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Listening N° 1: What do you know about the Eiffel tower?

Name: Class: Date:

Objetivo de Aprendizaje 1

Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explícita en textos orales adaptados y auténticos
simples, literarios y no literarios, en diversos formatos audiovisuales, acerca de temas variados y que
contienen las funciones del año.

I. WRITE the letter a - c to match the world monuments with the pictures. WORK in pairs.

a) Liberty statue

b) Eiffel tower

c) Triumph arch

II. WRITE sentences about the monuments from activity I. COMPARE them by looking at the example.

Example: The Eiffel tower is bigger than the triumph Arch.

a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

III. WATCH the following video and ANSWER these questions with your seatmate.

(Taken from: )

a) What is the main idea of the video?

1. How the Eiffel tower was built. 2. The history of the Eiffel tower. 3. The importance of the Eiffel tower.

b) What is the purpose of the video?

1. Describe 2. Inform 3. Narrate

IV. WATCH the video again and ANSWER these questions.

a) Where is the Eiffel tower from?

b) What cultural elements can you recognize in the video?

c) How much time did it take to finish the Eiffel tower?

d) When was it finished?

V. ANSWER True (T) or False (F).

a) The Eiffel Tower has more than three hundred meters high. _______

b) Many of the people in Paris liked the tower. _______

c) The tower was finally removed. _______

VI. WRITE your own questions about the video. ASK about specific information.

Example: What is the Eiffel tower used for nowadays?

a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VII. REPEAT the following sentences from the video. Practice with a partner.

a) The Eiffel tower is incredible wind resistant. b) The tower is re painted every seven years.

c) Originally, the tower was reddish brown. d) The Eiffel Tower is an icon of France.

VIII. WRITE 3 comparative sentences about the Eiffel tower and any other Chilean building. Use
comparative structures. WORK with a partner.

Example: The Eiffel tower is taller than the Entel tower.




IX. SHARE the paragraph you wrote with the class.

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