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########################################################## # # # BrGui 6.40 (9) Setup Notes # # # # # # Copyrights (c) 2004 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

# # # ########################################################## CONTENTS -------1 2 3 4 5 Installation Setup How to run BrGui Remote Support Remarks

1 INSTALLATION --------------Please unzip the file in the directory you desire BrGui to reside in after the installation. In the remainder of this document, this directory will be called the BrGui home directory. Define an environment variable JAVA_HOME which points to your Java 1.4 home directory, e.g. setenv JAVA_HOME /jdk/1.4 set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk\1.4 To add a shortcut to the desktop or start menu on Windows, please create a new program shortcut first. Then, open the properties of this shortcut and change the values in the fields addressed below to the following values: Target: cmd /c start /B %JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw.exe -classpath c:\brgui\li b\ Start in: c:\brgui In "Change Icon...": File name: c:\brgui\brgui.ico

where c:\brgui should be replaced by the respective BrGui home directory on your system. Finally, copy the shortcut to your desktop or Windows start menu as desired. 2 SETUP -------BrGui provides several setup options which are all maintained in file which you can find in the BrGui home directory. Please edit this file to define your remote call predefinitions (mandatory, cmp. 4), your

standard browser (mandatory) and the desired logon timeout (optional) before starting BrGui for the first time. 3 HOW TO RUN BrGui ------------------On Unix, call the "brgui" shell script located in the BrGui home directory from the command line. On Windows NT, run brgui.bat or activate the appropriate shortcut if you chose to create one. 4 REMOTE SUPPORT ----------------There is built-in remote support for calling BR*Tools on another host while running BrGui on your own computer. For this purpose, a list of remote calls can be maintained in file in the BrGui home directory. If run locally ('localhost'), you should also define an entry in to provide the necessary logon identifier. In case of a remote connection, please make sure that all necessary permissions are provided to the respective user to connect to the host, that the user has sufficient database privileges and that the environment on the host is set up correctly. Besides the remote shell rsh, it is also possible to use the the secure shell ssh or any other appropriate shell. 5 REMARKS ---------5.1 Please make sure that the main program BRTOOLS can be called from the BrGui home directory with command "brtools", or, in case of remote connection, that the command "brtools" can be called on the host with the respective user from the BrGui client. 5.2 BrGui 6.40 requires BR*Tools 6.40 PL 11 or higher. It also works with BR*Tools 6.20 PL 126 or higher.

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