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Pia León

¿Who is she?

Is the first Peruvian cook to reach the top of the gastronomic podium. In
August 2021, she was named the best female chef in the world.
Her date:

María Pía León was born in Lima in December 1986. She has a twin and
both are the youngest of four siblings. His mother was a travel agent and
his father a real estate broker.
Childhood in the kitchen:
She used to cook from a very young age and used to prepare desserts
with her mother (her favorite is lemon pie). When he finished school, he
announced to his family that he wanted to be a chef and there was no
going back: Pía graduated from the Cordon Bleu in Lima.
Pía received a Cooking Diploma at the Le Cordon Bleu Peru School in
2006. Three years later she began working at the Central Restaurant in
Lima, owned by her husband, also a former Le Cordon Bleu student,
Virgilio Martínez
Awars in her name:
 Mejor cocinera mujer de Latinoamérica
 Mejor chef en ascenso del mundo
 Mejor chef femenina del mundo
 Mejor chef joven
 Mejor cocina de autor
 Kjolle : The restaurant was born in August 2018 taking the name
of an Andean flower in cusco

 Central Restaurant

 Mayo Bar
 Mil Cusco

Hija de una agente viajes y de un corredor inmobiliario. Tiene una
gemela y son las menores de cuatro hermanos.

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