responses for the
response just touches the upper error bound [6], [7]. The pole
original opamp of Fig. 1 (curve 11, the fourth-order model of Fig. 2
(curve 2) and the two-pole model of Fig. 3 (curve 3 ) . separation factor,
P = w , / ~ ~ = 4 ( a , , + l ) / [ l + ( . i r / l n D)']
MODEL OF FIG.2 specifies the relative pole positions required to obtain the MST
response where D is the settling error bound (Fig. 5). Using (16)
with (7), (81, and (111, and assuming C, = C,, a general equa-
tion for the MST design of a single-ended one-stage folded-
cascode opamp is

Equation (17) can be used either to determine the optimum

loading capacitance for a given design, or to design the MST
opamp for a given C,.
To verify the analysis, the opamp of Fig. 1 was designed using
(17) and C, = 10 pF, D = 0.001, and the device sizes and dc bias
conditions listed in Table 11. The simulated frequency response
is shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 shows the simulated MST step
In two-stage opamps, frequency compensation is efficiently response (C, = 10 pF) compared with a more underdamped but
implemented using a compensation capacitor in series with a wider bandwidth response ( C , = 5 pF), and a more overdamped
nulling resistor to cancel the first nondominant pole and split but narrower bandwidth response ( C , = 15 pF). The two-pole
the two remaining most dominant poles until the desired unity- model correctly predicts longer settling times when C, is either
gain phase margin is obtained [8]. In the folded-cascode opamp, larger or smaller than the optimum design value. The simulated
frequency compensation is realized using the loading capaci- unity-gain phase margin for the MST opamp is about 68", which
tance, C,. Unlike the pole-splitting compensation in two-stage is slightly smaller than the MST phase margin of about 70"
opamps, C, compensation affects only the dominant pole asso- predicted for an ideal two-pole opamp [6]. The discrepancy is
ciated with the high impedance output node. Thus a desired due to the inexact pole/zero cancellation assumed in develop-
phase-margin is obtained by choosing C, to set the unity-gain ing the two-pole model.

two-pole model. A design equation of the opamp to obtain the

minimum settling time response was derived based on the two-
pole model and the existing MST design theory. A design
example with SPICE simulations verified the analysis and the
validity of the simple two-pole model.


[l] P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer, “MOS operational amplifier design-A

tutorial overview,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-17, pp.
969-982, Dec. 1982.
[2] T. C. Choi, R. T. Kaneshiro, R. W. Brodersen, P. R. Gray, W. B.
Jett, and M. Wilcox, “High-frequency CMOS switched-capacitor
filters for communications applications,” IEEE J. Solid-Srute Cir-
cuits, vol. SC-18, pp. 652-664, Dec. 1983.
0 ’ 0 [3] D. B. Ribner and M. A. Copeland, “Design techniques for cascoded
0 5 10 15 20 CMOS opamps with improved PSRR and common-mode input
Loading Capacitance (pF) range,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-19, pp. 919-925, Dec.
Fig. 6. Simulated small-signal settling time versus C,. Curve 1: Set- [4] J. N. Babanezhad and R. Gregorian, “A programmable gain/loss
tling time normalized to the MST; Curve 2: Product of the unity-gain circuit,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-22, pp. 1082-1090,
frequency and the settling time; Curve 3: Unity-gain frequency, and Dec. 1987.
Curve 4: Unity-gain phase margin. The discontinuities in the settling [SI H. C. Yang, J. R. Ireland, and D. J. Allstot, “Improved operational
time characteristics are associated with the natural frequency of the amplifier compensation techniques for high-frequency switched-
system and occur when response peaks or valleys just enter the bounded capacitor circuits,” in Proc. 30th Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems,
region for changes in the loading capacitance. pp. 952-955, Aug. 1987.
[6] H. C. Yang and D. J. Allstot, “Considerations for fast-settling
operational amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 37, pp.
326-334, Mar. 1990.
[7] -, “An equivalent circuit model for two-stage operational ampli-
fiers,’’ in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, pp. 635-638,
June 1988.
[8] W. C. Black, Jr., D. J. Allstot, and R. A. Reed, “A high performance
M12OO/6 M7 460/6 low power CMOS channel filter,” IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits, vol.
M2 200/6 I M8 332/6 SC-15, pp. 921-929, Dec. 1980.
[9] C. Toumazou, D. G. Haigh, S . J. Harrold, K. Steptoe, J. I. Sewell,
M3 460/6 M9 126/4 and R. Bayruns, “Design and testing of a GaAs switched-capacitor
filter,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, pp. 2825-2828,
M4 332/6 M10 126/4 1990.
M5 126/4 I M11 252/4
M6 126/4 I M12 252/4
vdd = 5 v v,,= - 5 v Overtlow Oscillations in State-Space Digital Filters
Tamal Bose and Mei-Qin Chen

SPICE simulations of the small-signal settling characteristics Abstmt-A new sufficient condition is established for the stability of
of the one-stage folded-cascode opamp versus output loading general state-space digital filters implemented with 2’s complement
capacitance are plotted in Fig. 6. Curves 1-4 present the total arithmetic for the addition operation. Also, a necessary and sufficient
settling time normalized to the MST, the product of the unity- condition is established for the existence of period-T limit cycles in
second-order direct-form digital filters. This theorem can he used to
gain frequency and the settling time, the unity-gain frequency, determine existence regions in the parameter plane for limit cycles of
and the unity-gain phase margin, respectively. The settling time arbitrary period. Also, given the filter coefficients, this theorem can be
is a strong function of C, with the MST obtained when C, = 10 used to find initial conditions that yield period-T limit cycles for any T ,
pF as expected. From Fig. 6, note that as predicted by this and all possible limit cycle vector sequences.
analysis, a higher unity-gain bandwidth does not necessarily
provide a faster settling response. Note further that Toumazou I. INTRODUC~ION
et al. 191 have observed similar settling behavior in integrated When digital filters are implemented with fixed point arith-
GaAs cascode opamps. Neither the unity-gain frequency nor the metic, overflow can occur during addition. The nonlinear effect
settling time alone accurately describes opamp settling response, of this overflow is known to result in large amplitude oscillations
but rather their product (curve 2 in Fig. 6). Thus ~ , t can
, serve
as a figure of merit for fast-settling opamp design.
Manuscript received January 8, 1990; revised April 26, 1990. This
paper was recommended by Associate Editor E. Coyle.
IV. CONCLUSIONS T. Bose is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, The Citadel,
A detailed small-signal analysis of the single-ended one-stage Charleston, SC 29409.
M.-Q. Chen is with the Department of Mathematics and Computer
folded-cascode CMOS opamp has been presented. The small- Science, The Citadel, Charleston, SC 29409.
signal behavior of this opamp is well approximated by a simple IEEE Log Number 9144835.

W98-4094/91/0700-0807$01 .OO 0 1991 IEEE

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