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Read the article about the Rohingyas of Myanmar (https://reliefweb.

lifelines-bangladesh-and-myanmar). After thorough reading, briefly answer the questions that follow (use 5 – 7
sentences for each question):

1. Who are the Rohingyas?

2. Why are they driven away from their lands? Cite the factors that the Myanmar government considered in
orchestrating their involuntary exit.

The Rohingyas was driven away from their land because Myanmar’s government considers them as a threat to
their national security and considers them as an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh. Myanmar’s government described
the indigenous militant group as a violent and a threat to national security. In August 25, 2017, the Arakan Rohingya
Salvation Army (a small insurgent group also known as ARSA) attacked military bases and security force outposts across
Rakhine State, this event justified their act to use brute force to kill them and drive them away. The violence have
resulted in Myanmar’s military terrorizing the entire Rohingya’s population and nearly 725,000 Rohingya had fled to

3. What are the problems encountered by the receiving states?

The problems that the receiving states encountered such as the Bangladesh where the main refugee camp is
located (Cox's Bazar) was the humanitarian crisis. The refugee camp catered 1 million people and is in dire need of
medical supplies, food supplies, education etc. These people also can not be qualify for diaspora because of the lack of
skill set needed, good education, understanding in geopolitics, accountability and the ability to travel.

4. What are the problems encountered by the expelling states?

The problems encountered by Myanmar as the expelling states are the constant call for investigation by the UN
and International Criminal court. Myanmar has faced severe international condemnation for its treatment of the
Rohingya. The United Nations and several countries have accused Myanmar of ethnic cleansing and genocide. This has
led to Myanmar's increased isolation on the global stage, with sanctions imposed by some countries and restrictions on
diplomatic relations.

5. How do you qualify the event – ethnic cleansing or genocide? Provide justifications.

For me, Ethnic cleansing and genocide qualifies when a particular bodies who are in power deliberately denies
the natural rights of any indigenous group. The right to have a safe place to live in, food security, education and the
right to live in peace. These rights are denied either by systematically or by force displacement, violence, persecution,
and intentional killing. Such as what Myanmar’s government did to Rohingya, where they denied their legal existence in
their land, made laws that will illegitimate their citizenship, killed their members as an excuse for maintaining peace
and order.

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