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8TH CSE(CBCS)-2022

1)What is IOT? Explain in details the genesis of IOT.

2)What does IOT and digitization means? Elaborate on this concept
3)Write a short note on IOT impact in real world
4)Discuss IOT challenges
5)With a neat diagram, Explain the architecture of IOT
6)Explain core IOT functional stack
7)What is IOT? What are the evolutionary phases of IOT?
8)List and explain some of the differences between IT and OT networks and their various
9)List and explain a few of the most significant challenges and problems that IoT is
currently facing.
10)List and explain the requirements driving specific architectural
Changes for IoT.
11)With a neat diagram explain the oneM2M IoT Standardized Architecture.
12)With a neat block diagram illustrate The IoT World Forum (IoTWF) Standardized
Architecture.(explain every layer)
13)With the help of a diagram explain extended simplified IOT architecture.
14)Write a short note on The IoT Data Management and Compute Stack with Fog
15)Explain Distributed Compute and Data Management Across an IoT
16)What is Arduino? Explore Arduino UNO learning Board.
17) Briefly explain the fundamentals of Arduino Programming
18) Demonstrate the programs to interface LED switch and Potentiometer
19) Demonstrate the programs to interact with serial monitor of our computer screen and
Demonstrate the programs to interfacing display, GSM, GPS to Arduino
20) Demonstrate the programs to interfacing motors.
22) Describe the system of Chip(SoC)
23) Write a short note on Raspberry Pi operating Systems.
24) Explain the steps involved in setting up an operating system on Raspberry Pi
25) Explain the commands used in Raspberry Pi
26) Write a simple Python programs on Raspberry Pi.
i)Program to add two numbers
ii)Program to find the ip address of raspberry pi
iii)Program to generate password
iv)Program to print Fibonacci series
v)Program to check for Armstrong number
vi)Program to display calendar of given month of the year
27) Demonstrate interfacing programs on Raspberry Pi.
i)Printing to terminal
ii)Blinking an LED
iii)Push button for physical input
iv)Interact with the user
vi)Temperature sensor
vii)Light sensor
viii) Passive inferred sensor
28) What is the use of GPIO pins?
29) What is the use of SPI and I2C interfaces on Raspberry Pi.
30)How Arduino Uno is different from the other available microcontrollers?
31) What is Arduino Uno? Does the Arduino supports networking?
32) How is programming an Arduino different than standard C?
33) Explain with an example, a basic structure of Arduino programming.
34) With a neat diagram, explain a four layered architecture of a smart city IoT Infrastructure.
35)Explain Raspberry pi2 model B and its General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

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