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I. Directions: Be able to fill up the needed data corresponding to the following given parameters during the era of industrial revolution in your assigned countries respectively.
Justify your answer by describing briefly the said place mentioned as reflected in your answer for number 2..
Just give one answer, meaning just give one industry/factory found in your assigned Country during 1769-1840, the era of Industrial Revolution.
(You may add additional rows for your table)

Assigned Country: ITALY

Factories/Industries Origin/Proponent- (Industrial)Foreign % of White % of Blue % of Jobless Labor Problems
Found Factories/Industries Influences Collar Job Collar Job (1760-1840) (1760-1840)
(1760-1840) (1760-1840)

Textile Industries Began in Folina Province Influence from No data. Most of the people No data. Most of the workers
The Paolettis (Lanificio in Italy in 12th century BC France. Introduced by were farmers. 90% were peasants who
Paoletti) were weavers when wool production is Cistercian monks during industrial suffers hunger and
of premium cloth who introduced by Cistercian from France. period. violence due to
settled in Follina in 1800. monks from France. (cisterian is a catholic political instability
They set up their wool (cisterian is a catholic religious order of and constant war
mill along the river religious order of monk monk from south of with its neighbors
which powered the from south of Dijon, Dijon, France) particularly with
spinning and fulling France) France.
machines, while the
weavers worked on
looms in their homes

2.In not more than 200 words, discuss the indigenous people of your assigned country answering the questions, how did they settle there? it’s origin & their occupation if they are the first residents in
their area, Further, enumerate 2-3 contributions of these indigenous people of your assigned country to the whole world.
The first settlers in Italian Peninsula were the ancient Etruscans. Etruscans established themselves around 800 BCE between Tiber and Arno river in Italy, there is no evidence as to where the
Etruscans originated. Etruscans were master bronze smith who exports their product along Mediterranean. Finely worked bronzes such as thrones and chariots decorated with exquisite hammer
reliefs, and statues. This indigenous were credited with discovering iron. They have introduced chariot, grapes wine, terra-cotta roof tiles, gladiator games and even toga to Italy. They built Rome’s
first drainage system which allowed the former marshland to become capital of ancient civilization. Most of the features and cultures of early Romans came from the Etruscans (women were free and
are equal to men, adopted warfare techniques, and used the same techniques to conquer the Etruscans in the 4th century BC)

All answers must be submitted personally during our class until Nov.21,2023
Do not send or post your answers in our GC.
Late submission of answers will incur demerits of points.
God bless everyone! Posted on Nov.15,,2023

1.Australia 7.Finland13.Kiribati 19.North Korea 25.Spain31Slovenia 37.Ukraine

2.Bangladesh 8.Greece14.Libya 20.Oman 26.Sudan 32.Sweden 38.U.S.A.

3.Canada 9.Hungary15.Madagascar 21.Poland 27.Saudi Arabia 33)Serbia 39Uruguay

4.Congo 10.Ireland( 16.Maldives 22.Russian Federation28.South Korea 34. Tunisia 40.Uganda

5.Dominican Republic 11.Italy)17.Micronesia 23.Singapore 29.Switzerland 35. Monaco 41.Vienna

6.Ecuador 12.Jordan)18.New Zealand 24.Somalia 30Scotland. 36. United Kingdom42.Zimbabwe

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