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Response ID ANON-7QKC-PDZ4-R

Submitted to Stretford Leisure Centre Consultation

Submitted on 2023-05-30 10:12:28

Privacy & Data Protection

1 Tick below to consent to the Council receiving and processing your data in line with the Council’s privacy notice.

I consent to the Council using my personal data in line with the Council’s privacy notice

Facility Mix

2 The proposal currently has an open reception and community café. Please state if this would encourage you to use the centre more


Additional Comments::

3 The proposal currently has a multi-sport sports hall, a three lane indoor cricket facility, two studios and an immersive spin studio. Please
state if this would encourage you to be more active?

Strongly Agree

Additional Comments::

4 The proposal currently gives the main pool and learner pool a full refurbishment. Please state if you welcome this?

Strongly Agree

Reason for your answer:

5 The proposal currently has a flexible range of changing options for both wet and dry changing rooms to allow the centre to accommodate
group change for school swimming lessons, gender specific change and family change. The proposal also includes two changing places
facilities. Please state if this would encourage you to be more active?

Strongly Agree

Additional Comments::

6 Please prioritise the facilities / activities that you would like to see available at Stretford Leisure Centre by selecting and ranking your top 5
with Rank 1 being the top priority?

Please select one: - Badminton:

Please select one: - Basketball:

Please select one: - Café:

Rank 2

Please select one: - Children and young persons activity:

Please select one: - 5 a side football:

Rank 4

Please select one: - Fitness classes:

Please select one: - Group sessions:

Please select one: - Gym / Fitness suite:

Please select one: - Indoor cricket:

Rank 3

Please select one: - Martial arts:

Rank 5

Please select one: - Netball:

Please select one: - Party Rooms:

Please select one: - Sauna / Steam Rooms:
Rank 1

Please select one: - Spinning studio:

Please select one: - Sports Hall:

Please select one: - Swimming Pools:

Other (Please specify):

7 In your opinion, what should Stretford Leisure Centre be trying to achieve? Please rank below with Rank 1 being the most important.

Please select one: - To improve health and wellbeing:

Rank 2

Please select one: - To increase participation in leisure activities:

Rank 3

Please select one: - To ensure the building is managed economically and processes are efficient:
Rank 4

Please select one: - To promote inclusion and accessibility:

Rank 5

Please select one: - To encourage community cohesion:

Rank 9

Please select one: - To provide excellent facilities and service:

Rank 8

Please select one: - To achieve best value for money:

Rank 7

Please select one: - To expand the range of activities:

Rank 6

Please select one: - To provide other community facilities:

Rank 11

Please select one: - To support sporting excellence:

Rank 10

Please select one: - To provide digital solution (easy to book, access in and around the centre, find information):
Rank 1

8 Trafford Council are developing a walking, wheeling and cycling strategy to promote active travel as one element of improving the
environment and responding to the climate crisis. Please could you state how you would intend to mostly travel to a refurbished Stretford
Leisure Centre?


Other (Please specify):

9 The proposals for Stretford Leisure Centre includes components for the building to be more sustainable such as the use of solar panels and
air source heat pumps as elements to respond to the climate crisis. Trafford Council would like to hear your views on how Stretford Leisure
Centre can become more environmentally friendly

What is your view?:

you can reuse and clean the pool water instead of getting new water everytime

10 Would you consider using Stretford Leisure Centre facilities as part of your daily commute?


Please state a reason for your answer and what would be needed to support people using the centre as part of their commute?:

its because it makes me fit

Leisure Centre usage

11 Which is the main leisure centre you use?

Stretford Leisure Centre / Sports Village

Reasons and barriers to increasing your use of leisure centres

16 Please could you specify any reasons or barriers that prevent you from increasing your use of leisure centres for physical activity?

Cost of travel, Other transport issues, Condition of facility/equipment, Lack Of facilities/equipment, Availability of facilities and activities at a time that
suits you, Digital booking process

Other (Please specify):

About You

17 Please tell us about yourself. How do you build movement into your everyday life?

School, Park, Walking

Other (Please specify):

18 What is your organisation?

(If applicable):

19 What is your postcode

M16 0LY

20 What is your age range?

0 - 15

21 What is your gender?


22 How much regular exercise, sport and physical activity do you do from walking / gardening to organised sport?

Prefer not to say

23 Do you have a Disability or Long Term Condition?

No disability

Your disability:

What would support you to access and use the leisure centre more:

24 What is your ethnicity?

Any other Asian background

Other ethnicity - please specify:


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