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Grade 8 Major: 5, 6 Minor: 1, 3, 13, 14 Periodic Revision Pack

Term 2 Periodic 1 Exam Revision

General Exam technique

(1) Read the Instructions Carefully: Start by reading all instructions on the exam paper
thoroughly. Make sure you understand what's expected of you before beginning.
(2) Manage Your Time: Pay attention to the time allocated for each section or question. Allocate
a reasonable amount of time for each and stick to it.
(3) Answer the Easy Ones First: Begin with the questions you find easiest. This builds confidence
and gives you more time for challenging questions later.
(4) Read Questions Carefully: Make sure you understand what each question is asking. Look out
for keywords like "explain," "compare," or "define," which require different types of
(5) Show Your Work: Show your work for calculations. Even if your final answer is incorrect, you
might earn partial credit for your method.
(6) Check Your Answers: If time allows, review your answers. Look for errors, missing
information, or any parts of the question you may have overlooked.
(7) Neatness Matters: Write legibly, use proper punctuation, and leave spaces between
paragraphs. Neatness can make your answers easier for the examiner to read.
(8) Write ONE answer per question. Attempting to gain more credit by writing multiple answers
(one of which may be right) will score ZERO marks.

Multiple-choice-question practice

Topics that are struck out are additional extension questions, and not within the scope of the exam

Chapter 5: The Periodic Table

Multiple-Choice Question 1:

Question: In which group of the periodic table can you find elements with similar properties and the
same number of outer shell electrons?

A. Halogens
B. Noble Gases
C. Alkali Metals
D. Transition Metals

Multiple-Choice Question 2:

Question: Which element is a noble gas and is commonly used in balloons for lifting?
Grade 8 Major: 5, 6 Minor: 1, 3, 13, 14 Periodic Revision Pack

A. Helium
B. Neon
C. Argon
D. Krypton

Multiple-Choice Question 3:

Question: What is the characteristic of elements in the halogen group?

A. High reactivity
B. Non-reactivity
C. Metallic properties
D. High conductivity

Multiple-Choice Question 4:

Question: Which group of elements tends to have properties of both metals and non-metals?

A. Noble Gases
B. Alkali Metals
C. Metalloids
D. Halogens

Multiple-Choice Question 5:

Question: In the periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing:

A. Atomic mass
B. Atomic number
C. Number of protons
D. Number of neutrons

Chapter 6: Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter

Multiple-Choice Question 1:

Question: Which type of bonding involves the sharing of electrons between atoms?

A. Ionic bonding
B. Covalent bonding
C. Metallic bonding
D. Polar bonding

Multiple-Choice Question 2:

Question: In a covalent bond, how are electrons shared between atoms?

A. Unequally
B. Completely
C. Transferred
D. Lost

Multiple-Choice Question 3:
Grade 8 Major: 5, 6 Minor: 1, 3, 13, 14 Periodic Revision Pack

Question: What is the characteristic of metals in terms of electron configuration?

A. They gain electrons easily.

B. They share electrons with non-metals.
C. They have a high number of valence electrons.
D. They have a low number of valence electrons.

Multiple-Choice Question 4:

Question: Which of the following substances typically has the highest melting point?

A. Covalent compound
B. Ionic compound
C. Metallic compound
D. Molecular compound

Multiple-Choice Question 5:

Question: What is a property of metals that makes them good conductors of electricity?

A. High melting point

B. Low density
C. Lattice structure
D. Delocalised electrons

Chapter 1: Photosynthesis and Plant Growth

Multiple-Choice Question 1:

Question: What is the primary function of photosynthesis in plants?

A. To release oxygen
B. To absorb carbon dioxide
C. To produce glucose
D. To generate energy

Multiple-Choice Question 2:

Question: Which part of the plant is responsible for the majority of photosynthesis?

A. Roots
B. Leaves
C. Stem
D. Flowers

Multiple-Choice Question 3:

Question: During photosynthesis, where does the plant obtain the carbon dioxide needed for the

A. From the soil

B. From the atmosphere
Grade 8 Major: 5, 6 Minor: 1, 3, 13, 14 Periodic Revision Pack

C. From other plants

D. From water

Chapter 3: Variation and Inheritance

Multiple-Choice Question 1:

Question: What is the term for the passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring?

A. Evolution
B. Inheritance
C. Mutation
D. Adaptation

Multiple-Choice Question 2:

Question: Which of the following is an example of a learned behaviour, not inherited genetically?

A. Eye colour
B. Walking
C. Hair texture
D. Blood type

Multiple-Choice Question 3:

Question: In genetic terms, what is a recessive trait?

A. The dominant trait

B. The expressed trait
C. The hidden trait
D. The visible trait

Chapter 13: Climate Change

Multiple-Choice Question 1:

Question: Which human activity significantly contributes to the rise in greenhouse gases, leading to
climate change?

A. Recycling plastic
B. Utilizing wind energy
C. Planting trees
D. Burning fossil fuels

Multiple-Choice Question 2:

Question: What is defined as the greenhouse effect?

A. A method of cultivating plants indoors

B. A natural cooling mechanism for the planet
Grade 8 Major: 5, 6 Minor: 1, 3, 13, 14 Periodic Revision Pack

C. The warming of Earth's surface due to human actions

D. The retention of heat in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases

Multiple-Choice Question 3:

Question: Which consequence is associated with climate change?

A. Increased biodiversity
B. Reduced air pollution
C. Improved crop yields
D. Rising sea levels

Chapter 14: Astronomy

Multiple-Choice Question 1:

Question: What is the term for the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole,
around which the Earth rotates?

A. Tropic of Cancer
B. Equator
C. Prime Meridian
D. Axis

Multiple-Choice Question 2:

Question: Which planet is known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance?

A. Venus
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Saturn

Multiple-Choice Question 3:

Question: What causes the different phases of the moon as observed from Earth?

A. Earth's rotation
B. Moon's rotation
C. Moon's orbit around Earth
D. Earth's orbit around the Sun
Grade 8 Major: 5, 6 Minor: 1, 3, 13, 14 Periodic Revision Pack

Literacy Practice

Chapter 5: The Periodic Table

Instructions: Read the following text about the Periodic Table and fill in the gaps with the correct

The Periodic Table is a visual representation of all the known elements in the universe. It is organized
based on the atomic number and atomic mass of each element. The table is divided into rows called
________ (1) and columns called ________ (2). These rows are known as periods, and they
represent the number of electron shells an atom of that element has. The columns are called groups
or families, and elements within the same group share similar properties.

Each element is represented by a unique symbol, usually consisting of one or two letters. For
example, the symbol for ________ (3) is H, which stands for Hydrogen. Hydrogen is the ________ (4)
element on the Periodic Table and has an atomic number of 1.

The Periodic Table helps scientists predict the properties of elements based on their location.
Elements on the left side of the table are ________ (5) and tend to be good conductors of heat and
electricity. Elements on the right side of the table are ________ (6) and tend to be poor conductors.

Some elements in the Periodic Table are ________ (7), meaning they do not exist naturally on Earth
and can only be created in a laboratory. These synthetic elements are often highly unstable and
decay quickly.

The Periodic Table is constantly evolving as new elements are discovered and named. Currently,
there are ________ (8) known elements, with each element having its own unique characteristics
and uses.

Chapter 6: Structure, Bonding, and the Properties of Matter

Matter is everything around us, and it is made up of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are the basic
__1__ of matter and are composed of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Protons have a __2__ charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a __3__ charge.

The __4__ of atoms determines their properties. When atoms combine, they form __5__. There are
two main types of bonding: ionic bonding and covalent bonding. In __6__ bonding, electrons are
transferred from one atom to another, creating ions. Oppositely charged ions attract each other and
form a bond. In __7__ bonding, atoms share electrons to form a bond. This type of bonding is
common between nonmetals.

The arrangement of atoms in a substance affects its __8__. Substances can have different types of
structures, such as __9__ structures, where atoms are held together in a repeating pattern, or
__10__ structures, where atoms are randomly arranged. The structure of a substance affects its
physical and chemical properties.
Grade 8 Major: 5, 6 Minor: 1, 3, 13, 14 Periodic Revision Pack

Properties of matter can be divided into two categories: __11__ and __12__ properties. Physical
properties can be observed without changing the substance's composition, such as color, shape, and
density. Chemical properties, on the other hand, describe how a substance interacts with other
substances and can only be observed through a chemical reaction.

Written Answers

Chapter 5: The Periodic Table

Question: Describe the main features and organization of the periodic table.

Writing frame:

The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements, organized based on their
________, ________, and ________. It was first proposed by ________ in the late 19th century. The
periodic table consists of ________ and ________. Elements in the same group share ________
properties, while elements in the same period have the same number of ________. Each element is
represented by a ________ and its ________ is listed along with the symbol. The periodic table is
further organized into ________ based on the electron configuration of elements. The four blocks
are ________, ________, ________, and ________. It provides information about properties such as
________, ________, and ________. Atomic radius generally ________ from left to right across a
period and ________ from top to bottom within a group. Ionization energy generally ________ from
left to right across a period and ________ from top to bottom within a group.

Chapter 6: Structure, Bonding, and the Periodic Table

Question: Compare and contrast the properties of ionic compounds and covalent compounds.
Include their bonding types, melting points, and ability to conduct electricity.

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