Project Narrative

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Project Narrative

Community Resource Guide

My creation of the Community Resource Guide stems from a crucial need identified by

clinicians at the Strong4Life (S4L) clinic of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, who shared patient

families have expressed challenges in implementing healthy habits, particularly regarding

nutrition and exercise, at home. Recognizing this need, the idea of a comprehensive guide to

connect families with resources in their communities was conceived. This project aims to bridge

the gap between clinical guidance and practical implementation by providing accessible

information on available resources promoting health and well-being.

I began working on this project toward the end of January. The collaborative effort

involved discussions with various stakeholders, including the S4L team, managers, and other

community partners, such as clinicians from partner provider’s offices, to ensure that the guide

reflects the diverse needs and preferences of the target audience. The selection of the counties

included in the guide were chosen by data provided by Children’s on the geographical

distribution of patients and Strong4Life campers. This data-driven approach ensures that the

guide is tailored to the areas with the highest need and demand for resources. The inclusion of a

wide range of resources, from recreational facilities to food assistance programs, was carefully

curated to address the multifaceted aspects of health and well-being.

The significance of the Community Resource Guide lies in its potential to empower

individuals and families with the knowledge and access to vital resources supporting their health

goals. By consolidating information on parks, recreational centers, food assistance programs,

farmers markets, YMCA’s, Boys & Girls Clubs, and other relevant facilities/programs specific to

each county, the guide serves as a roadmap for navigating the local landscape of health-
promoting resources. It addresses systemic barriers to healthy living by ensuring equitable access

to resources, regardless of socioeconomic status, through listing primarily free or reduced cost

resources. The guide also includes a portion at the end covering different health insurance

policies in the state of Georgia helping support healthy living. Insurance companies do this by

reimbursing gym memberships, reducing the costs for health screenings, reimbursing for other

memberships, such as the YMCA, and more.

The guide will be shared with patient families of the Strong4Life clinic, families of

Strong4Life campers, partner providers/clinicians' offices, and will eventually be posted on the

Children’s website as a resource for anyone who needs it. By providing these populations with a

curated list of resources available at little to no cost, the guide directly impacts their ability to

adopt and sustain healthy lifestyles. Partner providers and clinician offices across Georgia will

benefit from the guide, as it serves as a valuable tool in supporting their patients beyond the

clinical setting. Furthermore, by being listed on the Children’s website and distributed to camper

families, the guide extends its reach and impact, ensuring that its benefits are accessible to a

wider audience.

In conclusion, the creation of the Community Resource Guide represents a proactive

approach to addressing the challenges faced by patient families in implementing healthy habits at

home. By leveraging community resources and partnerships, this project embodies the

collaborative spirit of promoting health and well-being at both individual and community levels.

Through its strategic dissemination and accessibility, the guide has the potential to make a

lasting impact on the health outcomes of individuals and families across Georgia, ultimately

contributing to the creation of healthier and more resilient communities.

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