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1. LOGGING INTO CATS PLATFORM .................................................................................................. 2

2. CHANGING THE PASSWORD.......................................................................................................... 4
3. ACCESSING CLIENT PORTAL THROUGH MOBILE DEVICES ............................................................. 7
4. REGENERATING ACCESS CODE .................................................................................................... 10
5. CALENDAR VIEW ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.1. STANDARD VIEW .................................................................................................................... 12
5.2. LOG VIEW ............................................................................................................................... 15
6. CAPA TAB .................................................................................................................................... 17
7. DASHBOARD ................................................................................................................................ 21
7.1. BUTTONS APPEARING IN THE TOP OF THE PAGE ................................................................... 22
7.2. CHANGING THE FILTERS ......................................................................................................... 22
7.3. ACTION ITEM COUNTS ........................................................................................................... 25
7.4. ACTION ITEM COUNTS BY LEVEL ............................................................................................ 27
7.5. ACTION ITEM LOG .................................................................................................................. 27
7.6. ACTION ITEM PROGRESS........................................................................................................ 28
7.7. RISK DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................................ 30
8. ACTION PLAN LOG ....................................................................................................................... 31
9. USING DISCUSSION PANEL .......................................................................................................... 36
10. REVISION TABLE .......................................................................................................................... 44

To be able to log into CATS platform, you need to have your own account assigned to your company.
Once the account has been created, you will receive a notification from
informing you about your login name and company name:

To log into the platform, click on the following link:

You will be redirected to the Client Portal logging page:

Company name – the company name should consist of 3 elements:

Login name – the login name is case sensitive, so you need to be careful while typing it in (you can
also copy it from the notification body).

Password – by default the password is set to Changeme123, you need to change it by using the "Get
Password" button (for more details, see section 2).

NOTE: You should never share your account internally or externally. The login credentials are
intended for your own use only. If more than one person should have access to your location’s data,
contact SGS Project Manager taking care of your company.

In very rare cases, the account can be shared between few people. However, the shared accounts are
set ibn different way and the required access should be confirmed during the Project Set-up Phase.

If you forgot your password or want to change it after first login (or due to other reason), you need to
go to the Client Portal Login Page and click on the "Forgot Password".

The system will redirect you to Password Reset Page.

You need to add full company name (or copy it from notification) and your login name, then click on
the "Send Reset Link".

The link with password reset will be send to your mailbox.

The password reset link will be active for 1 hour only, after that time you will need to generate a new

NOTE: Sometimes the notification email are redirected to the SPAM folder.

When you click on the link, you will be redirected to the second Password Reset Page.

You need to add your company name and login name again and create new password. Once done,
click on "Change Password" button.

When you click on the "Change Password" button, your password will be changed.


When you log into your account, click on DASHBOARD tab.

You will see a notification about linking your account to mobile phone application. If you own an
iPhone, click on the "AppStore", if you own android based smartphone, click on the "Google Play".

In the below example, I am using the android based phone, so need to go into "Google Play" and
download the application.

When you install and open the app, you will be asked to enter the access key.

You can get the access key from the platform. You just need to click on the "Get a code" button visible
in the account linking notification.

The access key is assigned to your account, so you shouldn’t share it with anyone (just like your
password). Enter the access key into the mobile app and click on the "Load Data" button.

The system will link your CATS account with mobile app giving you access to your Dashboard.


If you have clicked the "Don’t show this again", the linking accounts notification will no longer appear
after you log into the system. This may be a problem if you want to use your CATS application on
different phone.

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To be able to reopen the notification, click on the icon appearing at the top of the page.

By clicking the icon, you will be able to access the account linking notification and generate your
access key again.

After logging into your account, you will see the calendar. It is the easiest way to access reports in
different statuses. If you are looking for a report which has not yet been finalized, you will need to use
calendar as they will not be uploaded to dashboard yet. Finalized reports appear in both calendar and

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After logging in you will see the standard calendar view which can be used to find reports that have
been completed for your location. The calendar will always show the current month.

The filters will allow you to limit the view to audits for each of the checklists or to certain status:

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You can also limit the view to scores, location or evaluation.

The only downfall is that you need to find the correct date. The standard view will not allow you to
pick the date, therefore to find an audit you need to use arrows appearing on the right side of the

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To open the report click on it and you will see a summary with possible actions:

Screen – A report will open in new tab.

PDF – PDF of the report will be generated and opened or saved depending on the settings of your

CAPA – A quick access to the Action Plan log and all nonconformities raised during the audit.

If you click on the CAPA, you will be redirected to Action Plan Log (see section 8), which will show all
nonconformities raised during the audit.

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Since the calendar will not allow you to see more than one month at once, you can also switch to log
view. To switch between views, click on the pulldown located above the "Go" button and pick "Log".

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In addition to the filters available in the standard calendar view, the Log will allow you to pick date
ranges and download data. Pick a date range and click on "Go" button:

As in calendar view, you will have access to standard report, ability to generate pdf of the report and
direct access Action Plan log.

You can also download a short summary of the reports appearing in the Log view. To do so, click on
the "Download" button and wait for an .xlm file to download.

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The .xml summary will be a direct copy of the Log view:

Action Plan Owner is a person responsible for closing all nonconformities raised during audit
conducted at certain location. In most projects the location/site manager will become the Action Plan
Owner. The set-up will depend on the client requirements and internal structure.

When audit is completed, CAPA will be generated and the Action Plan Owner will receive a
notification informing him/her about the new nonconformities that require certain actions to be

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As an Action Plan Owner, when you log into your account, you will see a calendar and few other tabs
– if you click on the CAPA tab, you will be redirected to General Action Plan log. It is a little different
than Action Plan log described in section 8 as it will grant you access to all audits at once.

The first thing that you will see is a page with filters, which need to be set to access Action Plan log.

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The filters will allow you to pick certain period of time, report or group:

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Once you finish setting the filters, click on the "Full View". If you click on the "Print View", Action Plan
log will open in new tab.

A General Action Plan log will be generated at the bottom of the page. It will show all reports which
are waiting on your action.

Report ID – this is a number assigned to audit conducted at your location. If you will need help from
CATS Helpdesk, please add it to your email.

Report Date – date on which the audit has been submitted through CATS. It may not be the same day
as the Audit Date.

Management Levels – the project can have different levels of management. The above example is
showing 4 levels above the location. In such case, we have:

- Level 1 – location
- Level 2 – Brand
- Level 3 – Country
- Level 4 – Region

The levels can be customised. If needed, contact your Supervisor, who will pass the information to
Project Manager responsible for your project.

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Information related to unresolved nonconformities – the amount of closed nonconformities ("%
resolved" – the 0/7 (0%) means that 7 nonconformities have been raised and none of them has been
closed), score achieved during the audit ("Score") and amount of nonconformities waiting on your
action ("On me").

View Items – clicking "View Items" will redirect you to actual Action Plan log for the audit you have
picked (for more details about Action Plan log see section 8).

View Evaluation – clicking "View Evaluation" will redirect you to report created for audit conducted at
your location.

To access dashboard, click on the "Dashboard" tab appearing on top (or in right corner) of the screen.

The dashboard will show all data and scores related to audits conducted in your district (or location –
depending on the access level) and can be divided into different tabs (from 1 to 4 tabs). In most cases
you will see a CAPA tab (it may be named differently – the name should relate to nonconformities
somehow) inside which you will find a CAPA management widgets, which have been described below.
Some of the widgets may not appear on your Dashboard, as the set-up depends on the project

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You can see 4 buttons added into top right corner of the screen:

1. Generates an excel copy of the data displayed by one of the tabs.

2. Generates a pdf copy of the data displayed by one of the tabs.
3. Download to mobile – you can access the platform through your smartphone or other mobile
device (e.g. laptop). To do so, you need to download Dragon Dashboard app and add a code
generated by the platform (see section 3).
4. Settings button – described in next section.


The default view will only show one survey and current or last month – depending on the date of last
audit. To change the information displayed, click on the gear button appearing on top (or in the right
corner) of the screen:

A new tab will appear:

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You can change the date range affecting the display.

As in the above example, you can only see 5 evaluations which were done in January 2019.

Changing the dates will allow you to find all audits conducted at your site. You can also pick between

levels – so if you want to see the district or individual locations:

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or groups:

If you have no access to one of the groups, the display will be cleared:

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This is not an error – it just means that you do not have access to the option you have picked. It may
also mean that no reports have been finalized yet. They may still be under Technical Review – you will
see them in calendar only ( status).


This widget will show the amount of nonconformities raised in each section – if required, it can be
customized to show major (main sections) or minor (sub-sections) sections.

The amount of nonconformities shown in this widget apply for all audits conducted during certain
period (a date range you have picked). Dashboard is showing past month by default.

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This widget will inform you how many nonconformities have been raised in each section added to
checklist at the Project Set-up Phase. As you can see on the attached example, the amount of
nonconformities allocated to sub-sections (blue frame) is the same as the "All Items" of one type and
the amount of nonconformities added to each of the main sections (green frames).

When a nonconformity is closed, the amount will update – in the example added below, one of the
major nonconformities have been closed, so the view is now showing it as closed.

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The Action Item Count By Level widget is working in the same way as standard Action Item Count
widget – the only difference is that the widget will show amount of nonconformities raised per
location. If you have access to more than 1 location, you will be able to see them all in one widget.

If you click on the location name, you will see evaluations tab summarising scores and number of
nonconformities raised during the audit. Clicking "View" will redirect you to the Action Plan log (for
more details see section 8).


Action Item Log widget will inform you about any nonconformities waiting on your action. If the log is
empty, there are no nonconformities waiting on your reaction.

In the example below, all 7 nonconformities are waiting on the location manager.

Clicking on the "Location Name" will redirect you to the Action Plan log.

If any of the nonconformities is closed, the amount shown on the right will update.

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Action Item Progress widget will show you the amount of days that you have before the
nonconformity must be closed.

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As you can see above examples, 4 nonconformities (grey bar) are due today and 3 (green bar) are due
in 2 days. This widget can make the CAPA management easier – showing you the most urgent
nonconformities right away.

To see the report summary, click on one of the bars.

The Action Item Progress widget can be divided between different nonconformity types. As you can
see below, in this case, we have 2 types of nonconformities – major and minor.

Dividing the widget between nonconformity types will make the display even easier to follow. This
approach is used in majority of projects.

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Risk Distribution widget will amount of nonconformities raised for all audits conducted during the pre-
set date ranges. Default setting of this widget is set to current month.

The widget will show a pie chart, which will be divided in sections representing a certain type of
nonconformity. In below example, we have 2 types of nonconformities – major and minor:

If you want to know how many % does a type of nonconformity represent, just click on one of the
segments and you will see a percentage assigned to them.

In the above example, 3 majors represent 42.86% of all nonconformities raised for this location, so 3
major nonconformities per 7 nonconformities of both types.

Risk Distribution widget is a visual representation of the audit results and has no additional function.

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Action Plan log can be accessed through the calendar or widgets added to Dashboard. The way to get
into Action Plan log has been described in preceding sections.
NOTE: If you are an additional (shadow) contact for your area/level, you will not be able to access the
Action Plan log.

The Action Plan log is showing useful data and allows you to answer an Auditor/Technical Reviewer.
Below you will find some explanation related to data shown in the log.

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The red colour means that the nonconformity is waiting on your reaction. To be able to answer, click
on "View/Edit Details" link, which will redirect you to Discussion Panel.

Once a nonconformity is closed, it will disappear from the list.

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Before closing nonconformity (7 NCs):

After closing the nonconformity (6 NCs):

When a nonconformity is closed or modified (answered by you, Auditor or Technical Reviewer), you
will get a notification. The example below is informing you about a nonconformity being closed.

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To be able to see the closed nonconformity, tick the "Show completed action items" and click on
"Apply Filter" button.

Once the page loads, you will see the completed nonconformity (white):

You can also filter the nonconformities by type. To do so, use the pull-down added next to the "Apply
Filter" button to pick a type of nonconformity:

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Once you pick one of the types, click on the "Apply Filter" button. The view will now show only one
type of nonconformities:

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The Discussion Panel is used to manage nonconformities, close them, upload evidence and answer
the questions raised by Auditor or Technical Reviewer. As Action Plan Owner, you will need to be able
to use it.

To get into Discussion Panel, go to Action Plan log and click on "View/Edit Details".

A Discussion Panel for this nonconformity will open – as shown on the below screenshot:

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The "Details" show all data related to the nonconformity.

You can see all photos and comments added by Auditor by clicking on the "Show" link.

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The "Details" will show the due date before which you need to complete the actions required to close
the nonconformities.

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Here you can find the dedicated place for uploading the Action plan and documents as well as the
Closing comments and documents. If you are the plan owner, you should be able to upload
attachments/comments there.

Once you click on the “View Details” on both boxes, you should be able to see this view (if you are the
Plan Owner):

Above fields are not mandatory to fulfil, however it will ease the Technical Reviewer/Auditor work
and final verification in order to close the non-conformity.

Once you add the needed comments and/or closing comments – please click on “Submit” buttons
depending to which box you added the data.

To answer the Auditor/Technical Reviewer, you need to use the "Discussion" part of the Panel.

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Below you will find a short description of all buttons appearing in the "Discussion" part of the Panel.

Waiting on – before you can submit anything, you need to decide who will receive your comments.
You need to pick one of the people visible in the "Waiting on" pull-down.

The person you can choose is:

- Auditor
- Technical Reviewer
- Next in line within your company – this may be one of your subordinates (if you are manager
added as level 2 or higher) or your supervisor (if you are level 1 manager) – this will depend
on the internal decision of your company

Nonconformity status – the current state of nonconformity (incomplete or complete). Once

nonconformity is closed, the status will be updated.

Your comments – you can type your answer inside this comment box. All data added there will be
sent to whomever you pick in the "Waiting on" pull-down. All people set to receive a notification will
get a copy of your answer, so check your comments carefully before submitting them.

Evidence upload – clicking on this button will allow you to add attachments, which will be send to
whomever you pick in the "Waiting on" pull-down. You can add pictures and PDF files only, so if you
need to add a Word file or Excel file, then you need to PDF it and add as .pdf file.

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In the new window, click on the "+ Add files" and pick the correct file through your Windows Explorer.

Once you find the correct file, click on the "Open".

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You can attach multiple files. Once the file will load (the "%" will show 100) click on the "Attach Files".

Once the files are attached, the "Discussion" part of panel will show a note confirming the amount of
attachments added to your reply.

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Submit button – once you attach all required files, add your comment and pick the "Waiting on" and
click on the "Submit" to send the answer to whomever you picked in the "Waiting on" pull-down (e.g.
Auditor, Technical Reviewer, etc.).

When you submit the answer, you will see miniatures of the attached files:

NOTE: Remember to pick the correct person in "Waiting on" pull-down, skipping this step will not let
you submit your comments as well as notify the next person who needs to perform the action!

The Discussion Panel is showing details of only one nonconformity, so you need to follow the above
process for each of the nonconformities raised.

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Issue Date of creation Changes
Issue 1 08.07.2020 –
Issue 2 24.01.2023 Screenshots and description added in the Action Item Details step

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