April 15, 2024: Bwilenius@isd2142.k12.mn - Us

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April 15, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

I first met Andreastar Traut when she came to my kindergarten classroom in 2022 for six weeks
of her program practicum. During this time, Ms. Traut quickly established herself as an
important part of our school “family.” She was willing to jump in and assist with any task and
any child. Ms. Traut also challenged the students through questioning and allowed them the
opportunity to think critically about the task at hand. Andreastar is a caring young lady who has
demonstrated her perseverance, and she is sincere about working in an elementary classroom.
She embodies the character traits necessary for student teaching and a career in
education—kindness, positivity, and a willingness to learn.

Since that time, Ms. Traut has taken on additional roles at North Woods School as a classroom
paraprofessional, as a leader for Little Grizzlies, our after-school childcare program, and most
recently as a student teacher in the fourth grade classroom. Andreastar is not afraid to try
something new, and she quickly acclimates to the responsibilities required in that role. These
roles demonstrate Andreastar’s commitment to the care and success of our students at North
Woods. Andreastar also has created positive relationships with staff and students in the building.
She is flexible and easy to work with as she “goes with the flow.” She truly understands the
complexity of a classroom and the effort and drive required to be successful.

Andreastar Traut has taken the necessary steps to prepare for her teaching career, and I believe
that she is ready for success in her own classroom. I am happy to recommend Ms. Traut for her
first teaching job where she can continue to learn and grow as an educator. Please feel free to
contact me at bwilenius@isd2142.k12.mn.us if I can be of further assistance.


Beth Wilenius, Kindergarten Teacher

North Woods School

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